13 research outputs found

    The effect of nitrogen fertilization on quality and yield of grass-legume mixtures

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    Studies were carried out in pure stands of three grasses: cocksfoot, meadow fescue and perennial ryegrass, and lucerne, as well as their mixtures with different ratios of individual components. The trial was carried out on an experimental field of the Institute for Animal Husbandry (Belgrade, Serbia). Fertilization with N caused a significant increase of yield. The highest yields were determined in treatments with 100 kg N ha(-1), and the lowest in treatments without fertilization. Fertilization increased significantly the CP content, but without impact on other quality parameters. CP, NDF and ADF differed significantly in various crops

    Testiranje novih sorti viŔegodiŔnjih trava u godini setve

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    Testing of new cultivars of perennial grasses cocksfoot (Dactylis glomerata L.), meadow fescue (Festuca pratensis L.) and tall fescue (Festuca arundinacea Huds.) was carried out on experimental field of the Institute for Animal Husbandry in year 2005. Trial was set according to random block system, on 10m2, soil type carbonate chernozem. Climatic conditions in year of sowing were at the level of average values for several years for daily temperature, 12,40C compared to 12,10C, and for precipitation difference was even greater 831,6mm compared to average calculated for several years of 645,2mm. Main morphological and phenological traits of plants were investigated, plant growth, height at 1st cut, plant regeneration after 10 days, as well as production of green mass and dry matter. All five cocksfoot cultivars had considerably higher yields per cuts, total (2,12-2,69 t ha-1). Two cultivars of meadow fescue showed no significant difference in yield of dry matter (1,84-2,03 t ha-1), whereas cultivars of tall fescue differed highly significantly in this regard (1,84-1,62 t ha-1). Also, main parameters of plant quality, organic matter, content of crude protein, crude fibre and crude fat in the 2nd cut were determined. Investigated cultivars of cocksfoot and tall fescue differed significantly, whereas cultivars of meadow fescue were very similar. Obtained results were processed using variation statistical methods and mean values were tested using LSD test.Testiranje novih sorti viÅ”egodiÅ”njih trava ježevice (Dactylis glomerata L.), livadskog vijuka (Festuca pratensis L.) i visokog vijuka (Festuca arundinacea Huds.) obavljeno je setvom na oglednom polju Instituta za stočarstvo 2005 godine. Ogled je postavljen po slučajnom blok rasporedu, na 5 m2, na zemljiÅ”tu tipa slabo-karbonatni černozem. Klimatski uslovi u godini setve bili su na nivou viÅ”egodiÅ”njeg proseka za srednju dnevnu temperaturu 12,40C, dok je suma godiÅ”njih padavina iznosila 831,6mm Å”to je znatno viÅ”e od viÅ”egodiÅ”njeg proseka za 186 mm. Ispitivane su osnovne morfoloÅ”ke i fenoloÅ”ke osobine biljaka: porast biljaka, visina pri prvom otkosu, regeneracija biljaka 10 dana nakon kosidbe, kao i produkcija zelene i suve materije. Svih 5 sorti ježevice imaju visoko značajne prinose po otkosima, ukupno (2,12-2,69 t ha-1). Dve sorte livadskog vijuka se ne razlikuju značajno u prinosu suve materije (1,84-2,03 t ha-1), dok se sorte visokog vijuka vrlo značajno razlikuju (1,84-1,62 t ha-1). Takođe su utvrđeni osnovni parametri kvaliteta biljaka: organska materija, sadržaj sirovih proteina, sirova celuloza i sirove masti u II otkosu. Ispitivane sorte ježevice i visokog vijuka su se vrlo značajno razlikovale, dok su sorte livadskog vijuka bile vrlo ujednačene. Dobijeni rezultati obrađeni su analizom varijanse, a testiranja srednjih vrednosti obavljena LSD testom

    Pathogenicity and diversity of vegetative compatibility of Fusarium verticillioides

