214 research outputs found

    "Almost Pathetic ... But Also Very Glorious": The Consumer Spectacle of the Diamond Jubilee

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    Queen Victoria’s diamond jubilee celebration in London in 1897 offers a window through which to explore how public ceremony became interwoven with the emerging consumer culture. Although centred on state-sponsored events, the diamond jubilee comprised many other elements. Souvenirs, press coverage, advertisements, and theatrical presentations were as much a part of the spectacle as the official procession; manufacturers, the press, and advertisers were as much its authors as were civil servants and politicians. Commercial activity geared to a burgeoning mass market had become not just a spinoff of the main event, but helped create the spectacle and define its significance.La célébration du jubilée de diamants de la Reine Victoria à Londres en 1897 nous permet d’étudier la façon dont s’entrelacèrent les cérémonies publiques et la culture de la consommation, alors naissante. Bien que centré sur les événements parrainés par l’État, le jubilée de diamants comprenait de nombreux autres éléments. Souvenirs, couverture médiatique, publicité et représentations théâtrales, tout cela faisait aussi partie du spectacle que le défilé officiel. Les fabricants, la presse et les annonceurs en étaient autant les auteurs que les fonctionnaires et les politiciens. L’activité commerciale axée sur un marché de masse florissant était devenue plus qu’un simple dérivé de l’événement principal; elle aidait à façonner le spectacle et à en définir l’importance

    Form in Therapeutic Songwriting Interventions

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    Music Therapy is the use of music by a board certified music therapist to achieve non-musical goals. Songwriting is an effective intervention for inviting expression and healing. The predictable form of a song can help facilitate the songwriting process and invite greater participation. Form is the general organization of a song. For example, most pop songs on the radio consist of a verse/chorus pattern that allows listeners to easily sing along. This presentation explores how a repetitious and simple form in a songwriting intervention empowers victims of trauma. The predictable form enables the clients to safely participate in the songwriting process and facilitates their success in achieving clinical goals. Presentation Time: Wednesday, 2-3 p.m. Zoom link: https://usu-edu.zoom.us/j/82395470053?pwd=MkFrWWNvSjhvWWwvQ2RRb3ltYitjZz0

    Measuring attitude towards Buddhism and Sikhism : internal consistency reliability for two new instruments

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    This paper describes and discusses the development and empirical properties of two new 24-item scales – one measuring attitude toward Buddhism and the other measuring attitude toward Sikhism. The scale is designed to facilitate inter-faith comparisons within the psychology of religion alongside the well-established Francis Scale of Attitude toward Christianity. Data were obtained from a multi-religious sample of 369 school pupils aged between 13 and 15 in London. Application of the two scales demonstrated that adolescents had a more positive attitude to Buddhism than Sikhism. The findings confirm the reliability of the scales and commend them for further use

    Listen in the Library: Music Therapy Student Musicians

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    The monthly concert series, Listen in the Library, featured student performers in library spaces on the Logan campus. These short, pop-up concerts were one of the ways the USU Libraries was involved in USU’s “Year of the Arts” in 2017-2018. While the library regularly features students’ visual art and exhibits, Listen in the Library brought the performing arts into the space, making student accomplishments in music audible and visible to a community outside the concert hall.https://digitalcommons.usu.edu/music_programs/1158/thumbnail.jp

    Action Civics in Rural Communities

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    We used an action civics curriculum and conducted a qualitative analysis of two fifth-grade classrooms in a rural setting called Green Independent School District (pseudonym). We organized the curriculum into a week-long study whereby we conducted interviews, collected student work, and analyzed teacher and student data. We focused on Baiocchi et al.\u27s (2014) concept of the civic imagination to analyze rural students\u27 beliefs about themselves as citizens as they engaged in an action civics inquiry model of learning. Three primary findings emerged from our data; an emphasis on solidarity by citizens in the community, student use of problem-solving through civic imagination, and challenging discussions in classroom settings

    Infants\u27 Speech Segmentation: The Impact of Mother-Infant Facial Synchrony

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    Various measures of infant responsiveness have been shown to predict child outcomes. Despite this extensive research, there is no work examining links between infant responsiveness during caregiver-infant interactions with infants\u27 ability to perform basic linguistic tasks. One key task in early linguistic development is word segmentation, an achievement that allows infants to build their mental dictionaries. We hypothesized that infants\u27 responsiveness to caregiver facial expressions might be related to their word segmentation ability. In order to test this hypothesis, mothers came into the lab and were videotaped reading books containing target words to their 5-month-old children. After the infants were read to, we tested their listening preference for words in the books, as well as novel words; this test yielded a preference score (preference for familiar vs. unfamiliar words). We also used the videotaped reading to code facial expressions for both infant and caregiver, and subsequently, we tabulated occasions where synchronous facial expressions occurred for each member of the dyad. We then examined possible correlations between our preference score and measures gleaned from the dyadic facial expression coding. Although neither the number of infant-led synchronous facial expressions nor the total number of facial expressions produced by either member was significantly correlated with preference score, our measure of synchronous facial expressions led by the caregiver was highly correlated with preference score. Thus, results support the hypothesis that infant responsiveness during caregiver-infant interaction, as indexed by synchronous facial expressions with caregivers, may be related to language learning ability

    Impact of Service Learning on the Inter-Cultural Competency of Pre-Service Teachers

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    The population of the U.S. is becoming increasingly diverse in language and culture. And, the population of students in elementary and secondary schools is becoming more diverse, as well. Therefore, it is critical that pre-service teachers (PSTs) experience and understand other cultures. Teachers will need to become more inter-culturally competent (ICC). According to Hammer & Bennett (2010), ICC is the capability to accurately understand and adapt behavior to cultural differences and commonality.” One way to do this is for PSTs to participate in Service Learning. According to the National Service-Learning Clearinghouse (NSLC), service learning is “a teaching and learning strategy that integrates meaningful community service with instruction and reflection to enrich the learning experience, teach civic responsibility, and strengthen communities (NSLC, 2012). This study responded to the question: Do different types of Service Learning have different impacts on changes in inter-cultural competence of pre-service teachers? The data set included more than 800 students who took the general education course, Human Relations in a Multicultural Society. Students completed the Intercultural Development Inventory (IDI) at the beginning and at the conclusion of the semester (Hammer, Bennett, & Wiseman, 2003). This study analyzed several types of Service Learning that may have impacted the pretest and posttest results. Service Learning opportunities included 18 hours of volunteer work at organizations such as residences for disabled adults, English language tutoring of immigrants and refugees, home visits with children of new immigrants, and others. The university may use this information in considering the effectiveness of its cultural diversity goal: experience diversity with supervised reflection and recognize and respond to conditions of marginalized populations. University departments will use the information in planning, evaluating, and promoting opportunities in the community
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