25 research outputs found

    Діагностика банкрутства в системі антикризового управління

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    Розглянуто питання відповідності і значимості діагностики фінансового стану кожної стадії антикризового управління. Діагностику банкрутства визначено як ретроспективне, оперативне і перспективне дослідження господарської діяльності та процесу управління підприємством, направлене на виявлення параметрів кризового розвитку за допомогою реалізації комплексу дослідницьких процедур, виявлення слабких ланок і "вузьких місць".Рассмотрены вопросы соответствия и значимости диагностики каждой стадии антикризисного управления. Диагностика банкротства определена как ретроспективное, оперативное и перспективное исследование хозяйственной деятельности и процесса управления предприятием, направленное на выявление параметров кризисного развития с помощью реализации комплекса исследовательских процедур, выявления слабых зон и «узких мест».The article analyzes issues of adequacy and role of diagnostics in all stage of anti-crisis management. The diagnostics of bankruptcy is defined as a retrospective, operative and prospective study of enterprise’s economic activity and management process that is directed to identification of parameters of crisis development by using comprehensive researches and to finding weak spots and "bottlenecks"

    Heat shock protein expression analysis in canine osteosarcoma reveals HSP60 as a potentially relevant therapeutic target

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    Heat shock proteins (HSP) are highly conserved across eukaryotic and prokaryotic species. These proteins play a role in response to cellular stressors, protecting cells from damage and facilitating recovery. In tumor cells, HSPs can have cytoprotective effects and interfere with apoptotic cascades. This study was performed to assess the prognostic and predictive values of the gene expression of HSP family members in canine osteosarcoma (OS) and their potential for targeted therapy. Gene expressions for HSP were assessed using quantitative PCR (qPCR) on 58 snap-frozen primary canine OS tumors and related to clinic-pathological parameters. A significant increased expression of HSP60 was found in relation to shorter overall survival and an osteoblastic phenotype. Therefore, the function of HSP60 was investigated in more detail. Immunohistochemical analysis revealed heterogeneous staining for HSP60 in tumors. The highest immunoreactivity was found in tumors of short surviving dogs. Next HSP expression was shown in a variety of canine and human OS cell lines by qPCR and Western blot. In two highly metastatic cell lines HSP60 expression was silenced using siRNA resulting in decreased cell proliferation and induction of apoptosis in both cell lines. It is concluded that overexpression of HSP60 is associated with a poor prognosis of OS and should be evaluated as a new target for therapy

    Whole transcriptome analysis of canine pheochromocytoma and paraganglioma

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    Pheochromocytomas and paragangliomas (PPGLs) are neuroendocrine tumors arising from the chromaffin cells in the adrenal medulla and extra-adrenal paraganglia, respectively. Local invasion, concurrent disorders, and metastases prevent surgical removal, which is the most effective treatment to date. Given the current lack of effective medical treatment, there is a need for novel therapeutic strategies. To identify druggable pathways driving PPGL development, we performed RNA sequencing on PPGLs (n = 19) and normal adrenal medullas (NAMs; n = 10) of dogs. Principal component analysis (PCA) revealed that PPGLs clearly clustered apart from NAMs. In total, 4,218 genes were differentially expressed between PPGLs and NAMs. Of these, 232 had a log2 fold change of >3 or < −3, of which 149 were upregulated in PPGLs, and 83 were downregulated. Compared with NAMs, PPGLs had increased expression of genes related to the cell cycle, tumor development, progression and metastasis, hypoxia and angiogenesis, and the Wnt signaling pathway, and decreased expression of genes related to adrenal steroidogenesis. Our data revealed several overexpressed genes that could provide targets for novel therapeutics, such as Ret Proto-Oncogene (RET), Dopamine Receptor D2 (DRD2), and Secreted Frizzled Related Protein 2 (SFRP2). Based on the PCA, PPGLs were classified into 2 groups, of which group 1 had significantly higher Ki67 scores (p = 0.035) and shorter survival times (p = 0.04) than group 2. Increased expression of 1 of the differentially expressed genes between group 1 and 2, pleiotrophin (PTN), appeared to correlate with a more aggressive tumor phenotype. This study has shed light on the transcriptomic profile of canine PPGL, yielding new insights into the pathogenesis of these tumors in dogs, and revealed potential novel targets for therapy. In addition, we identified 2 transcriptionally distinct groups of PPGLs that had significantly different survival times

    Small molecules to regulate the GH/IGF1 axis by inhibiting the growth hormone receptor synthesis

