51 research outputs found


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    Documentos apresentados no âmbito do reconhecimento de graus e diplomas estrangeiro

    Assessing the effects of temperature and salinity oscillations on a key mesopredator fish from European coastal systems

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    Abstract A population dynamics model was developed to assess the short and long-term effects of temperature and salinity variations in the common goby Pomatoschistus microps in a Portuguese estuary (Minho estuary, NW Portugal). The population was divided into juveniles, females and males, which constituted the model’s state variables. Linear regressions between the observed and the predicted density of juveniles, females and the total population were significant. Parameter’s sensitivity and uncertainty analysis were estimated. The model was able to satisfactory describe the P. microps population dynamics, and thus was used to simulate the effects of climatic changes on the fish population. Simulations indicated that the common goby population is sensitive to both temperature and salinity changes. Overall, scenarios of + 4°C increase caused significant population decreases. Similarly, increased salinities led to a population shrinkage, whereas scenarios of salinity decrease generated an opposite variation on the population. According to the IPCC predictions for climatic tendencies, the population of the common goby will tend to decrease in the near future, experiencing marked oscillations (decrease or increase) during climatic extremes, namely droughts and floods, respectively. These results may be a useful tool for future planning and management of estuarine systems given that the common goby is an important species of estuarine food webs in many temperate ecosystems. Keywords: Population modelling, Pomatoschistus microps, climate change, uncertainty, estuary, Portuga

    The Use of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) for Estimating Soil Volumes Retained by Check Dams after Wildfires in Mediterranean Forests

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    Check dams act as soil collectors during floods, thus retaining a large amount of sediments. The estimation of the soil volumes stored behind a check dam is a key activity for a proper design of these control works and for evaluation of soil delivery after restoration measures at watershed level. Several topographic techniques have been proposed for this activity, but the sediment wedge mapping tools are complex and time consuming. Conversely, the use of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) has been proposed to support aerophotogrammetric techniques for several survey activities with promising results. However, surveys by UAVs have never applied to calculate the size of the sediment wedge behind check dams that are built in fire-affected watersheds, where soil loss and sediment transport may be high after a wildfire. To fill this gap, this study evaluates the efficiency and efficacy of aerophotogrammetric surveys using UAVs to estimate the volume of the sediments stored behind ten check dams, built as post-fire channel treatment in a forest watershed of Castilla La Mancha (Central Eastern Spain). The results of the aerophotogrammetric technique were compared to traditional topographic surveys using a total station and GNSS/RTK, assumed as reference. The estimation of sediment wedge volume provided by UAVs was more accurate (mean RMSE of 0.432), extensive (density of mapped points of 328 m−2) and quick (two days of fieldwork) compared to surveys using the topographic method (RMSE < 0.04 m, six days of field work and density of mapped points of 0.194 m−2) by the topographic method. The differences in the sediment volume estimated by the two methods were not significant, but the UAV method was more accurate for the larger check dams. Moreover, a significant correlation was observed between the volume estimates provided by the two methods, shown by a coefficient of determination close to 0.98. Overall, these results propose a larger use of the aerial surveys for mapping activities in channels regulated by check dams, such as those built for restoration of fire-affected forest watersheds

    Comparação de desempenho dos Sistemas de Informação Geográfica TerrSet e TerraView por meio de processamento digital de imagem / Performance comparison of Geographic Information Systems TerrSet and TerraView through digital image processing

