340 research outputs found


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    This paper deals with the study of the antioxidant activity of diterpene glycoside of stevioside in the absence of stress factors and under the influence of heavy metals. Results showed different response of stevioside to - it reduced catalase activity by 34% as compared to control, but virtually had no effect on the enzymatic activity of an ascorbate peroxidase. Heavy metals at suboptimal concentrations (10 μM) also did not significantly change the activity of the studied enzymes. Growing of plants at a sublethal concentration of pollutants (1 mM) was accompanied by a sharp increase in the activity of ascorbate peroxidase, and, otherwise, decrease in catalase activity. Plants pretreatment with diterpene glycosides ensured reduction of the negative effects of heavy metals on the activity of these enzymes, i.e., ascorbate peroxidase activity was lower and catalase activity was higher. The influence of stevioside also led to 4-fold increase in the content of non-enzymatic antioxidant - proline that may indicate an increasing stress resistance of plants to negative environmental factors

    Моделі соціального захисту населення

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    Тимофєєва А. О. Моделі соціального захисту населення / А. О. Тимофєєва // Людина, суспільство, політика: актуальні виклики сучасності: матеріали ІІ Міжнародної науково-практичної конференції (м. Одеса, 13-14 лютого 2015 р.) / НУ «ОЮА», Одеське відділення Міжнародної асоціації студентів політологічної науки, за заг. ред. Д. В. Яковлева – Одеса : НУ «ОЮА», 2015. – С. 61-64

    Technology of Water Purification With Chlorinated Derivatives and Assessment of Risk Associated With Human Exposure to These Substances

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    In the given paper the authors consider the technology of water purification with consideration to the recommendations of the World Health Organization (WHO), European Union (EU) and standards of developed countries. Carcinogenic Unit Risk (UR) magnitude for people constantly exposed to the analyzed carcinogens in the course of a lifetime is estimated. The authors calculate and evaluate unique carcinogenic risk as a complementary probability of cancer development during the whole life of CR when introducing EU standards into water purification technology

    About some economic applications of cohort analysis

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    Nowadays, there is the problem of evaluating the return on advertising costs for industries with a delayed conversion. Cohort analysis is a series of studies which are conducted at certain time intervals. Using cohort analysis we can better assess the effectiveness of advertising channels for industries with a delayed conversion. Cohort analysis can be used to analyze following items: efficiency in the context of "traffic sources", usefulness of changes on the web site; assessment of effectiveness of marketing campaigns; assessment of impact of seasonality on the behavior of the user; the decision-making period. The article presents an overview of tools we can use to collect data for analysis. The article also describes the method of selection and the variants of the cohorts to construct the analysis. For demonstration of the proposed method and calculation variant, there is considered the practical example of building a cohort analysis. Using these method and the example of calculating, the companies with delayed conversion can analyze the effectiveness of Internet advertising for different advertising channels. © 2018 Author(s)

    The antioxidant properties of stevioside under the influence of heavy metals

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    This paper deals with the study of the antioxidant activity of diterpene glycoside of stevioside in the absence of stress factors and under the influence of heavy metals. Results showed different response of stevioside to - it reduced catalase activity by 34% as compared to control, but virtually had no effect on the enzymatic activity of an ascorbate peroxidase. Heavy metals at suboptimal concentrations (10 μM) also did not significantly change the activity of the studied enzymes. Growing of plants at a sublethal concentration of pollutants (1 mM) was accompanied by a sharp increase in the activity of ascorbate peroxidase, and, otherwise, decrease in catalase activity. Plants pretreatment with diterpene glycosides ensured reduction of the negative effects of heavy metals on the activity of these enzymes, i.e., ascorbate peroxidase activity was lower and catalase activity was higher. The influence of stevioside also led to 4-fold increase in the content of non-enzymatic antioxidant - proline that may indicate an increasing stress resistance of plants to negative environmental factors

    Influence of stevioside and heavy metals on physiological and biochemical parameters of winter wheat

