52 research outputs found

    A tradição bíblica da Península Ibérica entre o séc. VIII e o séc. XII do ponto de vista tipológico

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    This paper gives an overview of the national and international research on the biblical tradition of the Iberian Peninsula between the eighth and twelfth centuries. It describes and analyzes the status quaestionis from various perspectives, seeking to broaden the dominant Spanish-centred research, which widely neglected the Hispanic peripheries, such as Catalonia or Portugal, and focused on single outstanding manuscripts without situating important features of Iberian Bible production within the wider European context. The paper crosses mental, geographic and scientific barriers to pioneer new methods of refining our understanding of the biblical landscape of the medieval Iberian Peninsula. It assesses the heuristic dimensions of research on underestimated or even neglected Bible fragments and highlights the role of Andalusian Arabic Bible translations within the panorama of the Iberian biblical tradition. In addition, it draws attention to the rich, but hitherto neglected study of glossed Bibles of the new French type, and finally underlines the historical, exegetical and transcultural evidence of non-biblical texts transmitted in the context of Iberian Bible manuscripts.Este artigo apresenta uma visão geral da investigação nacional e internacional sobre a tradição bíblica da Península Ibérica entre os séculos VIII e XII. Descreve-se e analisa-se sob várias perspetivas o status quaestionis, procurando-se ampliar a pesquisa dominante, centrada no espanhol, que descurou amplamente as periferias hispânicas, como a Catalunha ou Portugal, e se concentrou em manuscritos únicos, sem situar características importantes da produção da Bíblia Ibérica no contexto europeu. O documento atravessa barreiras mentais, geográficas e científicas para propor novos métodos que melhorem a nossa compreensão da paisagem bíblica da Península Ibérica medieval. O texto avalia ainda as dimensões heurísticas da pesquisa em fragmentos bíblicos subestimados ou até negligenciados e destaca o papel das traduções da Bíblia arábica andaluza no panorama da tradição bíblica ibérica. Além disso, chama a atenção para o estudo rico, mas até agora negligenciado, de Bíblias glosadas do novo tipo francês e, finalmente, sublinha a evidência histórica, exegética e transcultural dos textos não-bíblicos transmitidos no contexto dos manuscritos bíblicos ibéricos.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Using the Carolingian past in a society of transformation : the case of Early Medieval Septimania/Catalonia in the long tenth century (900-1050)

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    The North-eastern region of the Iberian Peninsula, which later became medieval Catalonia, and the adjacent French region, then called Septimania, formed an intermediary zone of ethnic, cultural, linguistic, social, political, and religious transition and brokerage between the Mediterranean and central European worlds, interfacing with the Christian north and Muslim south. Consequently, the double region Septimania/Catalonia is an ideal subject for a comparative view of transformation processes in the Carolingian Empire. My paper - giving an interim report on ongoing research - analyses how this still-underestimated periphery of the Carolingian Empire transformed into a central region of Latin Christian Europe between the late ninth and the middle of the eleventh century, through exploring its imported and autochthonous manuscript production and its position as a border society. In doing so, I show that the societal and religious circumstances of this intermediary zone favoured the concerted selection, introdution and implementation of the core results of the Carolingian Church reform, as well as its well-balanced adaptation to a post-Roman, post-Visigothic and post-Carolingian society under reconstruction. My reflections allow us to assess the quality of 'Carolingian' culture as an imperial, i.e. overarching, eclectic and flexible concept of amalgamation of cultural and political semantics, from a peripheral rather than a central European perspective

    Die Iberische Halbinsel als christlichmuslimischer Begegnungsraum im Spiegel von Transfer- und Transformationsprozessen des 12.-15. Jahrhunderts

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    This paper describes the Iberian Peninsula from the perspective of the many processes of transfer and transformation that occurred in it from the twelfth to the fifteenth centuries, owing to which it became a place of encounter between Christians and Muslims. Particular attention is paid to translations of religious texts made by Christians about Islam, which were on the one hand modes of knowledge and interpretation of a culture, and on the other hand special means for the integration and disintegration of the Muslim population. On gathering together the manuscript tradition currently available of these translations and determining their background, the people involved, the places, circumstances and historical contexts, the paper lays the foundations for the possibility of a complete history of the inter-Christian reception of this transmission process

    [Tagungsbericht] Christlicher Norden – Muslimischer Süden : die Iberische Halbinsel im Kontext kultureller, religiöser und politischer Veränderungen zwischen dem 11. und 15. Jahrhundert

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    Das iberische Mittelalter hat in den letzten Jahren zusehends an Beachtung gewonnen, wie zahlreiche Einzelstudien in den verschiedenen geisteswissenschaftlichen Disziplinen dokumentieren. ..

