479 research outputs found

    Searching new targets for the control of Black Rot: following the role of host factors modulating the infection process of Phyllosticta ampelicida

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    Black Rot is a grapevine disease caused by the ascomycete Phyllosticta ampelicida. Neglected so far, this is developing into a pertinent problem in organic viticulture as resistant varieties are still lacking. Here, we follow cellular details of the infection process in the susceptible vinifera variety Müller-Thurgau and screen the ancestral European wild grapevine (V. vinifera sylvestris) for resistance to Black Rot. Using a standardized infection assay, we follow fungal development using LTSEM and quantify key stages on different hosts using fluorescence microscopy. There is considerable variation in susceptibility, which is associated with more rapid leaf maturation. Hyphal growth on different carbon sources shows a preference for pectins over starch, cellulose or xylans. In the resistant sylvestris genotypes Ketsch 16 and Ketsch 18 we find that neither spore attachment nor appressorium formation, but hyphal elongation is significantly inhibited as compared to Müller-Thurgau. Moreover, defence-related oxidative burst and accumulation of phenolic compounds is stimulated in the resistant genotypes. We arrive at a model, where more rapid maturation of the cell wall in these sylvestris genotypes sequesters pectins as major food source and thus block hyphal elongation. This paves the way for introgression of genetic factors responsible for cell wall maturation into V. vinifera to develop Black Rot-resistant varieties of grapevine

    Environmental Health Indicators: A review of initiatives worldwide

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    Purpose – The extent to which research into the design and development of environmental health indicators (EHIs) has translated into operational programmes is unclear. The purpose of this paper is to identify EHI initiatives worldwide, distil the EHIs and draw lessons from the experience. Design/methodology/approach – A systematic internet-based review was undertaken. Programmes were selected for inclusion if they: first, had the ability to monitor both the physical environment and associated health outcomes; and second, the parent agency had the ability to influence policies related to the environment and health. Findings – The small number of eligible programmes indicates EHI initiatives are not yet well established, especially in developing countries. The use of indicators was also limited by uncertainties in the exposure-response relationships that they implied, and the consequent inability to translate the indicators into a common measure of health impact. In addition, there is no information on the extent to which the indicators have been applied in decision making, nor on the policy implications of using indicators. Practical implications – More effort is needed to encourage the development and use of more balanced and informative sets of indicators, and to evaluate their use and outcomes in terms of health benefits. Originality/value – The time is right for a substantial review paper on EHIs as they are now being used by a number of organisations and to the knowledge this is the first review of operational EHI programmes worldwide

    Powdery mildew responsive genes of resistant grapevine cultivar 'Regent'

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    The ascomycete Erysiphe necator causes powdery mildew disease of grapevine, a disastrous infection which is commonly defeated with multiple fungicide applications in viticulture. Breeding for natural resistance of quality grapes (Vitis vinifera) is thus a major aim of current efforts. The cultivar 'Regent' is resistant to powdery mildew due to an introgression from an American Vitis sp. resistance donor. To identify key regulatory elements in defense responses of 'Regent' we performed transcript analyses after challenging with E. necator inoculation in comparison with a susceptible grapevine. A set of genes selected from preliminary microarray hybridization results were investigated by RT-qPCR. The data indicate an important role of transcription factors MYB15, WRKY75, WRKY33, WRKY7, ethylene responsive transcription factors ERF2 and ERF5 as well as a CZF1/ZFAR transcripton factor in regulating the early defense when the fungus starts the interaction with its host by the formation of haustoria

    Direct characterisation of tuneable few-femtosecond dispersive-wave pulses in the deep UV

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    Dispersive wave emission (DWE) in gas-filled hollow-core dielectric waveguides is a promising source of tuneable coherent and broadband radiation, but so far the generation of few-femtosecond pulses using this technique has not been demonstrated. Using in-vacuum frequency-resolved optical gating, we directly characterise tuneable 3fs pulses in the deep ultraviolet generated via DWE. Through numerical simulations, we identify that the use of a pressure gradient in the waveguide is critical for the generation of short pulses.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    β-cell-specific IL-35 therapy suppresses ongoing autoimmune diabetes in NOD mice