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    Diterpene stevioside glycoside ability to increase resistance to heavy metals influence on germinating seedlings of Mironovskaya 808 type winter wheat is studied. It is shown that CdSO4, CuSO4, and ZnSO4 (10 μmol) inhibited the plant growth and caused accumulation of proline amino acid. Preliminary growing on stevioside solution (10-8 mole) for 5 days considerably decreased toxic effect of heavy metals on plant growth, amounts of heavy metals in roots and leaves of germinating seedlings and increased the proline level

    The chemical structure of steviol-glycosides as base of biological activity

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    © 2016,International Journal of Pharmacy and Technology. All rights reserved.This article is dedicated to study of the peculiarities of influence of glycosides extracted from Stevia Rebaudiana plant,namely stevioside,steviolbioside,rebaudioside A and C as well as of commercial mixture of steviol-glycosides “Sweta” on growth as well as on physical and biochemical processes of wheat plants. Compounds with glycoside nature often demonstrate various types of biological activity. The chemical structure of stevia glycosides is similar to the well-known plant growth and development regulating chemicals,i.e. gibberellins and alongside with that these glycosides induce the same physiological reactions in plants as gibberellins do. This fact puts glycosides within the zone of intense interest from the point of view of phytophysiological investigations. Since the difference between the mentioned compounds lies in composition and structure of a carbohydrate branch of a glycoside molecule study of correlation between the structure and the biological influence of such molecules on plants is the question of major priority. The article represents data indicative of direct relation between the chemical structure of a carbohydrate branch of a glycoside molecule and the impact on Triticumaestivum plants induced by it. There was demonstrated ambiguous nature of the studied compounds impact on the physiological and biochemical state of wheat plants

    Photosynthetic carbon metabolism in potato leaves under changes in light intensity

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    © 2016, Pleiades Publishing, Ltd. Photosynthetic assimilation of 14CO2 was examined in leaves of potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) plants that were grown under direct sunlight and then transferred to 50% irradiance for various periods. The rate of 14CO2 assimilation correlated with light intensity: the photosynthetic rate reduced by 52% after 5-day shading and by 70% after 30-min shading. In all shaded and shade-adapted plants, the sucrose/hexose ratio decreased by a factor of 3.5–4.1; furthermore, the radioactivity of glycolate cycle metabolites and the serine/glycine ratio were lowered. In plants shaded for 5 days or 30 min, the radioactivity of aspartate and malate was higher than at continuous high irradiance, especially in plants shaded for 30 min, whereas a sudden illumination of the shaded plants reduced the radioactivity of these substances. We suppose that low irradiance averted the reentry of glycolate path carbon into the Calvin cycle and redirected this carbon source for the production of four-carbon acids that acidified the apoplast. This acidification activated the apoplastic invertase, which enhanced sucrose hydrolysis and hindered the sucrose export from the leaf. Hydrolysis of sucrose promoted the increase in osmolarity of the apoplastic solution, this increase being stronger at close distances to the stomatal pores where water is intensely evaporated. The increase in osmolarity of extracellular medium led to closing of stomata and the suppression of photosynthesis

    Protector role of stevioside under the influence of heavy metals on the proliferation of sprouts of wheat root cells

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    Diterpenoids is a large family of natural compounds, which in their chemical structure represent the coalescence of carbohydrate cycles, have a different hemometry, and show a polymorphous biological activity. Such compounds include a tetracyclic dipeptide - steviol, which is an agglomerate of glycosides derived from the extract of the herb Stevia Rebaudiana Bertoni. One of the glycosides of this herb is stevioside. This paper deals with the study of the proliferative a ctivity of root cells under the action of the diterpene glycoside - stevioside in the absence of the stress factors and under the action of heavy metals. According to the obtained results, stevioside increases the mitotic activity of the root cell of wheat sprouts by 29%. All the studied heavy metals (Cd, Cu and Zn) inhibited to various extent the proliferation of the root cells at a high concentration (1 mM), while at a low concentration (10 μM) only a cadmium-containing sample showed a reliable difference with the control. Pretreatment with stevioside reduced the negative effect of heavy metals on the mitotic cell activity, which indicates the protective role of stevioside in the influence of pollutants on the plants