263 research outputs found

    Late medieval decor at St Martin’s Church in Martna

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    Verse semantics of some metres in Uku Masing's poetry

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    The article introduces the results of a semantic analysis of Uku Masing's (1909– 1985) early poetry (1926–1943). The metres analyzed are syllabic-accentual trochaic tetrameter, trochaic pentameter, iambic pentameter and dactylic, logaoedic and polymetric hexameters. In each text the textual communicative perspective as well as motifs and tropes of each verse line were examined. The semantic differences and colourings of the metres are most evident in the way of expression, in the viewpoint

    Uskumuste ja soovide kommunikatiivne tähtsus

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    Kui me mõtleme, mida teised usuvad või tahavad, läheb see meile enamasti korda. Kui ma olen teadlik teise inimese mingist uskumusest, saan ma sellega nõustuda või mitte. Kui ma arvan, et teine tahab midagi, siis on mul võimalik seda soovi kas heaks kiita või halvaks panna. Selliste esmaste reaktsioonide olulisusest uskumuste ja soovide omistamise juures on senini vaimufilosoofias suuresti üle vaadatud. Tähelepanu all on ennekõike olnud hoiakute omistamise ennustav ja seletav roll. Väitekirja esmaseks eesmärgiks on täita see lünk ning avada nende mainitud reaktsioonide – nõustumise ja mittenõustumise, heakskiidu ja halvakspanu – asendamatu tähtsus sotsiaalses tunnetuses. Selle käigus näitan ühtlasi, et nendest reaktsioonidest lähtuvad ka juba edasised võimalikud käigud inimestevahelises suhtluses: manipuleerimine, läbirääkimine või isegi omistatud hoiaku omaksvõtt. Teiseks väitekirja eesmärgiks on selgitada, mis uskumustest ja soovidest mõtlemise juures teeb just sellised reaktsioonid võimalikuks. Kuna nõustumine või mittenõustumine on kohased reaktsioonid nii uskumuste kui ka väidete suhtes ning heakskiit või halvakspanu nii soovide kui ka käskluste suhtes, siis argumenteerin, et uskumuste ja soovide omistamist tuleb mõista vastavalt väidete ja käskluste kaudu. Kui me mõtleme, mida keegi usub ja tahab, on ta meie vestluspartner, kuna me kohtleme tema uskumusi kui teatavat tüüpi väiteid ja soove kui käsklusi. See kehtib isegi siis, kui ta vastavat väidet või käsklust ise pole sooritanud. Ühesõnaga, neil hoiakutel on kommunikatiivne roll. Kui me seda silmas peame, on edasiseks küsimuseks, millele uskumuste ja soovide omistused tuginema peaksid, et nad oma eriomast rolli sotsiaalses elus mängida saaks. Väidan, et nad peavad arvesse võtma tõsiasju isikute käitumise ja heaolu kohta ning nendes tõsiasjades seisneb ka uskumuste ja soovide loomus.When we think about what others believe and want, we are usually affected by what we know about their attitudes. If I’m aware that another person believes something, I have an opportunity to agree or disagree with it. If I think that another person wants something, I can endorse or disapprove of her desire. The importance of such reactions to attributed beliefs and desires has thus far been overlooked in philosophy of mind where the focus has been on explanatory and predictive roles of attitude attribution. The primary goal of this thesis is to fill this lacuna and to articulate the indispensability of such reactions – agreement/disagreement and endorsement/disapproval – for social cognition. In the process of doing it I also show how these initial reactions ground certain further possible responses in intersubjective communication: manipulation, negotiation and adoption of attributed attitudes. The second aim of this thesis is to explicate what is it about belief and desire attributions that makes the responses I’ve described possible. Because one can agree or disagree both with beliefs and assertions and endorse or disapprove both desires and requests, I argue that we should understand belief attributions in terms of assertions and desire attributions in terms of requests. When we think what someone believes and wants, we treat her as a conversation partner because her attitudes call for the same responses as speech acts do, even if she hasn’t made any explicit assertion or request herself. In short, beliefs and desires have communicative significance. Given such significance, we can also see what one needs to take into consideration when attributing these attitudes to another. My answer in the thesis is that belief and desire attributions have to be grounded in facts about the behaviour and well-being of attributees and that these facts also constitute the nature of beliefs and desires

    Neurotoksiliste insektitsiidide subletaalne toime põllumajanduslikult oluliste jooksiklaste põhikäitumistele

