59,798 research outputs found

    Multichannel telemetry system

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    A two-channel telemetry system is described in which one channel is used for high-rate data and the other channel for low-rate data communication. In the transmitter a signal, which subsequently phase modulates a carrier, is produced which is a function of at least the high-rate data, the low-rate data and the frequency of the subcarrier of the low-rate channel. In the receiver which includes a phase-locked loop, the high-rate data is detected off the receiver inphase channel output and the low-rate off the quadrature channel output

    Interplex modulation and a suppressed-carrier tracking loop for coherent communications systems

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    Simple addition to hardware and new mode of operation of transmitter and receiver in coherent, PCM/PSK/PM configuration greatly improves channel efficiency. Procedure reduces amount of power lost to intermodulation products

    Self-Supervised Learning for Spinal MRIs

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    A significant proportion of patients scanned in a clinical setting have follow-up scans. We show in this work that such longitudinal scans alone can be used as a form of 'free' self-supervision for training a deep network. We demonstrate this self-supervised learning for the case of T2-weighted sagittal lumbar Magnetic Resonance Images (MRIs). A Siamese convolutional neural network (CNN) is trained using two losses: (i) a contrastive loss on whether the scan is of the same person (i.e. longitudinal) or not, together with (ii) a classification loss on predicting the level of vertebral bodies. The performance of this pre-trained network is then assessed on a grading classification task. We experiment on a dataset of 1016 subjects, 423 possessing follow-up scans, with the end goal of learning the disc degeneration radiological gradings attached to the intervertebral discs. We show that the performance of the pre-trained CNN on the supervised classification task is (i) superior to that of a network trained from scratch; and (ii) requires far fewer annotated training samples to reach an equivalent performance to that of the network trained from scratch.Comment: 3rd Workshop on Deep Learning in Medical Image Analysi

    Deer Frozen Semen Quality in Tris Sucrose and Tris Glucose Extender with Different Glycerol Concentrations

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    In order to improve Timor deer (Cervus timorensis) frozen semen quality, the influence of sugar and glycerol concentration on semen characteristics of sperm was investigated. The semen was collected from five sexually mature Timor deer using an electroejaculator. The semen was evaluated and divided into six equal tubes and diluted with Tris sucrose glycerol 10% (TSG10); Tris sucrose glycerol 12% (TSG12); Tris sucrose glycerol 14% (TSG14); Tris glucose glycerol 10% (TGG10); Tris glucose glycerol 12% (TGG12); and Tris glucose glycerol 14% (TGG14). The diluted semen was packed in 0.3 ml minitub straw, equilibrated at 5 oC for 4 hours and frozen on liquid nitrogen vapor for 10 minutes. The total of forward motility, viability, acrosome integrity and membrane integrity were assessed in fresh, after equilibration and after thawing. Results demonstrated that the percentage of sperm motility in TSG10was higher (P (63.93±7.23%). The sperm in TSG10 and TSG14 extender were superior in acrosome as well as in membrane integrity. It was concluded that Tris Sucrose with 10% glycerol protected Timor deer sperm better than other combinations


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    The article examines the concept of "The Other" bearing the meaning of "different", rather than the meaning of "whoever is not myself", in the light of Integration and Inclusion in the Israeli Educational System and Society. For this sake two new concepts have been coined: "different-other" and "significant different-other". The literature analysis indicates that according to the Integration Model and the idea of Normalization, the reference to "The Other" as a human being rather than "a special needs person" is minimized, while the ideological basis of Inclusion matches a holistic and pluralistic view which encourages the uniqueness of the "Different-Other" and leads him towards a meaningful life. The analysis of examples in the Israeli society yields that despite advanced legislation and awareness towards individuals with special needs, the current situation does not meet the criteria of Inclusion. The educational reality indicates that no restructuring of the system, as a major criterion of Inclusion, has taken place, although the principles of early identification, intervention and monitoring are already implemented. The overall insight from the article is that despite the strive towards equity and equality in legislation, efforts should be channeled to persuade the public that the "Different-Other" is first and foremost a human being, and it is the duty of the society to view him as a "Significant Different-Other" rather than a "Different-Other"