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    Growth hormone (GH) and insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF1) play an important role in mammalian development, cell proliferation and lifespan. Especially in cases of tumor growth there is an urgent need to control the GH/IGF1 axis. In this study we screened a 38,480-compound library, and in two consecutive rounds of analogues selection, we identified active lead compounds based on the following criteria: inhibition the GH receptor (GHR) activity and its downstream effectors Jak2 and STAT5, and inhibition of growth of breast and colon cancer cells. The most active small molecule (BM001) inhibited both the GH/IGF1 axis and cell proliferation with an IC50 of 10-30 nM of human cancer cells. BM001 depleted GHR in human lymphoblasts. In preclinical xenografted experiments, BM001 showed a strong decrease in tumor volume in mice transplanted with MDA-MB-231 breast cancer cells. Mechanistically, the drug acts on the synthesis of the GHR. Our findings open the possibility to inhibit the GH/IGF1 axis with a small molecule

    High basal Wnt signaling is further induced by PI3K/mTor inhibition but sensitive to cSRC inhibition in mammary carcinoma cell lines with HER2/3 overexpression

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    BACKGROUND: Elevated basal, ligand-independent, Wnt signaling in some canine breast cancer cells is not caused by classical mutations in APC, β-Catenin or GSK3β but, at least partially, by enhanced LEF1 expression. We examined the expression and function of EGFR/HER-regulated pathways on the ligand-independent Wnt signaling. METHODS: Twelve canine mammary tumor cell lines with previously reported differential basal Wnt activity were used. The expression levels of genes related to EGF-signaling were analyzed by cluster analysis. Cell lines with a combined overexpression of EGF-related genes and enhanced basal Wnt activity were treated with PI3K/mTor or cSRC inhibitors or transfected with a construct expressing wild-type PTEN. Subsequently, effects were measured on Wnt activity, cell proliferation, gene expression and protein level. RESULTS: High basal Wnt/LEF1 activity was associated with overexpression of HER2/3, ID1, ID2, RAC1 and HSP90 together with low to absent cMET and PTEN mRNA expression, suggesting a connection between Wnt- and HER-signaling pathways. Inhibition of the HER-regulated PI3K/mTor pathway using the dual PI3K/mTor inhibitor BEZ235 or the mTor inhibitor Everolimus® resulted in reduced cell proliferation. In the cell line with high basal Wnt activity, however, an unexpected further increased Wnt activity was found that could be greatly reduced after inhibition of the HER-regulated cSRC activity. Inhibition of the PI3K/mTor pathway was associated with enhanced expression of β-Catenin, Axin2, MUC1, cMET, EGFR and HER2 and a somewhat increased β-Catenin protein content, whereas cSRC inhibition was associated with slightly enhanced HER3 and SLUG mRNA expression. A high protein expression of HER3 was found only in a cell line with high basal Wnt activity. CONCLUSIONS: High basal Wnt activity in some mammary cancer cell lines is associated with overexpression of HER-receptor related genes and HER3 protein, and the absence of PTEN. Inhibition of the PI3K/mTor pathway further stimulated, however, canonical Wnt signaling, whereas the inhibitory effect with the cSRC inhibitor Src-I1 on the Wnt activity further suggested a connection between Wnt and HER2/3-signaling

    Molecular Signaling of Progesterone, Growth Hormone, Wnt, and HER in Mammary Glands of Dogs, Rodents, and Humans : New Treatment Target Identification

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    Mammary tumors are the most common form of neoplasia in the bitch. Female dogs are protected when they are spayed before the first estrus cycle, but this effect readily disappears and is already absent when dogs are spayed after the second heat. As the ovaries are removed during spaying, ovarian steroids are assumed to play an essential role in tumor development. The sensitivity toward tumor development is already present during early life, which may be caused by early mutations in stem cells during the first estrus cycles. Later on in life, tumors arise that are mostly steroid-receptor positive, although a small subset of tumors overexpressing human epidermal growth factor 2 (HER2) and some lacking estrogen receptor, progesterone receptor (PR), and HER2 (triple negative) are present, as is the situation in humans. Progesterone (P4), acting through PR, is the major steroid involved in outgrowth of mammary tissue. PRs are expressed in two forms, the progesterone receptor A (PRA) and progesterone receptor B (PRB) isoforms derived from splice variants from a single gene. The dog and the whole family of canids have only a functional PRA isoform, whereas the PRB isoform, if expressed at all, is devoid of intrinsic biological activity. In human breast cancer, overexpression of the PRA isoform is related to more aggressive carcinomas making the dog a unique model to study PRA-related mammary cancer. Administration of P4 to adult dogs results in local mammary expression of growth hormone (GH) and wing less-type mouse mammary tumor virus integration site family 4 (Wnt4). Both proteins play a role in activation of mammary stem cells. In this review, we summarize what is known on P4, GH, and Wnt signaling in canine mammary cancer, how the family of HER receptors could interact with this signaling, and what this means for comparative and translational oncological aspects of human breast cancer development

    Dasatinib inhibition of cSRC prevents the migration and metastasis of canine mammary cancer cells with enhanced Wnt and HER signaling