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    A Thesis for applying for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in AgricultureSublethal effects of pesticides on behavioural endpoints are poorly investigated in nontargeted beneficial arthropod predators important as nartural enemies of many agricultural pests. In this ecotoxicological study, deleterious short- long-term effects of neurotoxic pyrethroid and neonicotinoid insecticides on various basic behaviours of the predatory carabid Platynus assimilis Paykull (Coleoptera, Carabidae) were quantified over a broad range of sublethal concentrations and doses in controlled laboratory conditions. It appeared that low doses of alpha-cypermethrin and thiamethoxam may cause a number of substantial short- and long-term abnormalities in many basic behaviours such as locomotor activity (LA), general motor activity (GMA), clean food consumption rate (CFCR) and behavioural thermoregulation of carabids. The observed sublethal behavioural biases may lead to deterioration of ecological fitness and population dynamics of the beetles in agricultural lands where these chemicals are applied. For the first time in predatory arthropods, it was was demonstrated that in addition to locomotion, other important behavioural endpoints such GMA, CFCR and behavioural thermoregulation may serve as sensitive, valuable and easily quantifiable ecotoxicological biomarkers mirroring different rates and aspects of toxic stress. The observed remarkable declines in CFCR and efficiency for behavioural thermoregulation of the beetles exposed to sublethal doses of alpha-cypermethrin and thiamethoxam may directly worsen performance of the carabids as natural enemies of pest insects in the insecticide treated fields. Thus, the results of this study may have importance in integrated pest management programs promoting reduced insecticide use and encouraging natural pest control mechanisms wherever possible. The results of this PhD thesis are published in three papers.Ehkki röövtoidulistel lülijalgsetel on põllumajandusmaastikel tähtis roll taimekahjurite arvukuse vähendamisel, on insektitsiidide madalate dooside kõrvalmõjusid nende käitumisele seni vähe uuritud. Käesolevas doktoritöös mõõdeti esmakordselt neurotoksilise püretroidse ja neonikotinoidse insektitsiidi lühi- ja pikaajalisi mõjusid röövtoidulise süsi-ketasjooksiku (Platynus assimilis, Coleoptera: Carabidae) erinevatele põhikäitumistele. Mardikaid töödeldi preparaatide Fastac 50EC® (toimeaine alfa-tsüpermetriin) ja Actara 25WG® (toimeaine tiametoksaam) erinevate subletaalsete kontsentratsioonide ja doosidega kontrollitud laboritingimustes. Katsed näitasid, et jooksiklased on töös testitud insektitsiidide suhtes ülimalt tundlikud. Isegi väga madalad doosid põhjustasid mitmeid olulisi lühi- ja pikaajalisi negatiivseid kõrvalekaldeid mardikate põhikäitumistes. Täheldati märkimisväärset langust mardikate puhta toidu tarbimismääras ning käitumusliku termoregulatsiooni võimes, mis põllumajandusmaastikel võivad otseselt halvendada nende kasulike putukate ökoloogilist kohasust, populatsiooni dünaamikat ja biotõrje efektiivsust. Esmakordselt demonstreeriti, et putukate põhikäitumised nagu üldmotoorne aktiivsus, käitumuslik termoregulatsioon ja puhta toidu tarbimismäär on tundlikud, väärtuslikud ja kergesti mõõdetavad ökotoksikoloogilised biomarkerid, mis lisaks lokomotsioonile aitavad hinnata röövtoiduliste jooksiklaste toksilise stressi erinevaid tasemeid ja aspekte. Saadud tulemusi tuleks kindlasti arvestada integreeritud taimekaitse programmide väljatöötamisel, mis soodustavad kultuurtaimede töötlemist insektitsiidide vähendatud doosidega ja taimekahjurite looduslike vaenlaste maksimaalset ärakasutamist, kus iganes võimalik. Antud doktoritöö tulemused avaldati kolmes teadusartiklis.Publication of this thesis is supported by the Estonian University of Life Sciences, Chair of Plant Healt

    Mental State Attribution for Interactionism

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    Interactionists about folk psychology argue that embodied interactions constitute the primary way we understand one another and thus oppose more standard accounts according to which the understanding is mostly achieved through belief and desire attributions. However, also interactionists need to explain why people sometimes still resort to attitude ascription. In this paper, it is argued that this explanatory demand presents a genuine challenge for interactionism and that a popular proposal which claims that belief and desire attributions are needed to make sense of counternormative behavior is problematic. Instead, the most promising conception of belief and desire ascriptions is the communicative conception which locates them in the context of declarative and imperative communication, respectively. Such a communication can take both verbal and non-verbal form

