350 research outputs found

    The Development of the American Private Sector in Relation to International Law. From the First Artificial Satellite to The American Space Commerce Free Enterprise Act

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    The active development of technology enbled mankind to realize new programs for the exploration of previously inaccessible areas of the universe hundreds of thousands of kilometers away. The emergence of this new field created the need to ensure its special legal regulation, which would correspond to the specific characteristics of this business. But now we have entered into a phase of re-evaluation of existing legislation of space and we must realise that alongside countries operating in space an has arisen entirely new entity - the private sector. Therefore it is necessary to ask ourselves whether the privatization and commercialization of outer space is legally possible and if it is not pre-cluded by existing treaties. The draft of the latest US Commercial Space Act is undoubt-edly a great advance for key areas of the private sector activity such as remote sensing and new space missions. It provides a sense of confidence for entrepreneurs by strictly regulating issues related to the supervision of private sector entities. However, on the in-ternational scene the question has arisen of whether this act is contrary to international law, especially principles contained in existing space law treaties

    Men's and women's experiences of violence and traumatic events in rural Cote d'Ivoire before, during and after a period of armed conflict.

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    OBJECTIVE: We assessed men's and women's experiences of gender based violence and other traumatic events in Côte d'Ivoire, a West African conflict-affected setting, before, during and after a period of active armed conflict (2000-2007). DESIGN: Cross-sectional, household survey. SETTING: 12 rural communities directly impacted by the Crisis in Côte d'Ivoire, spanning regions controlled by government forces, rebels and UN peacekeepers in 2008. PARTICIPANTS: 2678 men and women aged 15-49 years. PRIMARY OUTCOME MEASURES: Violence exposures measured since age 15. Questions included intimate partner physical and sexual violence; physical and sexual violence by others (including combatants) and exposure to traumatic events before, during and after the Crisis period (2000-2007). RESULTS: Physical and/or sexual violence since age 15 was reported by 57.1% women and 40.2% men (p=0.01); 29.9% women and 12.3% men reported exposure to any violence in the past year. Nearly 1 in 10 women (9.9%) and 5.9% men (p=0.03) were forced to have sex by a non-partner since age 15, and 14.8% women and 3.3% men (p=0.00) reported their first sexual experience was forced. Combatants were rarely reported as sexual violence perpetrators (0.3% women). After the Crisis, intimate partner physical violence was the most frequently reported form of violence and highest among women (20.9% women, 9.9% men, p=0.00). Fearing for their life was reported by men and women before, during and after the Crisis. CONCLUSIONS: Sexual violence in conflict remains a critical international policy concern. However, men and women experience different types of violence before, during and after conflict. In many conflict settings, other forms of violence, including intimate partner violence, may be more widespread than conflict-related sexual violence. Alongside service provision for rape survivors, our findings underscore the need for postconflict reconstruction efforts to invest in programmes to prevent and respond to intimate partner violence and trauma

    Wokół Bułgakowskiej filozofii wszechjedności

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    Use of L1 and translation in the EFL classroom

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    Firstly, the aim of the present paper is to explore some of the controversy surrounding the use of the student's first language (L1) in a monolingual EFL classroom. Secondly, it is to suggest translation activities as a way out of the long-standing disagreement between opponents and proponents of L1. The conflict itself is taking place in academic circles rather than in classrooms, where the use of L1 is still considered unacceptable owing to the predominance of the communicative method in language teaching. Teachers are generally not familiar with relatively new methodological indications of how to use L1 in a manner which would not hinder their students' learning processes. The ongoing academic debate, together with heated arguments for and against the use of L1, has also produced some ideas on when and how to use L1 in language teaching. Given that translation is a skill which should be taught in a monolingual EFL classroom, translation activities provide common ground where the use of L1 is legitimate, meaningful and serves a useful purpose. Finally, in the article I present some of the translation activities proposed by various ELT professionals in order to provide working ideas for teachers of English

    Mit Stanisława Moniuszki jako wieszcza narodowego. Studium na podstawie polskiego piśmiennictwa w latach 1858-1989

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    Rozprawa dotyczy recepcji postaci i dzieła Stanisława Moniuszki rozpatrywanej pod kątem znaczenia tego kompozytora w polskiej kulturze. Analizuje związek pomiędzy zjawiskiem pamięci zbiorowej a jej lokalną odmianą, dla której jednym z fundamentów jest koncepcja wieszcza narodowego. Analiza wizerunku Moniuszki kreowanego w polskim piśmiennictwie lat 1858-1989 ujawnia procesy mitologizacyjne przebiegające w prasie i publikacjach książkowych, widoczne dzięki konfrontacji ocen z materiałem słowno-muzycznym najczęściej przywoływanych przez badaczy i recenzentów utworów tego kompozytora. Rozprawa plasuje się na przecięciu kilku dyscyplin: muzykologii, socjologii i językoznawstwa