850 research outputs found

    AGN have Underweight Black Holes and Reach Eddington

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    Eddington outflows probably regulate the growth of supermassive black holes (SMBH) in AGN. I show that effect of the Rayleigh--Taylor instability on these outflows means that SMBH masses are likely to be a factor of a few below the MσM - \sigma relation in AGN. This agrees with the suggestion by Batcheldor (2010) that the MσM - \sigma relation defines an upper limit to the black hole mass. I further argue that observed AGN black holes must spend much of their lives accreting at the Eddington rate. This is already suggested by the low observed AGN fraction amongst all galaxies despite the need to grow to the masses required by the Soltan relation, and is reinforced by the suggested low SMBH masses. Most importantly, this is the simplest explanation of the recent discovery by Tombesi et al (2010a, b) of the widespread incidence of massive ultrafast X--ray outflows in a large sample of AGN.Comment: MNRAS, in pres

    An outburst scenario for the X-ray spectral variability in 3C 111

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    We present a combined Suzaku and Swift BAT broad-band E=0.6-200keV spectral analysis of three 3C 111 observations obtained in 2010. The data are well described with an absorbed power-law continuum and a weak (R~0.2) cold reflection component from distant material. We constrain the continuum cutoff at E_c~150-200keV, which is in accordance with X-ray Comptonization corona models and supports claims that the jet emission is only dominant at much higher energies. Fe XXVI Ly\alpha emission and absorption lines are also present in the first and second observations, respectively. The modelling and interpretation of the emission line is complex and we explore three possibilities. If originating from ionized disc reflection, this should be emitted at r_in> 50r_g or, in the lamp-post configuration, the illuminating source should be at a height of h> 30r_g over the black hole. Alternatively, the line could be modeled with a hot collisionally ionized plasma with temperature kT = 22.0^{+6.1}_{-3.2} keV or a photo-ionized plasma with log\xi=4.52^{+0.10}_{-0.16} erg s^{-1} cm and column density N_H > 3x10^23 cm^{-2}. However, the first and second scenarios are less favored on statistical and physical grounds, respectively. The blue-shifted absorption line in the second observation can be modelled as an ultra-fast outflow (UFO) with ionization parameter log\xi=4.47^{+0.76}_{-0.04} erg s^{-1} cm, column density N_H=(5.3^{+1.8}_{-1.3})x 10^{22} cm^{-2} and outflow velocity v_out = 0.104+/-0.006 c. Interestingly, the parameters of the photo-ionized emission model remarkably match those of the absorbing UFO. We suggest an outburst scenario in which an accretion disc wind, initially lying out of the line of sight and observed in emission, then crosses our view to the source and it is observed in absorption as a mildly-relativistic UFO.Comment: Accepted for publication in MNARS on July 1st 201

    Quantum spin models with electrons in Penning traps

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    We propose a scheme to engineer an effective spin Hamiltonian starting from a system of electrons confined in micro-Penning traps. By means of appropriate sequences of electromagnetic pulses, alternated to periods of free evolution, we control the shape and strength of the spin-spin interaction. Moreover, we can modify the effective magnetic field experienced by the particle spin. This procedure enables us to reproduce notable quantum spin systems, such as Ising and XY models. Thanks to its scalability, our scheme can be applied to a fairly large number of trapped particles within the reach of near future technology.Comment: 22 pages, 1 figure, added minor changes and typos, accepted for publication in PR

    Short term X-ray spectral variability of the quasar PDS 456 observed in a low flux state

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    We present an analysis of the 2013 Suzaku campaign on the nearby luminous quasar PDS 456, covering a total duration of ~1 Ms and a net exposure of 455 ks. During these observations, the X-ray flux was suppressed by a factor of >10 in the soft X-ray band when compared to other epochs. We investigated the broadband continuum by constructing a spectral energy distribution, making use of the optical/UV photometry and hard X-ray spectra from the later XMM-Newton/NuSTAR campaign in 2014. The high energy part of this low flux state cannot be accounted for by self-consistent accretion disc and corona models without attenuation by absorbing gas, which partially covers a substantial fraction of the line of sight towards the X-ray source. Two absorption layers are required, of column density log(NH,low/cm2)=22.3±0.1\log (N_{\rm{H,low}}/{\rm cm^{-2}})=22.3\pm0.1 and log(NH,high/cm2)=23.2±0.1\log (N_{\rm{H,high}}/{\rm cm^{-2}})=23.2\pm0.1, with average covering factors of ~80% (with typical 5% variations) and 60% (±\pm10-15%), respectively. In these observations PDS 456 displays significant short term X-ray spectral variability, on timescales of ~100 ks, which can be accounted for by variable covering of the absorbing gas. The partial covering absorber prefers an outflow velocity of vpc=0.250.05+0.01cv_{\rm pc} = 0.25^{+0.01}_{-0.05}c at the >99.9% confidence level over the case where vpc=0v_{\rm pc}=0. This is consistent with the velocity of the highly ionised outflow responsible for the blueshifted iron K absorption profile. We therefore suggest that the partial covering clouds could be the denser, or clumpy part of an inhomogeneous accretion disc wind. Finally we estimate the size-scale of the X-ray source from its variability. The radial extent of the X-ray emitter is found to be of the order ~15-20 RgR_{\rm g}, although the hard X-ray (>2 keV) emission may originate from a more compact or patchy corona of hot electrons, which is ~6-8 RgR_{\rm g} in size.Comment: 38 pages, 13 figures, accepted for publication in MNRA

