9 research outputs found

    Organic Acid Composition in Croatian Predicate Wines

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    Continental Croatia wine region and especially Kutjevo vineyards are famous for their predicate wines production and quality. The most common grape varieties used there for different types of predicate wine are Welsch Riesling and Traminer. Ice wines, selected harvest wines and dry berry selection wines from different harvest years were examined by HPLC method to determine organic acids composition. The oldest sample was Traminer selected harvest from vintage year 1990, while the youngest wine was Traminer ice wine from harvest 2011. The dominant organic acids in all analyzed wines were tartaric, malic, citric and galactaric, ranged from 0.09 to 2.98 g/L. In most wines the difference in concentration of glucuronic, galacturonic and gluconic acids was established. The highest content of glucuronic acid was 58.4 mg/L in Traminer dry berry selection 2011. Galacturonic acid dominated in the same wine (924 mg/L), just like gluconic acid (141 mg/L)

    Ispitivanje fenolnog profila i antioksidacijskog učinka meda od metvice (Mentha spp.)

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    Research background. The composition of honey is influenced by the botanical source and geographical area of the nectar from which it is derived. Unifloral honeys reach higher market value than multifloral honeys due to their specific aromas, which result from volatile and phenolic compounds. Experimental approach. The aim of our study is to characterize the phenolic composition of a rare unifloral variety of honey – mint (Mentha spp.) honey. For this purpose, we performed standard physicochemical analyses, pollen analysis, determined total phenolic and flavonoid content, analysed antioxidant activity and performed qualitative and quantitative analyses of phenolic compounds for five mint honeys. Results and conclusions. Our results indicate that mint honey samples have high phenolic content, expressed in gallic acid equivalents, from (76.7±0.6) to (90.1±1.1) mg/100 g, and flavonoid content, expressed as quercetin equivalents, from (6.7±0.6) to (12.5±0.8) mg/100 g. These honey samples also exhibit strong antioxidant activity, expressed as Trolox equivalents, from (33.6±2.8) to (51.3±1.2) mg/100 g and from (14.4±0.8) to (55.1±2.4) mg/100 g when analysed with DPPH and ABTS assays, respectively. Quantitative LC-MS/MS analysis revealed that the most abundant phenols in all samples were chrysin, apigenin and p-coumaric acid. Qualitative LC-MS/MS analysis identified the presence of kaempferide, diosmetin, acacetin and several caffeic acid derivatives. Novelty and scientific contribution. Our study indicates that mint honey contains unique phenolic profiles, which likely contribute to its distinctive aroma and strong antioxidant activity. A detailed description of the rare honey varieties gives beekeepers greater visibility and easier access to the demanding natural product market.Pozadina istraživanja. Na sastav meda utječu botanički izvor i geografsko podrijetlo nektara iz kojeg je dobiven. Uniflorni medovi postižu veću tržišnu vrijednost od multiflornih zbog svoje specifične arome, koja je rezultat prisustva hlapljivih i fenolnih spojeva. Eksperimentalni pristup. Svrha je našeg rada bila okarakterizirati fenolni sastav rijetke uniflorne sorte meda – meda od metvice (Mentha spp.). U tu svrhu smo proveli standardne fizikalno-kemijske analize i analizu peludi, odredili ukupne udjele fenola i flavonoida, ispitali antioksidacijsku aktivnost te kvalitativno i kvantitativno ispitali fenolne spojeve u pet uzoraka meda od metvice. Rezultati i zaključci. Rezultati pokazuju da uzorci meda od metvice imaju velik udjel fenola, izražen u ekvivalentima galne kiseline, od (76,7±0,6) do (90,1±1,1) mg/100 g, te udjel flavonoida, izražen u ekvivalentima kvercetina, od (6,7±0,6) do (12,5±0,8) mg/100 g. Uzorci su također imali snažnu antioksidacijsku aktivnost, izraženu u Trolox ekvivalentima, i to prema metodi DPPH od (33,6±2,8) do (51,3±1,2) mg/100 g, a prema metodi ABTS od (14,4±0,8) do (55,1±2,4) mg/100 g. Kvantitativnim ispitivanjem pomoću spregnutog sustava tekućinske kromatografije i tandemske spektrometrije masa utvrđeno je da su najzastupljeniji fenoli u svim uzorcima bili krizin, apigenin i p-kumarinska kiselina, dok je kvalitativnom analizom pomoću istog sustava utvrđena prisutnost kemferida, diosmetina, akacetina i nekoliko derivata kafeinske kiseline. Novost i znanstveni doprinos. U istraživanju smo pokazali da med od metvice ima jedinstven fenolni profil, koji pridonosi njegovoj prepoznatljivoj aromi i snažnom antioksidativnom djelovanju. Detaljan opis rijetkih sorti meda omogućava pčelarima veću vidljivost i lakši pristup zahtjevnom tržištu prirodnih proizvoda


