73 research outputs found

    Real Analysis in Paraconsistent Logic

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    This paper begins an analysis of the real line using an inconsistency- tolerant (paraconsistent) logic. We show that basic field and compactness properties hold, by way of novel proofs that make no use of consistency- reliant inferences; some techniques from constructive analysis are used instead. While no inconsistencies are found in the algebraic operations on the real number field, prospects for other non-trivializing contradictions are left open

    Постановка задачи оптимизации тепловой изоляции варочной зоны стекловаренной печи с учётом динамики разрушения стенового бруса

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    Розглянуто особливості роботи скловарних печей ванного типу, що пов'язані з руйнуванням вогнетривкої кладки при взаємодії її з розплавом скломаси. Запропонована методика досліджень і сформульована постановка задачі для дослідження теплового стану огородження при умові використання теплової ізоляції і повітряного охолодження з урахуванням динаміки корозійного руйнування вогнетривів басейну скловарної печі.The specific features of bathing type glass furnaces operation connected with destruction of a fireresistant laying during its interacting with melt of glass melt are observed. The research technique is offered and the statement of problem for research of a thermal condition of a fence using a heat insulation and the air cooling is formulated. This research technique considers the dynamics of the corrosion destruction of refractories of a glass furnace basin

    Population ecology and life-history tactics of shallow, sand-bottom crustaceans at Kaikoura

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    Quantitative random sampling of a shallow, sand bottom exposed to unpredictable storm wave action at Kaikoura, New Zealand, between Oct. 1978 and Oct. 1980 provided detailed information on the population biologies of five crustaceans, the large myodocopid ostracod Cyaloleberis zealandiaa, and the gammaridean amphipods Hippomedon whero, Patuki roperi, Metaphoxus littoralis and Paraphoxus australis. Data for each species included seasonal changes in population density and structure, cohort composition, age at maturity, longevity, frequency and occurrence of breeding, egg size, duration of embryonic development, brood size and mortality, number of instars and broods per life-time and population sex ratios. The biology of myodocopid ostracods is reviewed and discussed with respect to Cyaloleberis and the question of instar size variations in ostracods generally is explored. Results for the amphipods are discussed in relation to current knowledge of amphipod biology. Utilization of the sand habitat was examined by comparing species population densities and compositions in ripples and in troughs at different times. Species sediment-depth distributions in ripples and in troughs were investigated in two successive months by sectioning cores into five layers. In some species juveniles, males and females inhabited different depths and other species were more abundant in either ripples or troughs. Sediment depths inhabited are discussed with respect to species burrowing rates, food, and an optimal sediment depth where niche overlap, and presumably competition also, is greatest. Recolonization of defaunated sand by each species was monitored over 1, 4, 8, 16 and 26 days initially and over 1 and 26 - 39 days during each of five subsequent months. Initial results showed remarkably fast recolonization by some species and changes in species population densities as recolonization proceeded. Within species the relative recolonization rates of juveniles, males and females may differ along with the sizes of recolonizing and control species subgroups. However, the experiments in subsequent months revealed that the pattern of species recolonization may change with time in response to no obvious factors. Results of the preceeding chapters are brought together in a final discussion of crustacean life-history tactics. Sediment depths inhabited provided a ranking of species habitat stabilities and mortality risks, both greatest at the sand surface. Population parameters, including net reproductive rates and innate capacities for increase, confirmed the ranking, but comparisons with species combinations of life-history traits strongly disagree with the predictions of two theories, r- and K-selection and bet-hedging. The failure of these theories is principally due to the existence of phylogenetic constraints, the lack of viable genetic alternatives for a trait. A new theory is required that encompasses phylogenetic constraints and recognizes the possibility of several equally successful combinations of traits in a given situation. Such a theory based on established ideas of costs of reproduction and of larger offspring from larger eggs being ecologically fitter must incorporate recent ideas on growth rates, body size and size-specific mortality

    Steady state analysis of integrated A.C. and D.C. systems.

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    This thesis describes the development of a general method for the analysis of integrated a.c. and d.c. systems under normal, but not necessarily balanced, steady state operation. Phase component three phase system modelling is reviewed and the relationship of the well known symmetrical components to the three phase modelling is discussed. Using as a reference the single phase fast decoupled algorithm the modifications required to produce an efficient three phase fast decoupled load flow are described. It is demonstrated that the three phase fast decoupled load flow displays all the characteristics of the original single phase version. Single phase balanced convertor modelling is reviewed and several techniques for the integration of such models with the single phase fast decoupled load flow are developed and their performance is compared. The methods for single phase convertor modelling are extended to allow unbalanced convertor operation to be analysed. The integration of the unbalanced convertor model into the three phase fast decoupled load flow is described. Convergence properties are examined and detailed results given. The extension of steady state analysis techniques to the consideration of harmonic frequencies is discussed. The unbalanced convertor model is used as a basis to enable the harmonic interaction of d.c. convertors and the a.c. system to be studied

