187 research outputs found

    PK/PD models in antibacterial development

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    There is an urgent need for novel antibiotics to treat life-threatening infections caused by bacterial 'superbugs'. Validated in vitro pharmacokinetic/pharmacodynamic (PK/PD) and animal infection models have been employed to identify the most predictive PK/PD indices and serve as key tools in the antibiotic development process. The results obtained can be utilized for optimizing study designs in order to minimize the cost and duration of clinical trials. This review outlines the key in vitro PK/PD and animal infection models which have been extensively used in antibiotic discovery and development. These models have shown great potential in accelerating drug development programs and will continue to make significant contributions to antibiotic development

    Pharmacokinetics/pharmacodynamics of colistin and polymyxin B: are we there yet?

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    The polymyxin antibiotics [colistin and polymyxin B (PMB)] are increasingly used as a last-line option for the treatment of infections caused by extensively drug-resistant Gram-negative bacteria. Despite having similar structures and antibacterial activity in vitro, the two clinically available polymyxins have very different pharmacological properties, as colistin (polymyxin E) is intravenously administered to patients in the form of an inactive prodrug colistin methanesulphonate (sodium). This review will discuss recent progress in the pharmacokinetics/pharmacodynamics and toxicity of colistin and PMB, the factors that affect their pharmacological profiles, and the challenges for the effective use of both polymyxins. Strategies are proposed for optimising their clinical utility based upon the recent pharmacological studies in vitro, in animals and patients. In the ‘bad bugs, no drugs’ era, polymyxins are a critically important component of the antibiotic armamentarium against difficult-to-treat Gram-negative ‘superbugs’. Rational approaches to the use of polymyxins must be pursued to increase their effectiveness and to minimise resistance and toxicity

    Untargeted metabolomics analysis reveals key pathways responsible for the synergistic killing of colistin and doripenem combination against Acinetobacter baumannii

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    Combination therapy is deployed for the treatment of multidrug-resistant Acinetobacter baumannii, as it can rapidly develop resistance to current antibiotics. This is the first study to investigate the synergistic effect of colistin/doripenem combination on the metabolome of A. baumannii. The metabolite levels were measured using LC-MS following treatment with colistin (2 mg/L) or doripenem (25 mg/L) alone, and their combination at 15 min, 1 hr and 4 hr (n = 4). Colistin caused early (15 min and 1 hr) disruption of the bacterial outer membrane and cell wall, as demonstrated by perturbation of glycerophospholipids and fatty acids. Concentrations of peptidoglycan biosynthesis metabolites decreased at 4 hr by doripenem alone, reflecting its mechanism of action. The combination induced significant changes to more key metabolic pathways relative to either monotherapy. Down-regulation of cell wall biosynthesis (via D-sedoheptulose 7-phosphate) and nucleotide metabolism (via D-ribose 5-phosphate) was associated with perturbations in the pentose phosphate pathway induced initially by colistin (15 min and 1 hr) and later by doripenem (4 hr). We discovered that the combination synergistically killed A. baumannii via time-dependent inhibition of different key metabolic pathways. Our study highlights the significant potential of systems pharmacology in elucidating the mechanism of synergy and optimizing antibiotic pharmacokinetics/pharmacodynamics

    Insights Into Patient Variability During Ivacaftor-Lumacaftor Therapy in Cystic Fibrosis

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    Background: The advent of cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator protein (CFTR) modulators like ivacaftor have revolutionised the treatment of cystic fibrosis (CF). However, due to the plethora of variances in disease manifestations in CF, there are inherent challenges in unified responses under CFTR modulator treatment arising from variability in patient outcomes. The pharmacokinetic (PK) data available for ivacaftor-lumacaftor cystic fibrosis (CF) transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) modulator drug combination is limited. Methods: Secondary objectives were to identify (1) patient characteristics and (2) the interactions between ivacaftor-lumacaftor responsible for interindividual variability (IIV). Results: Peak plasma concentrations (Cmax) of ivacaftor - lumacaftor were >10 fold lower than expected compared to label information. The one-way ANOVA indicated that the patient site had an effect on Cmax values of ivacaftor metabolites ivacaftor-M1, ivacaftor-M6, and lumacaftor (p < 0.001, p < 0.001, and p < 0.001, respectively). The Spearman’s rho test indicated that patient weight and age have an effect on the Cmax of lumacaftor (p = 0.003 and p < 0.001, respectively) and ivacaftor metabolite M1 (p = 0.020 and p < 0.001, respectively). Age (p < 0.001) was found to effect on Cmax of ivacaftor M6 and on Tmax of ivacaftor M1 (p = 0.026). A large impact of patient characteristics on the IIV of PK parameters Cmax and Tmax, was observed among the CF patients. Conclusion: Understanding the many sources of variability can help reduce this individual patient variability and ensure consistent patient outcomes

