41 research outputs found

    Aryldiazonium tetrafluoroborate salts as green and efficient coupling partners for the Suzuki-Miyaura reaction : from optimisation to mole scale

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    The use of aryldiazonium tetrafluoroborate salts as coupling partners in the Suzuki-Miyaura reaction was investigated from a process chemistry perspective including safety evaluation, solvent and catalyst screening and multi-variate factor optimization. Optimised conditions were applied to a range of substrates to evaluate the scope and limitations of the reaction and one example was carried out on mole-scale to demonstrate the practicality and scalability of the proces

    The alpha-effect in cyclic secondary amines: new scaffolds for iminium ion accelerated transformations

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    Five-membered secondary amine heterocycles containing an α-heteroatom were prepared and shown to be ineffective as catalysts for the iminium ion catalysed Diels–Alder reaction between cinnamaldehyde and cyclopentadiene. Their six-membered counterparts proved to be highly active catalysts. In stark contrast, the catalytic activity observed when comparing the non α-heteroatom cyclic amines proline methyl ester and methyl pipecolinate showed the five-membered ring amine was significantly more active. Concurrent density functional theoretical calculations suggest a rationale for the observed trends in reactivity, highlighting that LUMO activation through an iminium ion intermediate plays a key role in catalytic activity

    Alkene syn- and anti-oxyamination with malonoyl peroxides

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    Malonoyl peroxide [6] is an effective reagent for the syn- or anti-oxyamination of alkenes. Reaction of [6] and an alkene in the presence of O-tert-butyl-N-tosylcarbamate (R3 = CO2tBu) leads to the anti-oxyaminated product in up to 99% yield. Use of O-methyl-N-tosyl carbamate (R3 = CO2Me) as the nitrogen nucleophile followed by treatment of the product with trifluoroacetic acid leads to the syn-oxyaminated product in up to 77% yield. Mechanisms consistent with the observed selectivities are proposed

    Ratiometric sensing of fluoride ions using Raman spectroscopy

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    Ratiometric Raman spectroscopy represents a novel sensing approach for the detection of fluoride anions based on alkyne desilylation chemistry. This method enables rapid, anion selective and highly sensitive detection of fluoride in a simple paper-based assay format using a portable Raman spectrometer

    A new class of ratiometric small molecule intracellular pH sensors for Raman microscopy

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    Intracellular pH (pHi) homeostasis is intertwined with a myriad of normal cellular behaviors as well as pathological processes. As such, small molecule probes for the measurement of pHi are invaluable tools for chemical biology, facilitating the study of the role of pH in cellular function and disease. The field of small molecule pHi sensors has traditionally been dominated with probes based on fluorescent scaffolds. In this study, a series of low molecular weight (<260) oligoyne compounds have been developed which exhibit pH sensitive alkyne stretching frequencies (νalkyne) in Raman spectroscopy. The modular design of the compounds enabled tuneability of their pKa(H) through simple structural modification, such that continuous pH sensitivity is achieved over the range 2-10. Alkyne stretching bands reside in the 'cell-silent' region of the Raman spectrum (1800-2600 cm-1) and are readily detectable in a cellular environment with subcellular spatial resolution. This enabled the application of a pH sensitive oligoyne compound to the ratiometric sensing of pHi in prostate cancer (PC3) cells in response to drug treatment. We propose that probes based on Alkyne Tag Raman Imaging offer an entirely new platform for the sensing of pHi, complementary to fluorescence microscopy

    S-acylation of Sprouty and SPRED proteins by the S-acyltransferase zDHHC17 involves a novel mode of enzyme-substrate interaction

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    S-Acylation is an essential post-translational modification, which is mediated by a family of twenty-three zDHHC enzymes in humans. Several thousand proteins are modified by S-acylation; however, we lack a detailed understanding of how enzyme-substrate recognition and specificity is achieved. Previous work showed that the ankyrin repeat domain of zDHHC17 (ANK17) recognizes a short linear motif, known as the zDHHC ANK binding motif (zDABM) in substrate protein SNAP25, as a mechanism of substrate recruitment prior to S-acylation. Here, we investigated the S-acylation of the Sprouty and SPRED family of proteins by zDHHC17. Interestingly, although Sprouty-2 (Spry2) contains a zDABM that interacts with ANK17, this mode of binding is dispensable for S-acylation, and indeed removal of the zDABM does not completely ablate binding to zDHHC17. Furthermore, the related SPRED3 protein interacts with and is efficiently S-acylated by zDHHC17 despite lacking a zDABM. We undertook mutational analysis of SPRED3 to better understand the basis of its zDABM-independent interaction with zDHHC17. This analysis found that the cysteine-rich SPR domain of SPRED3, which is the defining feature of all Sprouty and SPRED proteins, interacts with zDHHC17. Surprisingly, the interaction with SPRED3 was independent of ANK17. Our mutational analysis of Spry2 was consistent with the SPR domain of this protein containing a zDHHC17 binding site, and Srpy2 also showed detectable binding to a zDHHC17 mutant lacking the ANK domain. Thus, zDHHC17 can recognize its substrates through ANK domain and zDABM-dependent and –independent mechanisms, and some substrates display more than one mode of binding to this enzyme

