351 research outputs found

    Trends and Regional Variation in Hip, Knee and Shoulder Replacement

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    Analyzes patterns in underuse or overuse of joint replacements among Medicare beneficiaries by geographic regions and race/ethnicity. Explores underlying factors and highlights the need for physician and patient education and shared decision making

    Preceding rule induction with instance reduction methods

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    A new prepruning technique for rule induction is presented which applies instance reduction before rule induction. An empirical evaluation records the predictive accuracy and size of rule-sets generated from 24 datasets from the UCI Machine Learning Repository. Three instance reduction algorithms (Edited Nearest Neighbour, AllKnn and DROP5) are compared. Each one is used to reduce the size of the training set, prior to inducing a set of rules using Clark and Boswell's modification of CN2. A hybrid instance reduction algorithm (comprised of AllKnn and DROP5) is also tested. For most of the datasets, pruning the training set using ENN, AllKnn or the hybrid significantly reduces the number of rules generated by CN2, without adversely affecting the predictive performance. The hybrid achieves the highest average predictive accuracy

    Empirical Evaluation of the Difficulty of Finding a Good Value of k for the Nearest Neighbor

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    As an analysis of the classification accuracy bound for the Nearest Neighbor technique, in this work we have studied if it is possible to find a good value of the parmeter k for each example according to their attribute values. Or at least, if there is a pattern for the parameter k in the original search space. We have carried out different approaches based onthe Nearest Neighbor technique and calculated the prediction accuracy for a group of databases from the UCI repository. Based on the experimental results of our study, we can state that, in general, it is not possible to know a priori a specific value of k to correctly classify an unseen example

    A radical transition in the post-main-sequence system U Equulei

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    U Equ is an unusual maser-hosting IR source discovered in the 1990s. It was tentatively classified as a post-AGB star with a unique optical spectrum displaying rare emission and absorption features from molecular gas. In 2022, we discovered that its optical spectrum has drastically changed. Methods: Optical high-resolution spectra of U Equ from SALT are supplemented by archival data and NIR photometry from NOT. New spectral line observations with the Effelsberg telescope and ALMA are presented. Results: No circumstellar molecular features are present in the contemporary optical spectra of U Equ. Non-photospheric absorption and emission from neutral and ionized species dominate the current spectrum. Some of the observed features indicate an outflow with a terminal velocity of 215 km\s. The H\&K lines of [Ca II] indicate a photosphere of spectral type F. Photometric measurements show that the source has been monotonically increasing its optical and NIR fluxes since the beginning of this century. SEDs at different epochs show dusty circumstellar material arranged in a highly-inclined disk. At a distance of 4 kpc, the source's luminosity is 104^4 L_{\odot}. Conclusions: The object has changed considerably in the last three decades, either due to geometrical reconfiguration of the circumstellar medium, evolutionary changes in the central star, or owing to an accretion event that has started in the system very recently. Observationally, U Equ appears to resemble the Category 0 of disk-hosting post-AGB stars, especially the post-common envelope binary HD 101584. It is uncertain if the drastic spectral change and the associated optical/MIR rise in brightness are common in post-AGB stars but such a radical change may be related to the real-time onset of the evolution of the system into a planetary nebula. We find that the post-AGB star V576 Car has undergone a similar transformation as U Equ.Comment: Comments welcome

    Exploring the performance of resampling strategies for the class imbalance problem

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    The present paper studies the influence of two distinct factors on the performance of some resampling strategies for handling imbalanced data sets. In particular, we focus on the nature of the classifier used, along with the ratio between minority and majority classes. Experiments using eight different classifiers show that the most significant differences are for data sets with low or moderate imbalance: over-sampling clearly appears as better than under-sampling for local classifiers, whereas some under-sampling strategies outperform over-sampling when employing classifiers with global learning

    The Effect of Fish Oil Supplementation on Resistance Training-induced Adaptations

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    Background: Resistance exercise training (RET) is a common and well-established method to induce hypertrophy and improvement in strength. Interestingly, fish oil supplementation (FOS) may aug-ment RET-induced adaptations. However, few studies have been conducted on young, healthy adults. Methods: A randomized, placebo-controlled design was used to determine the effect of FOS, a concentrated source of eicosapen-taenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), compared to placebo (PL) on RET-induced adaptations following a 10-week RET program (3 days·week−1). Body composition was measured by dual- energy x-ray absorptiometry (LBM, fat mass [FM], percent body fat [%BF]) and strength was measured by 1-repetition maximum bar-bell back squat (1RMSQT) and bench press (1RMBP) at PRE (week 0) and POST (10 weeks). Supplement compliance was assessed via self-report and bottle collection every two weeks and via fatty acid dried blood spot collection at PRE and POST. An a priori α- level of 0.05 was used to determine statistical significance and Cohen’s d was used to quantify effect sizes (ES). Results: Twenty-one of 28 male and female participants (FOS, n = 10 [4 withdrawals]; PL, n = 11 [3 withdrawals]) completed the 10- week progressive RET program and PRE/POST measurements. After 10-weeks, blood EPA+DHA substantially increased in the FOS group (+109.7%, p\u3c .001) and did not change in the PL group (+1.3%, p = .938). Similar between-group changes in LBM (FOS: +3.4%, PL: +2.4%, p = .457), FM (FOS: −5.2%, PL: 0.0%, p = .092), and %BF (FOS: −5.9%, PL: −2.5%, p = .136) were observed, although, the between- group ES was considered large for FM (d = 0.84). Absolute and relative (kg·kg [body mass]−1) 1RMBP was significantly higher in the FOS group compared to PL (FOS: +17.7% vs. PL: +9.7%, p = .047; FOS: +17.6% vs. PL: +7.3%, p = .011; respectively), whereas absolute 1RMSQT was similar between conditions (FOS: +28.8% vs. PL: +20.5%, p = .191). Relative 1RMSQT was higher in the FOS group (FOS: +29.3% vs. PL: +17.9%, p = .045). Conclusions: When combined with RET, FOS improves absolute and relative 1RM upper-body and relative 1RM lower-body strength to a greater extent than that observed in the PL group of young, recreationally trained adults

