2 research outputs found

    Future quantities of sludge from wastewater treatment plant on the territory of AP Vojvodina

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    In the framework of the research, an assessment of the future amount of waste sludge that would be generated after the construction of the planned 200 waste water treatment plants (WWTPs) that should be built on the territory of Autonomous Province of Vojvodina in the Republic of Serbia was carried out. It is estimated that the annual production of waste sludge will be slightly more than 81 thousand tons (dry sludge) per year. The methods of sustainable use (circular economy of sludge) and the method of safe disposal of sludge resulting from wastewater treatment were also analyzed. Starting from the possible use in Anaerobic Digestion processes for recharging biogas, the residual sludge from Anaerobic Digestion is excellent for use in agriculture. Well-watered sludge can also be used in the cement production industry, or if the sludge is burned (to reduce the final amount of waste), the ash can be used in the construction industry for the production of bricks or concrete/mortar, and finally sludge has potential for possible use for recharging biofuel, bio-plastic etc. Finally, there is a real potential for the use of waste sludge in AP Vojvodina

    Analiza efikasnosti procesa remedijacije zemljišta deponijskog lokaliteta kontaminiranog procednim vodama primenom analize tokova materijala

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    There are two possible cases concerning non-sanitary municipal solid waste landfills due to failure to meet requirements with respect to impermeability and thickness of geological barrier as well as absence of implementation and use of a waste and leachate management system, and also depending on type and the mineral composition of the geological barrier. In the first case, impermeable clay, kaolinite, is prevailing in the composition of the geological barrier the final outcome of which is the spillage of leachate into the volume of the deposited waste, as well as its outbreak on the surface of the landfill site. In the second case, permeable clay, smectite, is prevailing in the composition of geological barrier with dominant leachate infiltration into the ground flow. In accordance with the first case, using STAN software the substance flow analysis (SFA) was carried out, of cadmium primarily, within three scenarios. Efficacy of remediation of the landfill site soil contaminated with leachate from the aspect of heavy metal reduction, focused primarily on cadmium, using in-situ and ex-situ systems, was presented within Scenario 1 and Scenario 2. Possibility and efficacy of direct treatment of leachate in a corresponding plant for its processing, in case of implementing and using the leachate management system, was presented within Scenario 3. Efficacy of cadmium flow reduction accomplished within Scenario 1, Scenario 2 and Scenario 3 amounts to 99.04 %, 55 % and 99.2 %, respectively. Prevention of landfill site contamination with leachate using the system of its management is an optimum option and a desirable practice, while in the case of the already existing contamination of the landfill site and its immediate environment, using in-situ system of landfill site soil remediation, based on achieved results, high efficacy was achieved contrary to use of the ex-situ system.Kod nesanitarnih komunalnih deponija čvrstog otpada, usled nezadovoljavanja zahteva u pogledu vodonepropusnosti i debljine geološke barijere i odsustva implementacije i primene sistema za upravljanje otpadom i procednim vodama, kao i u zavisnosti od vrste i minerološkog sastava geološke barijere, moguća su dva slučaja. Pri prvom slučaju, u okviru sastava geološke barijere dominira nepropusna glina, kaolinit, te krajnji ishod predstavlja izlivanje procednih voda u zapreminu deponovanog otpada, kao i izbijanje istih na površinu deponijskog lokaliteta. Pri drugom slučaju, propusne gline, smektiti, preovlađuju u okviru sastava geološke barijere, te je dominantna infiltracija procednih voda u podzemni tok. U skladu sa prvim slučajem, primenom softvera STAN realizovana je analiza tokova supstanci (SFA), primarno kadmijuma, u okviru tri scenarija. Efikasnost remedijacije zemljišta deponijskog lokaliteta kontaminiranog procednim vodama, sa aspekta redukcije teških metala, sa akcentom na kadmijum, primenom in-situ i ex-situ sistema, predstavljena je u okviru Scenarija 1 i Scenarija 2. Mogućnost i efikasnost direktnog tretmana procednih voda u postrojenju za tretman istih, u slučaju implementacije i primene sistema za upravljanje procednim vodama, predstavljena je u okviru Scenarija 3. Efikasnost redukcije toka kadmijuma ostvarena u okviru Scenarija 1 iznosi 99.04 %, u okviru Scenarija 2 iznosi 55 %, dok u okviru Scenarija 3 iznosi 99.2 %, respektivno. Prevencija kontaminacije deponijskog lokaliteta procednim vodama primenom sistema za upravljanje istim predstavlja optimalnu opciju i poželjnu praksu, dok u slučaju već postojeće kontaminacije deponijskog lokaliteta i neposredne okoline, primenom in-situ sistema remedijacije zemljišta deponijskog lokaliteta, na osnovu dobijenih rezultata, ostvaruje se visoka efikasnost, nasuprot primeni ex-situ sistema