    Organocatalytic sulfoxidation

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    Treatment of a sulfide with a catalytic amount of a 1,3 diketone in the presence of silica sulfuric acid as a co-catalyst and hydrogen peroxide (50% aq) as the stoichiometric oxidant leads to the corresponding sulfoxide product. The reaction is effective for diaryl, aryl-alkyl and dialkyl sulfides and is tolerant of oxidisable and acid sensitive functional groups. Investigations have shown that the tris-peroxide 2, formed on reaction of pentane-2,4-dione with hydrogen peroxide under acidic reaction conditions, can oxidise two equivalents of sulfide using the exocyclic peroxide groups whereas the endocyclic peroxide remains intact. Calculations provide a mechanism consistent with experimental observations and suggest the reaction proceeds via an initial acid catalysed ring opening of a protonated tris-peroxide prior to oxygen transfer to a sulfur nucleophile

    Direct comparison of nick-joining activity of the nucleic acid ligases from bacteriophage T4

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    The genome of bacteriophage T4 encodes three polynucleotide ligases, which seal the backbone of nucleic acids during infection of host bacteria. The T4Dnl (T4 DNA ligase) and two RNA ligases [T4Rnl1 (T4 RNA ligase 1) and T4Rnl2] join a diverse array of substrates, including nicks that are present in double-stranded nucleic acids, albeit with different efficiencies. To unravel the biochemical and functional relationship between these proteins, a systematic analysis of their substrate specificity was performed using recombinant proteins. The ability of each protein to ligate 20 bp double-stranded oligonucleotides containing a single-strand break was determined. Between 4 and 37 °C, all proteins ligated substrates containing various combinations of DNA and RNA. The RNA ligases ligated a more diverse set of substrates than T4Dnl and, generally, T4Rnl1 had 50-1000-fold lower activity than T4Rnl2. In assays using identical conditions, optimal ligation of all substrates was at pH 8 for T4Dnl and T4Rnl1 and pH 7 for T4Rnl2, demonstrating that the protein dictates the pH optimum for ligation. All proteins ligated a substrate containing DNA as the unbroken strand, with the nucleotides at the nick of the broken strand being RNA at the 3'-hydroxy group and DNA at the 5'-phosphate. Since this RNA-DNA hybrid was joined at a similar maximal rate by T4Dnl and T4Rnl2 at 37 °C, we consider the possibility that this could be an unexpected physiological substrate used during some pathways of 'DNA repair'

    Inhibition of the ULK1 protein complex suppresses Staphylococcus-induced autophagy and cell death

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    Autophagy plays multiple roles in host cells challenged with extracellular pathogens. Here, we aimed to explore whether autophagy inhibition could prevent bacterial infections. We first confirmed widely distinct patterns of autophagy responses in host cells infected with Staphylococcus aureus, as compared with Salmonella. Only infection with Staphylococcus produced strong accumulation of lipidated autophagy-related protein LC3B (LC3B-II). Infection with virulent Staphylococcus strains induced formation of p62-positive aggregates, suggestive of accumulated ubiquitinated targets. During Salmonella infection, bacteria remain enclosed by lysosomal-associated membrane protein 2 (LAMP2)-positive lysosomes, whereas virulent Staphylococcus apparently exited from enlarged lysosomes and invaded the cytoplasm. Surprisingly, Staphylococcus appeared to escape from the lysosome without generation of membrane-damage signals as detected by Galectin3 recruitment. In contrast, Salmonella infection produced high levels of lysosomal damage, consistent with a downstream antibacterial xenophagy response. Lastly, we studied the Unc-51-like autophagy-activating kinase 1 (ULK1) regulatory complex, including the essential subunit autophagy-related protein 13 (ATG13). Infection of cells with either Staphylococcus or Salmonella led to recruitment of ATG13 to sites of cytosolic bacterial cells to promote autophagosome formation. Of note, genetic targeting of ATG13 suppressed autophagy and the ability of Staphylococcus to infect and kill host cells. Two different ULK1 inhibitors also prevented Staphylococcus intracellular replication and host cell death. Interestingly, inhibition of the ULK1 pathway had the opposite effect on Salmonella, sensitizing cells to the infection. Our results suggest that ULK1 inhibitors may offer a potential strategy to impede cellular infection by Staphylococcus aureus