23 research outputs found

    Avaliação longitudinal do desenvolvimento motor e da habilidade de sentar em crianças nascidas prematuras

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    Os bebês prematuros apresentam maior risco para atrasos na aquisição das habilidades neuromotoras. O objetivo do estudo foi detectar atrasos no desenvolvimento motor de crianças prematuras com baixo peso, analisar a evolução da habilidade do sentar e verificar a associação entre essa habilidade com outras aquisições motoras até os 8 meses de idade corrigida (IC). Foram avaliadas 10 crianças nascidas pré-termo, de ambos os sexos, dos 4 aos 8 meses de IC, pela escala motora infantil de Alberta AIMS (Alberta Infant Motor Scale). Cada criança foi avaliada três vezes, aos 4 para 5 meses, 5 para 6 meses, e 7 para 8 meses; os escores foram comparados para verificar alterações ao longo do tempo e identificação de possíveis atrasos no desenvolvimento motor. Os resultados mostram que, aos 7 para 8 meses, 30% das crianças apresentaram desenvolvimento motor atrasado e foram encaminhadas para tratamento fisioterapêutico. A habilidade de sentar foi melhorando progressiva e significativamente com a idade, tendo se mostrado fortemente correlacionada com outras posturas do desenvolvimento motor e com o escore total na AIMS.Preterm-born infants present higher risks of delayed neuromotor development. This study aimed at detecting delayed motor development in preterm, low-birthweight infants, by analysing development of the sitting skill in association to other motor development acquisitions until corrected age (CA) of 8 months. Ten preterm infants of both sexes were assessed by the AIMS - Alberta Infant Motor Scale from ages 4 to 8 months. Each child was evaluated three times, at 4-to-5 months, 5-to-6 months, and at 7-to-8 months CA; their scores were compared to verify changes over time and identify possible delays in motor development. Results show that at the age of 7-to-8 months, 30% of the children had delayed motor development and were referred for physical therapy treatment. The pace of sitting skill development increased gradually and significantly along the age; and strong correlations were found between the ability to sit and other motor development postures, and the total AIMS score

    Comprehensive Brain MRI Segmentation in High Risk Preterm Newborns

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    Most extremely preterm newborns exhibit cerebral atrophy/growth disturbances and white matter signal abnormalities on MRI at term-equivalent age. MRI brain volumes could serve as biomarkers for evaluating the effects of neonatal intensive care and predicting neurodevelopmental outcomes. This requires detailed, accurate, and reliable brain MRI segmentation methods. We describe our efforts to develop such methods in high risk newborns using a combination of manual and automated segmentation tools. After intensive efforts to accurately define structural boundaries, two trained raters independently performed manual segmentation of nine subcortical structures using axial T2-weighted MRI scans from 20 randomly selected extremely preterm infants. All scans were re-segmented by both raters to assess reliability. High intra-rater reliability was achieved, as assessed by repeatability and intra-class correlation coefficients (ICC range: 0.97 to 0.99) for all manually segmented regions. Inter-rater reliability was slightly lower (ICC range: 0.93 to 0.99). A semi-automated segmentation approach was developed that combined the parametric strengths of the Hidden Markov Random Field Expectation Maximization algorithm with non-parametric Parzen window classifier resulting in accurate white matter, gray matter, and CSF segmentation. Final manual correction of misclassification errors improved accuracy (similarity index range: 0.87 to 0.89) and facilitated objective quantification of white matter signal abnormalities. The semi-automated and manual methods were seamlessly integrated to generate full brain segmentation within two hours. This comprehensive approach can facilitate the evaluation of large cohorts to rigorously evaluate the utility of regional brain volumes as biomarkers of neonatal care and surrogate endpoints for neurodevelopmental outcomes

    Global and Regional Differences in Brain Anatomy of Young Children Born Small for Gestational Age

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    In children who are born small for gestational age (SGA), an adverse intrauterine environment has led to underdevelopment of both the body and the brain. The delay in body growth is (partially) restored during the first two years in a majority of these children. In addition to a negative influence on these physical parameters, decreased levels of intelligence and cognitive impairments have been described in children born SGA. In this study, we used magnetic resonance imaging to examine brain anatomy in 4- to 7-year-old SGA children with and without complete bodily catch-up growth and compared them to healthy children born appropriate for gestational age. Our findings demonstrate that these children strongly differ on brain organisation when compared with healthy controls relating to both global and regional anatomical differences. Children born SGA displayed reduced cerebral and cerebellar grey and white matter volumes, smaller volumes of subcortical structures and reduced cortical surface area. Regional differences in prefrontal cortical thickness suggest a different development of the cerebral cortex. SGA children with bodily catch-up growth constitute an intermediate between those children without catch-up growth and healthy controls. Therefore, bodily catch-up growth in children born SGA does not implicate full catch-up growth of the brain

