21 research outputs found

    Method for investigating computer incidents based on attribute clustering

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    A reduction of the amount of stored and processed information is an important task for internal audit. It is required to select groups of informational objects with similar parameters and to analyze them separately. Optimal clustering of the data is a suitable method to solve this problem. This paper presents a method of files grouping on the hard disk, based on the Lance Williams algorithm of hierarchical clustering. Files with the same computer incident will belong to the same cluster. This statement is based on the assumption that the user has performed series of actions interrelated in time or in another external attribute or a group of attributes (for example, scanning a row of images in succession, compiling and then sending an email) on the device under investigation. As a result of clustering, these data are grouped together into one cluster and further on they can be presented to a computer forensic scientist as a potential computer incident. Thus, there is no need to analyze the files itself, since the external file attributes such as creation time, access time, time of change, etc. are used as the meaningful parameters. This method also helps to specify the number of clusters manually for a rather flexible investigation of the tested file system. Experiment was carried on in order to test the presented method. The results of the experiment show that the files created and scanned within the same time interval ended up in the same cluster for both large and small number of the output data in the cluster

    On methodology problems of developing innovative technologies taking into account anti-erosion measures

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    The increase in world population and the decline in soil resources requires the increase in crop yields. Erosion and soil pollution are among the major threats to soil resources. With modern land use the rate of erosion exceeds the rate of soil formation. It is almost impossible to restore erosion soil loss. Soil pollution is a source of contaminated crop products and environment. In crop production innovative technologies are needed that must simultaneously solve three problems. The first problem is to ensure the necessary quantity and quality of crop products. The second problem is to preserve soil resources. The third one is to preserve the environment. In Russia, the increase in yields is mainly due to an increase in rates of mineral fertilizers, the use of plant protection tools and the use of varieties with a greater ability to utilize mineral fertilizers. In some regions of Russia, up to 70% of the arable land area is subject to water erosion of the soil. For the conditions of Russia, an analysis of the existing problems in assessing the long-term consequences of new technologies in crop production was carried out. Approaches have been proposed to solve some of the problems

    Cadmium treatment effects on the growth and antioxidant system in barley plants under optimal and low temperatures

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    The cadmium effect (100 μM) on the barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) growth, the content of HvCu/ZnSOD, HvCAT2 and HvPRX07 transcripts and the antioxidant enzymes activity (SOD, CAT and PRX) in roots and leaves of seedlings under optimal (22 °C) and low (4 °C) temperatures were studied. Exposure to cadmium at 22 °C did not inhibit the plants’ growth. In this case, the rate of the oxidative processes in the cells remained at the control level. This was achieved by a corresponding increase of the gene transcripts and the antioxidant enzymes activity in roots and leaves. In contrast, exposure to cadmium at 4 °C inhibited the seedlings’ growth despite of the lower metal content in the plants. Moreover the rate of lipid peroxidation in the roots and leaves increased significantly. It is assumed that this effect was connected with the accumulation of excess amounts of hydrogen peroxide due to a misbalance between its generation and neutralization. This assumption is confirmed by the obtained data, according to which the level of HvCu/ZnSOD expression and the total activity of SOD increased significantly under exposure to cadmium at 4 °C, although HvCAT2 and HvPRX07 transcripts and CAT and PXR activity did not rise.</p

    Chondroitin sulfate proteoglycan CSPG4 as a novel hypoxia-sensitive marker in pancreatic tumors.

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    CSPG4 marks pericytes, undifferentiated precursors and tumor cells. We assessed whether the shed ectodomain of CSPG4 (sCSPG4) might circulate and reflect potential changes in CSPG4 tissue expression (pCSPG4) due to desmoplastic and malignant aberrations occurring in pancreatic tumors. Serum sCSPG4 was measured using ELISA in test (n = 83) and validation (n = 221) cohorts comprising donors (n = 11+26) and patients with chronic pancreatitis (n = 11+20) or neoplasms: benign (serous cystadenoma SCA, n = 13+20), premalignant (intraductal dysplastic IPMNs, n = 9+55), and malignant (IPMN-associated invasive carcinomas, n = 4+14; ductal adenocarcinomas, n = 35+86). Pancreatic pCSPG4 expression was evaluated using qRT-PCR (n = 139), western blot analysis and immunohistochemistry. sCSPG4 was found in circulation, but its level was significantly lower in pancreatic patients than in donors. Selective maintenance was observed in advanced IPMNs and PDACs and showed a nodal association while lacking prognostic relevance. Pancreatic pCSPG4 expression was preserved or elevated, whereby neoplastic cells lacked pCSPG4 or tended to overexpress without shedding. Extreme pancreatic overexpression, membranous exposure and tissue(high)/sera(low)-discordance highlighted stroma-poor benign cystic neoplasm. SCA is known to display hypoxic markers and coincide with von-Hippel-Lindau and Peutz-Jeghers syndromes, in which pVHL and LBK1 mutations affect hypoxic signaling pathways. In vitro testing confined pCSPG4 overexpression to normal mesenchymal but not epithelial cells, and a third of tested carcinoma cell lines; however, only the latter showed pCSPG4-responsiveness to chronic hypoxia. siRNA-based knockdowns failed to reduce the malignant potential of either normoxic or hypoxic cells. Thus, overexpression of the newly established conditional hypoxic indicator, CSPG4, is apparently non-pathogenic in pancreatic malignancies but might mark distinct epithelial lineage and contribute to cell polarity disorders. Surficial retention on tumor cells renders CSPG4 an attractive therapeutic target. Systemic 'drop and restoration' alterations accompanying IPMN and PDAC progression indicate that the interference of pancreatic diseases with local and remote shedding/release of sCSPG4 into circulation deserves broad diagnostic exploration