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    BACKGROUND: HER2 overexpression leads to aggressive mammary tumor growth. Although the prognosis of HER2+ tumors in humans is greatly improved using biologicals, therapy resistance, which may be caused by increased PI3K, cSRC or Wnt activity, is a major concern. A recent analysis of 12 canine mammary cell lines showed an association between HER2/3 overexpression and PTEN deletion with elevated Wnt-signaling. Wnt-activity appeared to be insensitive to PI3K inhibitors but sensitive to Src-I1. We hypothesized that Wnt activation, was caused by HER2/3-activated cSRC activation. METHODS: The role of HER2/3 on Wnt signaling was investigated by silencing HER2/3 expression using specific siRNAs. Next, the effect of an EGFR/HER2 tyrosine kinase inhibitor on Wnt activity and migration was investigated and compared to other TKIs of related signaling pathways. Finally, two TKIs, a cSRC and a PI3K inhibitor, were investigated in a zebrafish xenograft model. RESULTS: Silencing of HER1-3 did not inhibit the intrinsic high Wnt activity, whereas the HER kinase inhibitor afatinib showed enhanced Wnt activity. The strongest inhibition of Wnt activity and cell viability and migration was shown by cSRC inhibitors, which also showed strong inhibition of cell viability and metastasis in a zebrafish xenograft model. CONCLUSION: HER2/3 overexpression or HER2/3-induced cSRC activation is not the cause of enhanced Wnt activity. However, inhibition of cSRC resulted in a strong inhibition of Wnt activity and cell migration and metastasis. Further studies are needed to unravel the mechanism of cSRC activation and cSRC inhibition to restore sensitivity to HER-inhibitors in HER2/3-positive breast cancer. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved

    Molecular Signaling of Progesterone, Growth Hormone, Wnt, and HER in Mammary Glands of Dogs, Rodents, and Humans: New Treatment Target Identification

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    Mammary tumors are the most common form of neoplasia in the bitch. Female dogs are protected when they are spayed before the first estrus cycle, but this effect readily disappears and is already absent when dogs are spayed after the second heat. As the ovaries are removed during spaying, ovarian steroids are assumed to play an essential role in tumor development. The sensitivity toward tumor development is already present during early life, which may be caused by early mutations in stem cells during the first estrus cycles. Later on in life, tumors arise that are mostly steroid-receptor positive, although a small subset of tumors overexpressing human epidermal growth factor 2 (HER2) and some lacking estrogen receptor, progesterone receptor (PR), and HER2 (triple negative) are present, as is the situation in humans. Progesterone (P4), acting through PR, is the major steroid involved in outgrowth of mammary tissue. PRs are expressed in two forms, the progesterone receptor A (PRA) and progesterone receptor B (PRB) isoforms derived from splice variants from a single gene. The dog and the whole family of canids have only a functional PRA isoform, whereas the PRB isoform, if expressed at all, is devoid of intrinsic biological activity. In human breast cancer, overexpression of the PRA isoform is related to more aggressive carcinomas making the dog a unique model to study PRA-related mammary cancer. Administration of P4 to adult dogs results in local mammary expression of growth hormone (GH) and wing less-type mouse mammary tumor virus integration site family 4 (Wnt4). Both proteins play a role in activation of mammary stem cells. In this review, we summarize what is known on P4, GH, and Wnt signaling in canine mammary cancer, how the family of HER receptors could interact with this signaling, and what this means for comparative and translational oncological aspects of human breast cancer development

    Reference gene validation for gene expression normalization in canine osteosarcoma: a geNorm algorithm approach

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    Abstract Background Quantitative PCR (qPCR) is a common method for quantifying mRNA expression. Given the heterogeneity present in tumor tissues, it is crucial to normalize target mRNA expression data using appropriate reference genes that are stably expressed under a variety of pathological and experimental conditions. No studies have validated specific reference genes in canine osteosarcoma (OS). Previous gene expression studies involving canine OS have used one or two reference genes to normalize gene expression. This study aimed to validate a panel of reference genes commonly used for normalization of canine OS gene expression data using the geNorm algorithm. qPCR analysis of nine canine reference genes was performed on 40 snap-frozen primary OS tumors and seven cell lines. Results Tumors with a variety of clinical and pathological characteristics were selected. Gene expression stability and the optimal number of reference genes for gene expression normalization were calculated. RPS5 and HNRNPH were highly stable among OS cell lines, while RPS5 and RPS19 were the best combination for primary tumors. Pairwise variation analysis recommended four and two reference genes for optimal normalization of the expression data of canine OS tumors and cell lines, respectively. Conclusions Appropriate combinations of reference genes are recommended to normalize mRNA levels in canine OS tumors and cell lines to facilitate standardized and reliable quantification of target gene expression, which is essential for investigating key genes involved in canine OS metastasis and for comparative biomarker discovery