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    IL-35 is a recently identified cytokine exhibiting potent immunosuppressive properties. The therapeutic potential and effects of IL-35 on pathogenic T effector (Teff) cells and Foxp3+ Treg cells, however, are ill-defined. We tested the capacity of IL-35 to suppress ongoing autoimmunity in NOD mice. For this purpose, an adeno-associated virus vector in which IL-35 transgene expression is selectively targeted to β cells via an insulin promoter (AAV8mIP-IL35) was used. AAV8mIP-IL35 vaccination of NOD mice at a late preclinical stage of type 1 diabetes (T1D) suppressed β-cell autoimmunity and prevented diabetes onset. Numbers of islet-resident conventional CD4+ and CD8+ T cells, and DCs were reduced within 4 weeks of AAV8mIP-IL35 treatment. The diminished islet T-cell pool correlated with suppressed proliferation, and a decreased frequency of IFN-γ-expressing Teff cells. Ectopic IL-35 also reduced islet Foxp3+ Treg-cell numbers and proliferation, and protection was independent of induction/expansion of adaptive islet immunoregulatory T cells. These findings demonstrate that IL-35-mediated suppression is sufficiently robust to block established β-cell autoimmunity, and support the use of IL-35 to treat T1D and other T-cell-mediated autoimmune diseases

    Stability of interferon-gamma and interleukin-10 responses to Plasmodium falciparum liver stage antigen-1 and thrombospondin-related adhesive protein in residents of a malaria holoendemic area

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    The stability of anti-malarial immunity will influence the interpretation of immunologic endpoints during malaria vaccine trials conducted in endemic areas. Therefore, we evaluated cytokine responses to Plasmodium falciparum liver stage antigen-1 (LSA-1) and thrombospondin-related adhesive protein (TRAP) by Kenyans from a holoendemic area at a 9-month interval. The proportion of adults with interferon-gamma (IFN-gamma) responses to 9-mer LSA-1 peptides was similar at both time-points, whereas responses from children decreased (P \u3c 0.05). Response to the longer, 23-mer LSA-1 peptide was variable, decreasing in adults and children over time (P \u3c 0.02 and P \u3c 0.001, respectively). The proportion of children with IFN-gamma responses to either antigen at the second time-point was significantly lower than that of adults, yet more adults responded to 9-mer TRAP peptides (P \u3c 0.02). In contrast, the proportion of interleukin-10 responses to LSA-1 and TRAP was similar at both time-points for both age groups. Most noteworthy was that even when the repeat cross-sectional frequency of cytokine responses was the same, these responses were not generated by the same individuals. This suggests that cytokine responses to LSA-1 and TRAP are transient under natural exposure conditions

    Attosecond streaking of photoelectron emission from disordered solids

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    Attosecond streaking of photoelectrons emitted by extreme ultraviolet light has begun to reveal how electrons behave during their transport within simple crystalline solids. Many sample types within nanoplasmonics, thin-film physics, and semiconductor physics, however, do not have a simple single crystal structure. The electron dynamics which underpin the optical response of plasmonic nanostructures and wide-bandgap semiconductors happen on an attosecond timescale. Measuring these dynamics using attosecond streaking will enable such systems to be specially tailored for applications in areas such as ultrafast opto-electronics. We show that streaking can be extended to this very general type of sample by presenting streaking measurements on an amorphous film of the wide-bandgap semiconductor tungsten trioxide, and on polycrystalline gold, a material that forms the basis of many nanoplasmonic devices. Our measurements reveal the near-field temporal structure at the sample surface, and photoelectron wavepacket temporal broadening consistent with a spread of electron transport times to the surface

