244 research outputs found

    Hundreds of Milky Way satellites? Luminosity bias in the satellite luminosity function

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    We correct the observed Milky Way satellite luminosity function for luminosity bias using published completeness limits for the Sloan Digital Sky Survey DR5. Assuming that the spatial distribution of Milky Way satellites tracks the subhalos found in the Via Lactea LCDM N-body simulation, we show that there should be between ~300 and ~600 satellites within 400 kpc of the Sun that are brighter than the faintest known dwarf galaxies, and that there may be as many as ~ 1000, depending on assumptions. By taking into account completeness limits, we show that the radial distribution of known Milky Way dwarfs is consistent with our assumption that the full satellite population tracks that of subhalos. These results alleviate the primary worries associated with the so-called missing satellites problem in CDM. We show that future, deep wide-field surveys such as SkyMapper, the Dark Energy Survey (DES), PanSTARRS, and the Large Synoptic Survey Telescope (LSST) will deliver a complete census of ultra-faint dwarf satellites out to the Milky Way virial radius, offer new limits on the free-streaming scale of dark matter, and provide unprecedented constraints on the low-luminosity threshold of galaxy formation.Comment: 13 pages, 10 figures, ApJ In Pres

    Occupational Exposure to Trichloroethylene and Cancer Risk for Workers at the Paducah Gaseous Diffusion Plant

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    Objective: The Paducah Gaseous Diffusion Plant (PGDP) became operational in 1952; it is located in the western part of Kentucky. We conducted a mortality study for adverse health effects that workers may have suffered while working at the plant, including exposures to chemicals. Materials and Methods: We studied a cohort of 6820 workers at the PGDP for the period 1953 to 2003; there were a total of 1672 deaths to cohort members. Trichloroethylene (TCE) is a specific concern for this workforce; exposure to TCE occurred primarily in departments that clean the process equipment. The Life Table Analysis System (LTAS) program developed by NIOSH was used to calculate the standardized mortality ratios for the worker cohort and standardized rate ratio relative to exposure to TCE (the U.S. population is the referent for age-adjustment). LTAS calculated a significantly low overall SMR for these workers of 0.76 (95% CI: 0.72-0.79). A further review of three major cancers of interest to Kentucky produced significantly low SMR for trachea, bronchus, lung cancer (0.75, 95% CI: 0.72-0.79) and high SMR for Non-Hodgkin\u27s lymphoma (NHL) (1.49, 95% CI: 1.02-2.10). Results: No significant SMR was observed for leukemia and no significant SRRs were observed for any disease. Both the leukemia and lung cancer results were examined and determined to refect regional mortality patterns. However, the Non-Hodgkin\u27s Lymphoma finding suggests a curious amplification when living cases are included with the mortality experience. Conclusions: Further examination is recommended of this recurrent finding from all three U.S. Gaseous Diffusion plants

    Galaxies behind the Galactic plane: First results and perspectives from the VVV Survey

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    Vista Variables in The Via Lactea (VVV) is an ESO variability survey that is performing observations in near infrared bands (ZYJHKs) towards the Galactic bulge and part of the disk with the completeness limits at least 3 mag deeper than 2MASS. In the present work, we searched in the VVV survey data for background galaxies near the Galactic plane using ZYJHKs photometry that covers 1.636 square degrees. We identified 204 new galaxy candidates by analyzing colors, sizes, and visual inspection of multi-band (ZYJHKs) images. The galaxy candidates colors were also compared with the predicted ones by star counts models considering a more realistic extinction model at the same completeness limits observed by VVV. A comparison of the galaxy candidates with the expected one by Milennium simulations is also presented. Our results increase the number density of known galaxies behind the Milky Way by more than one order of magnitude. A catalog with galaxy properties including ellipticity, Petrosian radii and ZYJHKs magnitudes is provided, as well as comparisons of the results with other surveys of galaxies towards Galactic plane.Comment: 27 pages, 10 figures, 2 tables; in press at The Astronomical Journa

    A Comprehensive Archival Search for Counterparts to Ultra-Compact High Velocity Clouds: Five Local Volume Dwarf Galaxies

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    We report five Local Volume dwarf galaxies (two of which are presented here for the first time) uncovered during a comprehensive archival search for optical counterparts to ultra-compact high velocity clouds (UCHVCs). The UCHVC population of HI clouds are thought to be candidate gas-rich, low mass halos at the edge of the Local Group and beyond, but no comprehensive search for stellar counterparts to these systems has been presented. Careful visual inspection of all publicly available optical and ultraviolet imaging at the position of the UCHVCs revealed six blue, diffuse counterparts with a morphology consistent with a faint dwarf galaxy beyond the Local Group. Optical spectroscopy of all six candidate dwarf counterparts show that five have an Hα\alpha-derived velocity consistent with the coincident HI cloud, confirming their association, the sixth diffuse counterpart is likely a background object. The size and luminosity of the UCHVC dwarfs is consistent with other known Local Volume dwarf irregular galaxies. The gas fraction (MHI/MstarM_{HI}/M_{star}) of the five dwarfs are generally consistent with that of dwarf irregular galaxies in the Local Volume, although ALFALFA-Dw1 (associated with ALFALFA UCHVC HVC274.68+74.70−-123) has a very high MHI/MstarM_{HI}/M_{star}∼\sim40. Despite the heterogenous nature of our search, we demonstrate that the current dwarf companions to UCHVCs are at the edge of detectability due to their low surface brightness, and that deeper searches are likely to find more stellar systems. If more sensitive searches do not reveal further stellar counterparts to UCHVCs, then the dearth of such systems around the Local Group may be in conflict with Λ\LambdaCDM simulations.Comment: 18 pages, 4 tables, 4 figures, ApJ Accepte

    Pegasus V -- a newly discovered ultra-faint dwarf galaxy on the outskirts of Andromeda

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    We report the discovery of an ultra-faint dwarf in the constellation of Pegasus. Pegasus~V (Peg~V) was initially identified in the public imaging data release of the DESI Legacy Imaging Surveys and confirmed with deep imaging from Gemini/GMOS-N. The colour-magnitude diagram shows a sparse red giant branch (RGB) population and a strong over-density of blue horizontal branch stars. We measure a distance to Peg~V of D=692−31+33D=692^{+33}_{-31}~kpc, making it a distant satellite of Andromeda with MV=−6.3±0.2M_V=-6.3\pm0.2 and a half-light radius of rhalf=89±41r_{\rm half}=89\pm41~pc. It is located ∼260\sim260~kpc from Andromeda in the outskirts of its halo. The RGB is well-fit by a metal-poor isochrone with [Fe/H]=−3.2=-3.2, suggesting it is very metal poor. This, combined with its blue horizontal branch could imply that it is a reionisation fossil. This is the first detection of an ultra-faint dwarf outside the deep Pan-Andromeda Archaeological Survey area, and points to a rich, faint satellite population in the outskirts of our nearest neighbour.Comment: Submitted to MNRAS Letters. 6 pages, 4 figures. Comments welcom
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