3,911 research outputs found

    Ultrafast dephasing of coherent optical phonons in atomically controlled GeTe/Sb2_{2}Te3_{3} superlattices

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    Femtosecond dynamics of coherent optical phonons in GeTe/Sb2_{2}Te3_{3} superlattices (SLs), a new class of semiconductor SLs with three different states, have been investigated by using a reflection-type pump-probe technique at various lattice temperatures. The time-resolved transient reflectivity (TR) obtained in as-grown SLs exhibits the coherent A1_{1} optical modes at 5.10 THz and 3.78 THz, while only the single A1_{1} mode at 3.68 THz is observed in annealed SLs. The decay rate of the A1_{1} mode in annealed SLs is strongly temperature dependent, while that in as-grown SLs is not temperature dependent. This result indicates that the damping of the coherent A1_{1} phonons in amorphous SLs is governed by the phonon-defect (vacancy) scattering rather than the anharmonic phonon-phonon coupling.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figure

    Nucleosynthesis in Core-Collapse Supernovae and GRB--Metal-Poor Star Connection

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    We review the nucleosynthesis yields of core-collapse supernovae (SNe) for various stellar masses, explosion energies, and metallicities. Comparison with the abundance patterns of metal-poor stars provides excellent opportunities to test the explosion models and their nucleosynthesis. We show that the abundance patterns of extremely metal-poor (EMP) stars, e.g., the excess of C, Co, Zn relative to Fe, are in better agreement with the yields of hyper-energetic explosions (Hypernovae, HNe) rather than normal supernovae. We note that the variation of the abundance patterns of EMP stars are related to the diversity of the Supernova-GRB connection. We summarize the diverse properties of (1) GRB-SNe, (2) Non-GRB HNe/SNe, (3) XRF-SN, and (4) Non-SN GRB. In particular, the Non-SN GRBs (dark hypernovae) have been predicted in order to explain the origin of C-rich EMP stars. We show that these variations and the connection can be modeled in a unified manner with the explosions induced by relativistic jets. Finally, we examine whether the most luminous supernova 2006gy can be consistently explained with the pair-instability supernova model.Comment: 15 pages, 9 figures. To appear in "Supernova 1987A: 20 Years After: Supernovae and Gamma-Ray Bursters", eds. S. Immler, K. Weiler, & R. McCray (American Institute of Physics) (2007

    The Connection between Gamma-Ray Bursts and Extremely Metal-Poor Stars as Nucleosynthetic Probes of the Early Universe

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    The connection between the long GRBs and Type Ic Supernovae (SNe) has revealed the interesting diversity: (i) GRB-SNe, (ii) Non-GRB Hypernovae (HNe), (iii) X-Ray Flash (XRF)-SNe, and (iv) Non-SN GRBs (or dark HNe). We show that nucleosynthetic properties found in the above diversity are connected to the variation of the abundance patterns of extremely-metal-poor (EMP) stars, such as the excess of C, Co, Zn relative to Fe. We explain such a connection in a unified manner as nucleosynthesis of hyper-aspherical (jet-induced) explosions Pop III core-collapse SNe. We show that (1) the explosions with large energy deposition rate, E˙dep\dot{E}_{\rm dep}, are observed as GRB-HNe and their yields can explain the abundances of normal EMP stars, and (2) the explosions with small E˙dep\dot{E}_{\rm dep} are observed as GRBs without bright SNe and can be responsible for the formation of the C-rich EMP (CEMP) and the hyper metal-poor (HMP) stars. We thus propose that GRB-HNe and the Non-SN GRBs (dark HNe) belong to a continuous series of BH-forming stellar deaths with the relativistic jets of different E˙dep\dot{E}_{\rm dep}.Comment: 8 pages, 6 figures. To appear in "Massive Stars as Cosmic Engines", Proceedings of IAU Symposium 250 (December 2007, Kauai), eds. F. Bresolin, P.A. Crowther, & J. Puls (Cambridge Univ. Press

    First Detection of Ar-K Line Emission from the Cygnus Loop

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    We observed the Cygnus Loop with XMM-Newton (9 pointings) and Suzaku (32 pointings) between 2002 and 2008. The total effective exposure time is 670.2 ks. By using all of the available data, we intended to improve a signal-to-noise ratio of the spectrum. Accordingly, the accumulated spectra obtained by the XIS and the EPIC show some line features around 3 keV that are attributed to the S Heβ\beta and Ar Heα\alpha lines, respectively. Since the Cygnus Loop is an evolved (∼\sim10,000 yr) supernova remnant whose temperature is relatively low (<<1 keV) compared with other young remnants, its spectrum is generally faint above 3.0 keV, no emission lines, such as the Ar-K line have ever been detected. The detection of the Ar-K line is the first time and we found that its abundance is significantly higher than that of the solar value; 9.0−3.8+4.0^{+4.0}_{-3.8} and 8.4−2.7+2.5^{+2.5}_{-2.7} (in units of solar), estimated from the XIS and the EPIC spectra, respectively. We conclude that the Ar-K line originated from the ejecta of the Cygnus Loop. Follow-up X-ray observations to tightly constrain the abundances of Ar-rich ejecta will be useful to accurately estimate the progenitor's mass.Comment: 12 pages, 9 figures, accepted for publication in PAS