    Modular Action on the Massive Algebra

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    The subject of this thesis is the modular group of automorphisms acting on the massive algebra of local observables having their support in bounded open subsets of Minkowski space. After a compact introduction to micro-local analysis and the theory of one-parameter groups of automorphisms, which are used exensively throughout the investigation, we are concerned with modular theory and its consequences in mathematics, e.g., Connes' cocycle theorem and classification of type III factors and Jones' index theory, as well as in physics, e.g., the determination of local von Neumann algebras to be hyperfinite factors of type III_1, the formulation of thermodynamic equilibrium states for infinite-dimensional quantum systems (KMS states) and the discovery of modular action as geometric transformations. However, our main focus are its applications in physics, in particular the modular action as Lorentz boosts on the Rindler wedge, as dilations on the forward light cone and as conformal mappings on the double cone. Subsequently, their most important implications in local quantum physics are discussed. The purpose of this thesis is to shed more light on the transition from the known massless modular action to the wanted massive one in the case of double cones. First of all the infinitesimal generator of the massive modular group is investigated, especially some assumptions on its structure are verified explicitly for the first time for two concrete examples. Then, two strategies for the calculation of group itself are discussed. Some formalisms and results from operator theory and the method of second quantisation used in this thesis are made available in the appendix

    to Christine

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    Pertambahan Bobot Tubuh Rusa Timor (Cervus Timorensis) Setelah Pemberian Konsentrat Dan Kulit Ari Kedelai Pada Hijauan

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    Rusa timor merupakan satwa liar yang suka hidup berkelompok, mudah beradaptasi dalam segala lingkungan dan cepat berkembang biak serta efisien dalam penggunaan pakan. Salah satu faktor yang menentukan keberhasilan pengembangan rusa dengan teknik penangkaran rusa adalah pakan. Pakan yang diberikan pada rusa timor berupa pakan utama dan konsentrat dengan komposisi yang sederhana tapi tidak mengurangi nilai maupun kandungan gizinya. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah melihat potensi antara pakan konsentrat dan kulit ari kedelai pada hijauan terhadap pertambahan bobot tubuh rusa timor (Cervus timorensis) di Taman Margasatwa Mangkang Semarang. Perlakuan selama 45 hari pada rusa timor betina yang berumur 1-2 tahun. Penelitian ini merupakan percobaan dengan membandingkan 2 perlakuan. Seluruh data dianalisis dengan uji t pada taraf signifikansi 95%. Penelitian ini mendapatkan hasil bahwa pemberian konsentrat mampu meningkatkan bobot tubuh rusa timor. Berdasarkan hasil tersebut maka dapat disimpulkan bahwa pemberian konsentrat pada hijauan memiliki potensi untuk digunakan dalam manajemen pakan pemeliharaan rusa timor. Kata kunci pertambahan bobot tubuh, pakan konsentrat, kulit ari kedelai, rusa timor (Cervus timorensis

    Karakteristik Morfologi Rusa timor (Rusa timorensis) dengan Pemeliharaan Ex Situ di Kota Kupang

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    Rusa merupakan salah satu sumber daya genetik yang ada di Indonesia. Keberadaan populasi rusa timor semakin menurun sebagai akibat adanya perburuan liar untuk berbagai kepentingan. Usaha yang dilakukan agar populasi rusa di alam tetap lestari ialah dengan melakukan pengembangan rusa timor melalui konservasi ex situ. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui karakteristik morfologi rusa timor dan sistem pemeliharaan pada penangkaran di Kota Kupang. Sampel yang digunakan adalah 35 ekor rusa timor yang dipelihara pada dua penangkaran di Kota Kupang. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode observasi, wawancara, dan pengukuran menggunakan pita ukur meliputi: pengukuran panjang badan (cm), tinggi badan (cm), lingkar dada (cm), panjang ekor (cm), panjang telinga (cm), panjang kepala (cm), panjang ranggah (cm), dan bobot badan (kg) menggunakan rumus winter. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan adanya perbedaan antara rusa timor jantan dan betina. Secara morfologi, rusa timor jantan memiliki warna dasar kuning kecoklatan pada seluruh area tubuh dan tidak memiliki corak tertentu, sedangkan rusa timor betina memiliki warna coklat, dan berwarna coklat keabuan pada area ventral yaitu bagian kaki, perut, dagu dan bagian bawah leher. Secara morfometri, menunjukan adanya perbedaan nyata pada bagian-bagian luar tubuh rusa jantan dan betina yaitu : bobot badan, lingkar dada, panjang badan, dan tinggi badan. Rusa timor dewasa di Kota Kupang memiliki ukuran tubuh yang lebih besar dibandingkan rusa timor dewasa di Manokwari. Anak rusa timor di Kota Kupang memiliki ukuran tubuh yang lebih besar bila dibandingkan dengan anak rusa timor di Ciawi. Sistem pemeliharaan rusa timor pada dua kawasan penangkaran di Kota Kupang merupakan penangkaran semi terkurung (mini ranch) yang dipelihara di area pekarangan rumah