46 research outputs found

    Impact of Hapten Presentation on Antibody Binding at Lipid Membrane Interfaces

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    AbstractWe report the effects of ligand presentation on the binding of aqueous proteins to solid supported lipid bilayers. Specifically, we show that the equilibrium dissociation constant can be strongly affected by ligand lipophilicity and linker length/structure. The apparent equilibrium dissociation constants (KD) were compared for two model systems, biotin/anti-biotin and 2,4-dinitrophenyl (DNP)/anti-DNP, in bulk solution and at model membrane surfaces. The binding constants in solution were obtained from fluorescence anisotropy measurements. The surface binding constants were determined by microfluidic techniques in conjunction with total internal reflection fluorescence microscopy. The results showed that the bulk solution equilibrium dissociation constants for anti-biotin and anti-DNP were almost identical, KD(bulk)=1.7±0.2 nM vs. 2.9±0.1 nM. By contrast, the dissociation constant for anti-biotin antibody was three orders of magnitude tighter than for anti-DNP at a lipid membrane interface, KD=3.6±1.1 nM vs. 2.0±0.2 μM. We postulate that the pronounced difference in surface binding constants for these two similar antibodies is due to differences in the ligands’ relative lipophilicity, i.e., the more hydrophobic DNP molecules had a stronger interaction with the lipid bilayers, rendering them less available to incoming anti-DNP antibodies compared with the biotin/anti-biotin system. However, when membrane-bound biotin ligands were well screened by a poly(ethylene glycol) (PEG) polymer brush, the KD value for the anti-biotin antibody could also be weakened by three orders of magnitude, 2.4±1.1μM. On the other hand, the dissociation constant for anti-DNP antibodies at a lipid interface could be significantly enhanced when DNP haptens were tethered to the end of very long hydrophilic PEG lipopolymers (KD=21±10nM) rather than presented on short lipid-conjugated tethers. These results demonstrate that ligand presentation strongly influences protein interactions with membrane-bound ligands

    An injured pachypleurosaur (Diapsida:Sauropterygia) from the Middle Triassic Luoping Biota indicating predation pressure in the Mesozoic

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    Abstract The Middle Triassic Luoping Biota in south-west China represents the inception of modern marine ecosystems, with abundant and diverse arthropods, fishes and marine reptiles, indicating recovery from the Permian–Triassic mass extinction. Here we report a new specimen of the predatory marine reptile Diandongosaurus, based on a nearly complete skeleton. The specimen is larger than most other known pachypleurosaurs, and the body shape, caniniform teeth, clavicle with anterior process, and flat distal end of the anterior caudal ribs show its affinities with Diandongosaurus acutidentatus, while the new specimen is approximately three times larger than the holotype. The morphological characters indicate that the new specimen is an adult of D. acutidentatus, allowing for ontogenetic variation. The fang-like teeth and large body size confirm it was a predator, but the amputated hind limb on the right side indicate itself had been predated by an unknown hunter. Predation on such a large predator reveals that predation pressure in the early Mesozoic was intensive, a possible early hint of the Mesozoic Marine Revolution

    Creating Spatially Addressed Arrays of Planar Supported Fluid Phospholipid Membranes

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    Differential sediment trapping abilities of mangrove and saltmarsh vegetation a subtropical estuary

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    Saltmarsh and mangrove are common coastal wetland types and their ability to enhance deposition has been investigated extensively, but rarely compared directly. This study carried out in situ observations to compare the sediment transport processes between a bare mudflat, a mangrove stand and a saltmarsh stand within a subtropical estuary. Turbidity variations over the latter portion of a spring tide were recorded, alongside measurements of flow data, to estimate sediment trapping by hydraulic forces under similar hydroperiods. In addition, vegetation was transplanted to compare the direct sediment trapping by high- and short-standing seedlings. The suspended sediment concentration (SSC) time series showed an overall reduction between the bare mudflat and the vegetated flats. Suspended sediment flux estimates revealed that a considerable amount of sediment was trapped by the saltmarsh and the mangrove edges. The flux estimates find that the saltmarsh edge is more efficient than the mangrove edge in trapping sediments transported normal to the edge. The sediment trapping mechanisms were considered based on two approaches: the hydrodynamic related sediment settling and direct trapping by vegetation. The calculation of deposition tendency showed that the presence of vegetation altered the flow direction and the tidal asymmetry of the deposition process, resulting in a higher deposition tendency during the flood phase to enhance sediment settling. In addition to sediment settling, vegetation surfaces were found to trap sediments directly. In combination with rinsing by precipitation, these trapped sediments accumulated on the bed and contributed to the deposition. Against the background of similar inundation periods, the saltmarsh grass showed a greater sediment trapping ability than the mangrove trees, in terms of both the hydraulic sediment trapping and the direct trapping by vegetation surface

    Effects of plastic mulching on the accumulation and distribution of macro and micro plastics in soils of two farming systems in Northwest China

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    Background: Inappropriate disposal of the plastic mulching debris could create macroplastics (MaPs) and microplastics (MiPs) pollution in agricultural soil. Methods: To study the effects of farming systems on accumulation and distribution of agricultural plastic debris, research was carried out on two farming systems in Northwest China. Farming in Wutong Village (S1) is characterized by small plots and low-intensity machine tillage while farming in Shihezi (S2) is characterized by large plots and high-intensity machine tillage. In September 2017, we selected six fields in S1, three fields with 6–8 years of continuous plastic mulching (CM) as well as three fields with over 30 years of intermittent mulching (IM). In S2, we selected five cotton fields with 6, 7, 8, 15 and 18 years of continuous mulching. In both regions, MaPs and MiPs from soil surface to 30 cm depth (0–30 cm) were sampled. Results: The results showed that in S1, MaPs mass in fields with 6–8 years CM (i.e., 97.4kg·ha−1) were significantly higher than in fields with 30 years IM (i.e., 53.7 kg·ha−1). MaPs in size category of 10–50 cm2 accounted for 46.9% in fields of CM and 44.5% in fields of IM of total collected MaPs number. In S2, MaPs mass ranged from 43.5 kg·ha−1 to 148 kg·ha−1. MaPs in size category of 2–10 cm2 account for 41.1% of total collected MaPs number while 0.25–2 cm2 accounted for 40.6%. MiPs in S1 were mainly detected in fields with over 30 years of intermittent mulching (up to 2,200 particles·kg−1 soil), whereas in S2 were detected in all fields (up to 900 particles·kg−1 soil). The results indicated farming systems could substantially affect the accumulation and distribution of agricultural plastic debris. Continuous plastic mulching could accumulate higher amount of MaPs than intermittent plastic mulching. High-intensity machine tillage could lead to higher fragmentation of MaPs and more severe MiPs pollution. These results suggest that agricultural plastic regulations are needed.</p