924 research outputs found

    Leveraging the Power of a Twitter Network for Library Promotion

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    AbstractThe Twitter network of two academic libraries was analyzed to determine the influential accounts that connect to them. Such information can be exploited by libraries to create tailored social media outreach and information dissemination programs. Three network metrics, measuring different definitions of importance, were calculated for each account in the network. This allowed for the quantification and ranking of the accounts by influence/importance, normally considered to be qualitative and subjective. By all measures, accounts associated with the institutions, and not faculty, staff, or students, were found to be the most influential players in the networks of both libraries, suggesting that this is a general feature of academic library Twitter networks. Furthermore, the library, as an institutional account itself, is also influential to the broader Twitter community of its home institution. This demonstrates that the library is in a key position to propagate information from sister accounts at the institution

    Dietary Protein and Bone Health

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    Reduced Pain and Inflammation in Juvenile and Adult Rats Fed a Ketogenic Diet

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    The ketogenic diet is a high-fat, low-carbohydrate regimen that forces ketone-based rather than glucose-based cellular metabolism. Clinically, maintenance on a ketogenic diet has been proven effective in treating pediatric epilepsy and type II diabetes, and recent basic research provides evidence that ketogenic strategies offer promise in reducing brain injury. Cellular mechanisms hypothesized to be mobilized by ketone metabolism and underlying the success of ketogenic diet therapy, such as reduced reactive oxygen species and increased central adenosine, suggest that the ketolytic metabolism induced by the diet could reduce pain and inflammation. To test the effects of a ketone-based metabolism on pain and inflammation directly, we fed juvenile and adult rats a control diet (standard rodent chow) or ketogenic diet (79% fat) ad libitum for 3–4 weeks. We then quantified hindpaw thermal nociception as a pain measure and complete Freund's adjuvant-induced local hindpaw swelling and plasma extravasation (fluid movement from the vasculature) as inflammation measures. Independent of age, maintenance on a ketogenic diet reduced the peripheral inflammatory response significantly as measured by paw swelling and plasma extravasation. The ketogenic diet also induced significant thermal hypoalgesia independent of age, shown by increased hindpaw withdrawal latency in the hotplate nociception test. Anti-inflammatory and hypoalgesic diet effects were generally more robust in juveniles. The ketogenic diet elevated plasma ketones similarly in both age groups, but caused slowed body growth only in juveniles. These data suggest that applying a ketogenic diet or exploiting cellular mechanisms associated with ketone-based metabolism offers new therapeutic opportunities for controlling pain and peripheral inflammation, and that such a metabolic strategy may offer significant benefits for children and adults

    Cost-Effectiveness of Interventions to Promote Fruit and Vegetable Consumption

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    Background: Fruits and vegetables are an essential part of the human diet, but many people do not consume the recommended serves to prevent cardiovascular disease and cancer. In this research, we evaluate the cost-effectiveness of interventions to promote fruit and vegetable consumption to determine which interventions are good value for money, and by how much current strategies can reduce the population disease burden

    Identification using face regions: Application and assessment in forensic scenarios

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    This is the author’s version of a work that was accepted for publication in Forensic Science International. Changes resulting from the publishing process, such as peer review, editing, corrections, structural formatting, and other quality control mechanisms may not be reflected in this document. Changes may have been made to this work since it was submitted for publication. A definitive version was subsequently published in Forensic Science International, 23, 1-3, (2013) DOI: 10.1016/j.forsciint.2013.08.020This paper reports an exhaustive analysis of the discriminative power of the different regions of the human face on various forensic scenarios. In practice, when forensic examiners compare two face images, they focus their attention not only on the overall similarity of the two faces. They carry out an exhaustive morphological comparison region by region (e.g., nose, mouth, eyebrows, etc.). In this scenario it is very important to know based on scientific methods to what extent each facial region can help in identifying a person. This knowledge obtained using quantitative and statical methods on given populations can then be used by the examiner to support or tune his observations. In order to generate such scientific knowledge useful for the expert, several methodologies are compared, such as manual and automatic facial landmarks extraction, different facial regions extractors, and various distances between the subject and the acquisition camera. Also, three scenarios of interest for forensics are considered comparing mugshot and Closed-Circuit TeleVision (CCTV) face images using MORPH and SCface databases. One of the findings is that depending of the acquisition distances, the discriminative power of the facial regions change, having in some cases better performance than the full face