    Maintenance of p<i>CSPG4</i> mRNA expression in pancreatic tissues.

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    <p>(<b>A</b>) The p<i>CSPG4</i> copy number was measured using qRT-PCR in pancreatic tissues (n = 139) and normalized to that of the housekeeping gene cyclophilin B (CPB). It is presented as the amount of transcripts per 10 kCPB copies. An elevated p<i>CSPG4</i> mRNA level was observed in all groups compared to donors (p-values <0.01; Mann-Whitney tests), except IPMN<sup>dys</sup> (p = 0.47) and PDAC (n = 0.20). Kruskal-Wallis and Dunn’s test analysis, comparing multiple groups within the entire cohort, established an overexpression of p<i>CSPG4</i> in serous cystadenoma, SCA (*p<0.05, **p<0.01 and ***p<0.001 significance level). The dotted green line represents the median level used to estimate the frequency of the underexpressers in the panel (<b>B</b>). (<b>C</b>) Kaplan-Meier survival curves for p<i>CSPG4</i><sup>low</sup> and p<i>CSPG4</i><sup>high</sup> (upper quartile; over 38 copies/10 kCPB) groups.</p

    Reduction of serum <i>CSPG4</i> (s<i>CSPG4</i>) in pancreatic diseases and its selective preservation following the ‘drop and restoration’ pattern in advanced IPMN and PDAC.

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    <p>(<b>A</b>) Systemic levels of s<i>CSPG4</i> were determined by ELISA in sera (USCN/Cloud-Clone Corp. kit; n = 83) of healthy volunteers and patients with chronic pancreatitis (CP), serous cystadenoma (SCA), premalignant (dysplastic IPMN<sup>dys</sup> and IPMN<sup>tis</sup>), and malignant (IPMN with an associated invasive carcinoma, IPMN<sup>inv</sup>) forms of intraductal papillary-mucinous neoplasm, as well as in ductal (PDAC), adenosquamous (AdSq) and anaplastic (Anapl) carcinomas. The data are summarized to show individual values, median level, and interquartile range (IQR). (<b>B</b>) The ROC analyses of the ELISA data showed the discriminatory power of s<i>CSPG4</i> levels for patients with different pancreatic diseases. The dotted green line represents the median level of the particular cohort used to estimate the frequency of the <i>sCSPG4</i> underexpressers in the panel (<b>C</b>), as detailed in Materials and Methods. (<b>D–E</b>) Validation of ELISA findings in an independent cohort (n = 221). Red-bordered areas indicate subgroups depicting IPMN and PDAC progression. The patients’ characteristics and results of statistical analyses are presented in the main text and <a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0100178#pone-0100178-t001" target="_blank">Tables 1</a> and <a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0100178#pone-0100178-t002" target="_blank">2</a>. (F) Validation of ELISA findings with a different ELISA kit (CUSABIO; n = 64).</p

    p<i>CSPG4</i> as a novel conditional marker of chronic hypoxia in pancreatic tumor cells.

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    <p>Pancreatic normal (stellate and HPDE) and cancer cells grouped according to the level of constitutive p<i>CSPG4</i> expression were exposed to hypoxia (0.74% O<sub>2</sub>) for 3 h and 48 h. QRT-PCR (<b>A</b>), western blot with densitometric quantification using ImageJ software (<b>B</b>) and FACS (<b>C</b>) analyses showed up-regulation of p<i>CSPG4</i> only in cancer cells with high basal levels of p<i>CSPG4</i> at 48 h. In contrast, expression of a known hypoxia-sensitive gene, <i>NIX</i>, was strongly up-regulated in all cells.</p