33 research outputs found

    A new species of Rattus (Rodentia: Muridae) from Manus Island, Papua New Guinea

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    We describe a new species of Rattus, from 3 modern specimens collected on Manus Island in the Admiralty Group, Papua New Guinea, between 2002 and 2012. Subfossil specimens of early to late Holocene age from the Pamwak archaeological site on Manus Island are referred to the new species on morphological criteria; these confirm the species as a long-term resident of Manus Island. The new species is distinguished by its combination of large size; short tail; dorsal pelage that is coarse, spiny, and dark, with prominent black guard hairs; and sharply contrasting cream ventral pelage. Based on its overall body form, the species is almost certainly terrestrial. The dentition combines robust incisors with relatively small molars and the cranium displays a distinctive mélange of characters—including an elongate and anteriorly expanded rostrum and a mesopterygoid fossa that is narrow anteriorly and broadens to the rear. Sequence data from the mitochondrial control region and 3 nuclear genes place the new species as a highly divergent member of the Australo–Papuan Rattus radiation, with no identified close relative among sampled taxa. Morphological comparisons are made between the new species and other pertinent species of Rattus from the region, including R. sanila, a species known only from Late Pleistocene fossil to Late Holocene subfossil remains from an archaeological site on New Ireland. The conservation status of the new species is discussed in the light of a recent survey that failed to locate surviving populations in 2 areas of natural forest on Manus Island. Further survey work is urgently needed to identify any surviving populations and to assess the role of potential threats to the species

    Behavioral Corporate Finance: An Updated Survey

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    Integrating traditional knowledge, science and conservation in the search for undescribed mammals on Malaita, Solomon Islands

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    Basic knowledge of species diversity and distributions underpins the study of island biogeography and is fundamental for conservation planning. In Solomon Islands, new mammals continue to be described and several lineages are yet to be documented from large islands where, presumably, they should occur. On Malaita and Makira, no giant rats (SolomysorUromys), or monkey-faced bats (Pteralopex) have been documented by scientists, but traditional knowledge suggests they exist. In East Kwaio, Malaita, we combined traditional knowledge and scientific methods to survey mammals and search for these taxa. Camera traps, mist nets, spotlight surveys, echolocation call recorders, rat traps and active searches were used to produce an inventory of the island's mammals. NoSolomys,UromysorPteralopexwere captured. However, detailed accounts suggest that giant rats and monkey-faced bats were present as recently as 1996 and 2002 respectively. Moreover, we consider the presence of gnawedCanariumnuts an indicator that giant rats still persist. The human population of Malaita is dense, hunting pressure appears high, feral cats are common, and logging is rapidly reducing primary forests. A notable feature of this work has been the commitment towards collaboration and upskilling landowners in mammal survey techniques. This collaboration has helped fuel a growing conservation movement on Malaita and led to the designation of three large conservation areas. Gathering evidence for the existence of undescribed mammals on Malaita is paramount for reducing further extinctions in Melanesia. Continued support for skilled community members in East Kwaio will be key to collecting this evidence

    The mandible and dentition of the Early Cretaceous monotreme Teinolophos trusleri

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    The monotreme Teinolophos trusleri Rich, Vickers-Rich, Constantine, Flannery, Kool & van Klaveren, 1999 from the Early Cretaceous of Australia is redescribed and reinterpreted here in light of additional specimens of that species and compared with the exquisitely preserved Early Cretaceous mammals from Liaoning Province, China. Together, this material indicates that although T. trusleri lacked a rod of postdentary bones contacting the dentary, as occurs in non-mammalian cynodonts and basal mammaliaforms, it did not share the condition present in all living mammals, including monotremes, of having the three auditory ossicles, which directly connect the tympanic membrane to the fenestra ovalis, being freely suspended within the middle ear cavity. Rather, T. trusleri appears to have had an intermediate condition, present in some Early Cretaceous mammals from Liaoning, in which the postdentary bones cum ear ossicles retained a connection to a persisting Meckel’s cartilage although not to the dentary. Teinolophos thus indicates that the condition of freely suspended auditory ossicles was acquired independently in monotremes and therian mammals. Much of the anterior region of the lower jaw of Teinolophos is now known, along with an isolated upper ultimate premolar. The previously unknown anterior region of the jaw is elongated and delicate as in extant monotremes, but differs in having at least seven antemolar teeth, which are separated by distinct diastemata. The dental formula of the lower jaw of Teinolophos trusleri as now known is i2 c1 p4 m5. Both the deep lower jaw and the long-rooted upper premolar indicate that Teinolophos, unlike undoubted ornithorhynchids (including the extinct Obdurodon), lacked a bill.The Committee for Research and Exploration of the National Geographic Society and the Australian Research Council provided much of the funding needed for the fieldwork carried out at the Flat Rocks locality. We acknowledge travel funding provided by the International Synchrotron Access Program managed by the Australian Synchrotron and funded by the Australian Government