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    Očuvanje genetskih resursa predstavlja odgovornost svakog naroda, stoga su mnoge zemlje prepoznale potrebu unaprijeđenja praćenja, očuvanja i dokumetniranja životinjskih genetskih resursa. Animalna proizvodnja je od vitalnog značaja za čovječanstvo i očuvanje genetske raznolikosti u populacijama životinja čime im se osigurava budućnost. Nužno je da svaka zemlja razvije najbolju pojedinačnu strategiju ili politiku očuvanja farmskih životinjskih genetskih resursa prije dizajniranja nacionalnog krioprezervacijskog programa. Osnivanje i integracija banke gena u uzgojne programe i programe očuvanja izvornih i zaštićenih pasmina od značaja je za održivost ukupnih genetskih resursa u HrvatskojConservation of genetic resources is the responsibility of each nation, so many countries have recognized the need to improve the monitoring, conservation and documentation of animal genetic resources. Animal production is of vital importance for humanity and the preservation of genetic diversity in populations of animals providing them with the future. It is necessary for each country to develop the best single strategy or policy of conservation of farm animal genetic resources before designing national cryo-preservation program. The establishment of gene banks and the integration into breeding programs and conservation of native and endangered breeds is important for the sustainability of the overall genetic resources in Croatia


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    Očuvanje genetskih resursa predstavlja odgovornost svakog naroda, stoga su mnoge zemlje prepoznale potrebu unaprijeđenja praćenja, očuvanja i dokumetniranja životinjskih genetskih resursa. Animalna proizvodnja je od vitalnog značaja za čovječanstvo i očuvanje genetske raznolikosti u populacijama životinja čime im se osigurava budućnost. Nužno je da svaka zemlja razvije najbolju pojedinačnu strategiju ili politiku očuvanja farmskih životinjskih genetskih resursa prije dizajniranja nacionalnog krioprezervacijskog programa. Osnivanje i integracija banke gena u uzgojne programe i programe očuvanja izvornih i zaštićenih pasmina od značaja je za održivost ukupnih genetskih resursa u HrvatskojConservation of genetic resources is the responsibility of each nation, so many countries have recognized the need to improve the monitoring, conservation and documentation of animal genetic resources. Animal production is of vital importance for humanity and the preservation of genetic diversity in populations of animals providing them with the future. It is necessary for each country to develop the best single strategy or policy of conservation of farm animal genetic resources before designing national cryo-preservation program. The establishment of gene banks and the integration into breeding programs and conservation of native and endangered breeds is important for the sustainability of the overall genetic resources in Croatia

    Maturation of wine in underwater springs as a novel wine production process

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    The technological process of wine production affects its chemical composition and consequently its organoleptic properties. Therefore, innovative technologies in wine production are of great importance in the competitive wine market. The maturation of wine in underwater springs is a novel technological process that, except for adding an attractive appearance to the wine bottle, potentially influences the wine's chemical composition. Herein, we performed total phenolic and flavonoid content analysis, phenolic profiling, and determined antioxidant potential for Malvasia white wines matured in traditional cellars and in the Northern Adriatic underwater springs. The antioxidant potential and total phenol and flavonoid content did not show significant differences between the two wine maturation processes. However, LC–MS/MS quantitative analysis showed that wines matured in the underwater springs had significantly increased concentrations of naringenin and myricetin. Despite the lack of a significant difference in chemical composition measured by less sensitive spectrophotometric methods, the quantitative differences of phenolic compounds were persistent and, as such, are a stimulus for further development and optimization of new wine production technologies including wine maturation in underwater springs

    Combined inhibitory effect of fir (Abies alba Mill.) honeydew honey and probiotic bacteria Lactiplantibacillus plantarum on the growth of Salmonella enterica serotype Typhimurium

