27 research outputs found

    Revised and Improved Value of the QED Tenth-Order Electron Anomalous Magnetic Moment

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    In order to improve the theoretical prediction of the electron anomalous magnetic moment aea_e we have carried out a new numerical evaluation of the 389 integrals of Set V, which represent 6,354 Feynman vertex diagrams without lepton loops. During this work, we found that one of the integrals, called X024X024, was given a wrong value in the previous calculation due to an incorrect assignment of integration variables. The correction of this error causes a shift of 1.25-1.25 to the Set~V contribution, and hence to the tenth-order universal (i.e., mass-independent) term A1(10) A_1^{(10)}. The previous evaluation of all other 388 integrals is free from errors and consistent with the new evaluation. Combining the new and the old (excluding X024X024) calculations statistically, we obtain 7.606 (192)(α/π)57.606~(192) (\alpha/\pi)^5 as the best estimate of the Set V contribution. Including the contribution of the diagrams with fermion loops, the improved tenth-order universal term becomes A1(10)=6.678 (192)A_1^{(10)}=6.678~(192). Adding hadronic and electroweak contributions leads to the theoretical prediction ae(theory)=1 159 652 182.032 (720)×1012a_e (\text{theory}) =1~159~652~182.032~(720)\times 10^{-12}. From this and the best measurement of aea_e, we obtain the inverse fine-structure constant α1(ae)=137.035 999 1491 (331)\alpha^{-1}(a_e) = 137.035~999~1491~(331). The theoretical prediction of the muon anomalous magnetic moment is also affected by the update of QED contribution and the new value of α\alpha, but the shift is much smaller than the theoretical uncertainty.Comment: 32 pages, 1 figure, references adde

    Everyone makes mistakes-including Feynman

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    Abstract Early stages of the theory of radiative corrections to weak interaction processes such as muon decay and π − e decay are described based on my personal recollection. The discovery of an error in our initial paper on the muon decay played a crucial role in the realization of remarkable cancelation of mass singularities in integrated observable quantities. General formulation developed to deal with mass singularity turned out to be very handy for numerical evaluation of high-order radiative corrections to the lepton anomalous magnetic moment. This has led to the most stringent test of QED available at present. New developments of last two years are described briefly in 'Note added in proof'

    Tenth-Order QED Contribution to the Electron g-2 and an Improved Value of the Fine Structure Constant

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    This paper presents the complete QED contribution to the electron g-2 up to the tenth order. With the help of the automatic code generator, we have evaluated all 12672 diagrams of the tenth-order diagrams and obtained 9.16 (58)(\alpha/\pi)^5. We have also improved the eighth-order contribution obtaining -1.9097(20)(\alpha/\pi)^4, which includes the mass-dependent contributions. These results lead to a_e(theory)=1 159 652 181.78 (77) \times 10^{-12}. The improved value of the fine-structure constant \alpha^{-1} = 137.035 999 174 (35) [0.25 ppb] is also derived from the theory and measurement of a_e.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures. Some numbers are slightly change

    Improved α4\alpha^4 Term of the Electron Anomalous Magnetic Moment

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    We report a new value of electron g2g-2, or aea_e, from 891 Feynman diagrams of order α4\alpha^4. The FORTRAN codes of 373 diagrams containing closed electron loops have been verified by at least two independent formulations. For the remaining 518 diagrams, which have no closed lepton loop, verification by a second formulation is not yet attempted because of the enormous amount of additional work required. However, these integrals have structures that allow extensive cross-checking as well as detailed comparison with lower-order diagrams through the renormalization procedure. No algebraic error has been uncovered for them. The numerical evaluation of the entire α4\alpha^4 term by the integration routine VEGAS gives 1.7283(35)(α/π)4-1.7283 (35) (\alpha/\pi)^4, where the uncertainty is obtained by careful examination of error estimates by VEGAS. This leads to ae=1159652175.86(0.10)(0.26)(8.48)×1012a_e = 1 159 652 175.86 (0.10) (0.26) (8.48) \times 10^{-12}, where the uncertainties come from the α4\alpha^4 term, the estimated uncertainty of α5\alpha^5 term, and the inverse fine structure constant, α1=137.0360003(10)\alpha^{-1} = 137.036 000 3 (10), measured by atom interferometry combined with a frequency comb technique, respectively. The inverse fine structure constant α1(ae)\alpha^{-1} (a_e) derived from the theory and the Seattle measurement of aea_e is 137.03599883(51)137.035 998 83 (51).Comment: 64 pages and 10 figures. Eq.(16) is corrected. Comments are added after Eq.(40

