128 research outputs found

    Single photons from a gain medium below threshold

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    The emission from a nonlinear photonic mode coupled weakly to a gain medium operating below threshold is predicted to exhibit antibunching. In the steady state regime, analytical solutions for the relevant observable quantities are found in accurate agreement with exact numerical results. Under pulsed excitation, the unequal time second order correlation function demonstrates the triggered probabilistic generation of single photons well separated in time.Comment: Submitte

    Floquet Topological Polaritons in Semiconductor Microcavities

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    We propose and model Floquet topological polaritons in semiconductor microcavities, using the interference of frequency detuned coherent fields to provide a time periodic potential. For arbitrarily weak field strength, where the Floquet frequency is larger than the relevant bandwidth of the system, a Chern insulator is obtained. As the field strength is increased, a topological phase transition is observed with an unpaired Dirac cone proclaiming the anomalous Floquet topological insulator. As the relevant bandwidth increases even further, an exotic Chern insulator with flat band is observed with unpaired Dirac cone at the second critical point. Considering the polariton spin degree of freedom, we find that the choice of field polarization allows oppositely polarized polaritons to either co-propagate or counter-propagate in chiral edge states.Comment: Accepted by PR

    Switching waves in multi-level incoherently driven polariton condensates

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    We show theoretically that an open-dissipative polariton condensate confined within a trapping potential and driven by an incoherent pumping scheme gives rise to bistability between odd and even modes of the potential. Switching from one state to the other can be controlled via incoherent pulsing which becomes an important step towards construction of low-powered opto-electronic devices. The origin of the effect comes from modulational instability between odd and even states of the trapping potential governed by the nonlinear polariton-polariton interactions

    Parity solitons in nonresonantly driven-dissipative condensate channels

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    We study analytically and numerically the condensation of a driven-dissipative exciton-polariton system using symmetric nonresonant pumping geometries. We show that the lowest condensation threshold solution carries a definite parity as a consequence of the symmetric excitation profile. At higher pump intensities competition between the two parities can result in critical quenching of one and saturation of the other. Using long pump channels, we show that the competition of the condensate parities gives rise to a different type of topologically stable defect propagating indefinitely along the condensate. The defects display repulsive interactions and are characterized by a sustained wavepacket carrying a pair of opposite parity domain walls in the condensate channel

    Chiral Bogoliubons in Nonlinear Bosonic Systems

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    We present a versatile scheme for creating topological Bogoliubov excitations in weakly interacting bosonic systems. Our proposal relies on a background stationary field that consists of a Kagome vortex lattice, which breaks time-reversal symmetry and induces a periodic potential for Bogoliubov excitations. In analogy to the Haldane model, no external magnetic field or net flux is required. We construct a generic model based on the two-dimensional (2D) nonlinear Schr\"odinger equation and demonstrate the emergence of topological gaps crossed by chiral Bogoliubov edge modes. Our scheme can be realized in a wide variety of physical systems ranging from nonlinear optical systems to exciton-polariton condensates.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figures; with Supplemental Material (5 pages; in source

    Topological Polaritons and Excitons in Garden Variety Systems

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    Topological polaritons (aka topolaritons) present a new frontier for topological behavior in solid-state systems. They combine light and matter, which allows to probe and manipulate them in a variety of ways. They can also be made strongly interacting, due to their excitonic component. So far, however, their realization was deemed rather challenging. Here we present a scheme which allows to realize topolaritons in garden variety zinc-blende quantum wells. Our proposal requires a moderate magnetic field and a potential landscape which can be implemented, e.g., via surface acoustic waves or patterning. We identify indirect excitons in double quantum wells as a particularly appealing alternative for topological states in exciton-based systems. Indirect excitons are robust and long lived (with lifetimes up to milliseconds), and, therefore, provide a flexible platform for the realization, probing, and utilization of topological coupled light-matter states.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures; v2: improved figures and text, with added details regarding achievable topological gap

    Non-Hermitian topological exciton-polariton corner modes

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    We theoretically study two-dimensional exciton-polariton lattices and predict that non-Hermitian topological corner modes can be formed under non-resonant pumping. As a generalization of the non-Hermitian skin effect, all eigenstates are localized at the two corners in our model. This is also a higher dimensional topology compared to other proposals in exciton-polariton systems and we find that it allows propagating signals in the bulk of the system to travel around defects, which is not possible in one-dimensional topological lattices or two-dimensional lattices with Hermitian edge states. Furthermore, as all polariton states are localized away from an excitation spot, the system offers an opportunity for more accurate measurement of the polariton-polariton interaction strength as the pump-induced exciton-reservoir is spatially separated from all polariton states

    Quantum theory of polariton weak lasing and polarization bifurcations

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    The quantum theory of polariton condensation in a trapped state reveals a second-order phase transition evidenced by spontaneous polarization parity breaking in sub-spaces of fixed polariton occupation numbers. The emission spectra of polariton condensate demonstrate the coexistence of the symmetry-conserving condensate state with the linear X polarization and the symmetry-broken, elliptically polarized states in the vicinity of the threshold. As a result, the oscillating linear second-order coherence gxx(2)(t)g^{(2)}_{xx}(t), with gxx(2)(t)<1g^{(2)}_{xx}(t)<1 over some time intervals, is obtained. The spontaneous symmetry breaking is reflected in the second-order cross correlator of circular polarizations. The related build-up of elliptically-polarized weak lasing results also in non-monotonous dependence of the circular second-order coherence on the excitation power and the interaction strength.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figure

    Quantum Polariton Simulators

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    Spin-glass graphs are simulated with a novel scheme using exciton-polaritons. Acting as an effective Monte Carlo solver, the ground state is found efficiently. By tuning a parameter, the system either solves XY or Ising problems. Unlike previous proposals, our setup with auxiliary micropillars naturally avoids any bias from amplitute heterogenity. We demonstrate that the simulator is able to find the ground state asymptotically for arbitrary large graphs. These findings show explicitly how polariton simulators could be useful in practice. We furthermore provide strong evidence for the system's ability to harness a quantum speedup
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