410 research outputs found
Induction of inflorescence by CCC application on primary shoots of grapevines
Repeated CCC application at 500 ppm under the conditions of extended lang days and lower temperature of about 20 °C specifically induced inflorescences in place of tendrils on extending primary shoots of young graftings or cuttings of Muscat of Alexandria grapes.Inflorescence formation in the winter buds was much greater at 30 °C than at 20 °C along the whole shoot. CCC application increased inflorescence formation remarkably at either temperature, the effect being more pronounced at 20 °C.Die Induktion von Infloreszenzen durch Behandlung der Haupttriebe von Reben mit CCCJunge Pfropfreben oder Stecklinge der Sorte Muskat von Alexandria, deren Haupttriebe sich im Streekungswachstum befanden, wurden wiederholt mit 500 ppm CCC behandelt. Hierdurch wurden im ausgedehnten Langtag und in einem niedrigeren Temperaturbereich (ca. 20 °C) anstelle von Ranken speziell Infloreszenzen induziert. LĂ€ngs des ganzen Triebes wurden in den Winterknospen bei 30 °C (ohne CCC-Behandlung) viel mehr Infloreszenzen angelegt als bei 20 °C. Durch CCC wurde die Infloreszenzbildung in beiden Temperaturbereichen betrĂ€chtlich gefördert, wobei fĂŒr 20 °C eine auffĂ€lligere Wirkung festzustellen war
Effect of abscisic acid and defoliation on anthocyanin accumulation in Kyoho grapes (Vitis vinifera L. x V. labruscana BAILEY)
In Kyoho grapes, ABA treatment at 1000 ppm in the beginning of ripening enhanced anthocyanin accumulation in the skin without any effect on the contents of soluble solids and titratable acids in the juice.By defoliation at veraison, anthocyanin synthesis was completely inhibited, and the soluble solids content in the juice and sugar levels in the skin became much less than those of the control. Furthermore, endogenous ABA levels in the skin and flesh did not increase throughout ripening period.On such defoliated vines, the berries recovered anthocyanin accumulation by ABA application.From these results, it will be assumed that ABA which accumulates in the skin is one of the main factors involved in the anthocyanin synthesis.Der EinfluĂ von AbscisinsĂ€ure und EntblĂ€tterung auf die Anthocyanakkumulation in Trauben der Rebsorte Kyoho (Vitis vinifera L. x V. labruscana BAILEY)Wurden Kyoho-Trauben zu Beginn der Beerenreife mit 1 000 ppm ABS behandelt, so war in den BeerenhĂ€uten verstĂ€rkt Anthocyan angereichert, ohne daĂ Mostgewicht und tritierbare SĂ€ure des Beerensaftes irgendwie beeinfluĂt waren. Durch EntblĂ€tterung der Reben zur Zeit des Weichwerdens der Beeren wurde die Anthocyansynthese vollkommen unterdrĂŒckt, und das Mostgewicht des Beerensaftes wie auch die Zuckerkonzentration der Beerenhaut waren gegenĂŒber der Kontrolle bedeutend verringert. Ferner nahm die Konzentration der endogenen ABS in Beerenhaut und -fleisch wĂ€hrend der ganzen Reifeperiode nicht zu.Bei den entblĂ€tterten Reben setzte nach der Applikation von ABS die Anthocyanakkumulation in den Beeren wieder ein.Aus den vorliegenden Ergebnissen wird gefolgert, daĂ die Anreicherung von ABS in der Beerenhaut einer der Hauptfaktoren ist, die an der Anthocyansynthese beteiligt sind
Information System Assessment and Proposal for ICT Modification
TĂĄto bakalĂĄrska prĂĄca sa zameriava na analĂœzu sĂșÄasnĂ©ho stavu internetovĂ©ho obchodu HERBALI.SK z pohÄŸadu informaÄnĂ©ho systĂ©mu. ZĂĄroveĆ navrhuje rieĆĄenia na zlepĆĄenie efektĂvnosti v internĂœch procesoch fungovania predaja. NavrhovanĂ© zmeny by mali zrĂœchliĆ„, sprehÄŸadniĆ„ a v prvom rade odstrĂĄniĆ„ nedostatky, ktorĂœmi tento informaÄnĂœ systĂ©m disponuje.Topic of this bachelor thesis is an analysis of a current state of the e-shop Herbali.sk and its information system. As an outcome it suggests solutions to improve the internal processes of sales. Suggested changes should make the information system faster, more transparent and first of all, eliminate its flaws.
