104 research outputs found

    A probabilistic model for crystal growth applied to protein deposition at the microscale

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    A probabilistic discrete model for 2D protein crystal growth is presented. This model takes into account the available space and can describe growing processes of different nature due to the versatility of its parameters which gives the model great flexibility. The accuracy of the simulation is tested against a real protein (SbpA) crystallization experiment showing high agreement between the proposed model and the actual images of the nucleation process. Finally, it is also discussed how the regularity of the interface (i.e. the curve that separates the crystal from the substrate) affects to the evolution of the simulation.Comment: 13 pages, 12 figure

    Biometric relationships to estimate length and weight of Leucoraja naevus, Raja montagui and R. clavata, from wing landings in Cantabrian Sea.

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    Conference posterThe scarce elasmobranch information existing nowadays has received rapidly growing worlwide attention in targeted fisheries, and also as a by-catch in other fisheries. The landings of rays are significant as by-catch in the North of Spain fisheries, and not always individuals are landed whole. The ray wings are cut on board of commercial vessels, and this landing is recorded by fish-markets. One of the objectives of DELASS project (Development of Elasmobranch Assessments) is to obtain reliable data into a particular area. In this poster the degree of existent correlation between the round fresh weight and landing lenght distribution concerning these species is presented


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    Los hospitales y policlínicas, al igual que muchas otras empresas, suelen ser administrados bajo el contexto de calidad. En la actualidad, la Policlínica Delta C.A. (Ciego de Ávila), presentó insuficiencias en el manejo de la información relacionada con datos administrativos y médicos afectan el proceso de toma de decisiones de la institución. Debido que este proceso se realiza de forma manual. Es por ello que el objetivo de la presente investigación fue desarrollar un sistema de gestión hospitalaria, sustentado en una plataforma para aplicaciones de bases de datos, que contribuya a mitigar las insuficiencias que afectan el proceso de toma de decisiones de la Policlínica Delta C.A. Como resultado se implementó el sistema PODELCA, el cual sigue principios y estándares de calidad muy rigurosos, atendiendo al nivel de responsabilidad del mismo. Permitiendo, de esta forma, realizar el seguimiento de los pacientes de la policlínica, su estado actual de salud, la disponibilidad de recursos de la Policlínica, así como la gestión de sus recursos humanos. La evaluación de la factibilidad del sistema propuesto se realizó mediante la aplicación de técnicas de corroboración como el criterio de expertos, el análisis del cumplimiento de los estándares de calidad ISO 9126 y el estudio de viabilidad del mismo revela que el sistema cumple con los requerimientos funcionales, de confiabilidad, usabilidad, eficiencia, mantenibilidad, portabilidad y uso. Además de satisfacer las necesidades y requerimientos especificadas por el cliente

    Computing the common zeros of two bivariate functions via Bézout resultants

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    The common zeros of two bivariate functions can be computed by finding the common zeros of their polynomial interpolants expressed in a tensor Chebyshev basis. From here we develop a bivariate rootfinding algorithm based on the hidden variable resultant method and Bézout matrices with polynomial entries. Using techniques including domain subdivision, Bézoutian regularization, and local refinement we are able to reliably and accurately compute the simple common zeros of two smooth functions with polynomial interpolants of very high degree (≥ 1000). We analyze the resultant method and its conditioning by noting that the Bézout matrices are matrix polynomials. Two implementations are available: one on the Matlab Central File Exchange and another in the roots command in Chebfun2 that is adapted to suit Chebfun’s methodology

    Morphological and Structural Aspects of the Extremely Halophilic Archaeon Haloquadratum walsbyi

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    Ultrathin square cell Haloquadratum walsbyi from the Archaea domain are the most abundant microorganisms in the hypersaline water of coastal salterns and continental salt lakes. In this work, we explore the cell surface of these microorganisms using amplitude-modulation atomic-force microscopy in nearly physiological conditions. We demonstrate the presence of a regular corrugation with a periodicity of 16–20 nm attributed to the surface layer (S-layer) protein lattice, striped domains asymmetrically distributed on the cell faces and peculiar bulges correlated with the presence of intracellular granules. Besides, subsequent images of cell evolution during the drying process indicate the presence of an external capsule that might correspond to the giant protein halomucin, predicted by the genome but never before observed by other microscopy studies

    Analysis of the cell surface layer ultrastructure of the oral pathogen Tannerella forsythia

