227 research outputs found

    Geology and emplacement history of the Nuevo Rosario plutonic suite in the southern Peninsular Rangers batholith, Baja California, México

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    The Cretaceous Nuevo Rosarito plutonic suite is located in the southern part of the Peninsular Ranges batholith (~28.7 °N). It is hosted by a suite of Jurassic granitoid rocks dated at 151.6 Ma (U-Pb single zircon ages) and by Late Jurassic - Early Cretaceous volcanic and volcaniclastic rocks. Host rocks display solid-state fabrics related to a deformational event that occurred before the emplacement of the Nuevo Rosarito plutonic suite. The composition of the suite ranges from gabbro to granite. The suite is sub-alkaline and it is divided into three mafic and four felsic units. The geochemical composition of the felsic units varies from metaluminous to peraluminous, and shows arc-related geochemical signatures. Structural and geochemical data suggest that the emplacement of the plutonic suite took place in two episodes. The first one is defined by the intrusion of mafic units in which dioritic bodies were emplaced within a gabbroic body along NNE-SSW oriented extensional fractures. The second episode is defined by the intrusion of three felsic units during a NE-side up, syn-emplacement movement that occurred around 108.4 Ma

    Mapeamento dos bueiros na bacia do Rio Cascavel, cidade de Guarapuava, Brasil / Mapping of storm drain inlets in the River Cascavel basin, Guarapuava city, Brazil

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    O objetivo desse estudo foi identificar, mapear e caracterizar os bueiros na bacia do rio Cascavel, cidade de Guarapuava, Paraná, Brasil. Os procedimentos metodológicos consistiram na identificação espacial e no cadastro das características físicas tipo, forma e tamanho dos bueiros. Para tal, utilizou-se das imagens disponibilizadas no software Google Earth Pro e da ferramenta Street View para reconhecimento e cadastro dos bueiros, no segundo semestre de 2016. Os dados espaciais e as características foram validadas e complementada em campo, principalmente, em regiões onde não havia disponibilização de imagens em alta resolução. Após o reconhecimento e cadastro dos bueiros deu-se a análise da distribuição dos mesmos em função das características físicas do relevo e da área de captação média por bairro. Os resultados obtidos foram a identificação espacial de 4.337 bueiros na bacia do rio Cascavel. Os bueiros em Guarapuava são do tipo vertical, horizontal e combinadas. O mapeamento da infraestrutura de drenagem urbana existente na cidade de Guarapuava subsidia ações e a tomada de decisão para um manejo mais adequado das águas pluviais para a prevenção e minimização de alagamentos e inundações na bacia hidrográfica. 

    Aplicación y calibración de una integración de los modelos TREX y SWMM para la simulación hidrológica-hidráulica distribuida en una cuenca fuertemente antropizada

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    Este trabajo describe la aplicación y calibración de un modelo hidrológico espacialmente distribuido en la cuenca del Rio Cascavel, en el estado de Paraná, Brasil. Se aplicó el modelo TREX incluyendo una modificación en su código fuente que permite la simulación de bocas de tormenta; y en conjunto se aplicó el modelo hidrodinámico semidistribuido SWMM para simular los flujos en los conductos y cauces. La recopilación y procesamiento de información incluyó: la corrección del modelo digital de elevación, mapas de tipos y usos de suelo, relevamiento de la ubicación de bocas de tormenta y conductos. Finalmente, se seleccionaron una serie de eventos (precipitaciones y caudales líquidos medidos) para la calibración del modelo para la cuenca de estudio. En el trabajo se presentan los resultados de la calibración de cinco eventos seleccionados, obteniendo un aceptable ajuste del modelo. Se concluyó de esta forma, que los modelos utilizados en su conjunto permiten la simulación completa de una cuenca urbana. En particular, las características de TREX, permite utilizar información raster, agilizando el ingreso de datos para la modelación totalmente distribuida de una cuenca urbana.Fil. Stehli, Pablo Tomás. Universidad Tecnológica Nacional. Facultad Regional Córdoba. Córdoba; Argentina.Fil: Weber, Juan Francisco. Universidad Tecnológica Nacional. Facultad Regional Córdoba. Córdoba; Argentina.Fil: Vestena, Leandro Redin. Universidade Estadual do Centro-Oeste. Departamento de Geografía. Guarapuava; Brasil

    Case acquisition from text: ontology-based information extraction with SCOOBIE for myCBR

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    myCBR is a freely available tool for rapid prototyping of similarity-based retrieval applications such as case-based product recommender systems. It provides easy-to-use model generation, data import, similarity modelling, explanation, and testing functionality together with comfortable graphical user interfaces. SCOOBIE is an ontology-based information extraction system, which uses symbolic background knowledge for extracting information from text. Extraction results depend on existing knowledge fragments. In this paper we show how to use SCOOBIE for generating cases from texts. More concrete we use ontologies of the Web of Data, published as so called Linked Data interlinked with myCBR’s case model. We present a way of formalising a case model as Linked Data ready ontology and connect it with other ontologies of the Web of Data in order to get richer cases

    Description and experience: How experimental investors learn about booms and busts affects their financial risk taking.

