6,508 research outputs found

    Simulation in ground-test facilities of ablation performance of charring ablators during atmospheric entry

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    Ground test facility simulation of performance of charring ablators during atmospheric entr

    Program for the transient response of ablating axisymmetric bodies including the effects of shape change

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    Governing differential equation, boundary conditions for the analysis on which computer program is based, and method of solution of resulting finite difference equations are discussed in the documentation

    Effects of thermal cycling on composite materials for space structures

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    The effects of thermal cycling on the thermal and mechanical properties of composite materials that are candidates for space structures are briefly described. The results from a thermal analysis of the orbiting Space Station Freedom is used to define a typical thermal environment and the parameters that cause changes in the thermal history. The interactions of this environment with composite materials are shown and described. The effects of this interaction on the integrity as well as the properties of GR/thermoset, Gr/thermoplastic, Gr/metal and Gr/glass composite materials are discussed. Emphasis is placed on the effects of the interaction that are critical to precision spacecraft. Finally, ground test methodology are briefly discussed

    Preliminary burn and impact tests of hybrid polymeric composites

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    Free graphite fibers released into the environment from resin matrix composite components, as a result of fire and/or explosion, pose a potential hazard to electrical equipment. An approach to prevent the fibers from becoming airborne is to use hybrid composite materials which retain the fibers at the burn site. Test results are presented for three hybrid composites that were exposed to a simulation of an aircraft fire and explosion. The hybrid systems consisted of 16 plies of graphite-epoxy with two plies of Kevlar-, S-glass-, or boron-epoxy on each face. Two different test environments were used. In one environment, specimens were heated by convection only, and then impacted by a falling mass. In the other environment, specimens were heated by convection and by radiation, but were not impacted. The convective heat flux was about 100-120 kW/m in both environments and the radiative flux was about 110 kW/sq m

    NASA space materials research

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    The effect of the space environment on: (1) thermal control coatings and thin polymer films; (2) radiation stability of 250 F and 350 F cured graphite/epoxy composites; and (3) the thermal mechanical stability of graphite/epoxy, graphite/glass composites are considered. Degradation in mechanical properties due to combined radiation and thermal cycling is highlighted. Damage mechanisms are presented and chemistry modifications to improve stability are suggested. The dimensional instabilities in graphite/epoxy composites associated with microcracking during thermal cycling is examined as well as the thermal strain hysteresis found in metal-matrix composites

    Thermal expansion of graphite-epoxy between 116 K and 366 K

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    A Priest laser interferometer was developed to measure the thermal strain of composite laminates. The salient features of this interferometer are that: (1) it operates between 116 K and 366 K; (2) it is easy to operate; (3) minimum specimen preparation is required; (4) coefficients of thermal expansion in the range of 0-5 micro epsilon/K can be measured; and (5) the resolution of thermal strain is on the order of micro epsilon. The thermal response of quasi-isotropic, T300/5208, grahite-epoxy composite material was studied with this interferometer. The study showed that: (1) for the material tested, thermal cycling effects are negligible; (2) variability of thermal response from specimen to specimen may become significant at cryogenic temperatures; and (3) the thermal response of 0.6 cm and 2.5 cm wide specimens are the same above room temperature

    Prediction of moisture and temperature changes in composites during atmospheric exposure

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    The effects of variations in diffusion coefficients, surface properties of the composite, panel tilt, ground reflection, and geographical location on the moisture concentration profiles and average moisture content of composite laminates were studied analytically. A heat balance which included heat input due to direct and sky diffuse solar radiation, ground reflection, and heat loss due to reradiation and convection was used to determine the temperature of composites during atmospheric exposure. The equilibrium moisture content was assumed proportional to the relative humidity of the air in the boundary layer of the composite. Condensation on the surface was neglected. Histograms of composite temperatures were determined and compared with those for the ambient environment

    A study of the simulation of the flight performance of charring ablators in ground facilities

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    Simulated charring ablator performance during reentry phas

    Thermal expansion of selected graphite reinforced polyimide-, epoxy-, and glass-matrix composite

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    The thermal expansion of three epoxy-matrix composites, a polyimide-matrix composite and a borosilicate glass-matrix composite, each reinforced with continuous carbon fibers, has been measured and compared. The expansion of a composite with a rubber toughened epoxy-matrix and P75S carbon fibers was very different from the expansion of two different single phase epoxy-matrix composites with P75S fibers although all three had the same stacking sequence. Reasonable agreement was obtained between measured thermal-expansion data and results from classical laminate theory. The thermal expansion of a material may change markedly as a result of thermal cycling. Microdamage, induced by 250 cycles between -156 C and 121 C in the graphite/polyimide laminate, caused a 53 percent decrease in the coefficient of thermal expansion. The thermal expansion of the graphite/glass laminate was not changed by 100 thermal cycles from -129 C to 38 C; however, a residual strain of about 10 x 10 to the minus 6 power was measured for the laminate tested

    Development of a Priest interferometer for measurement of the thermal expansion of a graphite epoxy in the temperature range 116-366 K

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    The thermal expansion behavior of graphite epoxy laminates between 116 and 366 degrees Kelvin was investigated using as implementation of the Priest interferometer concept. The design, construction and use of the interferometer along with the experimental results it was used to generate are described. The experimental program consisted of 25 tests on 25.4 mm and 6.35 mm wide, 8 ply pi/4 quasi-isotropic T300-5208 graphite/epoxy specimens and 3 tests on a 25.4 mm wide unidirectional specimen. Experimental results are presented for all tests along with a discussion of the interferometer's limitations and some possible improvements in its design