1,308 research outputs found

    Unsupervised Classification of Single-Molecule Data with Autoencoders and Transfer Learning

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    Datasets from single-molecule experiments often reflect a large variety of molecular behaviour. The exploration of such datasets can be challenging, especially if knowledge about the data is limited and a priori assumptions about expected data characteristics are to be avoided. Indeed, searching for pre-defined signal characteristics is sometimes useful, but it can also lead to information loss and the introduction of expectation bias. Here, we demonstrate how Transfer Learning-enhanced dimensionality reduction can be employed to identify and quantify hidden features in single-molecule charge transport data, in an unsupervised manner. Taking advantage of open-access neural networks trained on millions of seemingly unrelated image data, our results also show how Deep Learning methodologies can readily be employed, even if the amount of problem-specific, 'own' data is limited.Comment: 23 pages in total, incl. supporting information; 8 figure

    Hypoxia Upregulates Estrogen Receptor β in Pulmonary Artery Endothelial Cells in a HIF-1α-Dependent Manner

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    17β-Estradiol (E2) attenuates hypoxia-induced pulmonary hypertension (HPH) through estrogen receptor (ER)-dependent effects, including inhibition of hypoxia-induced endothelial cell proliferation; however, the mechanisms responsible for this remain unknown. We hypothesized that the protective effects of E2 in HPH are mediated through hypoxia-inducible factor 1α (HIF-1α)-dependent increases in ERβ expression. Sprague-Dawley rats and ERα or ERβ knockout mice were exposed to hypobaric hypoxia for 2-3 weeks. The effects of hypoxia were also studied in primary rat or human pulmonary artery endothelial cells (PAECs). Hypoxia increased expression of ERβ, but not ERα, in lungs from HPH rats as well as in rat and human PAECs. ERβ mRNA time dependently increased in PAECs exposed to hypoxia. Normoxic HIF-1α/HIF-2α stabilization increased PAEC ERβ, whereas HIF-1α knockdown decreased ERβ abundance in hypoxic PAECs. In turn, ERβ knockdown in hypoxic PAECs increased HIF-2α expression, suggesting a hypoxia-sensitive feedback mechanism. ERβ knockdown in hypoxic PAECs also decreased expression of the HIF inhibitor prolyl hydroxylase 2 (PHD2), whereas ERβ activation increased PHD2 and decreased both HIF-1α and HIF-2α, suggesting that ERβ regulates the PHD2/HIF-1α/HIF-2α axis during hypoxia. Whereas hypoxic wild-type or ERα knockout mice treated with E2 demonstrated less pulmonary vascular remodeling and decreased HIF-1α after hypoxia compared with untreated hypoxic mice, ERβ knockout mice exhibited increased HIF-2α and an attenuated response to E2 during hypoxia. Taken together, our results demonstrate a novel and potentially therapeutically targetable mechanism whereby hypoxia, via HIF-1α, increases ERβ expression and the E2-ERβ axis targets PHD2, HIF-1α, and HIF-2α to attenuate HPH development

    Which way up? Recognition of homologous DNA segments in parallel and antiparallel alignment

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    Homologous gene shuffling between DNA promotes genetic diversity and is an important pathway for DNA repair. For this to occur, homologous genes need to find and recognize each other. However, despite its central role in homologous recombination, the mechanism of homology recognition is still an unsolved puzzle. While specific proteins are known to play a role at later stages of recombination, an initial coarse grained recognition step has been proposed. This relies on the sequence dependence of the DNA structural parameters, such as twist and rise, mediated by intermolecular interactions, in particular electrostatic ones. In this proposed mechanism, sequences having the same base pair text, or are homologous, have lower interaction energy than those sequences with uncorrelated base pair texts; the difference termed the recognition energy. Here, we probe how the recognition energy changes when one DNA fragment slides past another, and consider, for the first time, homologous sequences in antiparallel alignment. This dependence on sliding was termed the recognition well. We find that there is recognition well for anti-parallel, homologous DNA tracts, but only a very shallow one, so that their interaction will differ little from the interaction between two nonhomologous tracts. This fact may be utilized in single molecule experiments specially targeted to test the theory. As well as this, we test previous theoretical approximations in calculating the recognition well for parallel molecules against MC simulations, and consider more rigorously the optimization of the orientations of the fragments about their long axes. The more rigorous treatment affects the recognition energy a little, when the molecules are considered rigid. However when torsional flexibility of the DNA molecules is introduced, we find excellent agreement between analytical approximation and simulation.Comment: Paper with supplemental material attached. 41 pages in all, 4 figures in main text, 3 figures in supplmental. To be submitted to Journa


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    Estrogen receptor-dependent attenuation of hypoxia-induced changes in the lung genome of pulmonary hypertension rats