    Global metabolic analyses identify key differences in metabolite levels between polymyxin-susceptible and polymyxin-resistant Acinetobacter baumannii

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    Multidrug-resistant Acinetobacter baumannii presents a global medical crisis and polymyxins are used as the last-line therapy. This study aimed to identify metabolic differences between polymyxin-susceptible and polymyxin-resistant A. baumannii using untargeted metabolomics. The metabolome of each A. baumannii strain was measured using liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry. Multivariate and univariate statistics and pathway analyses were employed to elucidate metabolic differences between the polymyxin-susceptible and -resistant A. baumannii strains. Significant differences were identified between the metabolic profiles of the polymyxin-susceptible and -resistant A. baumannii strains. The lipopolysaccharide (LPS) deficient, polymyxin-resistant 19606R showed perturbation in specific amino acid and carbohydrate metabolites, particularly pentose phosphate pathway (PPP) and tricarboxylic acid (TCA) cycle intermediates. Levels of nucleotides were lower in the LPS-deficient 19606R. Furthermore, 19606R exhibited a shift in its glycerophospholipid profile towards increased abundance of short-chain lipids compared to the parent polymyxin-susceptible ATCC 19606. In contrast, in a pair of clinical isolates 03–149.1 (polymyxin-susceptible) and 03–149.2 (polymyxin-resistant, due to modification of lipid A), minor metabolic differences were identified. Notably, peptidoglycan biosynthesis metabolites were significantly depleted in both of the aforementioned polymyxin-resistant strains. This is the first comparative untargeted metabolomics study to show substantial differences in the metabolic profiles of the polymyxin-susceptible and -resistant A. baumannii

    A hydrogel based localized release of colistin for antimicrobial treatment of burn wound infection

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    There is an urgent unmet medical need for new treatments for wound and burn infections caused by multidrug-resistant (MDR) Gram-negative ‘superbugs’, especially the problematic Pseudomonas aeruginosa. In this work we report the incorporation of colistin, a potent lipopeptide into a self-healable hydrogel (via dynamic imine bond formation) following the chemical reaction between the amine groups present in glycol chitosan and an aldehyde modified poly (ethylene glycol) (PEG). The storage module (G’) of the colistin-loaded hydrogel ranged from 1.3 kPa to 5.3 kPa by varying the amount of the cross-linker and colistin loading providing different options for topical wound healing. The majority of the colistin is released from the hydrogel within 24 h and remains active as demonstrated by both antibacterial in vitro disk diffusion and time-kill assays. Moreover and pleasingly, the colistin-loaded hydrogel performed almost equally well as native colistin against both the colistin-sensitive and also colistin-resistant P. aeruginosa strain in the in vivo animal 'burn' infection model despite exhibiting a slower killing profile in vitro. Based on this antibiotic performance along with the biodegradability of the product, we believe the colistin-loaded hydrogel to be a potential localized wound-healing formulation to treat burn wounds against microbial infection

    The thermodynamics of Pr55Gag-RNA interaction regulate the assembly of HIV

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    The interactions that occur during HIV Pr55Gag oligomerization and genomic RNA packagingare essential elements that facilitate HIV assembly. However, mechanistic details ofthese interactions are not clearly defined. Here, we overcome previous limitations in producinglarge quantities of full-length recombinant Pr55Gag that is required for isothermal titrationcalorimetry (ITC) studies, and we have revealed the thermodynamic properties of HIVassembly for the first time. Thermodynamic analysis showed that the binding between RNAand HIV Pr55Gag is an energetically favourable reaction (&Delta;G&lt;0) that is further enhanced bythe oligomerization of Pr55Gag. The change in enthalpy (&Delta;H) widens sequentially from: (1)Pr55Gag-Psi RNA binding during HIV genome selection; to (2) Pr55Gag-Guanosine Uridine(GU)-containing RNA binding in cytoplasm/plasma membrane; and then to (3) Pr55Gag-Adenosine(A)-containing RNA binding in immature HIV. These data imply the stepwiseincrements of heat being released during HIV biogenesis may help to facilitate the processof viral assembly. By mimicking the interactions between A-containing RNA and oligomericPr55Gag in immature HIV, it was noted that a p6 domain truncated Pr50Gag &Delta;p6 is less efficientthan full-length Pr55Gag in this thermodynamic process. These data suggest a potentialunknown role of p6 in Pr55Gag-Pr55Gag oligomerization and/or Pr55Gag-RNA interaction duringHIV assembly. Our data provide direct evidence on how nucleic acid sequences and theoligomeric state of Pr55Gag regulate HIV assembly

    Metabolic Analyses Revealed Time-Dependent Synergistic Killing by Colistin and Aztreonam Combination Against Multidrug-Resistant Acinetobacter baumannii