    Probabilistic brain tissue segmentation in neonatal magnetic resonance imaging

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    A fully automated method has been developed for segmentation of four different structures in the neonatal brain: white matter (WM), central gray matter (CEGM), cortical gray matter (COGM), and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF). The segmentation algorithm is based on information from T2-weighted (T2-w) and inversion recovery (IR) scans. The method uses a K nearest neighbor (KNN) classification technique with features derived from spatial information and voxel intensities. Probabilistic segmentations of each tissue type were generated. By applying thresholds on these probability maps, binary segmentations were obtained. These final segmentations were evaluated by comparison with a gold standard. The sensitivity, specificity, and Dice similarity index (ST) were calculated for quantitative validation of the results. High sensitivity and specificity with respect to the gold standard were reached: sensitivity >0.82 and specificity >0.9 for all tissue types. Tissue volumes were calculated from the binary and probabilistic segmentations. The probabilistic segmentation volumes of all tissue types accurately estimated the gold standard volumes. The KNN approach offers valuable ways for neonatal brain segmentation. The probabilistic outcomes provide a useful tool for accurate volume measurements. The described method is based on routine diagnostic magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and is suitable for large population studies

    Brain development of the preterm neonate after neonatal hydrocortisone treatment for chronic lung disease

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    Previous studies reported impaired cerebral cortical gray matter (CGM) development and neurodevelopmental impairment after neonatal dexamethasone treatment for chronic lung disease (CLD) in preterm newborns. No long-term effects on neurocognitive outcome have yet been shown for hydrocortisone treatment. A prospective study was performed to evaluate the brain growth at term in preterm infants who did receive neonatal hydrocortisone for CLD. Thirty-eight preterm infants (n = 19 hydrocortisone, n = 19 controls) were matched for gestational age at birth. Gestational age and birth weight were 27.0+/- 1.4 versus 27.6+/- 1.1 wk (p = ns) and 826+/- 173 versus 1017+/- 202 g, respectively (p < 0.05). Infants were studied at term equivalent age. Hydrocortisone was started with a dose of 5 mg/kg/d for 1 wk, followed by a tapering course over 3 wk. A 3D-MRI technique was used to quantify cerebral tissue volumes: CGM, basal ganglia/thalami, unmyelinated white matter, myelinated white matter, cerebellum, and cerebrospinal fluid. Infants who were treated with hydrocortisone had more severe respiratory distress. There were no differences in cerebral tissue volumes between the two groups at term equivalent age. In conclusion, no effect on brain growth, measured at term equivalent age, was shown after treatment with hydrocortisone for CLD

    Delayed cortical gray matter development in neonates with severe congenital heart disease

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    Background: This study aimed to assess cortical gray matter growth and maturation in neonates with congenital heart disease (CHD). Methods: Thirty-one (near) term neonates with severe CHD (8 univentricular heart malformation (UVH), 21 d-transposition of great arteries (d-TGA) and 2 aortic coarctation) underwent cerebral MRI before (postnatal-day 7) and after (postnatal-day 24) surgery. Eighteen controls with similar gestational age had one MRI (postnatal-day 23). Cortical gray matter volume (CGM), inner cortical surface (iCS), and median cortical thickness were extracted as measures of volumetric growth, and gyrification index (GI) as measure of maturation. Results: Over a median of 18 d, CGM increased by 21%, iCS by 17%, thickness and GI both by 9%. Decreased postoperative CGM and iCS were seen for CHD compared to controls (P values <0.01), however with similar thickness and GI. UVH showed lower postoperative iCS, thickness (P values <0.05) and GI (P value <0.01) than d-TGA and controls. Infants requiring preoperative balloon-atrioseptostomy (BAS, 61%) had reduced postoperative CGM, iCS, and GI (P values <0.05). Conclusion: Infants with severe CHD show reduced cortical volumes compared to controls with gyrification being delayed in UVH, but not in d-TGA. Infants requiring BAS show higher risk of impaired cortical volume and gyrification