    Christlicher Norden - Muslimischer SĂĽden

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    Pergamins plens de pols i pobles particulars. Nova recerca en matèria de manuscrits carolingis i d'història pública a la Catalunya del segle XXI

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    Summary: The central aim of the new Barcelona research project “From Carolingian Periphery to European Central Region: The Written Genesis of Catalonia” in the framework of the HERA-project “After Empire: Using and Not Using the Past in the Crisis of the Carolingian World, c.900–c.1050 (UNUP)” is to show that it is indispensable for 21st-century Europe and its integral parts to make the rich Carolingian culture publicly accessible in a modern and innovative way. Keywords: Early medieval Catalonia, Carolingian culture, manuscripts, identity building, Public Histor

    Alcuin, biographe de Charlemagne

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    Plusieurs manuscrits médiévaux de la célèbre biographie de Charlemagne, écrite par Éginhard, portent des titres variés mais qui témoignent tous d’une paternité littéraire d’Alcuin. Manuscrit clunisien de l’époque de l’abbé Odilon (994-1049), probablement du premier quart du XIe siècle, le Ms. nouv. acq. 2664 de la BNF de Paris donne sur le f° 32 r°a l’inscription Incipit vita et actus domni Karoli imperatoris magni edita ab alcuino magistro. Appartenant aux classes différentes de la transmission textuelle, les notes d’une tradition comparable à cette attribution nous forcent à déduire leur origine multiforme. Hypothèse que confirme le témoignage d’autres sources indépendantes, de toute l’Europe, commençant au milieu du XIIe siècle avec une addition autographe du chroniqueur normand Robert de Torigny, pour en finir au XIVe siècle avec le plus grand connaisseur des biographies impériales de Suétone, la source la plus importante de la biographie de Charlemagne, Pétrarque lui-même, qui ne connaissait l’ouvrage d’Éginhard que sous le patronat d’Alcuin. La communication tente de reconstruire de nouveaux aspects de l’image que s’est créée le public scientifique d’un Alcuin auteur quasi omniprésent dans les oeuvres carolingiennes qui semblaient être contemporaines du savant de l’entourage de Charlemagne le plus connu au Moyen Âge. La contribution est un essai visant à sensibiliser les sciences modernes aux problèmes épineux d’identification littéraire et historique provoqués par l’anonymat d’un grand nombre d’ouvrages médiévaux même prestigieux.Several medieval manuscripts of the famous biography of Charlemagne, written by Eginhard, bore varous titles witnessing a literary paternity of Alcuin. Cluniac manuscript from the time of abbot Odilon (994-1049), probably from the first quarter of the 11th century, the ms Paris BNF nouv. acq. lat. 2664 gives on the folio 32 the mention: Incipit vita et actus domni Karoli imperatoris magni edita ab alcuino magistro. Belonging to different classes of the textual transmission, the notes of a tradition similar to this attribution oblige us to deduct their multiform origins. Petrarch himself knew Eginhard’s work only under the patronage of Alcuin. This paper is an attempt to make modern sciences sensitive to the thorny problems of litterary and historical identification provoked by anonymity of numerous medieval works even prestigious

    Y a-t-il une « historiographie transculturelle » au Moyen Âge ?

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    L’historiographie occidentale, telle qu’on la présente traditionnellement, décrit le développement de la riche culture historiographique pratiquée dans l’Antiquité gréco-romaine, puis transformée par la nouvelle pensée historique de la Bible judéo-chrétienne dans ses multiples formes linguistiques et cultuelles, ses canons et ses exégèses. Mais en marge de ce schéma bien connu, la perspective transculturelle de la Bible et son influence sur l’écriture d’une histoire chrétienne du monde global..
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