14 research outputs found

    Nitrati u biljci i zemljiÅ”tu nakon đubrenja travnoleguminoznih smeÅ”a

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    Nitrates are one of the most frequent utilized forms of N from soil. Through root they reach stem and leaf where in photosynthetic processes they convert into proteins. Due to exposure to stress situations, and excessive nitrogen fertilization, nitrate accumulation in plant tissues and organs occurs. Also, nitrates can accumulate in harmful concentrations in soil. Nitrates accumulated in plants have harmful effect on animals which consume plants since they cause various health disorders. In variance analysis in both investigation years it was established that fertilization as well as interaction of factors mixture/fertilization had very significant effect on investigated quality parameter, contrary to mixture as single factor. In both investigation years, treatments with 210 kgN ha-1 had the highest nitrate concentration. Content of nitrate nitrogen in soil is increased by fertilization. Objective of the research was to determine nitrate quantities which are accumulated in plants subsequent to n fertilization and growing in mixtures with other species, as well as to determine nitrate quantities which remain in the soil unutilized, which are potential causes of environment pollution.Nitrati su jedan od najčeŔće usvajanih oblika N iz zemljiÅ”ta. Preko korena oni dospevaju do stabla i lista gde se fotosintetičkim procesima konvertuju u proteine. Usled izloženosti stresnim situacijama, kao i preteranim đubrenjem azotnim đubrivima, dolazi do nagomilavanja nitrata u tkivima i organima biljaka. Pored toga oni se mogu nakupljati u Å”tetnim koncentracijama i u zemljiÅ”tu. U biljkama nagomilani nitrati imaju Å”tetnog uticaja na životinje, jer ishranom, izazivaju različite zdravstvene poremećaje. Analizom varijanse u obe godine ispitivanja utvrđeno je da su đubrenje kao i interakcija faktora smeÅ”a/đubrenje imali vrlo značajnog uticaja na ispitivani parametar kvaliteta, za razliku od smeÅ”e kao pojedinačnog faktora. U obe ispitivane godine tretmani sa 210 kgN ha-1 imali su najveću koncentraciju nitrata. Sadržaj nitratnog azota u zemljiÅ”tu povećava se đubrenjem.Cilj istraživanja je da se utvrdi koje su to količine nitrata koje biljka akumulira nakon đubrenja N đubrivom i gajenjem u smeÅ”i sa drugim vrstama, kao i koje su to količine nitrata koje ostaju u zemljiÅ”tu ne iskoriŔćenje, a koje mogu biti potencijalni zagađivači životne sredine

    Zakonska regulativa koja određuje profesionalni status defektologa u praksi

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    Približavanje Republike Srbije Evropskoj Uniji kao i njenom zakonodavstvu javlja se potreba za regulisanje određenih delatnosti koje bi se obavljale u skladu sa pravilima Evropske Unije. S obzirom da u Republici Srbiji ne postoji zakon koji određuje način rada i grupisanja defektologa, postavlja se pitanje njihove uloge u naÅ”em zdravstvenom sistemu. Imajući u vidu trenutni status de- fektologa koji nemaju formalno medicinsko obrazovanje, a rade u zdravstve- nim ustanovama nameće se potreba unapređenja rada ove profesije, a jedan od načina je svakako i osnivanje komore zdravstvenih saradnika čiji deo bi bili i defektolozi. Trenutni položaj defektologa u naÅ”em sistemu svakako nije na visokom nivou. Njihova uloga je znatno manja u odnosu na ostale profesije koje su deo zdravstvenog sistema iz razloga Å”to defektolozi i nisu priznati u sis- temu zdravstva. Država ulaže manje novca na obrazovanje ovog kadra u odnosu na recimo obrazovanje drugih grana medicine pa samim tim i njihove usluge su znatno niže. Po zakonu o zdravstvenoj zaÅ”titi defektolozi nisu zdravstveni saradnici a samim tim to im onemogućava samostalan rad u zdravstvenoj usta- novi odnosno privatnoj praksi. Istražujući trenutni status defektologa u na- Å”em sistemu, na uzorku od 500 ispitanih defektologa koje su sproveli studenti Fakulteta za specijalnu edukaciju i rehabilitaciju a koje su objavili mediji čak 63% ispitanih smatra da ne postoji kancelarija koja je nadležna zanjihovu profesiju. Nepostojanje takve komore izuzima i mogućnost licenciranja defe- ktologa, a samim tim i njihovo onemogućavanje u radu u inostranim kompanijama koje imaju taj preduslov. Posledica ovog statusa je i njihova odbačenost u dono- Å”enju propisa u oblasti zdravstvene zaÅ”tite čiji bi deo svakako trebalo biti. Rezultati pokazuju da ne postoji joÅ” uvek spremnost države da reaguje u reÅ”a- vanju statusa defektologa. Postoji mnogo pitanja i zahteva ali nijedan adekva- tan odgovor ili pravi potez koji bi omogućio defektolozima mesto koje zaista zaslužuju svojim obrazovanjem i ulaganjem, mesto koje bi ih stavilo u isti rang sa ostalim medicinskim granama