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    Pathogenicity of 10 Fusarium verticillioides isolates, originated from grain of wheat (five isolates) and maize (five isolates), were studied under greenhouse conditions. Based on different parameters of the pathogenicity estimate (a scale for % of nonemerged plants, % of survived plants, plant vigour - the growth and dry weight of roots and epicotyls and disease severity) it was determined that all F. verticillioides isolates expressed a different degree of pathogenicity. According to % of nonemerged plants six three and one F. verticillioides isolates expressed low, moderate and high degree of pathogenicity, respectively. All F. verticillioides isolates reduced the plant survival rate and vigour, while the disease severity ranged from 2.0 to 3.54. Two types of nit mutants, nit1 and NitM, were obtained by the use of the method of vegetative compatibility. The frequency of nit1 mutants was greater (58.79%) than the frequency of NitM mutants (5.77%). A total of 10 vegetative compatibility groups (VCGs) of F. verticillioides were established in the complementation tests. These results point out to a high genetic diversity of F. verticillioides population

    Modifikacija strukture smektita sumpornom kiselinom i karakteristike modifikovanih smektita

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    Bentonite samples from Petrovac and Aleksinac were treated with sulfuric acid of different molarities. Differences in structure and texture of the initial and modified bentonite were determined by chemical analysis and Xraypowder diffraction (XRPD), infra-red spectroscopy (FTIR), scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and physisorption nitrogen at -196Ā°C. Sulfuric acid caused an exchange of Al3+, Fe3+ and Mg2+ with H+ ions which led to a modification of the smectite crystalline structure. The Mg and Fe substitution in the octahedral sheet promoted the dispersion of those layers and forming of amorphous silicon. The sequence according to which the cations left the octahedral sheets was as follows: Mg2+>Fe3+>Al3+. The sulfuric acid activated bentonites exhibiting a lower cation exchange capacity (CEC) and a change of specific surface area (SBET) from 6 to 387 for bentonite from Petrovac and from 44 to 1784 m2 g-1 for bentonite from Aleksinac, positioning them as an excellent absorber in wine technology and in the protection of soil and environment.Uzorci bentonita iz Petrovca i Aleksinca tretirani su različitim molaritetima sumporne kiseline. Promene u strukturi i teksturi polaznih i modifikovanih bentonita utvrđene su hemijskom i analizom rendgenske difrakcije praha X-zraka (XRPD), infra crvenom spektroskopijom (FTIR), skening elektronskom mikroskopijom (SEM) i fizisorpcijom azota na -196Ā°C. Dejstvo H2SO4 kiseline izazvalo je zamenu Al3+, Fe3+ i Mg2+ sa H+ jonima Å”to je dovelo do modifikacije kristalne strukture smektita. Supstitucija Mg i Fe u oktaedarskom listu smektita promovisala je raspuÅ”tanje tih slojeva i formiranje silikatne faze. Redosled kojim su ovi katjoni napuÅ”tali oktaedarske listove bio je sledeći: Mg2+>Fe3+>Al3+. Sumpornom kiselinom aktivirani bentoniti pokazali su niži kapacitet katjonske izmene (CEC) i promenu specifične povrÅ”ine (SBET), od 6 na 387 kod bentonita Petrovca i od 44 na 1784 m2 g-1 kod bentonita Aleksinca, Å”to ih svrstava u odlične absorbente u tehnologiji vina, zaÅ”titi zemljiÅ”ta i životne sredine

