8 research outputs found

    Deep tillage tool optimization by means of finite element method: Case study for a subsoiler tine

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    Technologies and computer capacity currently available allow us to employ design software and numerical methods to solve complicated problems in very wide disciplines of engineering. It is also important for researches in agriculture. This study focused on obtaining optimum geometry parameters of a subsoiler tine by using computer aided engineering (CAE) applications. A field experiment was conducted to determine draft force of the subsoiler. The results from the experimental study were used in the finite element analysis (FEA) to simulate stress distributions on the subsoiler tine. The maximum equivalent stress of 432.49 MPa was obtained in the FEA. Visual investigations and FEA results showed that according to the tine’s material yield stress point of 355 MPa, plastic deformation was evident. Based on the FEA results, an optimization study was undertaken to obtain optimum geometry parameters without the occurrence of plastic deformation. According to the optimization study results, the optimum parameters of the tine geometry and maximum equivalent stress of 346.61 MPa were obtained. In addition to this, the total mass of the tine was reduced by about 0.367 kg

    Design of a Horizontal Penetrometer for Measuring On-the-Go Soil Resistance

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    Soil compaction is one of the main negative factors that limits plant growth and crop yield. Therefore, it is important to determine the soil resistance level and map it for the field to find solutions for the negative effects of the compaction. Nowadays, high powered communication technology and computers help us on this issue within the approach of precision agriculture applications. This study is focused on the design of a penetrometer, which can make instantaneous soil resistance measurements in the soil horizontally and data acquisition software based on the GPS (Global Positioning System). The penetrometer was designed using commercial 3D parametric solid modelling design software. The data acquisition software was developed in Microsoft Visual Basic.NET programming language. After the design of the system, manufacturing and assembly of the system was completed and then a field experiment was carried out. According to the data from GPS and penetration resistance values which are collected in Microsoft SQL Server database, a Kriging method by ArcGIS was used and soil resistance was mapped in the field for a soil depth of 40 cm. During operation, no faults, either in mechanical and software parts, were seen. As a result, soil resistance values of 0.2 MPa and 3 MPa were obtained as minimum and maximum values, respectively. In conclusion, the experimental results showed that the designed system works quite well in the field and the horizontal penetrometer is a practical tool for providing on-line soil resistance measurements. This study contributes to further research for the development of on-line soil resistance measurements and mapping within the precision agriculture applications

    Strength-based Design Analysis of a Para-Plow Tillage Tool

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    In this research, experimental field tests and an advanced computer aided design and engineering (CAD and CAE) based application algorithm was developed and tested. The algorithm was put into practice through a case study on the strength-based structural design analysis of a Para-Plow tillage tool. Para-Plow is an effective tractor attached tillage tool utilised as an alternative to the conventional deep tillage tools used in agricultural tillage operations. During heavy tillage operations, the Para-Plow experiences highly dynamic soil reaction forces which may cause undesired deformations and functional failures on its structural elements. Here, prediction of the deformation behaviour of the tool structure during tillage operation in order to describe optimum structural design parameters for the tool elements and produce a functionally durable tool become an important issue. In the field experiments, draft force and strain-gauge based measurements on the tool were carried out simultaneously. Subsequently, Finite Element Method based stress analysis (FEA) were employed in order to simulate deformation behaviour of the tool under consideration of the maximum loading (worst-case scenario) conditions tested in the field. In the field experiments, average and maximum resultant draft forces were measured as 33,514 N and 51,716 N respectively. The FEA revealed that the maximum deformation value of the tool was 9.768 mm and the maximum stress values impart a change on the most critical structural elements of between 50 and 150 MPa under a worst-case loading scenario. Additionally, a validation study revealed that minimum and maximum relative differences for the equivalent stress values between experimental and simulation results were 5.17% and 30.19% respectively. This indicated that the results obtained from both the experimental and simulation are reasonably in union and there were no signs of plastic deformation on the Para-Plow elements (according to the material yield point) under pre-defined loading conditions and a structural optimisation on some of the structural elements may also be possible. This research provides a useful strategy for informing further research on complicated stress and deformation analyses of related agricultural equipment and machinery through experimental and advanced CAE techniques