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    O presente estudo teve como objetivo avaliar o desempenho dos Sistemas de Informação Geográfica (SIG) TerrSet e TerraView, executando a Classificação Supervisionada por Máxima Verossimilhança, por meio do comportamento espectral de imagens do satélite Landsat 5, associadas à comparação do uso e ocupação do solo da bacia hidrográfica do rio Capivara, localizada no município de Botucatu, estado de São Paulo, Brasil. As amostras de treinamento da classificação supervisionada foram definidas por sete classes de uso e ocupação do solo, baseadas no Manual Técnico de Uso da Terra do Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística (IBGE). Na região da bacia hidrográfica do rio Capivara, existem diversos tipo de manejo com relação ao uso da terra, como culturas anuais em escala de subsistência em fazendas de pequeno e médio porte, até extensas áreas de monuculturas e agroindústrias, dessa forma, gerando um panorama de grande complexidade para mapear e posteriormente padronizar as classes de uso e ocupação do solo presentes na área de estudo. Outro agravamento para a metodologia empregada foi a presença de plantas daninhas encontradas em pastagens e áreas cultivadas, devido a interferência causadas pelas mesmas no comportamento espectral dessas classes de uso e ocupação do solo, provocando ruídos nas imagens, que alteram a resposta espectral das classes de culturas e pastagens, induzindo a erros de classificação no processo de análise das imagens. Outro fator evidente foi à diferença dos produtos derivados a partir da Classificação Supervisionada por Máxima Verossimilhança gerados nos softwares e posteriormente pós-classificados com os Filtros Majoritários, eliminando pixels inapropriados e permitindo uma menor inclusão de áreas de diferentes classes, alcançando dessa maneira acurácia superior a 50 % e gerando uma melhor classificação com menores erros e suavização dos mapas obtidos

    How Many Azores Bullfinches (Pyrrhula murina) Are There in the World? Case Study of a Threatened Species

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    The Azores bullfinch (Pyrrhula murina Godman, 1866) is a rare Passeriformes endemic from the eastern part of São Miguel Island, Azores, Portugal. This bird was almost considered extinct in the first half of the 20th century, but due to recent conservation measures, it has experienced a recovery since the beginning of the 2000s. Despite the attention given to this bird, the size of its population is still controversial, and the most recent studies present significant divergences on this behalf. The purpose of the present study is to present data from the long-term monitoring and results of the third single-morning survey of the Azores bullfinch to update information about the population size and range of this species. In addition, we performed a literature review to highlight the limitations and advantages of the different approaches for monitoring this species. The Azores Bullfinch records during the single-morning survey indicated a reduction in the extent of occurrence and area of occupancy of this species in comparison with the previous studies, despite the increase in bird detection. However, we suggest that the distribution range of this species needs further analysis concerning its area to exclude non suitable habitats from this analysis. In this study, we conclude that the most likely size of the Azores bullfinch population is 500 to 800 couples, with a slow population growth tendency and an area of distribution of 136.5 km2.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio


