49 research outputs found

    Chip-based liver equivalents for toxicity testing - organotypicalness versus cost-efficient high throughput

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    Dieser Beitrag ist mit Zustimmung des Rechteinhabers aufgrund einer (DFG geförderten) Allianz- bzw. Nationallizenz frei zugänglich.This publication is with permission of the rights owner freely accessible due to an Alliance licence and a national licence (funded by the DFG, German Research Foundation) respectively.Drug-induced liver toxicity dominates the reasons for pharmaceutical product ban, withdrawal or non-approval since the thalidomide disaster in the late-1950s. Hopes to finally solve the liver toxicity test dilemma have recently risen to a historic level based on the latest progress in human microfluidic tissue culture devices. Chip-based human liver equivalents are envisaged to identify liver toxic agents regularly undiscovered by current test procedures at industrial throughput. In this review, we focus on advanced microfluidic microscale liver equivalents, appraising them against the level of architectural and, consequently, functional identity with their human counterpart in vivo. We emphasise the inherent relationship between human liver architecture and its drug-induced injury. Furthermore, we plot the current socio-economic drug development environment against the possible value such systems may add. Finally, we try to sketch a forecast for translational innovations in the field

    Torque Teno Virus (TTV) distribution in healthy Russian population

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Torque teno virus (TTV) is a circular, single-stranded DNA virus that chronically infects healthy individuals of all ages worldwide. There is a lot of data on the prevalence and genetic heterogeneity of TTV in healthy populations and in patients with various diseases now available. However, little is known about TTV load among healthy human population. In this study we analyzed TTV load in the group of 512 Russian elite athletes, who are supposed to be, by some standards, the healthiest part of the human population.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The prevalence rate of TTV among the Russian Olympic Reserve members was 94% (for test sensitivity about 1000 genome equivalents per 1 ml of blood). Quantities varied from 10<sup>3 </sup>(which corresponded to detection limit) to 10<sup>10 </sup>copies per 1 ml of blood, with median at 2.7 Ă— 10<sup>6 </sup>copies.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>About 94% of healthy individuals in Russian population have more than 1000 TTV genome copies per 1 ml of blood. This result exceeds the previously published data, and can be explained by either more sensitive PCR test system or by higher TTV distribution in Russian population or both. TTV viral load neither depends on gender, nor age.</p

    Mistletoe lectin dissociates into catalytic and binding subunits before translocation across the membrane to the cytoplasm

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    AbstractHybridomas producing monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) against the mistletoe lectin A-chain (MLA) were obtained to investigate the intracellular routing and translocation of ribosome-inactivating proteins. Anti-MLA mAb MNA5 did not bind the holotoxin but interacted with isolated MLA. This epitope was not recognized upon MLA denaturation or conjugation of MLA with the ricin binding subunit (RTB). Furthermore, the mAbs did not appreciably react with a panel of MLA synthetic octapeptides linked to the surface of polyethylene pins. A study of the cytotoxicity of mistletoe lectin, ricin, and chimeric toxin MLA/RTB for the hybridomas revealed that interchain disulfide bond reduction and subunit dissociation are required for cytotoxic activity of mistletoe lectin

    Skin and hair on-a-chip: in vitro skin models versus ex vivo tissue maintenance with dynamic perfusion

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    Dieser Beitrag ist mit Zustimmung des Rechteinhabers aufgrund einer (DFG geförderten) Allianz- bzw. Nationallizenz frei zugänglich.This publication is with permission of the rights owner freely accessible due to an Alliance licence and a national licence (funded by the DFG, German Research Foundation) respectively.Substantial progress has been achieved over the last few decades in the development of skin equivalents to model the skin as an organ. However, their static culture still limits the emulation of essential physiological properties crucial for toxicity testing and compound screening. Here, we describe a dynamically perfused chip-based bioreactor platform capable of applying variable mechanical shear stress and extending culture periods. This leads to improvements of culture conditions for integrated in vitro skin models, ex vivo skin organ cultures and biopsies of single hair follicular units.BMBF, 0315569, GO-Bio 3: Multi-Organ-Bioreaktoren für die prädiktive Substanztestung im ChipformatDFG, GSC 203, Berlin-Brandenburg School for Regenerative Therapie

    Membrane fusion mediated by ricin and viscumin

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    AbstractThe ribosome inactivating plant proteins (RIPs) ricin and viscumin but not Ricinus communis agglutinin are able induce vesicle–vesicle fusion. A model is suggested in which the toxicity of the RIPs is partially determined by their fusogenicity. Herein, fusion is hypothesized to allow the RIPs to leak across endocytic vesicles to approve their access to cytoplasmic ribosomes