    Zakonska regulativa koja određuje profesionalni status defektologa u praksi

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    Približavanje Republike Srbije Evropskoj Uniji kao i njenom zakonodavstvu javlja se potreba za regulisanje određenih delatnosti koje bi se obavljale u skladu sa pravilima Evropske Unije. S obzirom da u Republici Srbiji ne postoji zakon koji određuje način rada i grupisanja defektologa, postavlja se pitanje njihove uloge u naÅ”em zdravstvenom sistemu. Imajući u vidu trenutni status de- fektologa koji nemaju formalno medicinsko obrazovanje, a rade u zdravstve- nim ustanovama nameće se potreba unapređenja rada ove profesije, a jedan od načina je svakako i osnivanje komore zdravstvenih saradnika čiji deo bi bili i defektolozi. Trenutni položaj defektologa u naÅ”em sistemu svakako nije na visokom nivou. Njihova uloga je znatno manja u odnosu na ostale profesije koje su deo zdravstvenog sistema iz razloga Å”to defektolozi i nisu priznati u sis- temu zdravstva. Država ulaže manje novca na obrazovanje ovog kadra u odnosu na recimo obrazovanje drugih grana medicine pa samim tim i njihove usluge su znatno niže. Po zakonu o zdravstvenoj zaÅ”titi defektolozi nisu zdravstveni saradnici a samim tim to im onemogućava samostalan rad u zdravstvenoj usta- novi odnosno privatnoj praksi. Istražujući trenutni status defektologa u na- Å”em sistemu, na uzorku od 500 ispitanih defektologa koje su sproveli studenti Fakulteta za specijalnu edukaciju i rehabilitaciju a koje su objavili mediji čak 63% ispitanih smatra da ne postoji kancelarija koja je nadležna zanjihovu profesiju. Nepostojanje takve komore izuzima i mogućnost licenciranja defe- ktologa, a samim tim i njihovo onemogućavanje u radu u inostranim kompanijama koje imaju taj preduslov. Posledica ovog statusa je i njihova odbačenost u dono- Å”enju propisa u oblasti zdravstvene zaÅ”tite čiji bi deo svakako trebalo biti. Rezultati pokazuju da ne postoji joÅ” uvek spremnost države da reaguje u reÅ”a- vanju statusa defektologa. Postoji mnogo pitanja i zahteva ali nijedan adekva- tan odgovor ili pravi potez koji bi omogućio defektolozima mesto koje zaista zaslužuju svojim obrazovanjem i ulaganjem, mesto koje bi ih stavilo u isti rang sa ostalim medicinskim granama

    Metastasis of hepatocellular carcinoma presented as a tumor of the maxillary sinus and retrobulbar tumor

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    Introduction. Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) is the most frequent primary malignant tumor of the liver. It is usually seen in the 6th and 7th decades of life and chronic hepatitis B is the most frequent cause. Extrahepatic metastasis of HCC is an indicator of a poor prognosis and the most common sites are lungs, bones, lymph nodes, kidneys and adrenal glands. We reported a case of isolated metastasis in the right maxilla, which had been found initially, before the tumor in the liver was diagnosed. Case report. A 70-year-old man underwent dental surgery of the upper right molar. Prolonged bleeding control was difficult for up to two weeks, so the biopsy was performed. Histopathological analysis revealed a metastatic hepatocellular carcinoma. Computerized tomography (CT) of the abdomen revealed a diffusely heterogeneous liver parenchyma with irregular borders and two foci of mass lesions. There were metastasis in the spleen and also two pathological retroperitoneal lymph nodes were detected, but no ascit, liver cirrhosis, cholestasis or portal vein thrombosis were seen. CT of the orbital and maxillary regions revealed a tumor mass in the right maxillary sinus, spreading to the alveolar sinus, nasal cavity and partially infratemporal space. A tumor mass was in the right orbit as well, infiltrating the surrounding bones and muscles. Clinically, there was proptosis of the right eye accompanied by amaurosis. The treatment started with chemotherapy based on 5-fluorouracil (sorafenib was not available). After three cycles, control CTs showed a stable disease in the liver, but progression in the right maxillary sinus and orbit. Enucleation of the right eye was performed and postoperative radiotherapy was planed. The patient deteriorated rapidly and died, about 6 months after the disease had been diagnosed. Conclusion. Extrahepatic metastasis of HCC represents a progressive phase of the disease with poor prognosis, so the main aim of the treatment should be palliation and care of symptoms

    The frequency of pathogenic fungi genera in poultry feed

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    Feed contamination to fungi can lead to nutrient losses and detrimental effects on animal health and production. The aim of this study was to determine the mycoflora incidence in poultry feeds during two year period. A total of 230 samples of poultry feeds in 2007 and 235 samples in 2008 were examined for total fungi count and the frequency of pathogenic fungi genera. Total fungi count was 1-9 x 10(4)cfu g(-1) in the most of investigated poultry feed samples (38.26% and 45.53% in 2007 and 2008, respectively). In comparison of the average total fungi count in samples of poultry feed from two investigation years no statistically significant differences were established. The prevalent fungi genera were Fusarium (56.09 and 63.40%) and Aspergillus (54.35 and 73.62%), followed by Rhizopus (40 and 62.98%), Penicillium (30.87 and 48.09%), Mucor (30.04 and 31.49%) and the least frequently species were from genus Alternaria, 3.48% and 17.02% in 2007 and 2008, respectively