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    Esse trabalho objetivou a aplicação de geoprocessamento na caracterização morfométrica da microbacia do Rio Bauru – Bauru (SP) através do Sistema de Informação Geográfica – Selva, visando à preservação, racionalização do seu uso e recuperação ambiental.   A microbacia apresenta uma área de 4.049ha e está localizada entre os paralelos 22o 50' 05" a 22o 54' 26" de latitude S e 48o 22' 29" a 48o 26' 36"  de longitude W Gr.  A base cartográfica utilizada foi a carta planialtimétrica de Botucatu (SP), em escala 1:50000 (IBGE, 1973) na  extração das curvas de nível, da hidrografia e da topografia, em ambiente de Sistema de Informações Geográficas - Idrisi Selva, para determinação dos índices morfométricos. Os resultados mostram que os baixos valores da densidade de drenagem, associados à presença de rochas permeáveis, facilitam a infiltração da água no solo, diminuindo o escoamento superficial e o risco de erosão e da degradação ambiental, bem como o baixo valor do fator de forma amparado pelo índice de circularidade indica que a microbacia tende a ser mais alongada com menor susceptibilidade à ocorrência  de enchentes mais  acentuadas. O parâmetro ambiental coeficiente de rugosidade permitiu classificar a microbacia para vocação com floresta e reflorestamento.Palavras-chave: Geoprocessamento; Morfometria; Hidrografia. MORPHOMETRIC CHARACTERISTICS OF RIVER BAURU/SP WATERSHED OBTAINED BY GIS TECHNIQUES ABSTRACTThis work aimed at the application of geoprocessing in the morphometric characterization of the watershed of the Rio Bauru - Bauru (SP) through the Geographic Information System - Selva, aimed at preservation, rational use and environmental restoration. The watershed covers an area of 4.049ha and is located between parallels 22o 50' 05" to 22o 54' 26" S latitude and 48o 22' 29" to 48o 26' 36" W longitude Gr. The base map used was planialtimetric chart of Botucatu (SP), scale 1: 50000 (IBGE, 1973) in the extraction of contour lines, hydrography and topography, Geographic Information System environment - Idrisi Selva, to determine the morphometric indices. The results show that the low values of the drainage density associated with the presence of permeable rock, facilitate the infiltration of water into the soil, reducing runoff and the risk of erosion and environmental degradation, as well as the low value of shape factor supported by the circularity index indicates that the watershed tends to be more elongated with less susceptibility to floods more pronounced. The environmental parameter coefficient of roughness allowed to classify the watershed for calling with forest and reforestation.  Keywords: Geoprocessing; Morphometry; Hydrography. CARACTERIZACIÓN MORFOMÉTRICA DE LA CUENCA DEL RÍO BAURU/SP OBTENIDO MEDIANTE TÉCNICAS SIGRESUMENEste trabajo dirigido a la aplicación de geoprocesamiento en la caracterización morfométrica de la cuenca del Río Bauru - Bauru (SP) a través del Sistema de Información Geográfica - Selva, dirigida a la conservación, uso racionalizado y la recuperación del medio ambiente. La cuenca tiene una superficie de 4.049 ha y está situado entre los paralelos 22o 50'05" a 22o54'26" S de latitud y 48o22'29 "a 48o26'36" W de longitud Gr. La cartografia basel básica utilizado fue la carta planialtimétrica de Botucatu (SP), a escala 1: 50.000 (IBGE, 1973) en la extracción de las curvas de nivel, hidrografia y topografia, Sistema de Información Geográfica em ambiente - Idrisi Selva, para determinar los índices morfométricos. Los resultados muestran que los bajos valores de la densidad de drenaje asociado con la presencia de rocas permeables, facilitan la infiltración de agua en el suelo, disminuyendo el desagüe y el riesgo de erosión y de degradación del medio ambiente, asi como el bajo valor de factor de forma, segun el índice de circularidade, indica que la cuenca tiende a ser más alargada con menor susceptibilidad a inundaciones más acentuadas. El parámetro ambiental, coeficiente de rugosidad, permitió clasificar la cuenca para classificar con la floresta y la reforestación.Palabras clave: Geoprocesamiento; Morfometria; Hidrografia

    Tree canopy enhances Collembola functional richness and diversity across typical habitats of the Gorongosa National Park (Mozambique)

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    ABSTRACT: The role of tree canopies in protecting soil functional diversity is essential for ecosystems threatened by the longer lasting periods of drought, which are predicted to increase in the southern afro-tropical region. Nonetheless, biodiversity inventories of soil mesofauna are scarce in afro-tropical ecosystems, even in emblematic and well-studied protected areas, such as the Gorongosa National Park (GNP). Understanding the interrelationships between tree canopies and soil fauna functional diversity can provide insightful information for future adaptive management to protect wildlife and ecosystem services in the GNP, in the context of climate change. Here we assessed collembolan functional type richness and functional diversity in the dry period and during the rainfall across major GNP habitat types: miombo forests, mixed forests, and open savanna/floodplains. Besides the significant positive influence of rainfall, habitat types also influenced functional type’ richness and diversity of collembolan life-forms. Environmental gradients across habitat types, namely the area of tree canopy cover and its indirect effect on soil local conditions (pH and nutrient availability), explained collembolan functional parameters. Calcium concentrations and soil alkalinity significantly enhanced collembolan functional type richness and functional diversity, respectively. Collembola survival across GNP habitats depended on the canopy buffering in the dry sampling period. These results highlight the key role of tree canopies in creating suitable microhabitat conditions supporting soil functional diversity and the sustainability of soil processes and ecosystem services in GNP.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    A position paper of the Portuguese Society of Cardiology

