64 research outputs found
Biological interactions between fish and jellyfish in the northwester Mediterranean
Tesi per compendi de publicacions, amb diverses seccions retallades per drets dels editors.Jellyfish are important components of marine ecosystems, being a key link between lower and higher trophic levels. Jellyfish
blooms occur sporadically and unpredictably in coastal areas and often have important socio-economic consequences for fisheries and tourism. This PhD thesis addresses some questions regarding the potential impact, positive and/or negative, that jellyfish have on fish populations in the Catalan coast (NW Mediterranean). Firstly, the natural diet of one of the most abundant jellyfish in the area, the scyphomedusa Pelagia noctiluca, was studied analyzing its gut contents and conducting biomarker analyses (stable isotopes and fatty acids). These results were complemented with laboratory experiments to calculate their
digestion times and also with the records of fish larvae and jellyfish abundances in the field. All together, these results were used to estimate the potential feeding impact of P. noctiluca on fish eggs and larvae and competition between both groups of organisms. Results suggest that the potential consumption of ichthyoplankton by the jellyfish and competition between
them may be high. Secondly, the association between the jellyfish Rhizostoma pulmo and Cotylorhiza tuberculata and the carangid fishes Trachurus mediterraneus, Trachurus trachurus and Caranx rhonchus was studied in detail. For this purpuse, field observations of jellyfish and their hosted fish were carried out during summer to describe fish behavior. Moreover, laboratory experiments were performed to determine the survival capability of the jellyfishassociated fish to the venom of their hosts. Finally, biomarker analyses were conducted to understand the significance of the association. All this information demonstrated the benefit of the association for the fish.Las medusas son componentes importantes de los ecosistemas marinos ya que son un vínculo clave entre el zooplancton más pequeño y los niveles tróficos superiores. Las proliferaciones de medusas ocurren esporádica e impredeciblemente en áreas costeras y con frecuencia tienen importantes consecuencias socioeconómicas para la pesca y el turismo. Esta tesis doctoral aborda algunas cuestiones relacionadas con el potencial impacto de las medusas, tanto positivo como negativo, sobre las poblaciones de peces en la costa catalana (NO Mediterráneo). En primer lugar, se estudió la dieta natural de una de las medusas más abundante en la zona, Pelagia noctiluca, analizando su contenido estomacal y sus biomarcadores (isótopos estables y ácidos grasos). Estos resultados se complementaron con sus tiempos de digestión (obtenidos mediante experimentos de laboratorio) y también con las abundancias en mar abierto de larvas de peces y medusas. En conjunto, estos resultados demostraron que el potencial impacto de depredación de P. noctiluca sobre huevos y larvas de peces es alto y que existe una probable competencia entre ambos grupos por el alimento. En segundo lugar, se estudió la asociación entre las medusas Rhizostoma pulmo y Cotylorhiza tuberculata y los peces carángidos Trachurus mediterraneus, Trachurus trachurus y Caranx rhonchus. Para ello, se estudió durante el período de verano el comportamiento en el mar de los peces asociados. Además, se realizaron experimentos de laboratorio para determinar la capacidad de supervivencia de estos peces al veneno de sus medusas anfitrionas. Finalmente, se realizaron análisis de biomarcadores para comprender la importancia de estas asociaciones. Toda esta información demostró el beneficio obtenido por los peces cuando se asocian a medusas.Postprint (published version
Association of lipopolysaccharide-binding protein with increases in liver fat in African ancestry men
Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) is a disease with increasing prevalence worldwide, especially in developed countries. While the etiology of NAFLD is complex, the intestinal microbiome may play a role in the development of liver steatosis through bacterial-induced inflammation. Lipopolysaccharide-binding protein (LBP) is an acute-phase protein produced by the liver and which facilitates bacterial-induced inflammation. LBP levels in the serum tend to be low but are raised during infection or in the presence of bacterial components; thus, levels of LBP are considered to be reflective of bacterial-induced inflammation. While the association of LBP with NAFLD has been investigated in cross-sectional studies, no longitudinal studies have been done to determine if LBP levels are associated with liver fat accumulation. Furthermore, no studies have been performed which show the heritability of LBP levels, which may affect susceptibility to the inflammatory response. Elucidation of the role of LBP in NAFLD can provide insights into the etiology of NAFLD and provide a mechanistic link between the intestinal microbiome and liver fat accumulation, yielding public health importance for the understanding and treatment of NAFLD. This study is the first longitudinal study to look at the associations of LBP with the development of steatosis and it is the first study to determine the heritability of LBP in any population, thus supplying novel information on the associations between LBP and liver fat accumulation.