    Sizing Optimisation of a Subsoiler Framework using Advanced Engineering Tools

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    Computer aided structural optimisation methodologies have been applied successfully in design and manufacturing operations in industry for a long time, but still have not become a mainstream practice for agricultural machinery design and manufacturing operations. This paper presents a finite element based design optimisation case study to introduce how computer aided design, numerical method analysis and optimisation techniques can be useful to obtain parameters for optimum design of agricultural machinery. In the study, the framework of a subsoiler is considered. The maximum force was applied to the tine virtually through Finite Element Analysis (FEA). The results of the FEA were evaluated based on the material yield point and the evaluation showed that an optimisation study was suitable for select components. Based on the finite element method, related optimisation methodology and analyses were carried out for the selected component and the optimum size derived according to defined boundary conditions, other known design constraints and the objective of reducing material mass. Mass of the framework was reduced by 44.82% at the final design. This research improved the understanding of the computer aided optimisation methodology for the design of agricultural machinery elements and contributes to further research into the development of agricultural machinery design aided through the utilisation of advanced computer aided engineering tools

    Structural optimisation of a subsoiler

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    An experimental study of a subsoiler, used for deep tillage in agricultural fields, was carried out to determine its maximum draft force. The working conditions of teh subsoiler were simulated three-dimensionally. The simulation showed that a structural optimisation can be generated on a subsoiler framework body for reducing the weight. New design parameters of the framework were defined and finite element analysis gave an optimised redesign for teh subsoiler with the framework weight reduced by approximately 27.62%

    Augalų daigų pasiskirstymo lauke tyrimai, naudojant realaus laiko kinematinę (RTK) padėties nustatymo sistemą (GPS)

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    Tirtos galimybės naudoti realaus laiko kinematinę (RTK) padėties nustatymo sistemą (GPS) sudygusių daigų ir augančių augalų plotų žemėlapiams sudaryti, įvertinant žemėlapių tikslumo lygį. Itin tikslūs sėklų ir augalų plotų žemėlapiai sudaro galimybę įvertinti sėjamųjų darbą, piktžolių kontrolę ir specializuotų augalų auginimo technologijų taikymą. Tikslios augalų augimo lauke vietos nustatytos naudojant matavimo juostą. Buvo palygintos atliktų RTK GPS ir matavimų juosta daigų vietos lauke, augalų augimo plotų ir formos santykio reikšmės. RTK GPS tyrimai parodė, kad tai patikima matavimo sistema, galinti milimetro tikslumu nustatyti daigų augimo vietas ir medvilnės, sojų bei arbūzų auginimo plotusWe investigated the potential use of real-time kinematic (RTK) global positioning system (GPS) to determine seedling distribution and plant growing area mapping by evaluating the obtained level of accuracy. High-accuracy seed and plant growing area mapping can potentially be used in the evaluations of seeding machine performance, weed control, and plant-specific crop management. Actual plant locations were determined using a measuring tape. Seedling locations, plant growing area, and shape ratio values were compared between RTK GPS and tape measurements. RTK GPS was shown to be reliable to monitor millimetre-level accuracy for seedling locations, as well as for generation of shape ratios and growing areas of cotton, soybean, and watermelon plantsVytauto Didžiojo universitetasŽemės ūkio akademij

    Modal analysis of agricultural machineries using finite element method:a case study for a V-belt pulley of a fodder crushing machine

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    Modern agricultural operations now demand the utilisation of a wide variety of equipment and specialist machinery systems, with many having rotary elements such as axles, gears, pulleys etc. With these agricultural machinery systems which have rotary elements, uncontrolled vibrations may become an important problem to consider. When the initial ‘switch-on’ frequency meets with the natural frequency of a machine element in the system, undesired noise, high levels of vibration and mechanical failures may occur during operation. In this regard, it is important to predict natural frequency modes of the elements under loading as a result of these vibrations. Computing capability and design software tools are able to assist design and analysis engineers to predict and evaluate natural and forced frequency modes of these elements. These computer aided applications in the engineering domain are typically referred to as Computer Aided Engineering (CAE) and have been used with success in industry for a long time. Hence, it can be shown that the use of CAE applications in the design and analysis processes of agricultural machinery systems could be beneficial. In this study, a finite element modal analysis on the larger pulley of a fodder crushing machine which was manufactured by a commercial company in Turkey, is presented. The torque and cycle of the pulley shaft measurements of the machine were conducted and the data used in the Finite Element Analysis (FEA) to simulate resonance frequency modes. As a conclusion of the study, resonance frequency simulations were conducted and the results have been presented. Additionally, suggestions for reducing the undesired effect of vibration for the agricultural machinery systems are given