422 research outputs found

    Dynamical response of the Galileo Galilei on the ground rotor to test the equivalence principle: Theory, simulation, and experiment. II. The rejection of common mode forces

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    "Galileo Galilei on the ground" (GGG) is a fast rotating differential accelerometer designed to test the equivalence principle (EP). Its sensitivity to differential effects, such as the effect of an EP violation, depends crucially on the capability of the accelerometer to reject all effects acting in common mode. By applying the theoretical and simulation methods reported in Part I of this work, and tested therein against experimental data, we predict the occurrence of an enhanced common mode rejection of the GGG accelerometer. We demonstrate that the best rejection of common mode disturbances can be tuned in a controlled way by varying the spin frequency of the GGG rotor. (c) 2006 American Institute of Physics

    Leaf water diffusion dynamics in vivo through a sub-terahertz portable imaging system

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    The development of terahertz based technology has given the opportunity for the realization of non destructive techniques capable of gaining meaningful information on delicate systems such as biological samples. Here, the health status of leaves in vivo has been monitored through a portable terahertz imaging system. The data have been extracted and analysed from the images acquired and compared with analogous results reported in the literature on similar systems. The possibilty of extracting additional information from the images regarding leaf details has also been explored

    Efficient temperature sensing using photoluminescence of Er/Ybimplanted GaN thin films

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    tThe luminescence characteristics of GaN films implanted with Er at low doses were evaluated. The defect-related yellow luminescence (YL) and green luminescence (GL) bands observed under direct excitationwith 488 nm were attributed to the transitions via different charge levels of the same defect. The quench-ing behavior of the luminescence intensity either with the temperature or concentration variation can beattributed to nonradiative energy transfer (ET) and/or charge transfer by trapping impurities. The tem-perature dependence of the YL band allowed us to identify the defect responsible for this emission. Thebest candidate for this defect was found to be a nitrogen-vacancy. A GaN sample co-doped with Er3+andYb3+ions was prepared, and its optical properties were analyzed. The incorporation of Yb3+improved thePL emission intensity in the visible region. This feature results from the efficient ET processes betweenthese two doping ions. The color coordinate analysis indicates that Er3+/Yb3+co-doped GaN semiconduc-tor emits light with color in the white-light region. To investigate the temperature sensing applicationof the synthesized co-doped semiconductor, the temperature-sensing performance was evaluated usingthe fluorescence intensity ratio technique in the temperature range 200–300K. The significant temper-ature sensitivity indicates its potential as a temperature sensing probe. The maximum sensitivity was15 × 10−4K−1at 200 K

    Dynamical response of the "GGG" rotor to test the Equivalence Principle: theory, simulation and experiment. Part I: the normal modes

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    Recent theoretical work suggests that violation of the Equivalence Principle might be revealed in a measurement of the fractional differential acceleration η\eta between two test bodies -of different composition, falling in the gravitational field of a source mass- if the measurement is made to the level of η≃10−13\eta\simeq 10^{-13} or better. This being within the reach of ground based experiments, gives them a new impetus. However, while slowly rotating torsion balances in ground laboratories are close to reaching this level, only an experiment performed in low orbit around the Earth is likely to provide a much better accuracy. We report on the progress made with the "Galileo Galilei on the Ground" (GGG) experiment, which aims to compete with torsion balances using an instrument design also capable of being converted into a much higher sensitivity space test. In the present and following paper (Part I and Part II), we demonstrate that the dynamical response of the GGG differential accelerometer set into supercritical rotation -in particular its normal modes (Part I) and rejection of common mode effects (Part II)- can be predicted by means of a simple but effective model that embodies all the relevant physics. Analytical solutions are obtained under special limits, which provide the theoretical understanding. A simulation environment is set up, obtaining quantitative agreement with the available experimental data on the frequencies of the normal modes, and on the whirling behavior. This is a needed and reliable tool for controlling and separating perturbative effects from the expected signal, as well as for planning the optimization of the apparatus.Comment: Accepted for publication by "Review of Scientific Instruments" on Jan 16, 2006. 16 2-column pages, 9 figure