    Probing variability patterns of the Fe K line complex in bright nearby AGNs

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    The unprecedented sensitivity of current X-ray telescopes allows for the first time to address the issue of the Fe K line complex variability patterns in bright, nearby AGNs. We examine XMM-Newton observations of the brightest sources of the FERO sample of radio-quiet type 1 AGNs with the aim of characterizing the temporal behaviour of Fe K complex features. A systematic mapping of residual flux above and below the continuum in the 4-9 keV range is performed in the time vs energy domain, with the purpose of identifying interesting spectral features in the three energy bands: 5.4-6.1 keV, 6.1-6.8 keV and 6.8-7.2 keV, corresponding respectively to the redshifted, rest frame and blueshifted or highly ionized Fe Kalpha line bands. The variability significance is assessed by extracting light curves and comparing them with MonteCarlo simulations. The time-averaged profile of the Fe K complex revealed spectral complexity in several observations. Red- and blue-shifted components (either in emission or absorption) were observed in 30 out of 72 observations, with an average ~90 eV for emission and ~ -30 eV for absorption features. We detected significant line variability (with confidence levels ranging between 90% and 99.7%) within at least one of the above energy bands in 26 out of 72 observations on time scales of ~6-30 ks. Reliability of these features has been carefully calculated using this sample and has been assessed at ~3sigma confidence level. This work increases the currently scanty number of detections of variable, energy shifted, Fe lines and confirms the reliability of the claimed detections. We found that the distribution of detected features is peaked at high variability significances in the red- and blue-shifted energy bands, suggesting an origin in a relativistically modified accretion flow.Comment: Accepted for publication in Astronomy & Astrophysic

    Optomechanical Cooling of a Macroscopic Oscillator by Homodyne Feedback

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    We propose a simple optomechanical model in which a mechanical oscillator quadrature could be "cooled" well below its equilibrium temperature by applying a suitable feedback to drive the orthogonal quadrature by means of the homodyne current of the radiation field used to probe its position.Comment: 9 pages, RevTeX, Figures available from authors, to appear in Phys. Rev. Let

    Tracing circumnuclear dense gas in H2O maser galaxies

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    A sample of 30 H2O extra-galactic maser galaxies with their published HCN(J=1-0) and HCO+(J=1-0) observations has been compiled to investigate the dense gas correlation with H2O maser emission. Our sample number exceeds the size of the previous HCN samples studied so far by a factor of three, and it is the first study on the possible relation with the dense gas tracer HCO+. We find a strong correlation between normalized H2O maser emission luminosity (LH2O\LCO) and normalized HCO+ line luminosity (LHCO+\LCO). Moreover, a weak correlation has been found between LH2O\LCO and normalized HCN line luminosity (LHCN\LCO). The sample is also studied after excluding Luminous and Ultraluminous infrared galaxy (U)LIRG sources, and the mentioned correlations are noticeably stronger. We show that 'Dense gas' fractions as obtained from HCN and HCO+ molecules tightly correlate with maser emission, especially for galaxies with normal IR luminosity(LIR< 10^11Lsun) and we show that HCO+ is a better 'dense gas' tracer than HCN. Further systematic studies of these dense gas tracers with higher transition level lines are vital to probe megamaser physical conditions and to accurately determining how maser emission interrelates with the dense gas

    Targeting qubit states using open-loop control

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    We present an open-loop (bang-bang) scheme which drives an open two-level quantum system to any target state, while maintaining quantum coherence throughout the process. The control is illustrated by a realistic simulation for both adiabatic and thermal decoherence. In the thermal decoherence regime, the control achieved by the proposed scheme is qualitatively similar, at the ensemble level, to the control realized by the quantum feedback scheme of Wang, Wiseman, and Milburn [Phys. Rev. A 64, #063810 (2001)] for the spontaneous emission of a two-level atom. The performance of the open-loop scheme compares favorably against the quantum feedback scheme with respect to robustness, target fidelity and transition times.Comment: 27 pages, 7 figure