1,856 research outputs found

    Optical radiation from the interaction of energetic atoms, ions, electrons, and photons with surfaces

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    Heavy particle, electron, and UV photon bombardment of solid surfaces has been recently observed to result in the emission of infrared, visible, and ultraviolet radiation. This effect occurs over a wide range of incident projectile energies. Line radiation arising from transitions between discrete atomic or molecular levels may be attributed to the decay of excited particles which have been sputtered or electronically/chemically desorbed from the surface. Broadband continuum radiation, which is also observed, is believed to arise either from fluorescence of the near surface bulk or from the radiative decay of desorbed excited clusters. Spacecraft, in the ambient near Earth environment, are subject to such bombardment. The dynamics of energetic particle and photon beam interactions with surfaces which lead to surface erosion and glow phenomena will be treated. In addition, projected experimental and theoretical studies of oxygen and nitrogen beam surface interactions on materials characteristic of spacecraft surfaces will be discussed

    The production of low-energy neutral oxygen beams by grazing-incidence neutralization

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    The Vanderbilt University neutral oxygen facility produces beams of low-energy neutral oxygen atoms by means of grazing-incidence collisions between ion beams and metal surfaces. Residual ions are reflected by applied electric fields. This method can utilize initial ion beams of either O(+) or O2(+) since a very large percentage of molecular oxygen ions are dissociated when they undergo grazing-incidence neutralization. The method of neutralization is applicable to low-energy beams and to all ions. Particular emphasis is on O and N2 beams for simulation of the low Earth orbit space environment. Since the beam is a pure O-neutral beam and since measurements of the interaction of the beam with solid surfaces are made spectroscopically, absolute reaction rates can be determined. The technique permits the beams to be used in conjunction with electron and photon irradiation for studies of synergistic effects. Comparisons of optical spectra of Kapton excited by 2.5-keV O, O(+), and O2(+) show significant differences. Optical spectra of Kapton excited by neutral oxygen beams of less than 1 keV have been recorded

    Ultrafast Spin Dynamics in GaAs/GaSb/InAs Heterostructures Probed by Second Harmonic Generation

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    We report the first application of pump-probe second harmonic generation (SHG) measurements to characterize optically-induced magnetization in non-magnetic multilayer semiconductors. In the experiment, coherent spins are selectively excited by a pump beam in the GaAs layer of GaAs/GaSb/InAs structures. However, the resulting net magnetization manifests itself through the induced SHG probe signal from the GaSb/InAs interface, thus indicating a coherent spin transport across the heterostructure. We find that the magnetization dynamics is governed by an interplay between the spin density evolution at the interfaces and the spin dephasing.Comment: 4 pages + 4 Fig

    Ultrafast Dynamics of Interfacial Electric Fields in Semiconductor Heterostructures Monitored by Pump-Probe Second Harmonic Generation

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    We report first measurements of the ultrafast dynamics of interfacial electric fields in semiconductor multilayers using pump-probe second harmonic generation (SHG). A pump beam was tuned to excite carriers in all layers of GaAs/GaSb and GaAs/GaSb/InAs heterostructures. Further carrier dynamics manifests itself via electric fields created by by charge separation at interfaces. The evolution of interfacial fields is monitored by a probe beam through the eletric-field-induced SHG signal. We distinguish between several stages of dynamics originating from redistribution of carriers between the layers. We also find a strong enhancement of the induced electric field caused by hybridization of the conduction and valence bands at the GaSb/InAs interface.Comment: 4 pages + 2 fig

    Reconfiguration and dissociation of bonded hydrogen in silicon by energetic ions

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    We report in situ infrared measurements of ion-induced reconfiguration and dissociation of bonded hydrogen associated with various defects in silicon at low temperatures. Defect-associated Si-H complexes were prepared by low-temperature proton implantation in silicon followed by room-temperature annealing. As a result of subsequent low-temperature (3)He ion irradiation, we observed (1) ion-induced dissociation of Si-H complexes, (2) a notable difference in the dissociation rate of interstitial- and vacancy-type defects, and, unexpectedly, (3) the growth of bond-centered hydrogen, which is generally observed in association with low-temperature proton implantation. These findings provide insight into the mechanisms responsible for the dissociation of hydrogen bonds in silicon and thus have important implications for bond-selective nanoscale engineering and the long-term reliability of state-of-the-art silicon semiconductor and photovoltaic devices

    Coherent Magnetization Precession in GaMnAs induced by Ultrafast Optical Excitation

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    We use femtosecond optical pulses to induce, control and monitor magnetization precession in ferromagnetic Ga0.965Mn0.035As. At temperatures below ~40 K we observe coherent oscillations of the local Mn spins, triggered by an ultrafast photoinduced reorientation of the in-plane easy axis. The amplitude saturation of the oscillations above a certain pump intensity indicates that the easy axis remains unchanged above ~TC/2. We find that the observed magnetization precession damping (Gilbert damping) is strongly dependent on pump laser intensity, but largely independent on ambient temperature. We provide a physical interpretation of the observed light-induced collective Mn-spin relaxation and precession.Comment: 7 pages,3 figure

    Time-resolved second harmonic generation study of buried semiconductor heterointerfaces using soliton-induced transparency

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    The transient second harmonic generation and linear optical reflectivity signals measured simultaneously in reflection from GaAs/GaSb/InAs and GaAs/GaSb heterostructures revealed a new mechanism for creating self-induced transparency in narrow bandgap semiconductors at low temperatures, which is based on the dual-frequency electro-optic soliton propagation. This allows the ultrafast carrier dynamics at buried semiconductor heterointerfaces to be studied

    Point defect formation in optical materials expos ed to the space environment

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    Point defect formation associated with early stages of optical damage was observed unexpectedly in two, and possibly three, different optical materials subjected to short-duration space exposure. Three calcium fluoride, two lithium fluoride, and three magnesium fluoride samples were flown on Space Shuttle flight STS-46 as part of the Evaluation of Oxygen Interactions with Materials - Third Phase experiment. One each of the calcium and magnesium fluoride samples was held at a fixed temperature of 60 C during the space exposure, while the temperatures of the other samples were allowed to vary with the ambient temperature of the shuttle cargo bay. Pre-flight and post-flight optical absorption measurements were performed on all of the samples. With the possible exception of the magnesium fluoride samples, every sample clearly showed the formation of F-centers in that section of the sample that was exposed to the low earth orbit environment. Solar vacuum ultraviolet radiation is the most probable primary cause of the defect formation; however, the resulting surface metallization may be synergistically altered by the atomic oxygen environment
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