    Projeto digital de envelopes dos edifícios

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    Tese de Doutoramento em Arquitetura, com a especialização em Desenho e Computação, apresentada na Faculdade de Arquitetura da Universidade de Lisboa para obtenção de grau de Doutor.A presente tese desenvolve um sistema de projeto para o envelope de edifícios, o qual se baseia em processos energéticos, permitindo criar e transformar formas para o envelope de edifícios que sejam capazes de captar de um modo eficiente a irradiação solar incidente no envelope. Pretende assim estabelecer um paradigma de Projeto baseado em Energia, abordando para isso um caso de estudo específico, o Projeto Digital de Envelopes de Edifícios. Para viabilizar o Projeto baseado em Energia e o Projeto Digital de Envelopes de Edifícios é elaborado um sistema Arquitetura-Envelopes de Edifícios, o qual relaciona o projeto digital de envelopes de edifícios com outros tipos de projeto a montante, nomeadamente o projeto de arquitetura, e a jusante, como o projeto dos vãos de um edifício. É desenvolvida também uma metodologia para o projeto digital de envelopes de edifícios e são elaborados dois instrumentos conceptuais para a conceção de envelopes de edifícios: o conceito teórico de Algoritmo de Forma e uma Gramática do Envelope de Edifícios, baseados nos conceitos de gramática da forma, gramática descritiva, gramática discursiva e gramática genérica. Para a constituição de um instrumento prático de projeto, a gramática do envelope de edifícios é implementada em um protótipo de software, designado por LIDIA, o qual é testado no desenvolvimento de um projeto para o envelope de duas tipologias de moradias unifamiliares, onde é possível comprovar que a gramática do envelope de edifícios é válida para a geração de formas para o envelope de edifícios, que captam de um modo eficiente a irradiação solar incidente no envelope. Deste modo, é comprovada a eficiência do sistema Arquitetura-Envelopes de Edifícios, da metodologia elaborada, do conceito de Algoritmo de Forma, da Gramática do Envelope de Edifícios e do protótipo de software LIDIA, viabilizando-se o Projeto Digital de Envelopes de Edifícios e o paradigma do Projeto baseado em Energia.ABSTRACT: The present thesis develops a design system for the buildings envelope that is based on energy processes, allowing to create and transform building envelope shapes that are able to efficiently capture the incident solar radiation on the envelope. Thus, it intends to establish an Energy-based Design paradigm, developing for that a specific case study, the Digital Design of Building Envelopes. In order to make the Energy-based Design and the Digital Design of Building Envelopes feasible, an Architecture-Building Envelopes system is developed, which links the digital design of building envelopes with other types of upstream design, namely architectural design, and downstream, such as the design of the openings of a building. A methodology for the digital design of building envelopes is also developed and two conceptual instruments for the design of building envelopes are elaborated: the theoretical concept of Form Algorithm and a Buildings Envelope Grammar, based on the concepts of shape grammar, descriptive grammar, discursive grammar and generic grammar. For the development of a practical design instrument, the buildings envelope grammar is implemented in a prototype of a software, called LIDIA, which is tested in the development of a project for the envelope of two tipologies of unifamiliar houses, where it can be shown that the buildings envelope grammar is valid for generating shapes for the buildings envelope that efficiently capture the incident solar radiation on the envelope. In this way, it is also shown the efficiency of the Architecture-Building Envelopes system, of the developed methodology, of the Form Algorithm concept, of the Buildings Envelope Grammar and of the LIDIA software prototype, making possible the Digital Design of Building Envelopes and the Energy-based Design paradigm.N/

    Insuficiência Cardíaca: da terapêutica farmacológica aos dispositivos intracardíacos