    The Power of Innovativeness in Manufacturer–Retailer Relationships

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    Purpose: Retailers often challenge manufacturers through aggressive store brand policies and severe listing constraints. This study investigates manufacturer innovativeness as a managerial lever to shift the power balance between manufacturers and retailers. Methodology/approach: Using data from 277 senior managers of Swiss and German consumer goods manufacturers and analyzing these data with structural equation modelling, the authors test hypotheses about the impact of manufacturer innovativeness on manufacturer–retailer relationship characteristics (i.e., retailer dependency, store brand aggressiveness, and listing constraints). Findings: The study demonstrates that manufacturer innovativeness enhances retailer dependency, which in turn positively affects overall manufacturer performance. This relationship can be explained further: By increasing retailer dependency, manufacturers suppress retailers’ store brand aggressiveness and attenuate retailers’ listing constraints. Store brand aggressiveness affects overall manufacturer performance through listing constraints. Research implications: Identifying levers such as innovativeness that assist manufacturers in fostering their power over retailers provides a new mode for understanding how manufacturers can influence the balance of power between manufacturers and retailers. The study provides support for the approach/inhibition theory of power on the inter-organizational level. Organizations with increased power are assumed to have approach-related tendencies and act in goal-consistent manner, whereas organizations with reduced power are assumed to develop the tendency to pursue inhibition-related actions, e.g., attending to threats. Furthermore, this study identifies channel relationship characteristics such as retailer dependency as a mediating path between manufacturer innovativeness and performance. Practical implications: Managers need to strengthen the firm’s innovative capacity to enhance the performance of their companies. By developing the capability to provide radical innovations, manufacturers are able to enhance their performance not only directly but also indirectly by strengthening the manufacturer’s position with regard to retailers. This study underscores the relevance of innovativeness for strengthening the manufacturer’s position in its relationship with retailers that avoids problems with aggressive store brands and constrained listing conditions. Originality/value/contribution: This study proposes manufacturer innovativeness as a managerial lever to shift the power balance between manufacturers and retailers

    Global biogeography of SAR11 marine bacteria

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    The ubiquitous SAR11 bacterial clade is the most abundant type of organism in the worldĝ€™s oceans, but the reasons for its success are not fully elucidated. We analysed 128 surface marine metagenomes, including 37 new Antarctic metagenomes. The large size of the data set enabled internal transcribed spacer (ITS) regions to be obtained from the Southern polar region, enabling the first global characterization of the distribution of SAR11, from waters spanning temperatures ĝ̂'2 to 30°C. Our data show a stable co-occurrence of phylotypes within both ĝ€̃ tropicalĝ€™ (>20°C) and ĝ€̃ polarĝ€™ (<10°C) biomes, highlighting ecological niche differentiation between major SAR11 subgroups. All phylotypes display transitions in abundance that are strongly correlated with temperature and latitude. By assembling SAR11 genomes from Antarctic metagenome data, we identified specific genes, biases in gene functions and signatures of positive selection in the genomes of the polar SAR11ĝ€"genomic signatures of adaptive radiation. Our data demonstrate the importance of adaptive radiation in the organismĝ€™s ability to proliferate throughout the worldĝ€™s oceans, and describe genomic traits characteristic of different phylotypes in specific marine biomes. © 2012 EMBO and Macmillan Publishers Limited All rights reserved

    Mapping genetic variations to three- dimensional protein structures to enhance variant interpretation: a proposed framework

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    The translation of personal genomics to precision medicine depends on the accurate interpretation of the multitude of genetic variants observed for each individual. However, even when genetic variants are predicted to modify a protein, their functional implications may be unclear. Many diseases are caused by genetic variants affecting important protein features, such as enzyme active sites or interaction interfaces. The scientific community has catalogued millions of genetic variants in genomic databases and thousands of protein structures in the Protein Data Bank. Mapping mutations onto three-dimensional (3D) structures enables atomic-level analyses of protein positions that may be important for the stability or formation of interactions; these may explain the effect of mutations and in some cases even open a path for targeted drug development. To accelerate progress in the integration of these data types, we held a two-day Gene Variation to 3D (GVto3D) workshop to report on the latest advances and to discuss unmet needs. The overarching goal of the workshop was to address the question: what can be done together as a community to advance the integration of genetic variants and 3D protein structures that could not be done by a single investigator or laboratory? Here we describe the workshop outcomes, review the state of the field, and propose the development of a framework with which to promote progress in this arena. The framework will include a set of standard formats, common ontologies, a common application programming interface to enable interoperation of the resources, and a Tool Registry to make it easy to find and apply the tools to specific analysis problems. Interoperability will enable integration of diverse data sources and tools and collaborative development of variant effect prediction methods

    Situative Marketingstrategien. Grundsatzstrategien für “Dogs”

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    The asymmetric effects of exploitation and exploration on radical and incremental innovation performance : an uneven affair

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    Scholars have argued that the exploitation‐exploration interaction provides a source of competitive advantage beyond that provided by each individually. However, we know little about the mutual effects of exploitation and exploration on either incremental or radical innovation performance. To address this gap, we examine data from 171 manufacturing firms. We find incremental innovation performance is highest when exploitation interacts with an intermediary level of exploration. Radical innovation performance, however, is solely driven by exploration. A coupling with exploitation is not effective. We contribute to the extant literature, first, by disentangling the interaction effects of exploitation and exploration on radical and incremental innovation performance, respectively. Second, we extend extant literature that agrees that maintaining an appropriate balance of exploitation and exploration is critical for innovation performance and that has conceptualized this balance as symmetrical presence and magnitude of exploitation and exploration. In particular, we provide evidence in support of an asymmetric relationship