44 research outputs found

    Magnetic-Domain Structure Analysis of Nd-Fe-B Sintered Magnets Using XMCD-PEEM Technique

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    A combination of X-Ray Magnetic Circular Dichroism and PhotoEmission Electron Microscopy (XMCD-PEEM) was applied to the magnetic domain analysis of Nd-Fe-B sintered magnets. The XMCD-PEEM high-resolution images revealed both the magnetic domain structures and the microstructural morphologies. In the thermally demagnetized state, each grain in a polycrystalline sample exhibits a multidomain structure, which is magnetically coupled across grain boundaries. After the DC field-demagnetization, it changed to a single domain structure. The magnetization vector in each surface grain reversed to the negative direction during the field-demagnetization procedure because of the small coercivity in the surface region. In the present study, we observed this surface domain reversal for the first time by means of XMCD-PEEM imaging method, which is important in order to understand the surface phenomena of Nd-Fe-B magnets

    Исследование реологических свойств биополимерных буровых растворов с использованием понизителей фильтрации на основе КМК и ПАЦ

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    Исследование биополимерных растворов первичного вскрытия на основе карбоксиметильных эфиров крахмала и целлюлозы.Research of biopolymer solutions of primary opening on the basis of carboxymethyl esters of starch and cellulose

    In Situ Susceptibility Measurement of the Low Temperature Martensitic Transformation.

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    Effect of Magnetic Field on Martensitic Transformation in Some Ferrous Alloys

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    Lattice Softening in Fe3Pt Exhibiting Three Types of Martensitic Transformations

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    We have investigated the relation between the softening of elastic constants and martensitic transformation in Fe3Pt, which exhibits various kinds of martensitic transformation depending on its long-range order parameter S. The martensite phases of the examined alloys are BCT (S = 0.57), FCT1 (S = 0.75, c/a < 1) and FCT2 (S = 0.88, c/a > 1). The elastic constants C′ and C44 of these alloys decrease almost linearly with decreasing temperature. Although the temperature coefficient of C′ decreases as S increases, C′ at the transformation temperature is the smallest in the alloy with S = 0.75, which transforms to FCT1. This result implies that softening is most strongly related to the formation of the FCT1 martensite with tetragonality c/a < 1 among the three martensites

    Effects of a Strong Magnetic Field on Diffusional Transformations in Fe-based Alloys.

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