    The Mechanism of Regulated Release of Lasso/Teneurin-2

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    Teneurins are large cell-surface receptors involved in axon guidance. Teneurin-2 (also known as latrophilin-1-associated synaptic surface organizer (Lasso)) interacts across the synaptic cleft with presynaptic latrophilin-1, an adhesion G-protein-coupled receptor that participates in regulating neurotransmitter release. Lasso-latrophilin-1 interaction mediates synapse formation and calcium signaling, highlighting the important role of this trans-synaptic receptor pair. However, Lasso is thought to be proteolytically cleaved within its ectodomain and released into the medium, making it unclear whether it acts as a proper cell-surface receptor or a soluble protein. We demonstrate here that during its intracellular processing Lasso is constitutively cleaved at a furin site within its ectodomain. The cleaved fragment, which encompasses almost the entire ectodomain of Lasso, is potentially soluble; however, it remains anchored on the cell surface via its non-covalent interaction with the transmembrane fragment of Lasso. Lasso is also constitutively cleaved within the intracellular domain (ICD). Finally, Lasso can be further proteolytically cleaved within the transmembrane domain. The third cleavage is regulated and releases the entire ectodomain of Lasso into the medium. The released ectodomain of Lasso retains its functional properties and binds latrophilin-1 expressed on other cells; this binding stimulates intracellular Ca2+ signaling in the target cells. Thus, Lasso not only serves as a bona fide cell-surface receptor, but also as a partially released target-derived signaling factor

    A dynamic multi-organ-chip for long-term cultivation and substance testing proven by 3D human liver and skin tissue co-culture

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    Dieser Beitrag ist mit Zustimmung des Rechteinhabers aufgrund einer (DFG geförderten) Allianz- bzw. Nationallizenz frei zugänglich.This publication is with permission of the rights owner freely accessible due to an Alliance licence and a national licence (funded by the DFG, German Research Foundation) respectively.Current in vitro and animal tests for drug development are failing to emulate the systemic organ complexity of the human body and, therefore, to accurately predict drug toxicity. In this study, we present a multi-organ-chip capable of maintaining 3D tissues derived from cell lines, primary cells and biopsies of various human organs. We designed a multi-organ-chip with co-cultures of human artificial liver microtissues and skin biopsies, each a 1/100 000 of the biomass of their original human organ counterparts, and have successfully proven its long-term performance. The system supports two different culture modes: i) tissue exposed to the fluid flow, or ii) tissue shielded from the underlying fluid flow by standard Transwell® cultures. Crosstalk between the two tissues was observed in 14-day co-cultures exposed to fluid flow. Applying the same culture mode, liver microtissues showed sensitivity at different molecular levels to the toxic substance troglitazone during a 6-day exposure. Finally, an astonishingly stable long-term performance of the Transwell®-based co-cultures could be observed over a 28-day period. This mode facilitates exposure of skin at the air–liquid interface. Thus, we provide here a potential new tool for systemic substance testing.BMBF, 0315569, GO-Bio 3: Multi-Organ-Bioreaktoren für die prädiktive Substanztestung im Chipforma

    Proteolytically released Lasso/teneurin-2 induces axonal attraction by interacting with latrophilin-1 on growth cones

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    A presynaptic adhesion G-protein-coupled receptor, latrophilin-1, and a postsynaptic transmembrane protein, Lasso/teneurin-2, are implicated in trans-synaptic interaction that contributes to synapse formation. Surprisingly, during neuronal development, a substantial proportion of Lasso is released into the intercellular space by regulated proteolysis, potentially precluding its function in synaptogenesis. We found that released Lasso binds to cell-surface latrophilin-1 on axonal growth cones. Using microfluidic devices to create stable gradients of soluble Lasso, we show that it induces axonal attraction, without increasing neurite outgrowth. Using latrophilin-1 knockout in mice, we demonstrate that latrophilin-1 is required for this effect. After binding latrophilin-1, Lasso causes downstream signaling, which leads to an increase in cytosolic calcium and enhanced exocytosis, processes that are known to mediate growth cone steering. These findings reveal a novel mechanism of axonal pathfinding, whereby latrophilin-1 and Lasso mediate both short-range interaction that supports synaptogenesis, and long-range signalling that induces axonal attraction

    An integrative proteomics method identifies a regulator of translation during stem cell maintenance and differentiation

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    To characterize molecular changes during cell type transitions, the authors develop a method to simultaneously measure protein expression and thermal stability changes. They apply this approach to study differences between human pluripotent stem cells, their progenies, parental and allogeneic cells. Detailed characterization of cell type transitions is essential for cell biology in general and particularly for the development of stem cell-based therapies in regenerative medicine. To systematically study such transitions, we introduce a method that simultaneously measures protein expression and thermal stability changes in cells and provide the web-based visualization tool ProteoTracker. We apply our method to study differences between human pluripotent stem cells and several cell types including their parental cell line and differentiated progeny. We detect alterations of protein properties in numerous cellular pathways and components including ribosome biogenesis and demonstrate that modulation of ribosome maturation through SBDS protein can be helpful for manipulating cell stemness in vitro. Using our integrative proteomics approach and the web-based tool, we uncover a molecular basis for the uncoupling of robust transcription from parsimonious translation in stem cells and propose a method for maintaining pluripotency in vitro