    Breast cancer in elderly patients

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    Rare localisation of breast cancer metastasis to thyroid gland

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    Introduction. Metastases to the thyroid gland are very rare. They are usually seen in malignant melanoma, kidney, breast cancer and lung cancer. Case report. We presented a 54- years-old female patient with breast cancer diagnosed in 2002. The adequate surgical procedure was done and the tumor and axillary lymph nodes were removed. The patient also received adjuvant postoperative chemotherapy. After seven years of a disease free period, the first relapse of the disease was detected as thyroid gland tumor with axillary lymphadenopathy. The patient had a good response to systemic treatment so the surgical removal of thyroid gland and enlarged lymph nodes was performed. Histopathological analysis confirmed metastasis with breast cancer origin. Radical mastectomy was also preformed. Second relapse of the disease was detected 10 months later, while the patient was on hormonal therapy. It was manifested as the appearance of bone and skin metastases, pleural effusion and lymphadenopathy. Conclusion. This case report emphasized the importance of detailed examination of any new onset of thyroid swelling in a patient with previous history of malignancy

    Rano odlučivanje blizanaca kao moguć činilac u povećanju proizvodnje jagnjećeg mesa

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    Increase of the production of lamb meat can be achieved by increasing the number of twin lambs which is popular practice in the world today - forcing of the multiple fertility. However, the issue of early weaning of Iambs is also present in many cases. It is known that twins are more difficult to maintain during first period and they are slower in growth in future development, which indicates the production of early weaned twin lambs. In domestic, and especially international, literature the issue of early weaning of twin lambs from the aspect of production of lamb meat was discussed however there are no literature references regarding the effect of early weaning on future development of twins after weaning. The objective of this paper was to determine the effect of early weaning of twins on their future development and production, and breeding. Based on presented analysis regarding the effect of early weaning of twin lambs on their future development and production, the following can be concluded: Early weaned twins (age of 2 months) have slower growth and body development compared to single offspring but these differences weren't statistically significant. However, although technically more complicated, weaning of twins only several days after birth was proved to be most efficient in regard to future development and production since these twins were the only ones which have realized same results as single lambs during the investigation period. In case of early weaning, growth of twin lambs depends on their initial body mass which is almost always below the body mass of single lambs. The wool production was higher in case of those animals whose body was more developed, that is the skin surface larger, also the nutrition during first two months was unified and regular as in case of single lambs and lambs from group I.Povećanje proizvodnje jagnjećeg mesa moguće je postići povećanjem broja jaganjaca bližnjenjem, pa se danas u svetu sve viÅ”e forsira gajenje rasa sa izraženijom mnogoplodnoŔću. Međutim, u mnogim se slučajevima, paralelno s tim postavlja i pitanje Å”to ranijeg odlučivanja jaganjaca. Poznato je da se blizanci teže održavaju u prvim danima i sporije napreduju u daljem razvoju Å”to upućuje na proizvodnju rano odlučenih blizanaca. U naÅ”oj. a naročito stranoj literaturi obrađivano je pitanje ranog odlučivanja blizanaca s glediÅ”ta proizvodnje jagnjećeg mesa, ali se do soda nije obrađivao njegov uticaj na razvoj blizanaca posle odlučivanja. Cilj ovog ispiti van/a je bio da utvrdi uticaj ranog odlučivanja blizanaca na njihov dalji razvoj i proizvodnju, odnosno uzgoja blizanaca koji se ostavljaju za dalji priplod

    Effect of different ripening conditions on amino acids and biogenic amines evolution in Sjenički sudžuk

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    The aim of this study was to determine the influence of alternative ripening (thermo-hygrometric) conditions in the summer production season (batch S) on changes in free amino acids (FAA) and biogenic amines (BA) content in dry-fermented sausage Sjenički sudžuk, compared to traditional production during winter (batch W) in small/micro processing plant. Consequently to important proteolytic changes, both in batch W and especially in batch S, the concentration of total FAA increased (P < 0.05) over time, being 600 mg/100 g dm and 844 mg/100 g dm, respectively. By the end of ripening, the total concentration of six analyzed BA reached 399 mg/kg and even 2468 mg/kg in batches W and S, respectively. Predominant amines in batch W were putrescine and tyramine, and in batch S were cadaverine and putrescine. The concentration of these amines increased significantly (P < 0.05) throughout ripening within each of the observed periods of the year. Regarding histamine, the registered concentration was very low in samples of batch W (9.69 mg/kg), while the sausages of batch S were characterized by a much higher concentration of this harmful compound (333 mg/kg). In respect of this finding, the summertime production of Sjenički sudžuk in small/micro processing plants should be avoided until necessary manufacturing process modifications are implemented. Ā© 2022 Elsevier Inc