24 research outputs found

    Complexity of Many-Body Interactions in Transition Metals via Machine-Learned Force Fields from the TM23 Data Set

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    This work examines challenges associated with the accuracy of machine-learned force fields (MLFFs) for bulk solid and liquid phases of d-block elements. In exhaustive detail, we contrast the performance of force, energy, and stress predictions across the transition metals for two leading MLFF models: a kernel-based atomic cluster expansion method implemented using sparse Gaussian processes (FLARE), and an equivariant message-passing neural network (NequIP). Early transition metals present higher relative errors and are more difficult to learn relative to late platinum- and coinage-group elements, and this trend persists across model architectures. Trends in complexity of interatomic interactions for different metals are revealed via comparison of the performance of representations with different many-body order and angular resolution. Using arguments based on perturbation theory on the occupied and unoccupied d states near the Fermi level, we determine that the large, sharp d density of states both above and below the Fermi level in early transition metals leads to a more complex, harder-to-learn potential energy surface for these metals. Increasing the fictitious electronic temperature (smearing) modifies the angular sensitivity of forces and makes the early transition metal forces easier to learn. This work illustrates challenges in capturing intricate properties of metallic bonding with current leading MLFFs and provides a reference data set for transition metals, aimed at benchmarking the accuracy and improving the development of emerging machine-learned approximations.Comment: main text: 21 pages, 9 figures, 2 tables. supplementary information: 57 pages, 83 figures, 20 table

    Oxygen Vacancy Formation Energy in Metal Oxides: High Throughput Computational Studies and Machine Learning Predictions

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    The oxygen vacancy formation energy (ΔEvf\Delta E_{vf}) governs defect dynamics and is a useful metric to perform materials selection for a variety of applications. However, density functional theory (DFT) calculations of ΔEvf\Delta E_{vf} come at a greater computational cost than the typical bulk calculations available in materials databases due to the involvement of multiple vacancy-containing supercells. As a result, available repositories of direct calculations of ΔEvf\Delta E_{vf} remain relatively scarce, and the development of machine learning models capable of delivering accurate predictions is of interest. In the present, work we address both such points. We first report the results of new high-throughput DFT calculations of oxygen vacancy formation energies of the different unique oxygen sites in over 1000 different oxide materials, which together form the largest dataset of directly computed oxygen vacancy formation energies to date, to our knowledge. We then utilize the resulting dataset of ∼\sim2500 ΔEvf\Delta E_{vf} values to train random forest models with different sets of features, examining both novel features introduced in this work and ones previously employed in the literature. We demonstrate the benefits of including features that contain information specific to the vacancy site and account for both cation identity and oxidation state, and achieve a mean absolute error upon prediction of ∼\sim0.3 eV/O, which is comparable to the accuracy observed upon comparison of DFT computations of oxygen vacancy formation energy and experimental results. Finally, we demonstrate the predictive power of the developed models in the search for new compounds for solar-thermochemical water-splitting applications, finding over 250 new AA′^{\prime}BB′^{\prime}O6_6 double perovskite candidates

    Decoding reactive structures in dilute alloy catalysts

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    Rational catalyst design is crucial toward achieving more energy-efficient and sustainable catalytic processes. Understanding and modeling catalytic reaction pathways and kinetics require atomic level knowledge of the active sites. These structures often change dynamically during reactions and are difficult to decipher. A prototypical example is the hydrogen-deuterium exchange reaction catalyzed by dilute Pd-in-Au alloy nanoparticles. From a combination of catalytic activity measurements, machine learning-enabled spectroscopic analysis, and first-principles based kinetic modeling, we demonstrate that the active species are surface Pd ensembles containing only a few (from 1 to 3) Pd atoms. These species simultaneously explain the observed X-ray spectra and equate the experimental and theoretical values of the apparent activation energy. Remarkably, we find that the catalytic activity can be tuned on demand by controlling the size of the Pd ensembles through catalyst pretreatment. Our data-driven multimodal approach enables decoding of reactive structures in complex and dynamic alloy catalysts