12 research outputs found

    Analysis of Pretreatment Factors Associated with Stability in Early Class III Treatment

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    BACKGROUND: The purpose of this study was to identify pretreatment factors associated with the stability of early class III treatment, since most orthodontists start the treatment with their uncertain hypotheses and/or predictions. Subjects consisted of 75 patients with a class III skeletal relationship (ANB \u3c 2° and overjet \u3c 0 mm) who had been consecutively treated with rapid maxillary expansion and facemask and followed until their second phase treatment. The patients were divided into two groups according to whether they showed relapse in follow-up. The stable group maintained their positive overjet (n = 55), and the unstable group experienced relapse with a zero or negative overjet (n = 20). Two general, three dental, and 13 cephalometric pretreatment factors were investigated to determine which factors were associated with stability. RESULTS: Sex, pretreatment age, and anteroposterior functional shift, which were hypothesized as associated factors, were not related to the stability of early class III treatment. Significant differences were detected between the two groups in the horizontal distance between the maxillary and mandibular molars in centric relation. Cephalometric variables, such as the mandibular length (Ar-Me), Wits appraisal, SN to ramus plane angle (SN-Rm), gonial angle, incisor mandibular plane angle (IMPA), and Frankfort plane to mandibular incisor angle (FMIA) showed significant differences between the groups. The horizontal distance was the most influential factor by logistic regression analysis. CONCLUSIONS: Hypothesis (related to sex, age, functional shift) were rejected. Several cephalometric factors related to the mandible were associated with stability. The horizontal distance between the maxillary and mandibular molars in centric relation was the best predictor of early class III treatment relapse

    Orthodontic Treatment Combined with Condylectomy and Two-jaw Surgery in a Case with Condylar Hyperplasia.

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    Unilateral condylar hyperplasia is characterized by dentofacial asymmetry, mandibular deviation, and malocclusion. We herein report improvements in mandibular deviation and malocclusion caused by orthodontic treatment combined with condylectomy and two-jaw surgery in a 17-year-old girl with unilateral condylar hyperplasia. Following orthognathic surgery combined with condylectomy, a ClassⅠ canine relationship with ideal overjet and overbite, tight interdigitation, and a satisfactory facial profile were achieved. After a retention period of two years and two months, the dental arch and occlusion remained stable, and the patient was fully satisfied with the treatment result.journal articl

    Evaluation of Tongue and Pharyngeal Cavity morphology in patients with Excessive Antero-inferior Facial Height and Lateral Palatine Ridge

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    本研究の目的は、過大な前下顔面高を有する患者のうち、口蓋側方隆起(LPR)を認める者、および認めない者における舌・咽頭腔の形態を評価することである。顔面高、口蓋形態、咽頭腔形態、舌位は相互に関連していると考えられており、その関連性を調べることは、矯正診断、矯正歯科治療計画の立案を行うために有用である。被験者は、骨格性Ⅰ級を示し、前下顔面高(Me-PP)が2標準偏差を越えて大きい患者で、LPRが認められる者19名をLPRあり群、認められない者32名をLPRなし群とした。また、骨格性Ⅰ級を示し、Me-PPが標準範囲内の値を示した13名を対照群とした。側面頭部エックス線規格写真を用いて、下顎中切歯切縁点と口蓋垂最下方点を通る直線を舌基底線、同2点を結ぶ線分の中点を舌中央点と設定した。舌中央点を通り、舌基底線とのなす角度が30°、60°、90°、120°および150°になる直線を引き、それぞれの直線と舌基底線上で、舌背から口蓋までの距離、舌中央点から舌背までの距離、中咽頭前後径、頸椎-中咽頭後壁間距離および軟口蓋傾斜角度を計測した。それぞれの計測項目について、LPRあり群、LPRなし群および対照群間に有意差があるかを一元配置分散分析およびTukeyの多重比較検定を用いて分析した。舌背から口蓋までの距離について、LPRあり群およびLPRなし群では、対照群と比較して、有意に大きい値を示した。舌中央点から舌背までの距離については、いずれの群間にも有意差は認められなかった。中咽頭前後径について、LPRあり群では、LPRなし群および対照群と比較して、有意に小さい値を示した。頸椎-中咽頭後壁間距離について、LPRあり群では、LPRなし群および対照群と比較して、有意に大きい値を示した。軟口蓋傾斜角については、いずれの群間にも有意差は認められなかった。以上の結果から、過大な前下顔面高を有する者は、舌背から口蓋までの距離が大きく、LPRを認める者は、中咽頭腔が狭くなっている可能性が示唆された。This study aimed to assess the tongue and pharyngeal cavity morphology in patients with excessive anterior-inferior facial height with and without Lateral Palatine Ridge (LPR). Patients who exhibited skeletal Class I malocclusion with an excessive antero-inferior facial height (Me-PP), were classified based on whether or not they had bilateral LPR. The subjects with an LPR were assigned to the LPR group (n=19), and those without an LPR were assigned to the non-LPR group (n=32). Thirteen patients who exhibited skeletal Class I malocclusion with a standard value of antero-inferior facial height were assigned to the Control group. Lateral cephalometric radiograph images that were taken for orthodontic diagnosis, were used in the present study. The line through the lower central incisor edge and the most caudal point on the soft palate was defined as the baseline of the tongue. The midpoint between the bilateral lower central incisor edges and the most caudal point on the soft palate, was defined as a tongue midpoint. The straight line through the midpoint of the tongue, which intersected with the tongue baseline at 30°, 60°, 90°, and 120°, was drawn. On each line and the tongue baseline, the distance from the tongue dorsum to the palate, the distance from the midpoint of the tongue to the dorsum of the tongue, the middle pharynx anteroposterior diameter, the distance from the cervical vertebrae to the mid-pharynx posterior wall, and the soft palate inclination angle were measured. Significant differences of the variables between each group were analyzed using the one-way analysis of variance and Tukey’s range test. The distance from the dorsum of the tongue to the palate was significantly larger in the LPR and non-LPR groups than in the control group. There was no significant difference in the distance from the midpoint to the midpoint of the tongue to the dorsum of the tongue between any group. The middle pharynx anteroposterior diameter was significantly smaller in the LPR group than that in the non-LPR or in the control group. The distance from the cervical vertebrae to the posterior wall of the mesopharynx was significantly greater in the LPR group than in the non-LPR group or in the control group. There was no significant difference in the soft tissue palate inclination angle between any group. The present research suggests that the distance from the dorsum of the tongue to the palate was large in those with excessive antero-inferior facial height and the pharyngeal cavity was narrow in those with LPR.departmental bulletin pape