    Analiza spoljnih i genetskih faktora u osobinama porasta balkanske koze

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    Research was conducted on animals of Balkan goat breed. The impact of environmental factors on the weight of kids was analyzed, and also the value of genetic parameters of growth traits of kids to weaning had been examined. The body weight of kids varied depending on the year from 2.27Ā±0.09 kg to 2.43Ā±0.08 kg at birth and 10.81Ā±0.58 kg to 11.13Ā±0.51 kg at weaning. Variations depending on the season, ranged from 2.24Ā±0.09 kg to 2.51Ā±0.05 kg. Sex also had an impact because the male kids had higher weight of 0.12 kg at birth and 0.20 kg at weaning. All differences caused by environmental factors were statistically significant (P (lt) 0.01). Single born kids in comparison with twin born kids had higher birth weight by 0.22 kg at birth and 0.37 kg in weaning. The differences were statistically significant (P (lt) 0.01). It is a known fact that the increase in litter size influences decrease in body weight of kids. We also found that the weight at birth is associated with body weight at weaning. Heritability for growth traits observed moving in the range of low values from 0.102 Ā± 0.039 to 0.153 Ā± 0.041. Repeatability of the observed traits varied from low to medium values in the interval from 0.118 Ā± 0.030 to 0.528 Ā± 0025.Istraživanje je sprovedeno kod balkanske rase koza. IzvrÅ”ena je analiza uticaja spoljnih faktora na težinu jaradi , a takođe je ispitivana vrednost genetskih parametara osobina porasta do odbijanja.Telesna masa jaradi u zavisnosti od zavisi od godine varira od 2,27 Ā± 0,09 kg do 2.43 Ā± 0.08 kg na rođenju i 10.81 Ā± 0.58 kg do 11.13 Ā± 0.51 kg pri odlučivanju. Varijacije u zavisnosti od sezone, kreću se u rasponu od 2.24 Ā± 0.09 kg do 2,51 Ā± 0.05 kg. Pol je takođe imao uticaj, jer su muÅ”ka jarad imala veću težinu za 0,12 kg na rođenju i 0.20 kg pri odlučivanju. Sve razlike izazvane faktorima okoline bile su statistički značajne (P (lt) 0,01). Jarad rođena kao jedinci u poređenju sa blizancima imaju viÅ”e porođajne težine za 0,22 kg na rođenju. Takođe su u prednosti i za 0.37 kg pri odbijanju. Razlike je statistički značajna (P (lt) 0,01). To je poznata činjenica da povećanje veličine legla, smanjuje telesnu masu jaradi. Takođe smo ustanovili da masa na rođenju je povezana sa telesnom masom pri odlučivanju. Heritabilnost za osobine porasta se kreće u rasponu od 0,102 Ā± 0,039 do 0,153 Ā± 0,041. Ponovljivost posmatranih osobina varira od niskih do srednjih vrednosti u intervalu od 0.118 do 0.528 Ā± 0.030 0025 Ā±

    Optimizacija i standardizacija autohtone tehnologije pirotskog kačkavalja sa zaŔtitom oznake porekla

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    Based on results of performed investigations and analysis of existing conditions relating to technological process in production of kachkaval, we propose the following: To determine the causes of disturbed secretion in case of cows and sheep, investigate the mechanism of proteolytic activity and explain the origin (endogenous or exogenous); Goat milk should be delivered to dairies separately; control of temperature and relative humidity in departments for maturing and drying of cheese; introduction of whey and water separation; in that case, butter can be produced from separated cream. In order to successfully realize project it is also necessary to investigate location of the dairy in Dojkinci in relation to raw material status in different seasons of the year, and take certain measures for improvement of hygienic condition of milk throughout entire technological process: milking, delivering to dairies, storage, transport, etc.; obligatory introduction of basic routine milk analysis when delivered to dairies (volume, acidity, etc.); Introduction of technological log - diary for certain phases of production of kachkaval is also necessary. Finally, subsequent to standardization of entire technological process activities related to obtaining of brand name for such product with determined geographical origin are of great importance.Stara planina spada u red najpoznatijih stočarskih regiona Srbije. Tokom istorije ovom planinom su prolazila nebrojena stada ovaca i gajilo se mnogo goveda. Zahvaljujući toj činjenici, koja je rezultat izvanrednih prirodnih uslova za bavljenje stočarstvom, javili su se i postali poznati Å”irom sveta proizvodi kao: pirotski kačkavalj, pirotsko jagnje i pirotski ćilim. Posle vekovima uspeÅ”nog stočarstva Stare planine, poslednih decenija XX veka krenuo je ne zadrživ proces stagnacije, Å”to je praćeno ne samo smanjenjem proizvodnje i redukcijom broja seoskog stanovniÅ”ta već i odumiranjem pojedinih sela. Da paradoks bude veći tražnja za proizvodima sa ovog područja pre svega kačkavalja ne prestaje i biva sve veća. Promene u pogledu privrednog razvoja naÅ”e zemlje koje su u toku osvetlile su zaboravljenu Staru planinu i pirotski kačkavalj, jer se shvatilo da Srbija može ponuditi svetskom tržiÅ”tu baÅ” te, već poznate specijalitete sa prirodno ne zagađenih područja. Da bi se to i desilo bilo je neophodno započeti projekat koji će na naučnim osnovama omogućiti sagledavanje potencijala i pokazati pravi put za aktiviranje resursa. Ovim projektom se planiraju sledeće najvažnije aktivnosti: -Utvrđivanje mogućnosti proizvodnje stočne hrane i način ishrane ovaca i goveda i predlog mera za njihovo poboljÅ”anje. -Ispitivanje proizvodnog potencijala populacija ovaca i goveda i predlog mera za unapređenje proizvodnje mleka. -Snimanje tradicionalne tehnologije proizvodnje kačkavalja i standardizacija svih procesa od prijema mleka do zrenja sira. -Na osnovu standardizacije proizvodnje kačkavalja i ispitivanja svih važnih osobina dobiće se robna marka i prepoznatljive karakteristike novog proizvoda koji će biti uveden u sistem za dobijanje oznake geografskog porekla