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    A insuficiência cardíaca (IC) é definida pela American Heart Association como “um síndrome clínico complexo que resulta de uma alteração funcional e/ou estrutural do enchimento ou ejeção ventricular”. É uma das doenças com maior impacto a nível da saúde pública global, com uma prevalência de cerca de 26 milhões em todo o mundo (1-2% da população) e continua a ser a principal causa de morbimortalidade cardiovascular. Mais de 50% dos doentes morrem cinco anos após o diagnóstico, o que representa uma taxa de sobrevivência inferior à de muitos cancros. A prevalência da IC aumenta com a idade, atingindo 6-10% dos indivíduos com idade superior a 65 anos. Na Europa a mortalidade intra-hospitalar por IC ronda os 7-9%, sendo atualmente superior à do enfarte agudo do miocárdio. Adicionalmente, as mais recentes projeções indicam que a prevalência de IC aumentará em 25% até 2030. O triplo bloqueio neuro-hormonal alcançado quando se utiliza a combinação de um inibidor da enzima conversora da Angiotensina + ß-Bloqueantes + antagonistas dos mineralocorticóides, demonstrou uma maior redução na mortalidade e nos internamentos por IC. É por isso, considerado atualmente o pilar do tratamento da IC com fração de ejeção reduzida (IC FEr). No entanto, apesar destes avanços, a mortalidade aos 3 anos destes pacientes continua acima dos 30%. Novos medicamentos têm sido desenvolvidos e recentemente aprovados no tratamento desta patologia. Fármacos como o Sacubitril/Valsartan, o Levosimendan e os inibidores da SGLT-2 prometem expandir o número de opções terapêuticas na IC FEr e até tratar a IC e as suas comorbilidades (ex. diabetes) em simultâneo. Contudo, uma grande percentagem das mortes entre pacientes com IC, ocorre de forma súbita e inesperada. Muitos destes casos são devido a alterações elétricas e, por isso, investir em terapêuticas que melhorem ou atrasem a progressão das doenças cardiovasculares, terá um impacto significativo na redução dos casos de morte súbita. É neste paradigma que os dispositivos intracardíacos entram em ação. A terapia de ressincronização cardíaca e os cardio-disfibrilhadores implantáveis têm sido utilizados no tratamento da IC há vários anos. No entanto, sabemos que as indicações para a sua utilização são restritas e nem todos os pacientes respondem favoravelmente à sua implantação. Novos desenvolvimentos tecnológicos a nível dos left ventricular assist devices e o surgimento de novos dispositivos de modulação da contratilidade cardíaca, podem permitir combater esta problemática e alcançar um número substancialmente maior de doentes, quando a terapia farmacológica otimizada falha.Heart failure (HF) is defined by the American Heart Association as "a complex clinical syndrome that results from any structural or functional impairment of ventricular filling or ejection of blood.” It´s a disease that has a major impact on global public health, with a prevalence of around 26 million worldwide (1-2% of the population) and remains as the main cause of cardiovascular morbidity and mortality. More than 50% of patients die, five years after the diagnosis is made, which represents a survival rate lower than most cancers. The prevalence of HF increases with age, reaching 6-10% in patients over the age of 65. In Europe, hospital mortality from HF is around 7-9%, being currently higher than that of acute myocardial infarction. In addition, the most recent projections indicate that the prevalence of HF will increase by 25% by 2030. The triple neurohormonal blockade achieved by using an angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor + beta-blocker + mineralocorticoid receptor antagonist, has been shown to lead to a greater reduction in mortality and hospitalizations related to HF. That is why it is currently considered the main pillar in the treatment of HF with reduced ejection fraction (HFrEF). However, despite these advances, the mortality at the 3 years mark in these patients remains above 30%. New drugs have been developed and approved in the treatment of this condition. Agents such as Sacubitril / Valsantan, Levosimendan and SGLT-2 inhibitors promise to expand the number of therapeutic options against HFrEF and even allow the possibility to treat HF and its comorbidities (e.g. Diabetes) at the same time. However, a large percentage of deaths among patients with HF occur suddenly and unexpectedly. Many cases are due to electrical changes and, therefore, investing in therapies that improve or delay the progression of CV diseases will have a significant impact in reducing cases of sudden death. It is in this paradigm that cardiac devices come into play. Cardiac resynchronization therapy and implantable cardioverter defibrillator have been used in the treatment of HF for several years. However, we know that the indications for its use are restricted and not all patients are likely to have a positive response. New technological developments in the left ventricular assist device department and the emergence of new cardiac contractility modulation devices (CCM), may allow to tackle this problem and reach a greater number of patients, when optimal medical treatment fails