    The Unique Type Ib Supernova 2005bf at Nebular Phases: A Possible Birth Event of A Strongly Magnetized Neutron Star

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    Late phase nebular spectra and photometry of Type Ib Supernova (SN) 2005bf taken by the Subaru telescope at ~ 270 and ~ 310 days since the explosion are presented. Emission lines ([OI]6300, 6363, [CaII]7291, 7324, [FeII]7155) show the blueshift of ~ 1,500 - 2,000 km s-1. The [OI] doublet shows a doubly-peaked profile. The line luminosities can be interpreted as coming from a blob or jet containing only ~ 0.1 - 0.4 Msun, in which ~ 0.02 - 0.06 Msun is 56Ni synthesized at the explosion. To explain the blueshift, the blob should either be of unipolar moving at the center-of-mass velocity v ~ 2,000 - 5,000 km s-1, or suffer from self-absorption within the ejecta as seen in SN 1990I. In both interpretations, the low-mass blob component dominates the optical output both at the first peak (~ 20 days) and at the late phase (~ 300 days). The low luminosity at the late phase (the absolute R magnitude M_R ~ -10.2 mag at ~ 270 days) sets the upper limit for the mass of 56Ni < ~ 0.08 Msun, which is in contradiction to the value necessary to explain the second, main peak luminosity (M_R ~ -18.3 mag at ~ 40 days). Encountered by this difficulty in the 56Ni heating model, we suggest an alternative scenario in which the heating source is a newly born, strongly magnetized neutron star (a magnetar) with the surface magnetic field Bmag ~ 10^{14-15} gauss and the initial spin period P0 ~ 10 ms. Then, SN 2005bf could be a link between normal SNe Ib/c and an X-Ray Flash associated SN 2006aj, connected in terms of Bmag and/or P0.Comment: 16 pages, 12 figures. Accepted by the Astrophysical Journa

    Spin-orbit coupling inactivity of Co2+^{2+} ion in geometrically frustrated magnet GeCo2_2O4_4

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    We report single-crystal neutron diffraction studies on a spinel antiferromagnet GeCo2_2O4_4, which exhibits magnetic order with a trigonal propagation vector and tetragonal lattice expansion (c/a≃1.001c/a\simeq1.001) below TN=21T_{\rm N}=21 K. For this inconsistency between spin and lattice in symmetry, magnetic Bragg reflections with a tetragonal propagation vector were discovered below TNT_{\rm N}. We discuss spin and orbital states of Co2+^{2+} ion underlying the new magnetic component.Comment: 3 pages 2 figures, submitted to ICFCM proceeding (Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2011

    Loss of the chromatin regulator MRG15 limits neural stem/progenitor cell proliferation via increased expression of the p21 Cdk inhibitor

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    AbstractChromatin regulation is crucial for many biological processes such as transcriptional regulation, DNA replication, and DNA damage repair. We have found that it is also important for neural stem/progenitor cell (NSC) function and neurogenesis. Here, we demonstrate that expression of the cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor p21 is specifically up-regulated in Mrg15 deficient NSCs. Knockdown of p21 expression by p21 shRNA results in restoration of cell proliferation. This indicates that p21 is directly involved in the growth defects observed in Mrg15 deficient NSCs. Activated p53 accumulates in Mrg15 deficient NSCs and this most likely accounts for the up-regulation of p21 expression in the cells. We observed decreased p53 and p21 levels and a concomitant increase in the percentage of BrdU positive cells in Mrg15 null cultures following expression of p53 shRNA. DNA damage foci, as indicated by immunostaining for γH2AX and 53BP1, are detectable in a sub-population of Mrg15 deficient NSC cultures under normal growing conditions and the majority of p21-positive cells are also positive for 53BP1 foci. Furthermore, Mrg15 deficient NSCs exhibit severe defects in DNA damage response following ionizing radiation. Our observations highlight the importance of chromatin regulation and DNA damage response in NSC function and maintenance

    Mitochondrial Genome Polymorphism in Lolium perenne

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    The restriction fragment length polymorphisms (RFLPs) of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) of perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.) were investigated to elucidate the genetic relatedness among the 128 cultivars including diploid and tetraploid. Many patterns of RFLPs were observed and allowed assigning of the cultivars into the main eight haplotypes of mitochondrial genome relatedness. The American cultivars were classified into haplotype I and VIII which were remote at the mitochondrial genome from each other, the European ones were distributed to all haplotypes and the tetraploid ones were mostly assigned into the haplotype V. The assessment of mtDNA RFLPs may be a valuable method in analyzing a cytoplasmic differentiation among the perennial ryegrass cultivars. Further investigations are required to elucidate mtDNA diversity in relation with the maternal effects on the agronomic traits of perennial ryegrass
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