13,591 research outputs found

    IFSM representation of Brownian motion with applications to simulation

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    Several methods are currently available to simulate paths of the Brownian motion. In particular, paths of the BM can be simulated using the properties of the increments of the process like in the Euler scheme, or as the limit of a random walk or via L2 decomposition like the Kac-Siegert/Karnounen-Loeve series. In this paper we first propose a IFSM (Iterated Function Systems with Maps) operator whose fixed point is the trajectory of the BM. We then use this representation of the process to simulate its trajectories. The resulting simulated trajectories are self-affine, continuous and fractal by construction. This fact produces more realistic trajectories than other schemes in the sense that their geometry is closer to the one of the true BM's trajectories. The IFSM trajectory of the BM can then be used to generate more realistic solutions of stochastic differential equations

    Possible Contribution to Electron and Positron Fluxes from Pulsars and their Nebulae

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    The AMS-02 experiment confirms the excess of positrons in cosmic rays (CRs) for energy above 10 GeV with respect to the secondary production of positrons in the interstellar medium. This is interpreted as evidence of the existence of a primary source of these particles. Possible candidates are dark matter or astrophysical sources. In this work we discuss the possible contribution due to pulsars and their nebulae. Our key assumption is that the primary spectrum of electrons and positrons at the source is the same of the well known photon spectrum observed from gamma-rays telescopes. Using a diffusion model in the Galaxy we propagate the source spectra up to the Solar System. We compare our results with the recent experiments and with the LIS modelComment: To appear in the Proceedings of the 14th ICATPP Conference, Villa Olmo 23-27 September 201

    Pulsar Wind Nebulae as a source of the observed electron and positron excess at high energy: the case of Vela-X

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    We investigate, in terms of production from pulsars and their nebulae, the cosmic ray positron and electron fluxes above 10\sim10 GeV, observed by the AMS-02 experiment up to 1 TeV. We concentrate on the Vela-X case. Starting from the gamma-ray photon spectrum of the source, generated via synchrotron and inverse Compton processes, we estimated the electron and positron injection spectra. Several features are fixed from observations of Vela-X and unknown parameters are borrowed from the Crab nebula. The particle spectra produced in the pulsar wind nebula are then propagated up to the Solar System, using a diffusion model. Differently from previous works, the omnidirectional intensity excess for electrons and positrons is obtained as a difference between the AMS-02 data and the corresponding local interstellar spectrum. An equal amount of electron and positron excess is observed and we interpreted this excess (above \sim100 GeV in the AMS-02 data) as a supply coming from Vela-X. The particle contribution is consistent with models predicting the gamma-ray emission at the source. The input of a few more young pulsars is also allowed, while below \sim100 GeV more aged pulsars could be the main contributors.Comment: Accepted for publication in Journal of High Energy Astrophysics (2015

    Geographical Heterogeneities and Externalities in an Epidemiological-Macroeconomic Framework

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    We analyze the implications of geographical heterogeneities and externalities on health and macroeconomic outcomes by extending a basic epidemiological-macroeconomic model to a spatial dimension. Because of people's migration and commuting across different regions, a disease may spread also in areas far from those in which the outbreak originally occurs and thus the health status (i.e., disease prevalence) in specific regions may depend on the health status in other regions as well. We show that neglecting the existence of cross-regional effects may lead to misleading conclusions about the long run outcome not only in single regions but also in the entire economy, suggesting that single regions need to coordinate their efforts to achieve disease eradication. We analyze such a coordination by focusing on a control problem in which the social planner determines globally the level of intervention showing that to achieve eradication it is essential to accompany traditional disease control policies (i.e., prevention and treatment) with regulations limiting people's movements. Focusing on COVID-19 we present a calibration based on Italian data showing that, because of the infections generated by cross-regional commuting, even vaccination may not be enough to achieve disease eradication, and limitations on people's movements need to accompany vaccination to preclude COVID-19 from reaching an endemic state