    High harmonic generation in a gas-filled hollow-core photonic crystal fiber

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    High harmonic generation (HHG) of intense infrared laser radiation (Ferray et al., J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 21:L31, 1988; McPherson et al., J. Opt. Soc. Am. B 4:595, 1987) enables coherent vacuum-UV (VUV) to soft-X-ray sources. In the usual setup, energetic femtosecond laser pulses are strongly focused into a gas jet, restricting the interaction length to the Rayleigh range of the focus. The average photon flux is limited by the low conversion efficiency and the low average power of the complex laser amplifier systems (Keller, Nature 424:831, 2003; Südmeyer et al., Nat. Photonics 2:599, 2008; Röser et al., Opt. Lett. 30:2754, 2005; Eidam et al., IEEE J. Sel. Top. Quantum Electron. 15:187, 2009) which typically operate at kilohertz repetition rates. This represents a severe limitation for many experiments using the harmonic radiation in fields such as metrology or high-resolution imaging. Driving HHG with novel high-power diode-pumped multi-megahertz laser systems has the potential to significantly increase the average photon flux. However, the higher average power comes at the expense of lower pulse energies because the repetition rate is increased by more than a thousand times, and efficient HHG is not possible in the usual geometry. So far, two promising techniques for HHG at lower pulse energies were developed: external build-up cavities (Gohle et al., Nature 436:234, 2005; Jones et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 94:193, 2005) and resonant field enhancement in nanostructured targets (Kim et al., Nature 453:757, 2008). Here we present a third technique, which has advantages in terms of ease of HHG light extraction, transverse beam quality, and the possibility to substantially increase conversion efficiency by phase-matching (Paul et al., Nature 421:51, 2003; Ren et al., Opt. Express 16:17052, 2008; Serebryannikov et al., Phys. Rev. E (Stat. Nonlinear Soft Matter Phys.) 70:66611, 2004; Serebryannikov et al., Opt. Lett. 33:977, 2008; Zhang et al., Nat. Phys. 3:270, 2007). The interaction between the laser pulses and the gas occurs in a Kagome-type Hollow-Core Photonic Crystal Fiber (HC-PCF) (Benabid et al., Science 298:399, 2002), which reduces the detection threshold for HHG to only 200nJ. This novel type of fiber guides nearly all of the light in the hollow core (Couny et al., Science 318:1118, 2007), preventing damage even at intensities required for HHG. Our fiber guided 30-fs pulses with a pulse energy of more than 10μJ, which is more than five times higher than for any other photonic crystal fiber (Hensley et al., Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO), IEEE Press, New York, 2008

    Young people's exposure to point-of-sale tobacco products and promotions

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    The study was funded by the UK National Institute for Health Research (NIHR, PHR 10/3000/07).Objectives. Point of sale (POS) displays are one of the most important forms of tobacco marketing still permitted in many countries. Reliable methods for measuring exposure to such displays are needed in order to assess their potential impact, particularly on smoking attitudes and uptake among young people. In this study we use a novel method for evaluating POS exposure based on young people's use of retail outlets and recall of tobacco displays and observational data on the characteristics of displays. Study design. Observational audit of retail outlets (n = 96) and school-based pupil survey (n = 1482) in four Scottish communities reflecting different levels of social deprivation and urbanisation, conducted in 2013 before legislation to remove POS displays was implemented in supermarkets. Methods. Measures were taken of: visibility and placement of tobacco displays; internal and external advertising; display unit size, branding and design; visibility of pack warnings; proximity of tobacco products to products of potential interest to children and young people; pupils' self-reported frequency of visiting retail outlets; and pupils' recall of tobacco displays. Variation in POS exposure across social and demographic groups was assessed. Results. Displays were highly visible within outlets and, in over half the stores, from the public footway outside. Tobacco products were displayed in close proximity to products of interest to children (e.g. confectionery, in 70% of stores). Eighty percent of pupils recalled seeing tobacco displays, with those from deprived areas more likely to recall displays in small shops. When confectioners, tobacconists and newsagents (CTNs) and grocery/convenience stores (two of the outlet types most often visited by young people) were examined separately, average tobacco display unit sizes were significantly larger in those outlets in more deprived areas. Conclusions. POS displays remain a key vector in most countries for advertising tobacco products, and it is important to develop robust measures of exposure. The data reported in this paper provide a baseline measure for evaluating the efficacy of legislation prohibiting such displays.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe