413 research outputs found

    Restless Legs Syndrome: Known Knowns and Known Unknowns

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    Although restless legs syndrome (RLS) is a common neurological disorder, it remains poorly understood from both clinical and pathophysiological perspectives. RLS is classified among sleep-related movement disorders, namely, conditions characterized by simple, often stereotyped movements occurring during sleep. However, several clinical, neurophysiological and neuroimaging observations question this view. The aim of the present review is to summarize and query some of the current concepts (known knowns) and to identify open questions (known unknowns) on RLS pathophysiology. Based on several lines of evidence, we propose that RLS should be viewed as a disorder of sensorimotor interaction with a typical circadian pattern of occurrence, possibly arising from neurochemical dysfunction and abnormal excitability in different brain structures

    Long non-coding RNAs play a role in the pathogenesis of psoriatic arthritis by regulating microRNAs and genes involved in inflammation and metabolic syndrome

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    Psoriatic arthritis (PsA) is an inflammatory arthritis, characterized by inflammation of entheses and synovium, leading to joint erosions and new bone formation. It affects 10-30% of patients with psoriasis, and has an estimated prevalence of approximately 1%. PsA is considered to be primarily an autoimmune disease, driven by autoreactive T cells directed against autoantigens present in the skin and in the joints. However, an autoinflammatory origin has recently been proposed. Long noncoding RNAs (lncRNAs) are RNAs more than 200 nucleotides in length that do not encode proteins. LncRNAs play important roles in several biological processes, including chromatin remodeling, transcription control, and post-transcriptional processing. Several studies have shown that lncRNAs are expressed in a stage-specific or lineage-specific manner in immune cells that have a role in the development, activation, and effector functions of immune cells. LncRNAs are thought to play a role in several diseases, including autoimmune disorders. Indeed, a few lncRNAs have been identified in systemic lupus erythematosus, rheumatoid arthritis, and psoriasis. Although several high-throughput studies have been performed to identify lncRNAs, their biological and pathological relevance are still unknown, and most transcriptome studies in autoimmune diseases have only assessed protein-coding transcripts. No data are currently available on lncRNAs in PsA. Therefore, by microarray analysis, we have investigated the expression profiles of more than 50,000 human lncRNAs in blood samples from PsA patients and healthy controls using Human Clariom D Affymetrix chips, suitable to detect rare and low-expressing transcripts otherwise unnoticed by common sequencing methodologies. Network analysis identified lncRNAs targeting highly connected genes in the PsA transcriptome. Such genes are involved in molecular pathways crucial for PsA pathogenesis, including immune response, glycolipid metabolism, bone remodeling, type 1 interferon, wingless related integration site, and tumor necrosis factor signaling. Selected lncRNAs were validated by RT-PCR in an expanded cohort of patients. Moreover, modulated genes belonging to meaningful pathways were validated by RT-PCR in PsA PBMCs and/or by ELISA in PsA sera. The findings indicate that lncRNAs are involved in PsA pathogenesis by regulating both microRNAs and genes and open new avenues for the identification of new biomarkers and therapeutical targets

    Contribution of mitochondrial activity to doxorubicin-resistance in osteosarcoma cells

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    : Osteosarcoma is considered the most common bone tumor affecting children and young adults. The standard of care is chemotherapy; however, the onset of drug resistance still jeopardizes osteosarcoma patients, thus making it necessary to conduct a thorough investigation of the possible mechanisms behind this phenomenon. In the last decades, metabolic rewiring of cancer cells has been proposed as a cause of chemotherapy resistance. Our aim was to compare the mitochondrial phenotype of sensitive osteosarcoma cells (HOS and MG-63) versus their clones when continuously exposed to doxorubicin (resistant cells) and identify alterations exploitable for pharmacological approaches to overcome chemotherapy resistance. Compared with sensitive cells, doxorubicin-resistant clones showed sustained viability with less oxygen-dependent metabolisms, and significantly reduced mitochondrial membrane potential, mitochondrial mass, and ROS production. In addition, we found reduced expression of TFAM gene generally associated with mitochondrial biogenesis. Finally, combined treatment of resistant osteosarcoma cells with doxorubicin and quercetin, a known inducer of mitochondrial biogenesis, re-sensitizes the doxorubicin effect in resistant cells. Despite further investigations being needed, these results pave the way for the use of mitochondrial inducers as a promising strategy to re-sensitize doxorubicin cytotoxicity in patients who do not respond to therapy or reduce doxorubicin side effects