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    A few years ago, the world experienced the most severe economic crisis since the Great Depression. According to the depression baby hypothesis, people who live through such macroeconomic shocks take less financial risk in their future lives (e.g., lower stock market participation). This hypothesis has previously been tested against survey data. Here, we tested it in a simulated experimental stock market (based on the Spanish stock index, IBEX-35), varying both the length of historical data available to participants (including or excluding a macroeconomic shock) and the mode of learning about macroeconomic events (through sequential experience or symbolic descriptions). Investors who learned about the market from personal experience took less financial risk than did those who learned from graphs, thus echoing the description-experience gap observed in risky choice. In a second experiment, we reversed the market, turning the crisis into a boom. The description-experience gap persisted, with investors who experienced the boom taking more risk than those who did not. The results of a third experiment suggest that the observed gap is not driven by a wealth effect, and modeling suggests that the description-experience gap is explained by the fact that participants who learn from experience are more risk averse after a negative shock. Our findings highlight the crucial role of the mode of learning for financial risk taking and, by extension, in the legally required provision of financial advice

    NEXT-100 Technical Design Report (TDR). Executive Summary

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    In this Technical Design Report (TDR) we describe the NEXT-100 detector that will search for neutrinoless double beta decay (bbonu) in Xe-136 at the Laboratorio Subterraneo de Canfranc (LSC), in Spain. The document formalizes the design presented in our Conceptual Design Report (CDR): an electroluminescence time projection chamber, with separate readout planes for calorimetry and tracking, located, respectively, behind cathode and anode. The detector is designed to hold a maximum of about 150 kg of xenon at 15 bar, or 100 kg at 10 bar. This option builds in the capability to increase the total isotope mass by 50% while keeping the operating pressure at a manageable level. The readout plane performing the energy measurement is composed of Hamamatsu R11410-10 photomultipliers, specially designed for operation in low-background, xenon-based detectors. Each individual PMT will be isolated from the gas by an individual, pressure resistant enclosure and will be coupled to the sensitive volume through a sapphire window. The tracking plane consists in an array of Hamamatsu S10362-11-050P MPPCs used as tracking pixels. They will be arranged in square boards holding 64 sensors (8 times8) with a 1-cm pitch. The inner walls of the TPC, the sapphire windows and the boards holding the MPPCs will be coated with tetraphenyl butadiene (TPB), a wavelength shifter, to improve the light collection.Comment: 32 pages, 22 figures, 5 table

    Bayesian multivariate approach for growth, fertility and visual score traits of Brangus cattle herds

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    O objetivo deste trabalho foi estimar parâmetros genéticos e tendências genéticas e fenotípicas de uma população da raça Brangus. As características peso, circunferência escrotal e escores visuais de conformação, precocidade, musculatura e umbigo, padronizadas para 550 dias de idade, foram avaliadas a partir de 6.789 registros de animais nascidos de 288 touros e 5.949 vacas, entre 1991 e 2001, em 49 fazendas localizadas nas regiões Centro‑Oeste, Sudeste e Sul do Brasil. Para a estimação dos parâmetros, das correlações e das tendências genéticas, foi adotado o modelo animal linear‑limiar hexacaracterística. As estimativas de herdabilidade direta foram de 0,39 e 0,27, para peso e circunferência escrotal, respectivamente, e de 0,22, 0,20, 0,23 e 0,33 para conformação, precocidade, musculatura e umbigo, o que indica considerável variação genética aditiva e que é possível obter ganho genético por meio da seleção. As correlações genéticas entre peso e circunferência escrotal com os escores de conformação, precocidade e musculatura mostram a possibilidade de resposta correlacionada. As tendências genéticas estimadas indicam grande contribuição de fontes de variação não genéticas para todas as características no período estudado, e apontam a necessidade de melhoria das condições ambientais, para que os animais expressem todo seu potencial genético.The objective of this work was to estimate genetic parameters, and genetic and phenotypic trends of a Brangus breed population. Weight, scrotal circumference, and visual scores of conformation, precocity, musculature, and navel, adjusted to 550 days of age, were evaluated from records of 6,789 animals sired by 288 bulls and 5,949 dams, born between 1991 and 2001 in 49 farms located in the Center‑West, Southeast, and South regions of Brazil. To estimate parameters, correlations, and genetic trends, a six‑trait, linear‑threshold animal model was adopted. Direct heritability estimates were 0.39 and 0.27 for weight and scrotal circumference, respectively, and 0.22, 0.20, 0.23, and 0.33 for conformation, precocity, musculature, and navel, indicating considerable additive genetic variation, and that it is possible to obtain genetic gain by selection. Genetic correlations between weight and scrotal circumference with the scores of conformation, precocity, and musculature show the possibility of correlated responses. Genetic trends indicate great contribution of non‑genetic sources of variation in the evaluated traits, which leads to the necessity of improving environmental conditions, in order for the animals to fully express their genetic potential