    Polarization Control in Integrated Graphene-Silicon Quantum Photonics Waveguides

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    We numerically investigated the use of graphene nanoribbons placed on top of silicon-on-insulator (SOI) strip waveguides for light polarization control in silicon photonic-integrated waveguides. We found that two factors mainly affected the polarization control: the graphene chemical potential and the geometrical parameters of the waveguide, such as the waveguide and nanoribbon widths and distance. We show that the graphene chemical potential influences both TE and TM polarizations almost in the same way, while the waveguide width tapering enables both TE-pass and TM-pass polarizing functionalities. Overall, by increasing the oxide spacer thickness between the silicon waveguide and the top graphene layer, the device insertion losses can be reduced, while preserving a high polarization extinction ratio

    Virgo calibration and reconstruction of the gravitational wave strain during VSR1

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    Virgo is a kilometer-length interferometer for gravitational waves detection located near Pisa. Its first science run, VSR1, occured from May to October 2007. The aims of the calibration are to measure the detector sensitivity and to reconstruct the time series of the gravitational wave strain h(t). The absolute length calibration is based on an original non-linear reconstruction of the differential arm length variations in free swinging Michelson configurations. It uses the laser wavelength as length standard. This method is used to calibrate the frequency dependent response of the Virgo mirror actuators and derive the detector in-loop response and sensitivity within ~5%. The principle of the strain reconstruction is highlighted and the h(t) systematic errors are estimated. A photon calibrator is used to check the sign of h(t). The reconstructed h(t) during VSR1 is valid from 10 Hz up to 10 kHz with systematic errors estimated to 6% in amplitude. The phase error is estimated to be 70 mrad below 1.9 kHz and 6 micro-seconds above.Comment: 8 pages, 8 figures, proceedings of Amaldi 8 conference, to be published in Journal of Physics Conference Series (JPCS). Second release: correct typo

    Calibration and sensitivity of the Virgo detector during its second science run

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    The Virgo detector is a kilometer-length interferometer for gravitational wave detection located near Pisa (Italy). During its second science run (VSR2) in 2009, six months of data were accumulated with a sensitivity close to its design. In this paper, the methods used to determine the parameters for sensitivity estimation and gravitational wave reconstruction are described. The main quantities to be calibrated are the frequency response of the mirror actuation and the sensing of the output power. Focus is also put on their absolute timing. The monitoring of the calibration data as well as the parameter estimation with independent techniques are discussed to provide an estimation of the calibration uncertainties. Finally, the estimation of the Virgo sensitivity in the frequency-domain is described and typical sensitivities measured during VSR2 are shown.Comment: 30 pages, 23 figures, 1 table. Published in Classical and Quantum Gravity (CQG), Corrigendum include

    The variable finesse locking technique

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    Virgo is a power recycled Michelson interferometer, with 3 km long Fabry-Perot cavities in the arms. The locking of the interferometer has been obtained with an original lock acquisition technique. The main idea is to lock the instrument away from its working point. Lock is obtained by misaligning the power recycling mirror and detuning the Michelson from the dark fringe. In this way, a good fraction of light escapes through the antisymmetric port and the power build-up inside the recycling cavity is extremely low. The benefit is that all the degrees of freedom are controlled when they are almost decoupled, and the linewidth of the recycling cavity is large. The interferometer is then adiabatically brought on to the dark fringe. This technique is referred to as variable finesse, since the recycling cavity is considered as a variable finesse Fabry-Perot. This technique has been widely tested and allows us to reach the dark fringe in few minutes, in an essentially deterministic way

    Reconstruction of the gravitational wave signal h(t)h(t) during the Virgo science runs and independent validation with a photon calibrator

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    The Virgo detector is a kilometer-scale interferometer for gravitational wave detection located near Pisa (Italy). About 13 months of data were accumulated during four science runs (VSR1, VSR2, VSR3 and VSR4) between May 2007 and September 2011, with increasing sensitivity. In this paper, the method used to reconstruct, in the range 10 Hz-10 kHz, the gravitational wave strain time series h(t)h(t) from the detector signals is described. The standard consistency checks of the reconstruction are discussed and used to estimate the systematic uncertainties of the h(t)h(t) signal as a function of frequency. Finally, an independent setup, the photon calibrator, is described and used to validate the reconstructed h(t)h(t) signal and the associated uncertainties. The uncertainties of the h(t)h(t) time series are estimated to be 8% in amplitude. The uncertainty of the phase of h(t)h(t) is 50 mrad at 10 Hz with a frequency dependence following a delay of 8 ÎŒ\mus at high frequency. A bias lower than 4 Όs4\,\mathrm{\mu s} and depending on the sky direction of the GW is also present.Comment: 35 pages, 16 figures. Accepted by CQ
