106 research outputs found

    Rozwój semantyczny rzeczownika „humor” w polszczyźnie. Przegląd leksykograficzny

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    In the past fifteen years, the Polish linguistics faced a significant increase of interest in research into positive emotions: their naming, the ways in which they are expressed and manifested in the texts. The largest group of such research pieces concerns the field of joy and happiness and includes the noun “humor” and its derivatives. The semantic development of the above-mentioned noun can be traced basing on lexicographical sources: ‘body fluids’ (XVI c., the meaning disappears in the nineteenth century) – ‘character, temperament, mood’ (XVII c.) – ‘good mood’ (XVII c.) – ‘whim, fantasy’ (XVIII c., this meaning becomes soon characteristic solely for the plural uses) – ‘type of comedy’ (XIX c.). Being less aggressive, more intellectual and requiring developer cultural competence from both the sender and the receiver, “humor” in the latter sense quite soon begins to be regarded as more valuable than the other types of comedy. High evaluation is attributed also to “humor” in the sense of ‘character, temperament’, associated with positive emotions such as joy, serenity and optimism.In the past fifteen years, the Polish linguistics faced a significant increase of interest in research into positive emotions: their naming, the ways in which they are expressed and manifested in the texts. The largest group of such research pieces concerns the field of joy and happiness and includes the noun “humor” and its derivatives. The semantic development of the above-mentioned noun can be traced basing on lexicographical sources: ‘body fluids’ (XVI c., the meaning disappears in the nineteenth century) – ‘character, temperament, mood’ (XVII c.) – ‘good mood’ (XVII c.) – ‘whim, fantasy’ (XVIII c., this meaning becomes soon characteristic solely for the plural uses) – ‘type of comedy’ (XIX c.). Being less aggressive, more intellectual and requiring developer cultural competence from both the sender and the receiver, “humor” in the latter sense quite soon begins to be regarded as more valuable than the other types of comedy. High evaluation is attributed also to “humor” in the sense of ‘character, temperament’, associated with positive emotions such as joy, serenity and optimism

    Krytyka marksistowskiej koncepcji typu i formy państwa

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    "W okresie PRL kategorie typu i formy państwa były jednymi z podstawowych pojęć marksistowskiej teorii państwa. Po upadku tej formuły polskiej państwowości nauka o państwie, obojętnie czy uprawiana w ramach prawoznawstwa, nauk politycznych czy socjologii polityki, nie odwoływała się już do marksizmu, a tym samym zrezygnowano ze stosowania tytułowych pojęć."(...

    SB wokół dziennikarzy. Stefan Kisielewski i Jerzy Suszko - przyjaźń w czasach PRL

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    Obiektem zainteresowań dr. Tomasza Gackowskiego jest Jerzy Suszko (1921–2008), dziennikarz, scenarzysta, znajomy Stefana Kisielewskiego, postać, która pojawia się wielokrotnie na kartach »Dziennika« jako osoba podejrzewana przez Kisiela o kontakty ze Służbą Bezpieczeństwa. Sam Suszko przedstawił własną wersję tej znajomości w książce »Donosy na Kisiela. Zeznania kandydata na donosiciela« (PIW, 2006), w której energicznie zaprzeczał, jakoby brał udział w inwigilacji Kisielewskiego. Autor skonfrontował relację Suszki z obrazem, jaki wynika z materiałów archiwalnych,jak również ze świadectw krewnych Stefana Kisielewskiego. W tym celu przeprowadził szeroko zakrojoną kwerendę źródłową, a zebrany materiał poddał wnikliwej analizie, zgodnie z wszelkimi zasadami warsztatowymi obowiązującymi historyka. W rezultacie stworzył zwięzłe, a jednocześnie szczegółowe studium. Prof. dr hab. Andrzej Chojnowski Instytut Historyczny UW oraz Instytut Pamięci Narodowej Książka dr. Tomasza Gackowskiego dotyczy nieznanych kontekstów polskich mediów i dziennikarzy Polski mniej znanej 1945–1989. Jest to szczególnie ważna praca, gdyż obok historycznej prezentuje także medioznawczą perspektywę dziejów najnowszych, które na dobrą sprawę dopiero zaczynamy badać. Z tego punktu widzenia – w świetle przeprowadzonych kwerend i zgromadzonych materiałów – jest to nowe i interesujące opracowanie, które powinno zainteresować nie tylko historyków, ale również szerokie grono amatorów nie do końca jeszcze odkrytych i zbadanych dziejów powojennej Polski. Prof. dr hab. Marek Jabłonowski Instytut Dziennikarstwa UWWydział Dziennikarstwa i Nauk Politycznych Uniwersytetu WarszawskiegoTOMASZ Gackowsk

