783 research outputs found

    Some anomalies of the curved bar problem in classical elasticity

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    The classical formulation of the ‘homogeneous’ problem of a curved bar loaded only by and end force involves the assumption of an appropriate stress function with four arbitrary constants and the determination of these constants from the boundary conditions. Since there are five boundary conditions, four on the curved edge and one at the end, the solution is only possible because the coefficient matrix of the resulting algebraic equations is singular. This in turn means that certain inhomogeneous problems in which the curved edges are loaded by sinusoidally varying tractions cannot be solved using apparently appropriate stress functions.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/42677/1/10659_2004_Article_BF00041152.pd

    Оценка коллатеральной активности CRISPR/Cas13a-рибонуклеазы на биоанализаторе Agilent 2100

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    The paper describes an original technique for detecting the collateral activity of CRISPR/Cas 13a ribonuclease based on the assessment of ribosomal RNA degradation. The Agilent 2100 bioanalyzer is used as an analyzing device. This approach is an alternative to existing detection methods and has a number of advantages over them in the case when a quantitative assessment of activity is not required. On the example of the test sample, the optimal concentrations and ratios of the components of the reaction mixture, which are necessary to obtain the most indicative result, were determined. The proposed technique can be used for qualitative assessment of the activity of recombinant ribonuclease Cas13a preparations obtained under different conditions of heterologous protein expression and purification, as well as for testing guide RNAs.В работе описывается оригинальная методика детекции коллатеральной активности CRISPR/Cas13a-рибонуклеазы, основанная на оценке деградации рибосомальной РНК. В качестве анализирующего прибора используется биоанализатор Agilent 2100. Данный подход является альтернативой существующим методам детекции и имеет ряд преимуществ по сравнению с ними в том случае, когда не требуется количественная оценка активности. На примере тестового образца определены оптимальные концентрации и соотношения компонентов реакционной смеси, необходимые для получения наиболее показательного результата. Предлагаемая методика может быть использована для качественной оценки активности препаратов рекомбинантной рибонуклеазы Cas13а, полученных при разных условиях гетерологической экспрессии белка и его очистки, а также для тестирования направляющих РНК

    Vibration and buckling of thin-walled composite I-beams with arbitrary lay-ups under axial loads and end moments

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    A finite element model with seven degrees of freedom per node is developed to study vibration and buckling of thin-walled composite I-beams with arbitrary lay-ups under constant axial loads and equal end moments. This model is based on the classical lamination theory, and accounts for all the structural coupling coming from material anisotropy. The governing differential equations are derived from the Hamilton’s principle. Numerical results are obtained for thin-walled composite I-beams to investigate the effects of axial force, bending moment and fiber orientation on the buckling moments, natural frequencies, and corresponding vibration mode shapes as well as axial-moment-frequency interaction curves

    Some polynomial solutions for the non-axisymmetric Boussinesq problem

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    Solutions to the Boussinesq problem for the circular punch without axial symmetry can be obtained from corresponding axisymmetric solutions by parametric differentiation. The method is applied to the problem of the tilted flat punch, originally solved by Green, and to the indentation of a cylindrical surface by a flat circular punch.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/42671/1/10659_2004_Article_BF00041668.pd

    On the Choice of Shear Correction Factor in Sandwich Structures

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    The first-order shear deformation theory (FSDT) is a relatively simple tool that has been found to yield accurate results in the non-local problems of sandwich structures, such as buckling and free vibration. However, a key factor in practical application of the theory is determination of the transverse shear correction factor (K), which appears as a coefficient in the expression for the transverse shear stress resultant. The physical basis for this factor is that it is supposed to compensate for the FSDT assumption that the shear strain is uniform through the depth of the cross section. In the present paper, the philosophies and results of K determination for homogeneous rectangular cross sections are first reviewed, followed by a review and discussion for the case of sandwich structures. The analysis presented in the paper results in the conclusion that K should be taken equal to unity, as a first approximation, for both two-skin as well as for multi-skin sandwich structures.Yeshttps://us.sagepub.com/en-us/nam/manuscript-submission-guideline

    Stress response inside perturbed particle assemblies

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    The effect of structural disorder on the stress response inside three dimensional particle assemblies is studied using computer simulations of frictionless sphere packings. Upon applying a localised, perturbative force within the packings, the resulting {\it Green's} function response is mapped inside the different assemblies, thus providing an explicit view as to how the imposed perturbation is transmitted through the packing. In weakly disordered arrays, the resulting transmission of forces is of the double-peak variety, but with peak widths scaling linearly with distance from the source of the perturbation. This behaviour is consistent with an anisotropic elasticity response profile. Increasing the disorder distorts the response function until a single-peak response is obtained for fully disordered packings consistent with an isotropic description.Comment: 8 pages, 7 figure captions To appear in Granular Matte

