11 research outputs found

    E-Government: Trends and Sophistication at the Local Level of Government

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    Innovations in information communication technologies have contributed to new forms of interaction between governments and citizens in the United States and other industrialized democracies. The adoption of these technologies at different levels of government has contributed to the emergence of electronic-government or e-government designed to communicate information, deliver services, and offer additional avenues designed to interact with and participate in government. Based on a detailed content analysis of government websites in conjunction with descriptive and multiple regression approaches, this study assesses and explains the level of egovernment sophistication at the local level of government across different States in the United States. The study argues that local e-government sophistication increases for municipalities governed by professional managers, endowed with more organizational resources, characterized by higher socioeconomic levels, increasing population size, and located in the west. While the findings support the hypothesis, the descriptive analysis also illustrates that local governments have not fully embraced the potentials of e-government

    The Gokteik Viaduct: A Tale of Gentlemanly Capitalists, Unseen People, and a Bridge to Nowhere

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    This article explores technical and socio-political factors that impacted construction of the Gokteik Viaduct railway bridge in Shan State, Burma, and the recurring failure of political powers to complete a continuous railway between Rangoon (Yangon) and Yunnan. Under rather contentious circumstances, the British government awarded an American steel company with the contract to construct what would become the world’s longest railway trestle bridge at the time of its completion in 1900. As an engineering marvel of its era, the Gokteik Viaduct is in the same category as the Eiffel Tower in Paris. Until now, however, scarce research has explored the Gokteik Viaduct in terms of historicity and factors that ultimately prevented this structure from fulfilling its intended purpose of transporting trainloads of marketable goods between Burma and Yunnan. This raises an ironic question: How could engineers construct such a remarkable bridge to service a railway that was never finished? Furthermore, why does the Gokteik Viaduct largely remain unexamined in terms of its noteworthy place in the geopolitics of Southeast Asia? In answering such questions, the authors conclude that the “unseen” story of the Gokteik Viaduct is not only about engineering prowess but of a political and social environment that continues to bedevil massive infrastructure projects in Upper Burma today

    The Gokteik Viaduct: A Tale of Gentlemanly Capitalists, Unseen People, and a Bridge to Nowhere

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    This article explores technical and socio-political factors that impacted construction of the Gokteik Viaduct railway bridge in Shan State, Burma, and the recurring failure of political powers to complete a continuous railway between Rangoon (Yangon) and Yunnan. Under rather contentious circumstances, the British government awarded an American steel company with the contract to construct what would become the world’s longest railway trestle bridge at the time of its completion in 1900. As an engineering marvel of its era, the Gokteik Viaduct is in the same category as the Eiffel Tower in Paris. Until now, however, scarce research has explored the Gokteik Viaduct in terms of historicity and factors that ultimately prevented this structure from fulfilling its intended purpose of transporting trainloads of marketable goods between Burma and Yunnan. This raises an ironic question: How could engineers construct such a remarkable bridge to service a railway that was never finished? Furthermore, why does the Gokteik Viaduct largely remain unexamined in terms of its noteworthy place in the geopolitics of Southeast Asia? In answering such questions, the authors conclude that the “unseen” story of the Gokteik Viaduct is not only about engineering prowess but of a political and social environment that continues to bedevil massive infrastructure projects in Upper Burma today

    Phytohormone and Putative Defense Gene Expression Differentiates the Response of ‘Hayward’ Kiwifruit to Psa and Pfm Infections

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    Pseudomonas syringae pv. actinidiae (Psa) and Pseudomonas syringae pv. actinidifoliorum (Pfm) are closely related pathovars infecting kiwifruit, but Psa is considered one of the most important global pathogens, whereas Pfm is not. In this study of Actinidia deliciosa ‘Hayward’ responses to the two pathovars, the objective was to test whether differences in plant defense responses mounted against the two pathovars correlated with the contrasting severity of the symptoms caused by them. Results showed that Psa infections were always more severe than Pfm infections, and were associated with highly localized, differential expression of phytohormones and putative defense gene transcripts in stem tissue closest to the inoculation site. Phytohormone concentrations of jasmonic acid (JA), jasmonate isoleucine (JA-Ile), salicylic acid (SA) and abscisic acid were always greater in stem tissue than in leaves, and leaf phytohormones were not affected by pathogen inoculation. Pfm inoculation induced a threefold increase in SA in stems relative to Psa inoculation, and a smaller 1.6-fold induction of JA. Transcript expression showed no effect of inoculation in leaves, but Pfm inoculation resulted in the greatest elevation of the SA marker genes, PR1 and glucan endo-1,3-beta-glucosidase (β-1,3-glucosidase) (32- and 25-fold increases, respectively) in stem tissue surrounding the inoculation site. Pfm inoculation also produced a stronger response than Psa inoculation in localized stem tissue for the SA marker gene PR6, jasmonoyl-isoleucine-12-hydrolase (JIH1), which acts as a negative marker of the JA pathway, and APETALA2/Ethylene response factor 2 transcription factor (AP2 ERF2), which is involved in JA/SA crosstalk. WRKY40 transcription factor (a SA marker) was induced equally in stems by wounding (mock inoculation) and pathovar inoculation. Taken together, these results suggest that the host appears to mount a stronger, localized, SA-based defense response to Pfm than Psa

    Benchmarking del e-gobierno local: limitaciones de los sistemas de evaluación comparativa

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    Se introduce la necesidad de evaluar y comparar el desarrollo del e-gobierno y se analizan los instrumentos existentes. En primer lugar se presentan los modelos de evolución del e-gobierno actualmente en uso y se discuten sus características y utilidad. Un análisis de los estudios comparativos muestra el interés que despierta el área de administración electrónica. Seguidamente se analizan los estudios comparativos más relevantes sobre provisión electrónica de servicios públicos en la administración local. Ambos análisis ponen de manifiesto las limitaciones de los estudios existentes en su aplicabilidad en el ámbito local. Algunas son: la escasez de trabajos sobre administración local, la medida de la adopción de los servicios públicos, y el uso de modelos de evolución de e-gobierno que no reflejan las nuevas tendencias en prestación de servicios. Finalmente se señalan mejoras a realizar en futuras evaluaciones comparativas de servicios electrónicos para incrementar su aplicabilidad en la administración local

    Benchmarking del e-gobierno local: limitaciones de los sistemas de evaluación comparativa

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    Se introduce la necesidad de evaluar y comparar el desarrollo del e-gobierno y se analizan los instrumentos existentes. En primer lugar se presentan los modelos de evolución del e-gobierno actualmente en uso y se discuten sus características y utilidad. Un análisis de los estudios comparativos muestra el interés que despierta el área de administración electrónica. Seguidamente se analizan los estudios comparativos más relevantes sobre provisión electrónica de servicios públicos en la administración local. Ambos análisis ponen de manifiesto las limitaciones de los estudios existentes en su aplicabilidad en el ámbito local. Algunas son: la escasez de trabajos sobre administración local, la medida de la adopción de los servicios públicos, y el uso de modelos de evolución de e-gobierno que no reflejan las nuevas tendencias en prestación de servicios. Finalmente se señalan mejoras a realizar en futuras evaluaciones comparativas de servicios electrónicos para incrementar su aplicabilidad en la administración local