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    Honey is a natural food consisting mainly of sugars, enzymes, amino acids, organic acids, vitamins, minerals and aromatic substances. In addition to specific organoleptic properties, honey also has other components that contribute to its nutritional and health value. Proteins, vitamins, minerals, organic acids and phenolic compounds, the most variable components of honey, are predominantly responsible for its strong bioactive effect. Honeydew honey is a less known type of honey with outstanding antimicrobial and antioxidant properties that also demonstrates prebiotic effects and can promote the growth of probiotic bacteria. Foodborne illnesses can be prevented by using probiotic strains in combination with prebiotics. The aim of this study was for the first time to determine potential synergistic antimicrobial effect of fir (Abies alba Mill.) honeydew honey (HS) and probiotic bacteria Lactiplantibacillus plantarum on Salmonella enterica serotype Typhimurium, a primary cause of foodborne illnesses. The effect of three different samples of fir honeydew honey on the growth of L. plantarum in de Man, Rogosa and Sharpe (MRS) medium and the potential synergistic effect of HSs and L. plantarum on the growth of S. Typhimurium in the Brain Heart Infusion (BHI) medium were examined. The results indicate that concentrations of 1 and 5% of all three HS samples stimulate the growth and metabolic activity of L. plantarum, while a concentration of 10% inhibits the growth of L. plantarum. The concentration of 5% of all three HS and L. plantarum combined inhibits the growth of S. Typhimurium in BHI broth. Fir honeydew honey showed potential prebiotic properties and antimicrobial activity, both of which can synergistically enhance the probiotic efficacy of L. plantarum against S. Typhimurium To conclude, the combination of fir honeydew honey and L. plantarum represents a successful combination against S. Typhimurium and additional experiments are necessary regarding the mechanisms of their combined effect

    From the Autochthonous Grape Varieties of the Kastav Region (Croatia) to the Belica Wine

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    Research background. Coastal region of Croatia is rich in autochthonous grape varieties. Many of them have been almost abandoned, such as the autochthonous varieties of Kastav (Croatia), used for the production of the Kastavska Belica wine. Therefore, the rationale of the presented study is to characterize autochthonous grape varieties Verdić, Mejsko belo, Jarbola, Divjaka and Brajkovac. In addition, we performed a molecular characterization of the corresponding Belica wines. Experimental approach. Firstly, the genetic origin and ampelographic and economic characteristics of five autochthonous grape varieties were determined. Standard physicochemical profiles and phenolic components of 12 wines from different producers were determined by liquid chromatography coupled to triple quadrupole mass spectrometer (LC-QQQ-MS). Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) was used for determination of standard physicochemical parameters. Results and conclusions. Ampelographic analysis, which includes the data on producing characteristics and cluster and berry composition of the varieties, revealed significant differences between the analysed grape varieties. Results of the physicochemical analysis of the Belica wine showed that all wines met the requirements needed for the production of quality and top quality wines labelled with protected designation of origin (PDO) in Croatian coastal region. The LC-QQQ-MS analysis confirmed the presence of different phenolic components in the Belica wines, where the most prominent phenols were flavonoids from the flavan-3-ol group. Overall, these results showed that autochthonous grapes from the Kastav region can be used for production of wines with added market value due to a growing demand for autochthonous products on the global market. Novelty and scientific contribution. The presented results give scientific insight and a basis for further determination of the optimal cultivation technology aimed to take advantage of the best characteristics of each variety for production of a wine with desirable features