    Comparison of structural, textural and thermal characteristics of pure and acid treated bentonites from Aleksinac and Petrovac (Serbia)

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    Bentonite samples collected from vicinity of Petrovac and Aleksinac were treated with different sulfuric acid molarities. Acid attack dissolved the octahedral sheets by interlayer and edge attack. The effects of the H(2)SO(4) acid caused an exchange of Al(3+), Fe(3+) and Mg(2+) with H. ions leading to a modification of the smectite crystalline structure. The Mg and Fe substitution in the octahedral sheets promoted the dispersion of corresponding layers and formation of amorphous silicon. The activated bentonites, after the treatment of sulfuric acid, exhibited a lower cation-exchange capacity (CEC)and significant increase of specific surface area from 6 to 387 m(2) g(-1) (bentonite from Petrovac) and from 11 to 306 m(2) g(-1) (bentonite from Aleksinac). The acid reaction caused a splitting of particles within the octahedral sheet which led to an increase in specific surface area and decrease in CEC in both bentonites. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved

    Impact of mineral composition on the distribution of natural radionuclides in rigosol-anthrosol

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    Primordial radionuclides present in the rocks and minerals of the earth's crust are naturally occurring source of radiation that has important impact on human health. Therefore, it is essential to evaluate origin, mobility and transfer of natural radionuclides in ecosystem. Our paper represents the results of influence of mineral composition, sand-, silt-, and clay-size mechanical fraction and heavy mineral fraction on distribution and mobility of natural radionuclides 238U, 232Th, 226Ra and 40K in profiles of soil type rigosol, from the area of school estate good "Radmilovac" of Faculty of Agriculture, Zemun, University of Belgrade. Methods used were X-ray powder diffraction, heavy liquid mineral separation, HCBr3, scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and gamma-ray spectrometry. Analysis of the results showed correlation of natural radionuclides with heavy mineral fraction (Fe oxides and hydroxides, epidote, ilmeniterutile, staurolite and zircon, garnet, amphibole) and secondary minerals (Ca montmorillonite, mix layer silicates (MSS), illite, kaolinite and vermiculite)