    The cool core state of Planck SZ-selected clusters versus X-ray selected samples: evidence for cool core bias

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    We characterized the population of galaxy clusters detected with the SZ effect with Planck, by measuring the cool core state of the objects in a well-defined subsample of the Planck catalogue. We used as indicator the concentration parameter Santos et al. (2008). The fraction of cool core clusters is 29±4%29 \pm 4 \% and does not show significant indications of evolution in the redshift range covered by our sample. We compare the distribution of the concentration parameter in the Planck sample with the one of the X-ray selected sample MACS (Mann & Ebeling, 2011): the distributions are significantly different and the cool core fraction in MACS is much higher (59±5%59 \pm 5 \%). Since X-ray selected samples are known to be biased towards cool cores due to the presence of their prominent surface brightness peak, we simulated the impact of the "cool core bias" following Eckert et al. (2011). We found that it plays a large role in the difference between the fractions of cool cores in the two samples. We examined other selection effects that could in principle bias SZ-surveys against cool cores but we found that their impact is not sufficient to explain the difference between Planck and MACS. The population of X-ray under-luminous objects, which are found in SZ-surveys but missing in X-ray samples (Planck Collaboration 2016), could possibly contribute to the difference, as we found most of them to be non cool cores, but this hypothesis deserves further investigation.Comment: Accepted for publication in MNRA

    Neuroprosthetic Haptic Interface and Haptic Stimulation: Neuromorphic Microtransduction and EEG Alpha Variations

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    According to the recent studies on the psychophysiology of touch, a haptic effector designed in a neuromorphic way was projected, designing an electronic card as to be able to deliver variable signals over time and in intensity. The two-dimensional arrays of micro-actuators were made either with planar geometry or with three-dimensional, semi-spherical or “dome” geometry. Subsequently, on both the behavioral and the electrophysiological level the haptic sensation received by the effector was evaluated on 6 subjects and compared to real stimulations of different grains (Paper). During the various stimulations the subject was in a state of Resting State (RS). Each stimulation had a frequency range ranging from 2 to 500 Hz on 2 and 5 s. Analysis of behavioral responses and the alpha rhythm in RS showed significant differences for low frequencies vs Paper. RS highlighted differences in ROIs on the various frequency distributions, especially low frequencies in Frontal ROI. This pilot study indicates that the best frequencies for a haptic simulation are between a range from 20 Hz to 166 Hz

    Electrical plasmon detection in graphene waveguides

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    We present a simple device architecture that allows all-electrical detection of plasmons in a graphene waveguide. The key principle of our electrical plasmon detection scheme is the non-linear nature of the hydrodynamic equations of motion that describe transport in graphene at room temperature and in a wide range of carrier densities. These non-linearities yield a dc voltage in response to the oscillating field of a propagating plasmon. For illustrative purposes, we calculate the dc voltage arising from the propagation of the lowest-energy modes in a fully analytical fashion. Our device architecture for all-electrical plasmon detection paves the way for the integration of graphene plasmonic waveguides in electronic circuits.Comment: 9 pages, 3 figure

    The isolation of gravitational instantons: Flat tori V flat R^4

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    The role of topology in the perturbative solution of the Euclidean Einstein equations about flat instantons is examined.Comment: 15 pages, ICN-UNAM 94-1

    Antiproton modulation in the Heliosphere and AMS-02 antiproton over proton ratio prediction

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    We implemented a quasi time-dependent 2D stochastic model of solar modulation describing the transport of cosmic rays (CR) in the heliosphere. Our code can modulate the Local Interstellar Spectrum (LIS) of a generic charged particle (light cosmic ions and electrons), calculating the spectrum at 1AU. Several measurements of CR antiparticles have been performed. Here we focused our attention on the CR antiproton component and the antiproton over proton ratio. We show that our model, using the same heliospheric parameters for both particles, fit the observed anti-p/p ratio. We show a good agreement with BESS-97 and PAMELA data and make a prediction for the AMS-02 experiment