Benefit segmentation framework for positioning Mpumalanga as a tourist destination
Tourism is one of the key industries that drive the global economy, playing a key role in
regional development. However, constant change, trends and tourist behaviour compel drive
destinations to keep track of these changes in order to grow tourism and stimulate economic
growth. Mpumalanga is one of the provinces in South Africa known for its flora and fauna,
beautiful landscape, and game reserves together with wildlife; therefore, having the potential
to draw tourists to the province. Mpumalanga province aim to position itself as a destination
of choice. A process of segmenting should however first take place as positioning is the end
result. The purpose of the present study was to segment and profile tourists based on
benefits sought in order to develop a benefit segmentation framework for Mpumalanga. The
data collection procedure was based on a self-administered survey applied to a sample of
400 tourists visiting Mpumalanga, and two segments were identified. Binary logistic
regression indicated that benefits sought (all nine) were statistically significant predictors of
the attractions tourists visited and the activities within which they participated during their
stay in Mpumalanga. A benefit segmentation framework was developed as a
recommendation, which may be useful in developing promotional and packaging activities for
identified segments by incorporating activities and attractions obtained from the binary
logistic regression results and by matching them within the identified segment while using
benefits as guidelines.Business ManagementM. Com. (Tourism Management
Personal Branding Dude Harlino Sebagai Strategi Pemasaran Roti'O
Penelitian ini melihat fenomena penggunaan brand ambassador dilakukan oleh
perusahaan tidak hanya sekedar untuk memengaruhi keputusan konsumen untuk
mengonsumsi produk tersebut, namun membentuk loyalitas konsumen terhadap
jenis penganan ini dan juga untuk menarik minat calon rekanan yang dalam hal ini
calon franchisee. Sejak tahun 2017 silam, manajemen RotiâO memutuskan aktor
Dude Harlino sebagai brand ambassador-nya. Untuk menganalisis citra brand
ambassador RotiâO melalui penggunaan Dude Harlino sebagai Brand Ambassador
untuk meningkatkan pemasaran peneliti menggunakan konsep personal branding..
Pengumpulan data dilakukan denga wawancara mendalam. Adapun hasil penelitian
yang telah dilakukan dapat disimpulkan bahwa yang melatarbelakangi dipilihnya
Dude Harlino sebagai brand ambassador dikarenakan Dude Harlino memiliki
personal branding yang kuat dan cocok untuk merepresentasikan RotiâO. Dude
memiliki citra yang sesuai dengan citra yang ingin dibangun RotiâO. dimana Dude
Herlino yang memiliki personal branding sebagai individu yang religious, dan
sosok laki-laki pecinta keluarga. Citra Dude ini dapat menimbulkan rasa percaya
masyarakat bahwa RotiâO adalah produk yang halal dan dapat dikonsumsi oleh
seluruh masyarakat Indonesia./ This study looks at the phenomenon of using brand ambassadors by companies not only to influence consumer decisions to consume these products, but to form consumer loyalty to this type of confectionery and also to attract potential partners, in this case prospective franchisees. Since 2017, the management of Roti'O has decided on actor Dude Harlino as its brand ambassador. To analyze the image of the Roti'O brand ambassador through the use of Dude Harlino as a Brand Ambassador to improve marketing, the researchers used the concept of personal branding. Data collection was carried out by in-depth interviews. As for the results of the research that has been done, it can be concluded that the reason behind the choice of Dude Harlino as a brand ambassador is because Dude Harlino has a strong personal branding and is suitable to represent Roti'O. Dude has an image that matches the image that Roti'O wants to build. where Dude Herlino has personal branding as a religious individual, and a man who is family oriented. Dude's image can create public confidence that Roti'O is a halal product and can be consumed by all Indonesian people
The N-Glycans Determine the Differential Blood Clearance and Hepatic Uptake of Human Immunoglobulin (Ig)a1 and Iga2 Isotypes
Human immunoglobulin (Ig)A exists in blood as two isotypes, IgA1 and IgA2, with IgA2 present as three allotypes: IgA2m(1), IgA2m(2), and IgA2m(n). We now demonstrate that recombinant, chimeric IgA1 and IgA2 differ in their pharmacokinetic properties. The major pathway for the clearance of all IgA2 allotypes is the liver. Liver-mediated uptake is through the asialoglycoprotein receptor (ASGR), since clearance can be blocked by injection of excess galactose-Ficoll ligand and suppressed in ASGR-deficient mice. In contrast, only a small percentage of IgA1 is cleared through this pathway. The clearance of IgA1 lacking the hinge region with its associated O-linked carbohydrate was more rapid than that of wild-type IgA1. IgA1 and IgA2 that are not rapidly eliminated by the ASGR are both removed through an undefined ASGR-independent pathway with half-lives of 14 and 10 h, respectively. The rapid clearance of IgA2 but not IgA1 through the liver may in part explain why the serum levels of IgA1 are greater than those of IgA2. In addition, dysfunction of the ASGR or altered N-linked glycosylation, but not O-glycans, that affects recognition by this receptor may account for the elevated serum IgA seen in liver disease and IgA nephropathy
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