19 research outputs found

    Early Translations of Aesop\u27s Fables in Japan and Russia

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    国立ロシア人文大学, モスクワ大学, 2007年10月31日-11月2

    Residentes y turistas rusohablantes en la Costa del Sol española: ¿De qué manera influyen en la naturaleza de los servicios lingüísticos que prestan los profesionales del ámbito de traducción e interpretación en esta región?

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    El presente artículo recoge los principales planteamientos y conclusiones del Trabajo Final de Máster titulado Residentes y turistas rusohablantes en la Costa del Sol española: ¿de qué manera influyen en la naturaleza de los servicios lingüísticos que prestan los profesionales del ámbito de traducción e interpretación en esta región?(Toropygina, 2018). En este trabajo se lleva a cabo un análisis de la región de la Costa del Sol malagueña, concretamente de aquella parte que se denomina la Costa del Sol Occidental, desde el punto de vista del interés profesional que esta puede presentar para los traductores e intérpretes de la combinación ruso-español/español-ruso.Thispaperis the summary of the key approaches and conclusions of the M.A. thesis Russian speaking residents and tourists in the Spanish Costa del Sol: how do they shape the nature of linguistic services provided by translators and interpreters in this region?(Toropygina, 2018). The paper evaluates the Western Costa del Sol region, aiming at analysingits attraction for translators and interpreters working with the Spanish-Russian/Russian-Spanish language combination from the perspective of the possible existence of career prospects

    The Complete Works of World Literature (Sekai Bungaku Zenshū, 1927–1932) by Shinchōsha publishing house in the context of the history of Japanese book

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    The last years of the 1920s and the beginning of the 1930s are known as the “era of one-yen books” in the history of Japanese book printing. One-yen books were serial subscription publications, with the price of one yen per volume. The first such publication was the Complete Works of Contemporary Japanese Literature (Kindai Nihon Bungaku Zenshū), launched by Kaizōsha publishing house in 1926. The series was very successful with at least 250,000 subscribers. The “one-yen editions race” was initiated: many publishing houses began releasing their own one-yen series as early as the following year. The most commercially successful among the one-yen books (at least 400,000 copies) was the Complete Works of World Literature (Sekai bungaku zenshū) published by the Shinchōsha publishing house in 1927–1932. The Complete Works of World Literature consists of 57 volumes in two parts (38 volumes of the first part were published in 1927–1930, and then more 19 volumes were added, composing the second part of the publication). The books of the series had a hard cover and a thought-out design and were supposed to serve not only for reading, but also for the decoration of the house and the demonstration of the owner’s status. The series represents one of the possible canons of world literature. The time frame of the presented works is from the 14th century (the first volume is Dante’s Divine comedy) to the present (the last volume contains six works, five of them written in the 1920s, while the volume was released in 1929). The series includes prose, drama, and, to a lesser extent, poetry. The volumes of the series have a fairly extensive apparatus (prefaces, comments in some volumes, portraits of authors, monthly attachments tucked into the pages of the volumes). World literature is presented as Western literature. Translations of the works of Western literature played an important role in the formation of national Japanese literature. The success of this series also demonstrated the readers’ great interest in literary translations, especially in the translations of modern literature

    Самоорганизация, сети, будущее

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    This paper presents an analytical review of a conference on the great scientist, a brilliant professor, an outstanding educator Sergei Kapitsa, held in November 2012. In the focus of this forum were problems of self-organization and a paradigm of network structures. The use of networks in the context of national defense, economics, management of mass consciousness was discussed. The analysis of neural networks in technical systems, the structure of the brain, as well as in the space of knowledge, information, and behavioral strategies plays an important role. One of the conference purposes was to an online organize community in Russia and to identify the most promising directions in this field. Some of them are presented in this paper.В работе представлен аналитический обзор конференции, посвященной памяти крупного ученого, блестящего профессора, выдающегося просветителя Сергея Петровича Капицы, проводившейся в ноябре 2012 года. В центре внимания участников этого форума находились проблемы самоорганизации и парадигма сетевых структур. Обсуждалось использование сетей в контексте национальной обороны, экономики, управления массовым сознанием. Огромную роль сегодня играет анализ нейронных сетей в технических системах, в структуре мозга, в пространстве знаний, информации, поведенческих стратегий. Одной из целей конференции было «сложить» сетевое сообщество в России и выделить наиболее перспективные направления в данном проблемном поле. Некоторые из них представлены в этом аналитическом обзоре

    Removal and Reconstitution of the Carotenoid Antenna of Xanthorhodopsin

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    Salinixanthin, a C40-carotenoid acyl glycoside, serves as a light-harvesting antenna in the retinal-based proton pump xanthorhodopsin of Salinibacter ruber. In the crystallographic structure of this protein, the conjugated chain of salinixanthin is located at the protein–lipid boundary and interacts with residues of helices E and F. Its ring, with a 4-keto group, is rotated relative to the plane of the π-system of the carotenoid polyene chain and immobilized in a binding site near the β-ionone retinal ring. We show here that the carotenoid can be removed by oxidation with ammonium persulfate, with little effect on the other chromophore, retinal. The characteristic CD bands attributed to bound salinixanthin are now absent. The kinetics of the photocycle is only slightly perturbed, showing a 1.5-fold decrease in the overall turnover rate. The carotenoid-free protein can be reconstituted with salinixanthin extracted from the cell membrane of S. ruber. Reconstitution is accompanied by restoration of the characteristic vibronic structure of the absorption spectrum of the antenna carotenoid, its chirality, and the excited-state energy transfer to the retinal. Minor modification of salinixanthin, by reducing the carbonyl C=O double bond in the ring to a C-OH, suppresses its binding to the protein and eliminates the antenna function. This indicates that the presence of the 4-keto group is critical for carotenoid binding and efficient energy transfer

    Russian speaking residents and tourists in the Spanish Costa del Sol: how do they shape the nature of linguistic services provided by translators and interpreters in this region?

