130 research outputs found

    “Flores de la piedad”

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    PublishedEl Colegio de San Ignacio de Loyola fue una institución que tuvo su origen en el año de 1732, cuando un grupo de vascongados residentes en la capital del virreinato de la Nueva España, tomó la decisión de abrir un establecimiento que tuviera como objetivo principal, el asilo y el cuidado de las mujeres novohispanas que se encontraban en una situación de vulnerabilidad social; es decir, viudas o huérfanas. De acuerdo con la concepción cultural de la época, las mujeres debían ser protegidas de los males que la vida podía tener, los mismos que se asociaron con la calle, la ociosidad y la falta de virtudes cristianas y morales. Los vascos y navarros que fundaron el Colegio y que pertenecían a la Cofradía de Nuestra Señora de Aránzazu, estaban convencidos que el sector femenino debía contar con los cuidados necesarios dentro del hogar; de esta manera, se evitaría que las mujeres cayeran en tentaciones malsanas y, que por el contrario, estuvieran entregadas a la vida familiar, al cuidado de los hijos y apegadas a las prácticas cristianas que arraigaban en ellas las virtudes femeninas de amor y compasión hacia el próximo

    Single-use vs reusable transport packaging: a comparative life cycle analysis

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    This paper deals with a comparative analysis of two different packaging and transport scenarios, which exemplifies the mplications of choosing between single-use and reusable packaging. In particular, transport of a batch of chemicals by means of disposable fibre drums vs. reusable steel drums is investigated from a life cycle perspective, and the associated environmental impact in terms of Global Warming Potential, Acidification Potential, Gross Energy Requirement and solid waste generation is assessed. Results prove beyond reasonable doubt that, even in the case of durable packaging containers requiring the use of comparatively energy-intensive materials for their production, the reuse scenario is characterized by lower environmental impact indicators across the board, and as such is the most advisable and environmentally sound option.Postprint (author’s final draft

    A comparative life cycle assessment of single-use fibre drums versus reusable steel drums

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    This paper deals with a comparative analysis of two different packaging and transport scenarios, which exemplifies the implications of choosing between single-use and reusable packaging. In particular, transport of a batch of chemicals by means of disposable fibre drums vs. reusable steel drums is investigated from a life cycle perspective, and the associated environmental impact in terms of Global Warming Potential, Acidification Potential, Gross Energy Requirement and solid waste generation is assessed. Results prove beyond reasonable doubt that, even in the case of durable packaging containers requiring the use of comparatively energy-intensive materials for their production, the reuse scenario is characterized by lower environmental impact indicators across the board, and as such is the most advisable and environmentally sound option

    Detection of resistant mutations in the reverse transcriptase of HIV-1-infected children

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    La educación a debate

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    PublishedA finales de la década de los años ochenta del siglo pasado, la historiografía de la educación en México tuvo un cambio significativo, pues a partir de ese momento, comenzaron a surgir estudios que planteaban la posibilidad de reconstruir historias del pasado educativo que en la “historiografía tradicional” no habían sido contempladas. En este sentido, nuevos objetos de estudio han ido cobrando relevancia en las investigaciones en torno a la historia de la educación; las mujeres, los niños, el magisterio, los libros escolares o la cultura escolar forman parte hoy en día de esos objetos en los que los investigadores de la educación se han interesado. Esta inquietud por conocer cómo era la educación de ayer, ha trazado horizontes de investigación en donde la interdisciplinariedad ha tenido un lugar preponderante. El diálogo que la Historia ha podido sostener con otras ciencias como la Antropología, la Sociología o la Pedagogía (por mencionar algunos ejemplos) ha enriquecido los trabajos en Historia de la Educación en los últimos años. La diversidad de sujetos históricos que se han ido estudiando ha mostrado las peculiaridades que la educación ha tenido en nuestro país; cada una de las particularidades que los investigadores han encontrado deben considerarse como las piezas de un rompecabezas

    Justo Alejo: el poema como interfaz

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    The analysis of this poem by Justo Alejo lead us to reflect on experimental poetry and art in general throughout the second half of the 20th century. Aesthetics and philosophical contributions show a drastric change in the way art and life itself are conceived but, above all, they provide a peculiar way to understand reality. The smallest detail of daily life is an excuse for the poet to exercise a harsh social criticism as well as a warning. The poet makes use of typical resources from both advertising and avant-garde literature in order to build a speech where the word and the image come together, feed each other and build together new horizons. In the aesthetic regime of art, montage is essential because it installs a new concept of temporality, whose basic element is simultaneity; it introduces an operation that breaks the logic based on the supremacy of text over image and establishes another type of relationship that defines as interface, where there is a constant link in a double community between the signs and us. Now that forty-two years have passed since the author died, this article would like to pay him a small tribute by highlighting the profound validity of his thinking and the modernity of his poetry.El análisis de este poema de Justo Alejo nos da pie para reflexionar sobre la poesía experimental, y el arte en general, en la segunda mitad del siglo XX; las aportaciones estéticas y filosóficas muestran un cambio profundo en la manera de concebir el arte y la vida en su conjunto pero, sobre todo, dan cuenta de un modo particular de entender la realidad. El más pequeño detalle de la vida cotidiana sirve al poeta como excusa para realizar una dura crítica social y un aviso a navegantes; utiliza recursos propios de la publicidad y de la literatura de vanguardia para construir un discurso donde la palabra y la imagen entran en relación, se alimentan mutuamente y juntas construyen horizontes nuevos. En el régimen estético del arte el montaje resulta esencial porque instala un nuevo concepto de temporalidad, cuyo elemento básico es la simultaneidad; introduce una operación que quiebra la lógica  basada en la supremacía del texto sobre la imagen e instaura otro tipo de relación que define como interfaz, donde se produce una vinculación constante en una doble comunidad entre los signos y nosotros. Cuando se cumplen cuarenta y dos años de la muerte del autor, sirva este pequeñp homenaje en el que se pone de manifiesto la profunda vigencia de su pensamiento y la modernidad de su poesía. &nbsp

