11 research outputs found

    Tropical vegetables and their genetic resources

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    Plant breeding, germplasm conservation and germplasm research in tropical zones and subtropical zones; plant production and consumption of vegetables in Latin America, Africa and Asia; specific reference is made to fruit vegetables, leafy vegetables, cucurbits, allium and brassicas; including a list of agricultural institutions dealing with vegetable germplasm resources

    Caracterização morfológica e química de frutos de rambutan Morphologic and chemical characterization of rambutan fruits

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    Com a procura de alternativas por parte dos produtores e de novas opçÔes pelos consumidores, o mercado de frutas exĂłticas tem ganhado cada vez mais espaço no Brasil. O rambutan encontra-se entre as frutĂ­feras com potencial de mercado, sendo, no entanto, necessĂĄrio maior conhecimento sobre a cultura, como adequada escolha de genĂłtipos para cada regiĂŁo e manejo do pomar. Diante disso, realizou-se o presente trabalho, na Faculdade de CiĂȘncias AgrĂĄrias e VeterinĂĄrias - UNESP, CĂąmpus de Jaboticabal-SP, que teve por objetivo as caracterizaçÔes morfolĂłgica e quĂ­mica de frutos de rambutan, verificando a distinção de genĂłtipos e distĂąncia genĂ©tica entre os materiais. Foram avaliados: tamanho do fruto, comprimento dos filamentos, espessura da casca, tamanho da semente, peso do fruto, peso da casca, peso da semente, porcentagem de polpa, teores de sĂłlidos solĂșveis (ÂșBrix), ĂĄcido ascĂłrbico e acidez titulĂĄvel. Realizaram-se ainda observaçÔes quanto a: coloração da casca, filamentos e polpa, aderĂȘncia da polpa Ă  casca, aderĂȘncia da polpa Ă  semente e presença de tegumento da semente na polpa. Com base nos resultados obtidos neste trabalho, pode-se concluir que os materiais A51 e B03 apresentam maior conjunto de caracterĂ­sticas desejĂĄveis, sendo promissores aos produtores na instalação de novos plantios da cultura.<br>With the increase in the search of alternatives by the producers, and of new options for the consumers, the market of exotic fruits has been gainig more space in Brazil. The rambutan is among the fruits with market potential, however it is necessary more knowledge about the culture, appropriate genotype choice for each area and handling of the orchard. Considering that, the present research was accomplished at the Faculdade de CiĂȘncias AgrĂĄrias e VeterinĂĄrias - UNESP, Campus of Jaboticabal, SĂŁo Paulo State, Brazil, aiming to study the morphologic and chemical characterization of rambutan fruits, verifying the genotype distinction and the genetic distance among the materials. It was evaluated: fruit size, filament length, peel thickness, seed size, fruit, peel and seed weight, pulp percentage, soluble solid contents (ÂșBrix), ascorbic acid and titrable acidity. Morever, the following observations were conducted: peel coloration, filaments and pulp, adherence of the pulp to the peel, adherence of the pulp to the seed and presence of tegument of the seed in the pulp. Based on the obtained results in this research, it can be concluded that the materials A51 and B03 present a better group of desirable characteristics, revealing to be promising for the producers in the installation of new culture plantings


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    ABSTRACT The reality of Brazilian fruit farming is demonstrating increasing demand for sustainable information about native and exotic fruit, which can diversify and elevate the efficiency of fruit exploitation. Research on propagation of fruits tree is very important so that it can provide a protocol for suitable multiplication of this fruitful. Due to the great genetic diversity of rambutan plants, it is recommended the use of vegetative propagated plants. This research aimed to evaluate the propagation of rambutan by cuttings, layering and grafting, as well as seed germination and viability without storage. The results of this research indicate that this species can be successfully propagated by layering, grafting and seeds. We also observed that the germination percentage of seeds kept inside the fruits for six days were not influenced by the different substrates used in this experiment