    Optical properties CaWO4:Nd3+/PMMA composite layered structures

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    In this article, we report characterization of the layered composite fabricated from Nd3+ doped calcium twigstate single crystal (CaWO4 :Nd3+) and poly(methyl methacrylate) - PMMA with various organic-inorganic interfaces: CaWO4:Nd3+/MPTMS, CaWO4:Nd3+/PMMA and CaWO4:Nd3+/MPTMS/PMMA, a novel approach to optical composite materials. A trivalent neodymium-doped CaWO4 single crystal was grown by the Czochralski method. Poly(methyl methacrylate) - PMMA, was used as a protective polymer coating and (3-mercaptopropyl) trimethoxy silane (MPTMS), with aim to provide better adhesion between the crystal surface and the polymer in the composite. The optical properties of the crystal plates with various layers applied on surface were characterized using FTIR absorption, IR reflectivity, Raman and photoluminescence spectroscopy. Performed tests on the structural, optical and photo-luminescent properties of composites can facilitate the research of potential applications in micro- and optoelectronics. Hardness of CaWO4:Nd3+ before and after surface modification was determined by micro Vickers hardness test. The improved hardness of composite with the use of the MPTMS as an adhesion primer before PMMA was achieved. FTIR spectroscopy indicates the establishing of chemical bonding between single crystal layer, silane and polymer layer. Raman and PL spectroscopy confirm that optical properties of crystal with polymer layers were preserved

    Optimizacija i standardizacija autohtone tehnologije pirotskog kačkavalja sa zaŔtitom oznake porekla

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    Based on results of performed investigations and analysis of existing conditions relating to technological process in production of kachkaval, we propose the following: To determine the causes of disturbed secretion in case of cows and sheep, investigate the mechanism of proteolytic activity and explain the origin (endogenous or exogenous); Goat milk should be delivered to dairies separately; control of temperature and relative humidity in departments for maturing and drying of cheese; introduction of whey and water separation; in that case, butter can be produced from separated cream. In order to successfully realize project it is also necessary to investigate location of the dairy in Dojkinci in relation to raw material status in different seasons of the year, and take certain measures for improvement of hygienic condition of milk throughout entire technological process: milking, delivering to dairies, storage, transport, etc.; obligatory introduction of basic routine milk analysis when delivered to dairies (volume, acidity, etc.); Introduction of technological log - diary for certain phases of production of kachkaval is also necessary. Finally, subsequent to standardization of entire technological process activities related to obtaining of brand name for such product with determined geographical origin are of great importance.Stara planina spada u red najpoznatijih stočarskih regiona Srbije. Tokom istorije ovom planinom su prolazila nebrojena stada ovaca i gajilo se mnogo goveda. Zahvaljujući toj činjenici, koja je rezultat izvanrednih prirodnih uslova za bavljenje stočarstvom, javili su se i postali poznati Å”irom sveta proizvodi kao: pirotski kačkavalj, pirotsko jagnje i pirotski ćilim. Posle vekovima uspeÅ”nog stočarstva Stare planine, poslednih decenija XX veka krenuo je ne zadrživ proces stagnacije, Å”to je praćeno ne samo smanjenjem proizvodnje i redukcijom broja seoskog stanovniÅ”ta već i odumiranjem pojedinih sela. Da paradoks bude veći tražnja za proizvodima sa ovog područja pre svega kačkavalja ne prestaje i biva sve veća. Promene u pogledu privrednog razvoja naÅ”e zemlje koje su u toku osvetlile su zaboravljenu Staru planinu i pirotski kačkavalj, jer se shvatilo da Srbija može ponuditi svetskom tržiÅ”tu baÅ” te, već poznate specijalitete sa prirodno ne zagađenih područja. Da bi se to i desilo bilo je neophodno započeti projekat koji će na naučnim osnovama omogućiti sagledavanje potencijala i pokazati pravi put za aktiviranje resursa. Ovim projektom se planiraju sledeće najvažnije aktivnosti: -Utvrđivanje mogućnosti proizvodnje stočne hrane i način ishrane ovaca i goveda i predlog mera za njihovo poboljÅ”anje. -Ispitivanje proizvodnog potencijala populacija ovaca i goveda i predlog mera za unapređenje proizvodnje mleka. -Snimanje tradicionalne tehnologije proizvodnje kačkavalja i standardizacija svih procesa od prijema mleka do zrenja sira. -Na osnovu standardizacije proizvodnje kačkavalja i ispitivanja svih važnih osobina dobiće se robna marka i prepoznatljive karakteristike novog proizvoda koji će biti uveden u sistem za dobijanje oznake geografskog porekla