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    Background: Polymyxins are a last-line class of antibiotics against multidrug-resistant Acinetobacter baumannii; however, polymyxin resistance can emerge with monotherapy. Therefore, synergistic combination therapy is a crucial strategy to reduce polymyxin resistance.Methods: This study conducted untargeted metabolomics to investigate metabolic responses of a multidrug-resistant (MDR) A. baumannii clinical isolate, AB090342, to colistin and aztreonam alone, and their combination at 1, 4, and 24 h. Metabolomics data were analyzed using univariate and multivariate statistics; metabolites showing ≥ 2-fold changes were subjected to bioinformatics analysis.Results: The synergistic action of colistin-aztreonam combination was initially driven by colistin via significant disruption of bacterial cell envelope, with decreased phospholipid and fatty acid levels at 1 h. Cell wall biosynthesis was inhibited at 4 and 24 h by aztreonam alone and the combination as shown by the decreased levels of two amino sugars, UDP-N-acetylglucosamine and UDP-N-acetylmuramate; these results suggested that aztreonam was primarily responsible for the synergistic killing at later time points. Moreover, aztreonam alone and the combination significantly depleted pentose phosphate pathway, amino acid, peptide and nucleotide metabolism, but elevated fatty acid and key phospholipid levels. Collectively, the combination synergy between colistin and aztreonam was mainly due to the inhibition of cell envelope biosynthesis via different metabolic perturbations.Conclusion: This metabolomics study is the first to elucidate multiple cellular pathways associated with the time-dependent synergistic action of colistin-aztreonam combination against MDR A. baumannii. Our results provide important mechanistic insights into optimizing synergistic colistin combinations in patients

    The combination of colistin and doripenem is synergistic against Klebsiella pneumoniae at multiple inocula and suppresses colistin resistance in an in vitro pharmacokinetic/pharmacodynamic model

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    There has been a resurgence of interest in aerosolization of antibiotics for treatment of patients with severe pneumonia caused by multidrug-resistant pathogens. A combination formulation of amikacin-fosfomycin is currently undergoing clinical testing although the exposure-response relationships of these drugs have not been fully characterized. The aim of this study was to describe the individual and combined antibacterial effects of simulated epithelial lining fluid exposures of aerosolized amikacin and fosfomycin against resistant clinical isolates of Pseudomonas aeruginosa (MICs of 16 mg/liter and 64 mg/liter) and Klebsiella pneumoniae (MICs of 2 mg/liter and 64 mg/liter) using a dynamic hollow-fiber infection model over 7 days. Targeted peak concentrations of 300 mg/liter amikacin and/or 1,200 mg/liter fosfomycin as a 12-hourly dosing regimens were used. Quantitative cultures were performed to describe changes in concentrations of the total and resistant bacterial populations. The targeted starting inoculum was 10(8) CFU/ml for both strains. We observed that neither amikacin nor fosfomycin monotherapy was bactericidal against P. aeruginosa while both were associated with rapid amplification of resistant P. aeruginosa strains (about 10(8) to 10(9) CFU/ml within 24 to 48 h). For K. pneumoniae, amikacin but not fosfomycin was bactericidal. When both drugs were combined, a rapid killing was observed for P. aeruginosa and K. pneumoniae (6-log kill within 24 h). Furthermore, the combination of amikacin and fosfomycin effectively suppressed growth of resistant strains of P. aeruginosa and K. pneumoniae In conclusion, the combination of amikacin and fosfomycin was effective at maximizing bacterial killing and suppressing emergence of resistance against these clinical isolates

    Interactions between human liver fatty acid binding protein and peroxisome proliferator activated receptor selective drugs

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    Fatty acid binding proteins (FABPs) act as intracellular shuttles for fatty acids as well as lipophilic xenobiotics to the nucleus, where these ligands are released to a group of nuclear receptors called the peroxisome proliferator activated receptors (PPARs). PPAR mediated gene activation is ultimately involved in maintenance of cellular homeostasis through the transcriptional regulation of metabolic enzymes and transporters that target the activating ligand. Here we show that liver- (L-) FABP displays a high binding affinity for PPAR subtype selective drugs. NMR chemical shift perturbation mapping and proteolytic protection experiments show that the binding of the PPAR subtype selective drugs produces conformational changes that stabilize the portal region of L-FABP. NMR chemical shift perturbation studies also revealed that L-FABP can form a complex with the PPAR ligand binding domain (LBD) of PPARα. This protein-protein interaction may represent a mechanism for facilitating the activation of PPAR transcriptional activity via the direct channeling of ligands between the binding pocket of L-FABP and the PPARαLBD. The role of L-FABP in the delivery of ligands directly to PPARα via this channeling mechanism has important implications for regulatory pathways that mediate xenobiotic responses and host protection in tissues such as the small intestine and the liver where L-FABP is highly expressed
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