    Estudio comparativo de la percepción de Resiliencia y Apoyo Social entre dos grupos de alumnado universitario del Inicio y del final de estudios

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    El presente trabajo de grado analiza y compara la resiliencia y el apoyo social que perciben dos grupos de alumnado universitario de primero y de último curso. Han participado 100 alumnas y alumnos voluntarios de grado de Psicología, la mitad de ellos por cada uno de esos dos cursos. Se les entrevistó mediante un cuestionario que incluía datos sociodemográficos, el grado en que la persona piensa que su éxito ha sido motivado por familiares, la percepción de apoyo social de familia y amistades, y su nivel de resiliencia. La aplicación de la entrevista se hizo vía online. Los datos obtenidos fueron analizados mediante análisis descriptivos, como son los porcentajes para las variables nominales/ordinales, la media, desviación típica, además de máximo y mínimo para las variables cuantitativas. También se realizaron análisis inferenciales mediantes pruebas como: Kruskal Wallis, correlación de Pearson y chi cuadrado. Los resultados obtenidos mostraron que las variables resiliencia y apoyo social están íntimamente relacionadas. Además, se observó que el apoyo de las amistades es un factor que influye de manera positiva y significativa en el apoyo. Conclusiones: Dada la escasez en el tamaño de la muestra no se observan grandes diferencias, pero sí se podría afirmar la existencia de correlación entre ambas variables de estudio, ya que en cuanto más estrategias de afrontamiento (resiliencia) posean los alumnos, mayor será el apoyo social percibido.This research analyses and compares the resilience and social support perceived by two groups of first and last year university students. One hundred students of Psychology have participated, half of them for each of these two courses. They were interviewed by means of a questionnaire that included sociodemographic data, the degree to which the person thinks that their success has been motivated by family members, the perception of social support from family and friends, and their level of resilience. The application of the interview was done online. The data were analyzed through descriptive analyses, such as percentages for nominal/ordinary variables, mean, standard deviation, and maximum and minimum for quantitative variables. Inferential analysis was also performed through tests such as: Kruskal Wallis, Pearson's correlation and chi-square. The results showed that the variables resilience and social support are related. In addition, it was observed that support from friends is a factor that influences support in a positive and significant way. Conclusions: Due to the insufficient sample size, no great differences are observed, but it could be said that there is a correlation between both study variables, since the more coping strategies (resilience) students have, the greater the perceived social support

    avian metapneumovirus circulation in italian broiler farms

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    Abstract With increasing frequency, avian Metapneumovirus (aMPV) is reported to induce respiratory signs in chickens. An adequate knowledge of current aMPV prevalence among Italian broilers is lacking, with little information available on its economical and health impact on the poultry industry. In order to collect preliminary data on the epidemiological context of aMPV in broiler flocks, a survey was performed in areas of Northern Italy with high poultry density from 2014 to 2016. Upper respiratory tract swabs were collected and processed by A and B subtype-specific multiplex real-time reverse transcription PCR (RT-PCR). Samples were also screened for infectious bronchitis virus (IBV) by generic RT-PCR and sequencing. Productive data and respiratory signs were detailed where possible. The high prevalence of aMPV was confirmed in broilers older than 26 d and also attested in IBV-negative farms. All aMPV detections belonged to subtype B. Italian strain genetic variability was evaluated by the partial attachment (G) gene sequencing of selected strains and compared with contemporary turkey strains and previously published aMPV references, revealing no host specificity and the progressive evolution of this virus in Italy

    Deletion of Wt1 during early gonadogenesis leads to differences of sex development in male and female adult mice

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    Assessing the role of the WT1 transcription factor (WT1) during early gonad differentiation and its impact on adult sex development has been difficult due to the complete gonadal agenesis and embryonic lethality exhibited by Wt1KO mouse models. Here, we generated Wt1LoxP/GFP;Wt1Cre mice, the first Wt1KO mouse model that reaches adulthood with a dramatically reduced Wt1 expression during early gonadogenesis. Wt1LoxP/GFP;Wt1Cre mice lacked mature gonads and displayed genital tracts containing both male and female genital structures and ambiguous genitalia. We found that WT1 is necessary for the activation of both male and female sex-determining pathways, as embryonic mutant gonads failed to upregulate the expression of the genes specific for each genetic programme. The gonads of Wt1LoxP/GFP;Wt1Cre mice showed a lack of production of Sertoli and pre-granulosa cells and a reduced number of germ cells. NR5A1 and the steroidogenic genes expression was modulated differently in XY and XX Wt1LoxP/GFP;Wt1Cre gonads, explaining the mutant phenotypes. Further studies of the XX Wt1LoxP/GFP;Wt1Cre gonads revealed that deletion of WT1 at an early stage impaired the differentiation of several cell types including somatic cells and the ovarian epithelium. Through the characterisation of this Wt1KO mouse model, we show that the deletion of Wt1 during early gonadogenesis produces dramatic defects in adult sex development