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    17β-estradiol (E2) exerts complex and context-dependent effects in pulmonary hypertension. In hypoxia-induced pulmonary hypertension (HPH), E2 attenuates lung vascular remodeling through estrogen receptor (ER)-dependent effects; however, ER target genes in the hypoxic lung remain unknown. In order to identify the genome regulated by the E2-ER axis in the hypoxic lung, we performed a microarray analysis in lungs from HPH rats treated with E2 (75 mcg/kg/day) ± ER-antagonist ICI182,780 (3 mg/kg/day). Untreated HPH rats and normoxic rats served as controls. Using a false discovery rate of 10%, we identified a significantly differentially regulated genome in E2-treated versus untreated hypoxia rats. Genes most upregulated by E2 encoded matrix metalloproteinase 8, S100 calcium binding protein A8, and IgA Fc receptor; genes most downregulated by E2 encoded olfactory receptor 63, secreted frizzled-related protein 2, and thrombospondin 2. Several genes affected by E2 changed in the opposite direction after ICI182,780 co-treatment, indicating an ER-regulated genome in HPH lungs. The bone morphogenetic protein antagonist Grem1 (gremlin 1) was upregulated by hypoxia, but found to be among the most downregulated genes after E2 treatment. Gremlin 1 protein was reduced in E2-treated versus untreated hypoxic animals, and ER-blockade abolished the inhibitory effect of E2 on Grem1 mRNA and protein. In conclusion, E2 ER-dependently regulates several genes involved in proliferative and inflammatory processes during hypoxia. Gremlin 1 is a novel target of the E2-ER axis in HPH. Understanding the mechanisms of E2 gene regulation in HPH may allow for selectively harnessing beneficial transcriptional activities of E2 for therapeutic purposes

    Glutaconate CoA-transferase from Acidaminococcus fermentans: the crystal structure reveals homology with other CoA-transferases

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    AbstractBackground: Coenzyme A-transferases are a family of enzymes with a diverse substrate specificity and subunit composition. Members of this group of enzymes are found in anaerobic fermenting bacteria, aerobic bacteria and in the mitochondria of humans and other mammals, but so far none have been crystallized. A defect in the human gene encoding succinyl-CoA: 3-oxoacid CoA-transferase causes a metabolic disease which leads to severe ketoacidosis, thus reflecting the importance of this family of enzymes. All CoA-transferases share a common mechanism in which the CoA moiety is transferred from a donor (e.g. acetyl CoA) to an acceptor, (R)-2-hydroxyglutarate, whereby acetate is formed. The transfer has been described by a ping-pong mechanism in which CoA is bound to the active-site residue of the enzyme as a covalent thiol ester intermediate. We describe here the crystal structure of glutaconate CoA-transferase (GCT) from the strictly anaerobic bacterium Acidaminococcus fermentans. This enzyme activates (R)-2-hydroxyglutarate to (R)-2-hydroxyglutaryl-CoA in the pathway of glutamate fermentation. We initiated this project to gain further insight into the function of this enzyme and the structural basis for the characteristics of CoA-transferases.Results: The crystal structure of GCT was solved by multiple isomorphous replacement to 2.55 Å resolution. The enzyme is a heterooctamer and its overall arrangement of subunits can be regarded as an (AB)4tetramer obeying 222 symmetry. Both subunits A and B belong to the open α/β-protein class and can be described as a four-layered α/α/β/α type with a novel composition and connectivity of the secondary structure elements. The core of subunit A consists of seven α/β repeats resulting in an all parallel central β sheet, against which helices pack from both sides. In contrast, the centre of subunit B is formed by a ninefold mixed β sheet. Inboth subunits the helical C terminus is folded back onto the N-terminal domain to form the third layer of helices.Conclusions: The active site of GCT is located at the interface of subunits A and B and is formed by loops of both subunits. The funnel-shaped opening to the active site has a depth and diameter of about 20 Å with the catalytic residue, Glu54 of subunit B, at the bottom. The active-site glutamate residue is stabilized by hydrogen bonds. Despite very low amino acid sequence similarity, subunits A and B reveal a similar overall fold. Large parts of their structures can be spatially superimposed, suggesting that both subunits have evolved from a common ancestor

    Rapid fragmentation during seeded lysozyme aggregation revealed at the single molecule level

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    Protein aggregation is associated with neurodegenerative disorders such as Alzheimer's and Parkinson's diseases. The poorly understood pathogenic mechanism of amyloid diseases makes early stage diagnostics or therapeutic intervention a challenge. Seeded polymerization that reduces the duration of the lag phase and accelerates fibril growth is a widespread model to study amyloid formation. Seeding effects are hypothesized to be important in the "infectivity" of amyloids and are linked to the development of systemic amyloidosis in vivo. The exact mechanism of seeding is unclear yet critical to illuminating the propagation of amyloids. Here we report on the lateral and axial fragmentation of seed fibrils in the presence of lysozyme monomers at short time scales, followed by the generation of oligomers and growth of fibrils

    High-speed detection of DNA translocation in nanopipettes

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    We present a high-speed electrical detection scheme based on a custom-designed CMOS amplifier which allows the analysis of DNA translocation in glass nanopipettes on a microsecond timescale. Translocation of different DNA lengths in KCl electrolyte provides a scaling factor of the DNA translocation time equal to p = 1.22, which is different from values observed previously with nanopipettes in LiCl electrolyte or with nanopores. Based on a theoretical model involving electrophoresis, hydrodynamics and surface friction, we show that the experimentally observed range of p-values may be the result of, or at least be affected by DNA adsorption and friction between the DNA and the substrate surface
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