    Od autohtonih sorti grožđa Kastavske regije (Hrvatska) do vina Belica

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    Research background. Coastal region of Croatia is rich in autochthonous grape varieties. Many of them have been almost abandoned, such as the autochthonous varieties of Kastav (Croatia), used for the production of the Kastavska Belica wine. Therefore, the rationale of the presented study is to characterize autochthonous grape varieties Verdić, Mejsko belo, Jarbola, Divjaka and Brajkovac. In addition, we performed a molecular characterization of the corresponding Belica wines. Experimental approach. Firstly, the genetic origin and ampelographic and economic characteristics of five autochthonous grape varieties were determined. Standard physicochemical profiles and phenolic components of 12 wines from different producers were determined by liquid chromatography coupled to triple quadrupole mass spectrometer (LC-QQQ-MS). Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) was used for determination of standard physicochemical parameters. Results and conclusions. Ampelographic analysis, which includes the data on producing characteristics and cluster and berry composition of the varieties, revealed significant differences between the analysed grape varieties. Results of the physicochemical analysis of the Belica wine showed that all wines met the requirements needed for the production of quality and top quality wines labelled with protected designation of origin (PDO) in Croatian coastal region. The LC-QQQ-MS analysis confirmed the presence of different phenolic components in the Belica wines, where the most prominent phenols were flavonoids from the flavan-3-ol group. Overall, these results showed that autochthonous grapes from the Kastav region can be used for production of wines with added market value due to a growing demand for autochthonous products on the global market. Novelty and scientific contribution. The presented results give scientific insight and a basis for further determination of the optimal cultivation technology aimed to take advantage of the best characteristics of each variety for production of a wine with desirable features.Pozadina istraživanja. Primorsko područje Hrvatske bogato je autohtonim sortama vinove loze. Mnoge od njih su gotovo napuštene, poput autohtonih sorti s područja grada Kastva (Hrvatska), koje se koriste za proizvodnju vina kastavska Belica. Stoga je svrha prikazanog istraživanja bila okarakterizirati autohtone sorte vinove loze Verdić, Mejsko belo, Jarbola, Divjaka i Brajkovac. Osim karakteristika sorti, provedena je i molekularna karakterizacija vina kastavska Belica. Eksperimentalni pristup. Najprije su utvrđeni genetsko podrijetlo te ampelografske i gospodarske značajke pet autohtonih sorti grožđa. Standardni fizikalno-kemijski profili i fenolni sastojci iz 12 uzoraka vina različitih proizvođača određeni su tekućinskom kromatografijom spregnutom s trostrukim kvadrupolnim masenim spektrometrom (LC-QQQ-MS). Infracrvena spektroskopija s Fourierovom transformacijom (FTIR) korištena je za određivanje standardnih fizikalno-kemijskih parametara. Rezultati i zaključci. Ampelografskom analizom podataka o strukturi grozda i bobice te proizvodnim karakteristikama, poput prinosa i broja grozdova, potvrđene su bitne razlike između analiziranih sorti grožđa. Rezultati fizikalno-kemijske analize vina kastavska Belica pokazuju da sva vina ispunjavaju uvjete potrebne za proizvodnju kvalitetnih i vrhunskih vina sa zaštićenom oznakom izvornosti (ZOI) u Hrvatskom primorju. LC-QQQ-MS analiza potvrdila je prisutnost različitih fenolnih sastojaka u vinima, gdje su najizraženiji fenolni spojevi bili flavonoidi iz skupine flavan-3-ol. Uzevši sve navedeno u obzir, rezultati pokazuju da se grožđe autohtonih sorti s područja Kastva može koristiti za proizvodnju vina vrhunske kvalitete. Time vino kastavska Belica dobiva dodatnu tržišnu vrijednost, zbog sve veće potražnje za autohtonim proizvodima. Novost i znanstveni doprinos. Prikazani rezultati daju znanstveni uvid i osnovu za daljnje određivanje optimalne tehnologije uzgoja s ciljem iskorištavanja najboljih značajki svake sorte za proizvodnju vina poželjnih svojstava

    From the Autochthonous Grape Varieties of the Kastav Region (Croatia) to the Belica Wine

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    Research background. Coastal region of Croatia is rich in autochthonous grape varieties. Many of them have been almost abandoned, such as the autochthonous varieties of Kastav (Croatia), used for the production of the Kastavska Belica wine. Therefore, the rationale of the presented study is to characterize autochthonous grape varieties Verdić, Mejsko belo, Jarbola, Divjaka and Brajkovac. In addition, we performed a molecular characterization of the corresponding Belica wines. Experimental approach. Firstly, the genetic origin and ampelographic and economic characteristics of five autochthonous grape varieties were determined. Standard physicochemical profiles and phenolic components of 12 wines from different producers were determined by liquid chromatography coupled to triple quadrupole mass spectrometer (LC-QQQ-MS). Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) was used for determination of standard physicochemical parameters. Results and conclusions. Ampelographic analysis, which includes the data on producing characteristics and cluster and berry composition of the varieties, revealed significant differences between the analysed grape varieties. Results of the physicochemical analysis of the Belica wine showed that all wines met the requirements needed for the production of quality and top quality wines labelled with protected designation of origin (PDO) in Croatian coastal region. The LC-QQQ-MS analysis confirmed the presence of different phenolic components in the Belica wines, where the most prominent phenols were flavonoids from the flavan-3-ol group. Overall, these results showed that autochthonous grapes from the Kastav region can be used for production of wines with added market value due to a growing demand for autochthonous products on the global market. Novelty and scientific contribution. The presented results give scientific insight and a basis for further determination of the optimal cultivation technology aimed to take advantage of the best characteristics of each variety for production of a wine with desirable features