    Progress in Time-Dependent Density-Functional Theory

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    The classic density-functional theory (DFT) formalism introduced by Hohenberg, Kohn, and Sham in the mid-1960s, is based upon the idea that the complicated N-electron wavefunction can be replaced with the mathematically simpler 1-electron charge density in electronic struc- ture calculations of the ground stationary state. As such, ordinary DFT is neither able to treat time-dependent (TD) problems nor describe excited electronic states. In 1984, Runge and Gross proved a theorem making TD-DFT formally exact. Information about electronic excited states may be obtained from this theory through the linear response (LR) theory formalism. Begin- ning in the mid-1990s, LR-TD-DFT became increasingly popular for calculating absorption and other spectra of medium- and large-sized molecules. Its ease of use and relatively good accuracy has now brought LR-TD-DFT to the forefront for this type of application. As the number and the diversity of applications of TD-DFT has grown, so too has grown our understanding of the strengths and weaknesses of the approximate functionals commonly used for TD-DFT. The objective of this article is to continue where a previous review of TD-DFT in this series [Annu. Rev. Phys. Chem. 55: 427 (2004)] left off and highlight some of the problems and solutions from the point of view of applied physical chemistry. Since doubly-excited states have a particularly important role to play in bond dissociation and formation in both thermal and photochemistry, particular emphasis will be placed upon the problem of going beyond or around the TD-DFT adiabatic approximation which limits TD-DFT calculations to nominally singly-excited states. Posted with permission from the Annual Review of Physical Chemistry, Volume 63 \c{opyright} 2012 by Annual Reviews, http://www.annualreviews.org

    Aktywność edukacyjna osób starszych jako predykator pomyślnego starzenia się

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    Jolanta Izabela Wiśniewska, Educational activity of seniors as a predictor of successful ageing, Interdisciplinary Contexts of Special Pedagogy, No. 22, Poznań 2018. Pp. 27–45. Adam Mickiewicz University Press. ISSN 2300-391X. DOI: https://doi.org/10.14746/ikps.2018.22.03 The article presents a paradigmatic change taking place in the theoretical approach to adult education. Against this background and in the context of contemporary conditions, the author points to the importance of learning from everyday experience and the role of educational activity in this process. The discussed issues were focused on the elderly.Jolanta Izabela Wiśniewska, Educational activity of seniors as a predictor of successful ageing, Interdisciplinary Contexts of Special Pedagogy, No. 22, Poznań 2018. Pp. 27–45. Adam Mickiewicz University Press. ISSN 2300-391X. DOI: https://doi.org/10.14746/ikps.2018.22.03 The article presents a paradigmatic change taking place in the theoretical approach to adult education. Against this background and in the context of contemporary conditions, the author points to the importance of learning from everyday experience and the role of educational activity in this process. The discussed issues were focused on the elderly

    Inspiracja religijna w systemie wiedzy przyrodniczej św. Tomasza z Akwinu

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    RELIGIOUS INSPIRATION IN ST. THOMAS AQUINAS’ NATURAL SCIENCE SYSTEMThe article discusses chief aspects of religious inspiration of the views of St. Thomas on science. The main tenets of the Christian religion provided the Dominican scholar with an opportunity for critical assessment of various views of Aristotle and other Greek thinkers. As he built his system of metaphysical knowledge, Aquinas often spoke on subjects of nature and scientifi c methodology. His discussions reveal multiple religious infl uences and a religious inspiration to expand the fi eld of the human vision of the world while preserving the autonomy of respective sciences. Study of his views helps place the distinguished 13th-century author in the history of scientifi c development in Western thought