    OWA-FRPS: A Prototype Selection method based on Ordered Weighted Average Fuzzy Rough Set Theory

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    The Nearest Neighbor (NN) algorithm is a well-known and effective classification algorithm. Prototype Selection (PS), which provides NN with a good training set to pick its neighbors from, is an important topic as NN is highly susceptible to noisy data. Accurate state-of-the-art PS methods are generally slow, which motivates us to propose a new PS method, called OWA-FRPS. Based on the Ordered Weighted Average (OWA) fuzzy rough set model, we express the quality of instances, and use a wrapper approach to decide which instances to select. An experimental evaluation shows that OWA-FRPS is significantly more accurate than state-of-the-art PS methods without requiring a high computational cost.Spanish Government TIN2011-2848

    Human Lifespan: To Live and Outlive 100 Years?

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    Starenje populacije je dominantno demografsko obilježje razvijenih zemalja. Stogodišnjaci su selekcionirana skupina i samo jedna od 7.000 do 10.000 osoba dosegne tu dob. Čimbenici dugovječnosti vjerojatno su brojni i uključuju gensko predodređenje (lokus na 4. kromosomu), zdrav okoliš i zdrave životne navike (prehrana s malo kalorija), redovita tjelesna i psihička aktivnost, kao i dostupnost te učinkovitost zdravstvene zaštite s primjenom geroprofi lakse. Stogodišnjaci se adaptiraju na novi život i na gubitak tjelesnih funkcija koji bivaju postupno sve izraženiji kako se dob povisuje. Granice ljudskog života produžuju se - do sada najstarija poznata osoba doživjela je 128 godina. Pojedina zemljopisna područja bilježe izrazito veći broj stogodišnjaka. Navedene su i neke dugovječne osobe s više od 100 godina u svijetu i na području Republike Hrvatske i nekih susjednih zemalja. Iako se uglavnom smatra da se granica trajanja života čovjeka ne može produžiti iznad 120 godina, za sada je ipak teško predvidjeti gdje su njezine granice.Aged population dominates in developed countries. Centenarians are a select group, and only one in 7,000 to 10,000 reach that age. Factors of longevity are numerous and include genetic predisposition (a locus on chromosome 4), environment, healthy lifestyle (hypocaloric diet, regular physical and mental exercise), accessible health services, and effi cient health protection at old age. Centenarians are well adapted to the new life and compensate for the loss of functions with age. The limits of human life are extended, so that nowadays the oldest person has reached the age of 128. Some geographic areas are characterised by higher numbers of centenarians. This article mentions a few individuals who outlived 100 years in the world, Croatia, and neighbouring countries. Although some argue that the limits of human life cannot be extended over the age of 120 years, for now we cannot predict the actual limits of human life

    Range shifts or extinction? Ancient DNA and distribution modelling reveal past and future responses to climate warming in cold-adapted birds.

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    Global warming is predicted to cause substantial habitat rearrangements, with the most severe effects expected to occur in high-latitude biomes. However, one major uncertainty is whether species will be able to shift their ranges to keep pace with climate-driven environmental changes. Many recent studies on mammals have shown that past range contractions have been associated with local extinctions rather than survival by habitat tracking. Here, we have used an interdisciplinary approach that combines ancient DNA techniques, coalescent simulations and species distribution modelling, to investigate how two common cold-adapted bird species, willow and rock ptarmigan (Lagopus lagopus and Lagopus muta), respond to long-term climate warming. Contrary to previous findings in mammals, we demonstrate a genetic continuity in Europe over the last 20 millennia. Results from back-casted species distribution models suggest that this continuity may have been facilitated by uninterrupted habitat availability and potentially also the greater dispersal ability of birds. However, our predictions show that in the near future, some isolated regions will have little suitable habitat left, implying a future decrease in local populations at a scale unprecedented since the last glacial maximum

    Wild birds of the Italian Middle Ages: diet, environment and society

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    Wild birds are intrinsically associated with our perception of the Middle Ages. They often feature in heraldic designs, paintings, and books of hours; few human activities typify the medieval period better than falconry. Prominent in medieval iconography, wild birds feature less frequently in written sources (as they were rarely the subject of trade transactions or legal documents) but they can be abundant in archaeological sites. In this paper we highlight the nature of wild bird exploitation in Italian medieval societies, ranging from their role as food items to their status and symbolic importance. A survey of 13 Italian medieval sites corresponding to 19 ‘period sites’, dated from the fifth to the fifteenth centuries, reveals the occurrence of more than 100 species (certainly an under-estimate of the actual number). Anseriformes and Columbiformes played a prominent role in the mid- and late medieval Italian diet, though Passeriformes and wild Galliformes were also important. In the late Middle Ages, there is an increase in species diversity and in the role of hunting as an important marker of social status