    Tenth-Order Lepton Anomalous Magnetic Moment -- Sixth-Order Vertices Containing Vacuum-Polarization Subdiagrams

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    This paper reports the values of contributions to the electron g-2 from 300 Feynman diagrams of the gauge-invariant Set III(a) and 450 Feynman diagrams of the gauge-invariant Set III(b). The evaluation is carried out in two versions. Version A is to start from the sixth-order magnetic anomaly M_6 obtained in the previous work. The mass-independent contributions of Set III(a) and Set III(b) are 2.1275 (2) and 3.3271 (6) in units of (alpha/pi)^5, respectively. Version B is based on the recently-developed automatic code generation scheme. This method yields 2.1271 (3) and 3.3271 (8) in units of (alpha/pi)^5, respectively. They are in excellent agreement with the results of the first method within the uncertainties of numerical integration. Combining these results as statistically independent we obtain the best values, 2.1273 (2), and 3.3271 (5) times (alpha/pi)^5, for the mass-independent contributions of the Set III(a) and Set III(b), respectively. We have also evaluated mass-dependent contributions of diagrams containing muon and/or tau-particle loop. Including them the total contribution of Set III(a) is 2.1349 (2) and that of Set III(b) is 3.3299 (5) in units of (alpha/pi)^5. The total contributions to the muon g-2 of various leptonic vacuum-polarization loops of Set III(a) and Set III(b) are 112.418 (32) and 15.407 (5) in units of (alpha/pi)^5, respectively.Comment: 31 pages, 4 figure

    Everyone Makes Mistakes - Including Feynman

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    This talk is dedicated to Alberto Sirlin in celebration of his seventieth birthday. I wish to convey my deep appreciation of his many important contributions to particle physics over 40 years and look forward to many more years of productive research.Comment: 16 pages postscript, also available through http://w4.lns.cornell.edu/public/CLN

    Improved α4\alpha^4 Term of the Muon Anomalous Magnetic Moment

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    We have completed the evaluation of all mass-dependent α4\alpha^4 QED contributions to the muon g2g-2, or aμa_\mu, in two or more different formulations. Their numerical values have been greatly improved by an extensive computer calculation. The new value of the dominant α4\alpha^4 term A2(8)(mμ/me)A_2^{(8)} (m_\mu / m_e) is 132.6823 (72), which supersedes the old value 127.50 (41). The new value of the three-mass term A3(8)(mμ/me,mμ/mτ)A_3^{(8)} (m_\mu / m_e, m_\mu / m_\tau) is 0.0376 (1). The term A2(8)(mμ/mτ)A_2^{(8)} (m_\mu / m_\tau) is crudely estimated to be about 0.005 and may be ignored for now. The total QED contribution to aμa_\mu is 116584719.58(0.02)(1.15)(0.85)×1011116 584 719.58 (0.02)(1.15)(0.85) \times 10^{-11}, where 0.02 and 1.15 are uncertainties in the α4\alpha^4 and α5\alpha^5 terms and 0.85 is from the uncertainty in α\alpha measured by atom interferometry. This raises the Standard Model prediction by 13.9×101113.9 \times 10^{-11}, or about 1/5 of the measurement uncertainty of aμa_\mu. It is within the noise of current uncertainty (100×1011\sim 100 \times 10^{-11}) in the estimated hadronic contributions to aμa_\mu.Comment: Appendix A has been rewritten extensively. It includes the 4th-order calculation for illustration. Version accepted by PR