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    Copyright © 2023 Sociedade Portuguesa de Cardiologia. Publicado por Elsevier España, S.L.U. All rights reserved.Global warming is a result of the increased emission of greenhouse gases. This climate change consequence threatens society, biodiversity, food and resource availability. The consequences in health involve the increased risk of cardiovascular (CV) disease and cardiovascular mortality. In this position paper we summarize the data from the main studies that assessed the risks of temperature increase or heat waves in CV events (CV mortality, myocardial infarction, heart failure, stroke, and CV hospitalizations), as well as the data concerning air pollution as an enhancer of temperature-related CV risks. The data currently supports that global warming/heat waves (extreme temperatures) are cardiovascular threats. Achieving the neutrality in the emissions to prevent global warming is essential and it is likely to have an effect in the global health, including the cardiovascular health. Simultaneously, urgent step is required to adapt the society and individual to this new climate context potentially harmful for the cardiovascular health. Multidisciplinary teams should plan and intervene in heat-related healthcare and advocate for environmental health policy change.proofepub_ahead_of_prin

    Global and regional ecological boundaries explain abrupt spatial discontinuities in avian frugivory interactions

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    Species interactions can propagate disturbances across space via direct and indirect effects, potentially connecting species at a global scale. However, ecological and biogeographic boundaries may mitigate this spread by demarcating the limits of ecological networks. We tested whether large-scale ecological boundaries (ecoregions and biomes) and human disturbance gradients increase dissimilarity among plant-frugivore networks, while accounting for background spatial and elevational gradients and differences in network sampling. We assessed network dissimilarity patterns over a broad spatial scale, using 196 quantitative avian frugivory networks (encompassing 1496 plant and 1004 bird species) distributed across 67 ecoregions, 11 biomes, and 6 continents. We show that dissimilarities in species and interaction composition, but not network structure, are greater across ecoregion and biome boundaries and along different levels of human disturbance. Our findings indicate that biogeographic boundaries delineate the world’s biodiversity of interactions and likely contribute to mitigating the propagation of disturbances at large spatial scales.The authors acknowledge the following funding: University of Canterbury Doctoral Scholarship (L.P.M.); The Marsden Fund grant UOC1705 (J.M.T., L.P.M.); The São Paulo Research Foundation - FAPESP 2014/01986-0 (M.G., C.E.), 2015/15172-7 and 2016/18355-8 (C.E.), 2004/00810-3 and 2008/10154-7 (C.I.D., M.G., M.A.P.); Earthwatch Institute and Conservation International for financial support (C.I.D., M.G., M.A.P.); Carlos Chagas Filho Foundation for Supporting Research in the Rio de Janeiro State – FAPERJ grant E-26/200.610/2022 (C.E.); Brazilian Research Council grants 540481/01-7 and 304742/2019-8 (M.A.P.) and 300970/2015-3 (M.G.); Rufford Small Grants for Nature Conservation No. 22426–1 (J.C.M., I.M.), No. 9163-1 (G.B.J.) and No. 11042-1 (MCM); Universidade Estadual de Santa Cruz (Propp-UESC; No. 00220.1100.1644/10-2018) (J.C.M., I.M.); Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado da Bahia - FAPESB (No. 0525/2016) (J.C.M., I.M.); European Research Council under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program (grant 787638) and The Swiss National Science Foundation (grant 173342), both awarded to C. Graham (D.M.D.); ARC SRIEAS grant SR200100005 Securing Antarctica’s Environmental Future (D.M.D.); German Science Foundation—Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft PAK 825/1 and FOR 2730 (K.B.G., E.L.N., M.Q., V.S., M.S.), FOR 1246 (K.B.G., M.S., M.G.R.V.) and HE2041/20-1 (F.S., M.S.); Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology - FCT/MCTES contract CEECIND/00135/2017 and grant UID/BIA/04004/2020 (S.T.) and contract CEECIND/02064/2017 (L.P.S.); National Scientific and Technical Research Council, PIP 592 (P.G.B.); Instituto Venezolano de Investigaciones Científicas - Project 898 (V.S.D.)