    Chapter 6 On the Putative Epistemic Generativity of Memory and Imagination

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    This book explores the structure and function of memory and imagination, as well as the relation and interaction between the two states. It is the first book to offer an integrative approach to these two emerging areas of philosophical research. The essays in this volume deal with a variety of forms of imagining and remembering. The contributors come from a range of methodological backgrounds: empirically minded philosophers, analytic philosophers engaging mainly in conceptual analysis, and philosophers informed by the phenomenological tradition. Part 1 consists of novel contributions to ontological issues regarding the nature of memory and imagination and their respective structural features. Part 2 focuses on questions of justification and perspective regarding both states. The chapters in Part 3 discuss issues regarding memory and imagination as skills or abilities. Finally, Part 4 focuses on the relation between memory, imagination, and emotion. Philosophical Perspectives on Memory and Imagination will be of interest to scholars and advanced students working in philosophy of memory, philosophy of imagination, philosophy of mind, and epistemology

    Chapter 6 On the Putative Epistemic Generativity of Memory and Imagination

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    This book explores the structure and function of memory and imagination, as well as the relation and interaction between the two states. It is the first book to offer an integrative approach to these two emerging areas of philosophical research. The essays in this volume deal with a variety of forms of imagining and remembering. The contributors come from a range of methodological backgrounds: empirically minded philosophers, analytic philosophers engaging mainly in conceptual analysis, and philosophers informed by the phenomenological tradition. Part 1 consists of novel contributions to ontological issues regarding the nature of memory and imagination and their respective structural features. Part 2 focuses on questions of justification and perspective regarding both states. The chapters in Part 3 discuss issues regarding memory and imagination as skills or abilities. Finally, Part 4 focuses on the relation between memory, imagination, and emotion. Philosophical Perspectives on Memory and Imagination will be of interest to scholars and advanced students working in philosophy of memory, philosophy of imagination, philosophy of mind, and epistemology

    Driver-Controller for Materials Cutting Force Analyzer

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    Magistritöö Energiakasutuse õppekavalEesti Maaülikooli teadlased on välja töötanud laialt levinud lihatoodete lõiketugevuse määramise Warner-Bratzler meetodile alternatiivse gravitatsioonilise impulssmeetodi (GIM). GIM meetod on uudne ja lõppkasutajatele mõeldud lahendused on välja arendamata. Antud magistritöö eesmärgiks oli luua liha lõiketugevuse analüsaatori juhtkontroller, mis võimaldaks mõõta testitava teimi läbimiseks kulunud jõuimpulssi. Loodud kontrolleri lahendus baseerub jõuanduri analoogsignaali digitaalseks muutmisel sisend-väljund moodulile ja saadud andemete analüüsimise ja kasutajale kuvamise tarkvarale. Sisend-väljundmooduliks kasutati tootja National Instruments (NI) USB-6008 moodulit ja tarkvara loodi LabVIEW visuaalses programmeerimise keskkonnas. Töö tulemusena valmis toimiv lahendus, mis mõõdab testitava teimi läbimiseks kulunud jõuimpulssi. Koostatud lõiketugevuse analüsaatori juhtkontrolleri abiga on võimalik lihatööstustel hinnata töödeldava materjali lõiketugevust ja tagada toodete kvaliteeti.Sciences of Estonian University of Life scientists have developed meat shear energy evaluation method alternative for commonly used Warner-Bratzler method (gravitational impulse method - GIM). GIM is a new way to evaluation of meat shear energy, because this method don´t have any ready solutions for end users. The aim of this Master's thesis was to create the driver-controller for meat cutting force analyzer, that could measure meat cutting force impulse. Created controller is based on analog-digital converter and data analyzing and user interface software for PC. For the controller the National Instruments (NI) USB-6008 DAQ module was chosen and for software the visual programming LabVIEW environment. The result is a working solution and system measuring meat cutting force impulse. With created driver-controller for meat cutting force analyzer the meat industry companies can evaluate the meat cutting impulse in the technological process and achieve the best quality of their products

    Koolisotsiaalpedagoogi töö aluseks olevad teadmised

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