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    The Gram-negative oral pathogen Tannerella forsythia is decorated with a 2D crystalline surface (S-) layer, with two different S-layer glycoprotein species being present. Prompted by the predicted virulence potential of the S-layer, this study focused on the analysis of the arrangement of the individual S-layer glycoproteins by a combination of microscopic, genetic, and biochemical analyses. The two S-layer genes are transcribed into mRNA and expressed into protein in equal amounts. The S-layer was investigated on intact bacterial cells by transmission electron microscopy, by immune fluorescence microscopy, and by atomic force microscopy. The analyses of wild-type cells revealed a distinct square S-layer lattice with an overall lattice constant of 10.1 ± 0.7 nm. In contrast, a blurred lattice with a lattice constant of 9.0 nm was found on S-layer single-mutant cells. This together with in vitro self-assembly studies using purified (glyco)protein species indicated their increased structural flexibility after self-assembly and/or impaired self-assembly capability. In conjunction with TEM analyses of thin-sectioned cells, this study demonstrates the unusual case that two S-layer glycoproteins are co-assembled into a single S-layer. Additionally, flagella and pilus-like structures were observed on T. forsythia cells, which might impact the pathogenicity of this bacterium

    Prevalencia de esofagitis eosinofílica: estudio multicéntrico en población pediátrica evaluada en 36 centros de gastroenterología de América Latina

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    Introducción y objetivo: La esofagitis eosinofílica es una enfermedad crónica, mediada inmunológicamente, descrita en series y publicaciones alrededor del mundo. En los últimos 20 años diversos estudios han intentado evaluar la incidencia y prevalencia de la enfermedad. El objetivo del presente trabajo es estimar la prevalencia de esofagitis eosinofílica en un grupo de niños atendidos en 36 centros de gastroenterología pediátrica de 10 países latinoamericanos. Materiales y métodos: A través de un protocolo multicéntrico, observacional y transversal se estimó la prevalencia de período de esofagitis eosinofílica entre los niños atendidos en consulta externa y sometidos a endoscopia superior diagnóstica por cualquier motivo en 36 centros de 10 países latinoamericanos durante un período de 3 meses. Resultados: Entre abril y junio de 2016 108 casos de esofagitis eosinofílica fueron evaluados. Asimismo, un promedio de 29,253 consultas ambulatorias y 4,152 endoscopias superiores de carácter diagnóstico fueron realizadas en los 36 centros participantes. La tasa de prevalencia de esofagitis eosinofílica en la población estudiada (n = 29,253) fue de 3,69 casos × 1,000 (IC 95%: 3.04 a 4.44) y entre los niños sometidos a endoscopia superior de rutina (n = 4,152) fue de 26 x 1,000 (IC 95%: 22.6 a 29.4). Conclusión: La tasa general de prevalencia de período de esofagitis eosinofílica en un grupo de niños evaluados en 36 centros latinoamericanos de gastroenterología pediátrica resultó de 3,69 × 1,000, y entre aquellos sometidos a endoscopia fue de 26 × 1,000. La prevalencia mostró una importante variabilidad entre los países y centros participantes. Este es el primer estudio de prevalencia de esofagitis eosinofílica pediátrica en Latinoamérica. Abstract: Introduction and objective: Eosinophilic esophagitis is a chronic, immune-mediated disease described in case series and publications worldwide. Over the past twenty years, the authors of different studies have attempted to evaluate its incidence and prevalence. The objetive of the present study was to estimate the prevalence of eosinophilic esophagitis in a group of children seen at 36 pediatric gastroenterology centers in ten Latin American countries. Materials and methods: A multicenter, observational, and cross-sectional study was conducted that estimated the period prevalence of eosinophilic esophagitis in children seen at outpatient consultation and that underwent diagnostic upper gastrointestinal endoscopy for any indication at 36 centers in 10 Latin American countries, within a 3-month time frame. Results: Between April and June 2016, 108 cases of eosinophilic esophagitis were evaluated. Likewise, an average of 29,253 outpatient consultations and 4,152 diagnostic upper gastrointestinal endoscopies were carried out at the 36 participating centers. The period prevalence of eosinophilic esophagitis in the population studied (n = 29,253) was 3.69 cases × 1,000 (95% CI: 3.04 to 4.44), and among the children that underwent routine upper gastrointestinal endoscopy (n = 4,152), it was 26 x 1,000 (95% CI: 22.6 to 29.4). Conclusions: The general period prevalence of eosinophilic esophagitis in a group of children evaluated at 36 Latin American pediatric gastroenterology centers was 3.69 × 1,000, and in the children that underwent endoscopy, it was 26 × 1,000. There was important prevalence variability between the participating countries and centers. The present analysis is the first study conducted on the prevalence of pediatric eosinophilic esophagitis in Latin America. Palabras clave: Esofagitis, Eosinofílica, Niños, Prevalencia, Latinoamérica, Keywords: Esophagitis, Eosinophilic, Children, Prevalence, Latin Americ