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    La Costa del Sol malagueña, especialmente su parte occidental, se considera popularmente y se evalúa por los profesionales como una región de gran atracción para los visitantes de habla rusa; algunos de ellos incluso acaban uniéndose a la ya destacable comunidad de residentes rusohablantes establecida en el litoral. Es por ello que se convierte, casi inevitablemente, en una zona de interés profesional para los traductores e intérpretes de ruso (tratándose de la combinación ruso-español y español-ruso). Sin embargo, este interés viene acompañado también de diversas dudas, especialmente si se trata de nuevos profesionales que se encuentran al comienzo de su camino por el mundo de traducción e interpretación. ¿Es realmente notable el segmento rusohablante en la Costa del Sol? ¿Aguarda esta región oportunidades profesionales particularmente atractivas para los traductores e intérpretes de ruso? ¿En qué ámbitos – y por quién – se demandan los servicios de interpretación y traducción RUES ? ¿Hay suficientes traductores e intérpretes de ruso en la región? ¿Qué aspectos deben tenerse en cuenta a la hora de trabajar con los rusohablantes? Estas son algunas de las cuestiones que pretende abarcar la presente investigación. Se propone llevar a cabo un estudio que recopile las tendencias más destacables de aquellas que priman hoy en día en los ámbitos tanto privado, como público, en lo referido a las formas de tratar a los clientes y usuarios rusohablantes, incluyéndose en ello la prestación de los servicios de traducción e interpretación. Referencia bibliográfica: Martín, Anne (2006) “La realidad de traducción e interpretación en los servicios públicos de Andalucía” en La Revista Española de Lingüística Aplicada, Vol. Extra 1, 2006 pp. 129-150.Both public opinion and experts legitimately evaluate Costa del Sol, and especially the Western part of the coast of the province of Malaga, as a region of special interest to Russian-speaking visitors; some of the latter even decide to settle in Malaga and, thus, contribute to the growth of the already existing Russian-speaking community. Due to these factors, Costa del Sol is becoming more attractive, from the perspective of the possible availability of career prospects, for translators and interpreters working with the Spanish-Russian/Russian-Spanish language combination. However, it should be borne in mind that along with the growing interest in the region, some questions and doubts may arise, especially when it comes to beginner translators. How important is the Russian-speaking segment, both tourists and residents, for Costa del Sol? Is there really a variety of opportunities for professional growth for Russian-Spanish translators? In which spheres are the services of translators and interpreters most in demand? Are there currently sufficient Russian-Spanish translators in this region?. What aspects are to be considered when working with Russian-speaking clients? These are just some of the issues that will be raised in this study. This work is based on the analysis aimed at the identification of the main trends in working with Russianspeaking clients in the region, both in private and public spheres, which also includes consideration of the specifics of the provision of translation and interpretation services. Martín, Anne (2006) “La realidad de traducción e interpretación en los servicios públicos de Andalucía” en La Revista Española de Lingüística Aplicada, Vol. Extra 1, 2006 pp. 129-150.Máster Universitario en Comunicación Intercultural, Interpretación y Traducción en los Servicios Públicos. Especialidad en Ruso-Español (M048

    Early Translations of Aesop's Fables in Japan and Russia

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    国立ロシア人文大学, モスクワ大学, 2007年10月31日-11月2

    Self-organization, Networks, Future

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    This paper presents an analytical review of a conference on the great scientist, a brilliant professor, an outstanding educator Sergei Kapitsa, held in November 2012. In the focus of this forum were problems of self-organization and a paradigm of network structures. The use of networks in the context of national defense, economics, management of mass consciousness was discussed. The analysis of neural networks in technical systems, the structure of the brain, as well as in the space of knowledge, information, and behavioral strategies plays an important role. One of the conference purposes was to an online organize community in Russia and to identify the most promising directions in this field. Some of them are presented in this paper

    Lipoprotein profile in girls with asymptomatic hyperuricemia

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    To investigate the relation between uricemia and lipid profile, 539 Arkhangelsk schoolgirls aged 7-17 were examined. With upper norm limit of 0. 31 mmol/l, the prevalence of asymptomatic chronic hyperuricemia among Arkhangelsk girls was as high as 25 %. With uricemia higher than 0. 31 mmol/l, total cholesterol, triglycerides, LDL cholesterol levels were significantly elevated. Mean total cholesterol levels in such individuals were higher than WHO norms of normocholesterolemia for children and adolescents. From the other hand, among individuals with dyslipidemia, uricemia more than 0. 31 mmol/l was diagnosed significantly more frequently. All measured lipid and liporotein parameters directly correlated with uricemia level, and inversely correlated with urate excretion rate, regardless of pathogenetic hyperuricemia mechanisms. Our results point to the fact that chronic hyperuricemia is assosiated with atherogenic lipid/lipoprotein phenotype, observed as early as in childhood, and possibly acts as an indicator of atherosclerosis risk. Therefore, use of a lower norm for population screening seems rational, from position of primary and secondary prevention of atherosclerosis. Our data support detailed examination of lipid metabolism if uricemia is higher than 0. 31 mmol/l