368 research outputs found

    The Missing Committees: Research Ethics in the Making in Switzerland

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    This article analyzes the formation of research ethics and particularly of ethics committees in Switzerland by tracing their early history along distinct phases: (1) the first guidelines on human experimentation issued by the Swiss Academy of Medical Sciences in 1970; (2) conceptual struggles in establishing these norms; (3) the emergence of a central medical-ethical committee in 1979; and (4) the first local ethics committee established in the rural canton of Thurgau in 1987. It analyzes the interplay between local practices, industrial standards, and a neoliberal, low-key, soft regulation by negotiation among peers. Key actors are the Swiss Academy of Medical Sciences, the pharmaceutical industry, and the canton of Thurgau. In this context, ‘research’ and ‘experiments’ for a long time remained disputed, unclear and risky notions. rec s were encouraged mainly as a way of distributing responsibility, of managing a wide array of risks and, crucially, as part of a wider strategy to avoid juridical and political regulation. The article asks, on a more general level, how and why ‘ethics’ entered this field and what becomes visible or obscured when issues are transposed into an ethical language

    Parental monitoring: an easy way to decrease adolescent substance use?

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    Objective: To examine whether the level of parental monitoring is associated with substance use among Swiss adolescents, and to assess whether this effect remains when these adolescents have consuming peers. Methods: Nationally representative sample from the Swiss participation in the 2007 European School Project on Alcohol and Other Drugs (ESPAD) survey, which included 7611 adolescents issued from public schools (8th-10th grades). Four levels of parental control were created and four substances (tobacco, alcohol, cannabis and ecstasy) were analyzed. All significant variables at the bivariate level were included in the multivariate analysis. Results: Most adolescents had a high level of parental monitoring and that was associated with younger age, being female, high socioeconomic status, intact family structure and a satisfactory relationship with mother, father and peers. Globally, substance use decreased as parental monitoring increased and high parental monitoring decreased having consuming peers. Results remained essentially the same when consuming peers were added in the analysis. Conclusions: Parental monitoring has positive effects on adolescent substance use with a reduction of consumption and a lower association with consuming peers, which seems to protect adolescents against their potential negative influence. Encouraging parents to monitor their adolescents' activities and friendships by establishing rules about what is allowed or not are simple ways to limit the negative influence of consuming peers on adolescent substance use

    El convento dominico de la Fuente Santa de Galisteo (Cáceres): auge y decadencia

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    A partir de las fuentes documentales conservadas, analizamos diferentes aspectos del convento de la Fuente Santa, hoy desaparecido. Explicamos el proceso de su fundación en Galisteo (Cáceres) a partir de la existencia de una ermita primitiva, las dotaciones recibidas de manos de los III condes de Osorno y las causas de su ruina, entre las que se encuentra la invasión francesa del siglo XIX y la propia negligencia de la Orden Dominica en la restauración del edificio. Finalmente, hemos identificado algunas piezas artísticas que se conservan en la villa de Galisteo, pero aisladas y descontextualizadas de la que fuera su ubicación original, el monasterio de la Fuente Santa. Transcribimos y traducimos por primera vez la lápida conmemorativa de la fundación del convento que aún se conserva en la fachada de una casa particular de la villa y que quizás sea hoy el último vestigio material de una institución que fue señera durante decenios.The disappeared convent of Fuente Santa, in Galisteo, is analyzed from documentary sources preserved. We explain the process of its foundation in Galisteo, from an old existing chapel, the funds were given by the Counts of Osorno III and we also explain the causes of its later ruin, among which are the French Invasion in the XIX century and the negligence of the monks because they failed to restore the monastery. Finally, we have found some artistic pieces out of their original place, the monastery of Fuente Santa. We transcribe and translate for the first time the commemorative foundation stone plaque of the monastery which, today, is on the front of one building in the village, maybe the last vestige of the a very important institution which had been emblematic for decades.peerReviewe

    Creating communication rights from below: sustainable community radios in Venezuela, Ecuador and Spain

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    El reconocimiento del Derecho a la Comunicación en diferentes legislaciones de América Latina ha permitido el impulso del sector comunitario de la comunicación que, con una larga trayectoria en el continente, no siempre tuvo el apoyo de las instituciones oficiales. La aprobación de marcos legislativos y políticas públicas favorables al Tercer Sector ha supuesto una oportunidad para avanzar hacia escenarios comunicativos más democráticos, si bien, de manera general, los medios privadoscomerciales continúan copando la mayor parte de las frecuencias radioeléctricas. En este artículo se presentan experiencias de medios comunitarios que, en diferentes contextos, han logrado desde diferentes perspectivas la sostenibilidad en el largo plazo y que pueden servir como orientación o referente para los nuevos medios comunitarios que aspiran a desarrollarse en algunos países. Como objeto de estudio se toman las experiencias de Escuelas Radiofónicas y Populares del Ecuador (Ecuador); Radio Libre Negro Primero (Venezuela); y Radio Vallekas (España).The recognition of the right to communication in different legislations of Latin America has allowed the promotion of the community sector of communication that, with a long history in the continent, did not always have the support of official institutions. The approval of legislative frameworks and public policies favourable to the third sector has provided an opportunity to move towards more democratic communicative scenarios, although, in general, private-commercial media continue to take over most of the radio frequencies. This paper presents experiences of community media that, in different contexts, have achieved long-term sustainability from different perspectives and that can serve as orientation or reference for new community media that aspire to develop in some countries. As an object of study the experiences of Radio and Popular Schools of Ecuador (Ecuador) are taken; Radio Libre Negro Primero (Venezuela); and Radio Vallekas (Spain)

    Etude comparative des processus de réformes des adminstrations communales : Etat des lieux en France et en Suisse

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    Copia digital. España : Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte. Subdirección General de Coordinación Bibliotecaria, 201

    Le vécu émotionnel de l'infirmière face aux situations de limitations et d'arrêts de traitements

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    Cette étude sʼinscrit dans une démarche dʼinitiation à la recherche infirmière. Le thème porte sur le rôle infirmier et le vécu émotionnel de lʼinfirmière face à une décision de limitations et dʼarrêts de traitements. Cette recherche est de type exploratoire. Elle a été menée par le biais dʼentretiens semi-directifs avec des infirmiers exerçant leur profession dans un service de soins palliatifs. De plus, elle a été réalisée en binôme avec ma collègue, qui explore la même thématique dans un contexte de soins intensifs. Les informations riches et touchantes, récoltées lors des entretiens, ont été retranscrites afin de pouvoir les utiliser dans une analyse descriptive. Les dires des soignants ont structuré ce travail. La totalité de leurs propos ont étés répertoriés en sous-thèmes et a permis de répondre à ma question de recherche. Voici ce que jʼen ai retiré: malgré quelques légères difficultés, les soignants vivent bien le processus décisionnel; ils ont un rôle prioritaire en tant quʼintermédiaire pour la transmission des informations et des observations cliniques. La comparaison, avec les soins intensifs, mʼamène à dire quʼil y a plus de ressemblances que de différences dans cette situation particulièr