    Prevalence and time course of post-stroke pain: A multicenter prospective hospital-based study

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    OBJECTIVE: Pain prevalence data for patients at various stages after stroke. DESIGN: Repeated cross-sectional, observational epidemiological study. SETTING: Hospital-based multicenter study. SUBJECTS: Four hundred forty-three prospectively enrolled stroke survivors. METHODS: All patients underwent bedside clinical examination. The different types of post-stroke pain (central post-stroke pain, musculoskeletal pains, shoulder pain, spasticity-related pain, and headache) were diagnosed with widely accepted criteria during the acute, subacute, and chronic stroke stages. Differences among the three stages were analyzed with χ(2)-tests. RESULTS: The mean overall prevalence of pain was 29.56% (14.06% in the acute, 42.73% in the subacute, and 31.90% in the chronic post-stroke stage). Time course differed significantly according to the various pain types (P < 0.001). The prevalence of musculoskeletal and shoulder pain was higher in the subacute and chronic than in the acute stages after stroke; the prevalence of spasticity-related pain peaked in the chronic stage. Conversely, headache manifested in the acute post-stroke stage. The prevalence of central post-stroke pain was higher in the subacute and chronic than in the acute post-stroke stage. Fewer than 25% of the patients with central post-stroke pain received drug treatment. CONCLUSIONS: Pain after stroke is more frequent in the subacute and chronic phase than in the acute phase, but it is still largely undertreated

    Mental rotation and working memory in musicians' dystonia

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    BACKGROUND: Mental rotation of body parts engages cortical-subcortical areas that are actually involved in the execution of a movement. Musicians’ dystonia is a type of focal hand dystonia that is grouped together with writer’s cramp under the rubric of “occupational dystonia”, but it is unclear to which extent these two disorders share common pathophysiological mechanisms. Previous research has demonstrated patients with writer’s cramp to have deficits in mental rotation of body parts. It is unknown whether patients with musicians’ dystonia would display similar deficits, reinforcing the concept of shared pathophysiology. METHODS: Eight patients with musicians’ dystonia and eight healthy musicians matched for age, gender and musical education, performed a number of tasks assessing mental rotation of body parts and objects as well as verbal and spatial working memories abilities. RESULTS: There were no differences between patients and healthy musicians as to accuracy and reaction times in any of the tasks. CONCLUSIONS: Patients with musicians’ dystonia have intact abilities in mentally rotating body parts, suggesting that this disorder relies on a highly selective disruption of movement planning and execution that manifests only upon playing a specific instrument. We further demonstrated that mental rotation of body parts and objects engages, at least partially, different cognitive networks

    Repetitive afferent electrical stimulation of the lower-limb : effect on corticomotor excitability and implications for rehabilitation

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    Despite the extensive work published on the effects of electrical stimulation on corticomotor excitability, very few studies have focused on lower limb muscles. The aim of the present study was to determine the effect of high-frequency afferent electrical stimulation of the anterior thigh area on the corticomotor excitability of lower limb muscles. Twenty-two healthy subjects (mean age 23 ± 7 yrs) participated in the study. Electrical stimulation was applied for 60 minutes on the anterior thigh area (frequency 100 Hz, pulse duration 60 µs, intensity below motor threshold). Motor evoked potentials (MEP) of the rectus femoris and biceps femoris muscles were recorded before, and after the electrical stimulation paradigm with a Magstim 200 stimulator. Analyses revealed a significant modulation in MEP amplitude for the RF but not for the BF muscle. Specifically, there was a significant reduction in MEP amplitude for the RF muscle immediately, 15 minutes and 30 minutes after the end of electrical stimulation when compared with baseline. The present results indicate that a 60-minute high-frequency electrical stimulation protocol applied on the anterior thigh area decreases the corticomotor excitability of the RF muscle. Although the exact duration remains unknown, the pattern of modulation observed indicates that the inhibitory effect lasts for more than 30 minutes after the end of stimulation, giving enough time for clinicians to work on the desired motor task during rehabilitation

    Four-week trunk-specific exercise program decreases forward trunk flexion in Parkinson's disease: A single-blinded, randomized controlled trial