    Sialic Acid Utilisation and Synthesis in the Neonatal Rat Revisited

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    Background: Milk is the sole source of nutrients for neonatal mammals and is generally considered to have co-evolved with the developmental needs of the suckling newborn. One evolutionary conserved constituent of milk and present on many glycoconjugates is sialic acid. The brain and colon are major sites of sialic acid display and together with the liver also of synthesis. Methodology/Principal Findings: In this study we examined in rats the relationship between the sialic acid content of milk and the uptake, utilization and synthesis of sialic acid in suckling pups. In rat milk sialic acid was found primarily as 39sialyllactose and at highest levels between 3 and 10 days postpartum and that decreased towards weaning. In the liver of suckling pups sialic acid synthesis paralleled the increase in milk sialic acid reaching and keeping maximum activity from postnatal day 5 onwards. In the colon, gene expression profiles suggested that a switch from sialic acid uptake and catabolism towards sialic acid synthesis and utilization occurred that mirrored the change of sialic acid in milk from high to low expression. In brain sialic acid related gene expression profiles did not change to any great extent during the suckling period. Conclusions/Significance: Our results support the views that (i) when milk sialic acid levels are high, in the colon this sialic acid is catabolized to GlcNAc that in turn may be used as such or used as substrate for sialic acid synthesis and (ii) when milk sialic acid levels are low the endogenous sialic acid synthetic machinery in colon is activated

    Degree of knowledge of primary care nursing professional on prevention and treatment of chronic wounds of venous etiology. Descriptive study

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    RESUMEN: Las heridas de las extremidades inferiores constituyen un importante problema de salud pública. Su abordaje representa una importante carga de trabajo tanto en términos de tiempo como de costes, principalmente en el primer nivel asistencial. La úlcera venosa (UV) es la herida cutánea crónica más prevalente en consultas de Atención Primaria (AP). Las enfermeras que atienden a personas con úlceras en las piernas juegan un papel clave en la en la resolución de esta problemática de salud. Se ha demostrado que las enfermeras tienen lagunas de conocimiento en el cuidado de enfermería de úlcera venosa de la pierna. Existe la necesidad de aumentar el conocimiento sobre la UV, su prevención y cuidados de Enfermería. Objetivo: Determinar el grado de conocimiento de las enfermeras de Atención Primaria sobre prevención y tratamiento de heridas crónicas de etiología venosa. Metodología: Estudio descriptivo transversal con enfoque analítico. Las poblaciones de estudio serán profesionales de enfermería de una dirección asistencial de Atención Primaria de Madrid, que realicen su actividad asistencial en los centros de salud del ámbito de estudio. Se espera acceder al total de la población. El instrumento a utilizar será un cuestionario de valoración de conocimientos autocumplimentado, con opciones de respuesta predefinidas, realizando una prueba piloto con una muestra pequeña para valorar aspectos de comprensión e interpretación de las preguntas. Se plantea un análisis teniendo en cuenta las variables sociodemográficas y relacionadas con la formación previa y experiencia en AP y construir un modelo de regresión lineal o logística para explorar asociaciones. Plan de Trabajo: El proyecto de investigación se llevará a cabo en el periodo de un año desde octubre de 2020 a octubre de 2021.Constará de tres partes: Una fase inicial con la presentación del proyecto y pilotaje inicial, una central con la puesta en marcha y recogida de datos y una fase final donde se realizará el análisis y se extraerán los resultados.ABSTRACT: Lower extremity injuries are a major public health problem. Its approach represents an important workload both in terms of time and costs, mainly at the first level of care. Venous ulcer is the most prevalent chronic skin wound in Primary Care consultations. Nurses who care for people with leg ulcers, play a key role in the resolution of this health problem. Nurses have been shown to have gaps in nursing care of venous leg ulcers. There is a need to increase knowledge about VU, its prevention and nursing care. Objective: To know the degree of knowledge of the Primary Care nurses about prevention and treatment of chronic wounds of venous etiology. Methodology: Cross-sectional descriptive study with an analytical approach. The study populations will be nursing professionals from a primary health care department in Madrid, who carry out their health care activities in the health centers of the study area. The total population is expected to be accessed. The instrument to be used will be a self-completed knowledge assessment questionnaire, with predefined response options, conducting a pilot test with a small sample to assess comprehension and interpretation aspects of the questions. An analysis is proposed taking into account the sociodemographic variables and related to previous training and experience in PC and to build a linear or logistic regression model to explore associations. Working plan: The research project will be carried out in a period of one year from October 2020 to October 2021. It will consist of three parts: An initial phase with the presentation of the project and initial piloting, a plant with the commissioning and collection of data and a final phase where the analysis will be carried out and the results will be extracted.Máster en Gestión Integral e Investigación de las Heridas Crónica