    Anti-corrosion ceramic coatings on the surface of Nd-Fe-B repelling magnets

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    The results of vacuum-arc deposition of thin ZrO₂ coatings to protect the surface of Nd-Fe-B permanent magnets used as repelling devices in orthodontics are presented. The structure, phase composition and mechanical properties of zirconium dioxide films have been investigated by means of SEM, XRD, EDX, XRF, and nanoindentation method. It was revealed the formation of polycrystalline ZrO₂ films of monoclinic modification with average grain size 25 nm. The influence of the ZrO₂ coating in terms of its barrier properties for corrosion in quasi-physiological 0.9 NaCl solution has been studied. Electrochemical measurements indicated good barrier properties of the coating on specimens in the physiological solution environment.Представленo результати вакуумно-дугового осадження тонких покриттів ZrO₂ для захисту поверхонь постійних магнітів Nd-Fe-B, що використовуються як стягувальні пристрої в ортодонтії. Структура, фазовий склад та механічні властивості плівки діоксиду цирконію були досліджені засобами SEM, XRD, EDX, XRF та наноіндентування. Було виявлено утворення полікристалічних плівок ZrO₂ моноклінної модифікації з середнім розміром зерна 25 нм. Вивчено вплив покриття ZrO₂ як бар’єру для захисту магнітів від корозії в квазіфізіологічному розчині 0,9 NaCl. Електрохімічні виміри встановили хороші бар'єрні властивості покриття на зразках у середовищі фізіологічного розчину.Представлены результаты вакуумно-дугового осаждения тонких покрытий ZrO₂ для защиты поверхности постоянных магнитов Nd-Fe-B, используемых в качестве стягивающих устройств в ортодонтии. Структура, фазовый состав и механические свойства пленок двуокиси циркония были исследованы методами SEM, XRD, EDX, XRF, наноиндентирования. Было обнаружено образование поликристаллических пленок ZrO₂ моноклинной модификации со средним размером зерна 25 нм. Изучено влияние покрытия ZrO₂ в качестве барьера для защиты магнитов от коррозии в квазифизиологическом растворе 0,9 NaCl. Электрохимические измерения показали хорошие барьерные свойства покрытия на образцах в среде физиологического раствора

    The UA9 experimental layout

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    The UA9 experimental equipment was installed in the CERN-SPS in March '09 with the aim of investigating crystal assisted collimation in coasting mode. Its basic layout comprises silicon bent crystals acting as primary collimators mounted inside two vacuum vessels. A movable 60 cm long block of tungsten located downstream at about 90 degrees phase advance intercepts the deflected beam. Scintillators, Gas Electron Multiplier chambers and other beam loss monitors measure nuclear loss rates induced by the interaction of the beam halo in the crystal. Roman pots are installed in the path of the deflected particles and are equipped with a Medipix detector to reconstruct the transverse distribution of the impinging beam. Finally UA9 takes advantage of an LHC-collimator prototype installed close to the Roman pot to help in setting the beam conditions and to analyze the efficiency to deflect the beam. This paper describes in details the hardware installed to study the crystal collimation during 2010.Comment: 15pages, 11 figure, submitted to JINS

    A precision six-load-component transducer: A design incorporating finite-length measurement paths

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    The design of an instrument is described that measures three resultant force components and three resultant moment components acting on a surface. Within the framework of linear elastostatics of an isotropic homogeneous material the device separates to a given precision the six resultant load components. Sensor paths of finite length are employed. Moreover if fiber-optic differential displacement sensors are used rather than traditional electrical resistance strain gages, the range and sensitivity of the instrument can in principle be improved without sacrificing the device stiffness. The primary reason for these improvements is that a complete solution to the equations of elasticity allows certain displacements to be measured over large distances and be combined to yield all of the resultant load components. These displacement measurements over a long distance accommodates the use of fiber-optic interferometric sensors. The use of optical sensors in contrast with electrical-resistance gages, has the potential to allow the measurement precision and range to scale with the geometry of the device rather than the maximum strain in the instrument. It becomes possible by virtue of these features to produce a better instrument.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/43934/1/11340_2006_Article_BF02322149.pd