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    INTRODUCTION: Pathological forward trunk flexion is a disabling and drug-refractory motor complication of Parkinson's disease (PD) leading to imbalance, pain, and fall-related injuries. Since it might be reversible, early and multidisciplinary management is emphasised. The primary aim was to compare the effects of a four-week trunk-specific rehabilitation program on the severity of the forward trunk flexion. The secondary aim was to compare the training effects on the motor impairments, dynamic and static balance, pain, falls, and quality of life. METHODS: 37 patients with PD (H&Y\u202f 64\u202f4) and forward trunk flexion were randomized in the experimental (n\u202f=\u202f19) or control group (n\u202f=\u202f18). The former consisted of active self-correction exercises with visual and proprioceptive feedback, passive and active trunk stabilization exercises and functional tasks. The latter consisted of joint mobilization, muscle strengthening and stretching, gait and balance exercises. Protocols lasted 4 weeks (60\u202fmin/day, 5 days/week). Before, after, and at 1-month follow-up, a blinded examiner evaluated patients using primary and secondary outcomes. The primary outcome was the forward trunk flexion severity (degree). Secondary outcomes were the UPDRS III, dynamic and static balance, pain falls, and quality of life assessment. RESULTS: The experimental group reported a significantly greater reduction in forward trunk flexion than the control group from T0 to both T1 (p\u202f=\u202f0.003) and T2 (p\u202f=\u202f0.004). The improvements in dynamic and static balance were significantly greater for the experimental group than the control group from T0 to T2 (p\u202f=\u202f0.017 and 0.004, respectively). Comparable effects were reported on the other outcomes. Pre-treatment forward trunk flexion values were highly correlated to post-treatment trunk deviation changes. CONCLUSION: The four-week trunk-specific rehabilitation training decreased the forward trunk flexion severity and increased postural control in patients with PD. NCT03741959

    Secondary hypogammaglobulinemia in Waldmann's disease treated with subcutaneous immunoglobulins

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    Primary intestinal lymphangiectasia (PIL) is rare disorder characterized by congenital malformation or obstruction of intestinal lymphatic drainage; it is responsible for protein losing enteropathy leading to lymphopenia, hypoalbuminemia and hypogammaglobulinemia. A low-fat diet associated with medium-chain triglyceride supplementation is the cornerstone of PIL management. The administration of intravenous immunoglobulins does not always lead to satisfactory plasma levels and therefore the replacement therapy with immunoglobulins is controversial. We describe here the case of a patient with PIL and severe hypogammaglobulinemia treated with immunoglobulins. The striking aspect of this case is the clinical and serological benefit obtained with the subcutaneous compared to the intravenous immunoglobulins administration

    A subset of anti-rotavirus antibodies directed against the viral protein VP7 predicts the onset of celiac disease and induces typical features of the disease in the intestinal epithelial cell line T84.

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    Celiac disease (CD) is an autoimmune disorder of the small intestine triggered by environmental factors in genetically predisposed individuals. A strong association between type 1 diabetes (T1DM) and CD has been reported. We have previously shown that rotavirus infection may be involved in the pathogenesis of CD through a mechanism of molecular mimicry. Indeed, we identified a subset of anti-transglutaminase IgA antibodies that recognize the rotavirus viral protein VP7. In this study, we aimed at evaluating whether such antibodies may predict the onset of CD in children affected by T1DM. Moreover, to further analyze the link between rotavirus infection and pathogenesis of CD, we analyzed the effect of anti-rotavirus VP7 antibodies on T84 intestinal epithelial cells using the gene-array technique, complemented by the analysis of molecules secreted in the supernatant of stimulated cells. We found that anti-rotavirus VP7 antibodies are present in the vast majority (81 %) of T1DM-CD tested sera, but are detectable also in a fraction (27 %) of T1DM children without CD. Moreover, we found that anti-rotavirus VP7 antibodies are present before the CD onset, preceding the detection of anti-tTG and anti-endomysium antibodies. The gene-array analysis showed that purified anti-rotavirus VP7 antibodies modulate genes that are involved in apoptosis, inflammation, and alteration of the epithelial barrier integrity in intestinal epithelial cells, all typical features of CD. Taken together, these new data further support the involvement of rotavirus infection in the pathogenesis of CD and suggest a predictive role of anti-rotavirus VP7 antibodies

    Detection and Characterization of a De Novo Alu Retrotransposition Event Causing NKX2-1-Related Disorder

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    Heterozygous NKX2-1 loss-of-function variants cause combinations of hyperkinetic movement disorders (MDs, particularly childhood-onset chorea), pulmonary dysfunction, and hypothyroidism. Mobile element insertions (MEIs) are potential disease-causing structural variants whose detection in routine diagnostics remains challenging
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