2,091 research outputs found

    On the stable configuration of ultra-relativistic material spheres. The solution for the extremely hot gas

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    During the last stage of collapse of a compact object into the horizon of events, the potential energy of its surface layer decreases to a negative value below all limits. The energy-conservation law requires an appearance of a positive-valued energy to balance the decrease. We derive the internal-state properties of the ideal gas situated in an extremely strong, ultra-relativistic gravitational field and suggest to apply our result to a compact object with the radius which is slightly larger than or equal to the Schwarzschild's gravitational radius. On the surface of the object, we find that the extreme attractivity of the gravity is accompanied with an extremely high internal, heat energy. This internal energy implies a correspondingly high pressure, the gradient of which has such a behavior that it can compete with the gravity. In a more detail, we find the equation of state in the case when the magnitude of the potential-type energy of constituting gas particles is much larger than their rest energy. This equation appears to be identical with the general-relativity condition of the equilibrium between the gravity and pressure gradient. The consequences of the identity are discussed.Comment: 12 pages (no figure, no table) Changes in 3-rd version: added an estimate of neutrino cooling and relative time-scale of the final stage of URMS collaps

    Irreversible thermodynamics of open chemical networks I: Emergent cycles and broken conservation laws

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    In this and a companion paper we outline a general framework for the thermodynamic description of open chemical reaction networks, with special regard to metabolic networks regulating cellular physiology and biochemical functions. We first introduce closed networks "in a box", whose thermodynamics is subjected to strict physical constraints: the mass-action law, elementarity of processes, and detailed balance. We further digress on the role of solvents and on the seemingly unacknowledged property of network independence of free energy landscapes. We then open the system by assuming that the concentrations of certain substrate species (the chemostats) are fixed, whether because promptly regulated by the environment via contact with reservoirs, or because nearly constant in a time window. As a result, the system is driven out of equilibrium. A rich algebraic and topological structure ensues in the network of internal species: Emergent irreversible cycles are associated to nonvanishing affinities, whose symmetries are dictated by the breakage of conservation laws. These central results are resumed in the relation a+b=sYa + b = s^Y between the number of fundamental affinities aa, that of broken conservation laws bb and the number of chemostats sYs^Y. We decompose the steady state entropy production rate in terms of fundamental fluxes and affinities in the spirit of Schnakenberg's theory of network thermodynamics, paving the way for the forthcoming treatment of the linear regime, of efficiency and tight coupling, of free energy transduction and of thermodynamic constraints for network reconstruction.Comment: 18 page

    The Phantom Bounce: A New Oscillating Cosmology

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    An oscillating universe cycles through a series of expansions and contractions. We propose a model in which ``phantom'' energy with p<ρp < -\rho grows rapidly and dominates the late-time expanding phase. The universe's energy density is so large that the effects of quantum gravity are important at both the beginning and the end of each expansion (or contraction). The bounce can be caused by high energy modifications to the Friedmann equation, which make the cosmology nonsingular. The classic black hole overproduction of oscillating universes is resolved due to their destruction by the phantom energy.Comment: Four pages, one figure. V3: version to appear in JCA

    \hbar as parameter of Minkowski metric in effective theory

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    With the proper choice of the dimensionality of the metric components, the action for all fields becomes dimensionless. Such quantities as the vacuum speed of light c, the Planck constant \hbar, the electric charge e, the particle mass m, the Newton constant G never enter equations written in the covariant form, i.e., via the metric g^{\mu\nu}. The speed of light c and the Planck constant are parameters of a particular two-parametric family of solutions of general relativity equations describing the flat isotropic Minkowski vacuum in effective theory emerging at low energy: g^{\mu\nu}=diag(-\hbar^2, (\hbar c)^2, (\hbar c)^2, (\hbar c)^2). They parametrize the equilibrium quantum vacuum state. The physical quantities which enter the covariant equations are dimensionless quantities and dimensionful quantities of dimension of rest energy M or its power. Dimensionless quantities include the running coupling `constants' \alpha_i; topological and geometric quantum numbers (angular momentum quantum number j, weak charge, electric charge q, hypercharge, baryonic and leptonic charges, number of atoms N, etc). Dimensionful parameters include the rest energies of particles M_n (or/and mass matrices); the gravitational coupling K with dimension of M^2; cosmological constant with dimension M^4; etc. In effective theory, the interval s has the dimension of 1/M; it characterizes the dynamics of particles in the quantum vacuum rather than geometry of space-time. We discuss the effective action, and the measured physical quantities resulting from the action, including parameters which enter the Josepson effect, quantum Hall effect, etc.Comment: 18 pages, no figures, extended version of the paper accepted in JETP Letter

    A nonlinear drift which leads to κ\kappa-generalized distributions

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    We consider a system described by a Fokker-Planck equation with a new type of momentum-dependent drift coefficient which asymptotically decreases as 1/p-1/p for a large momentum pp. It is shown that the steady-state of this system is a κ\kappa-generalized Gaussian distribution, which is a non-Gaussian distribution with a power-law tail.Comment: Submitted to EPJB. 8 pages, 2 figures, dedicated to the proceedings of APFA

    On the Conformal forms of the Robertson-Walker metric

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    All possible transformations from the Robertson-Walker metric to those conformal to the Lorentz-Minkowski form are derived. It is demonstrated that the commonly known family of transformations and associated conformal factors are not exhaustive and that there exists another relatively less well known family of transformations with a different conformal factor in the particular case that K = -1. Simplified conformal factors are derived for the special case of maximally-symmetric spacetimes. The full set of all possible cosmologically-compatible conformal forms is presented as a comprehensive table. A product of the analysis is the determination of the set-theoretical relationships between the maximally symmetric spacetimes, the Robertson-Walker spacetimes, and functionally more general spacetimes. The analysis is preceded by a short historical review of the application of conformal metrics to Cosmology.Comment: Historical review added. Accepted by J. Math. Phy

    Can black holes be torn up by phantom dark energy in cyclic cosmology?

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    Infinitely cyclic cosmology is often frustrated by the black hole problem. It has been speculated that this obstacle in cyclic cosmology can be removed by taking into account a peculiar cyclic model derived from loop quantum cosmology or the braneworld scenario, in which phantom dark energy plays a crucial role. In this peculiar cyclic model, the mechanism of solving the black hole problem is through tearing up black holes by phantom. However, using the theory of fluid accretion onto black holes, we show in this paper that there exists another possibility: that black holes cannot be torn up by phantom in this cyclic model. We discussed this possibility and showed that the masses of black holes might first decrease and then increase, through phantom accretion onto black holes in the expanding stage of the cyclic universe.Comment: 6 pages, 2 figures; discussions adde

    Derivation of the Planck Spectrum for Relativistic Classical Scalar Radiation from Thermal Equilibrium in an Accelerating Frame

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    The Planck spectrum of thermal scalar radiation is derived suggestively within classical physics by the use of an accelerating coordinate frame. The derivation has an analogue in Boltzmann's derivation of the Maxwell velocity distribution for thermal particle velocities by considering the thermal equilibrium of noninteracting particles in a uniform gravitational field. For the case of radiation, the gravitational field is provided by the acceleration of a Rindler frame through Minkowski spacetime. Classical zero-point radiation and relativistic physics enter in an essential way in the derivation which is based upon the behavior of free radiation fields and the assumption that the field correlation functions contain but a single correlation time in thermal equilibrium. The work has connections with the thermal effects of acceleration found in relativistic quantum field theory.Comment: 23 page