A large family-based study of African ancestry men and women (N = 470) and a large prospective cohort study of African ancestry men (N = 2853) from Tobago were used for this study. LBP was measured in all individuals in the family study. Heritability analyses were performed using SOLAR. In the prospective cohort study, LBP levels were measured at baseline visit (2004-2007), and liver fat was assessed at the follow-up visit (2013-2016, ~10 years later) by computerized tomography (CT) scan, with an overlap of 204 men having both LBP and liver CT completed. Associations were assessed using Spearman correlations and regression analyses. LBP levels in the families were found to have no residual heritability, suggesting that LBP might be entirely environmentally determined in this population. In the prospective cohort, LBP was associated with liver fat infiltration in multivariable analyses which included BMI (p = 0.0469), but not in models which instead included waist circumference. In conclusion, we determined that among African ancestry individuals, LBP levels are completely environmentally determined and that levels may be associated with increases in liver fat accumulation
The Euclid Statistical Matrix Tool
Stataphobia, a term used to describe the fear of statistics and research methods, can result from a lack of improper training in statistical methods. Poor statistical methods training can have an effect on health policy decision making and may play a role in the low research productivity seen in developing countries. One way to reduce Stataphobia is to intervene in the teaching of statistics in the classroom; however, such an intervention must tackle several obstacles, including student interest in the material, multiple ways of learning materials, and language barriers.We present here the Euclid Statistical Matrix, a tool for combatting Stataphobia on a global scale. This free tool is comprised of popular statistical YouTube channels and web sources that teach and demonstrate statistical concepts in a variety of presentation methods. Working with international teams in Iran, Japan, Egypt, Russia, and the United States, we have also developed the Statistical Matrix in multiple languages to address language barriers to learning statistics. By utilizing already-established large networks, we are able to disseminate our tool to thousands of Farsi-speaking university faculty and students in Iran and the United States. Future dissemination of the Euclid Statistical Matrix throughout the Central Asia and support from local universities may help to combat low research productivity in this region
Anverso y reverso del análisis de experiencias en el uso de nuevas tecnologías
La realización de ésta comunicación supone introducir un tema estratégico como la salud integral de las/os trabajadoras/es docentes de las universidades dentro de la conceptualización y desarrollo de las nuevas modalidades de trabajo implementadas a partir de las condiciones impuestas por la pandemia de COVID-19, con sus diferentes miradas.Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociale
A Physical optics simulator for multireflector THz imaging systems
This article presents a physical optics-based simulator for the analysis of terahertz (THz) imaging systems. The simulation starts by calculating the electromagnetic interactions inside the multireflector system and the incident field that the focusing system creates on the target under inspection. In a second step, the electric field that the modeled target scatters back to the system receiver, is also calculated. This allows to predict the imaging behavior of the system for different targets before manufacturing. The simulator results are validated by using measurements from an existing 300-GHz standoff imaging system. This contribution aims to help in the development of better imaging systems for security applications in the near future.Atlantic Research Center for Information and Communication TechnologiesMinisterio de Economía y Competitividad | Ref. TEC2015-65353-RMinisterio de Economía y Competitividad | Ref. TEC2015-73908-JINAgencia Estatal de Investigación | Ref. TEC2017-87061-C3-1-RXunta de Galicia | Ref. GRC2015/01
Determinación de Mn y Ni en aceros mediante Espectrometría de Absorción Atómica con Llama y Nebulización Thermospray
La complejidad de la matriz influye en la eficiencia de transporte del analito, afecta la sensibilidad y los límites de detección cuando se emplea en la absorción atómica con llama (FAAS) con nebulización neumática. Esto determina que en ocasiones es necesario realizar una separación y preconcentración, para eliminar estas interferencias. En este trabajo se presenta un diseño modificado realizado de un sistema de nebulización no convencional con cámara de precalentamiento (Thermospray). Este permite una eficiencia de transporte del analito de un 99 % y un aumento de sensibilidad de 2 veces. Se reportan las optimizaciones de parámetros instrumentales del dispositivo y la comparación con el sistema de nebulización neumática convencional. Como aplicación se realiza la determinación de Mn y Ni a una muestra certificada de acero
Comunication and cultural diversity. Attitudes and opinios about education community around the temporal classroom of lingüístic acceleration
En este estudio nos centramos en una investigación llevada a cabo en un centro educativo SemiD de la provincia
de Huelva acogido al Plan de Educación Compensatoria por su alto porcentaje de alumnado extranjero, el cual
cuenta con la única maestra de ATAL permanente de dicha provincia. Uno de los principales objetivos que nos
planteábamos en tal investigación, era conocer la opinión de los diferentes agentes de la comunidad educativa
con mayor presencialidad en el centro (director, orientadora, maestra de Educación Especial y tutores) sobre la
Educación Intercultural y la Atención a la Diversidad dentro de las ATAL. Para ello, nos hemos basado en una
metodología cualitativa, centrada esencialmente en la entrevista y la observación participante. Como resultados
principales, se puede destacar que el desconocimiento, por parte de todos los agentes, de las culturas presentes en el
centro y la falta de participación en la vida escolar, así como las dificultades en la comunicación con el alumnado y
las familias extranjeras hacen que las relaciones y las actitudes hacia este colectivo se vean afectadas negativamente
en un alto porcentaje. Podemos concluir, tras este proceso investigativo, que los problemas de comunicación debido
a la pluralidad de idiomas existentes en el centro influye desfavorablemente en el ámbito y desarrollo escolar de este
centro educativo.The present work emerges from the I+D+I Project “Building differences at the school. Studies of the evolution of
the ATAL in Andalusia, their teachers and students”. In this case, we focus on a research done in a SemiD school in
the province of Huelva included in the Compensatory Education Plan due to its high percentage of foreign students,
which counts with the only permanent ATAL teacher of the aforesaid province. One of the main aims that are
set out in the research, was to know the opinion of the different agents in the educational community with more
attendance in the center (headmaster, counselor, Special Needs teacher and tutors) about the Intercultural Education
and Diversity Awareness in the ATAL. For that, we have followed a qualitative methodology, specially based on the
interview and participant observation. As main results, we noticed the ignorance, by all the agents, of the cultures
present in the center and the lack of involvement in the school life, as well as the difficulties in the communication
with the students and the foreign families which affects negatively the relationship and attitudes towards this
collective in a high percentage. We can conclude, after this research process, that the communication problems due
to the plurality of languages existing in the school influences unfavourably in the ambit and development of this
education center
Interacciones biológicas entre medusas y peces y sus implicaciones ecológicas en el Mediterráneo Noroccidental
Memoria de tesis doctoral presentada por Uxue Tilves Matheu para obtener el título de Doctora en Ciencias del Mar por la Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC), realizada bajo la dirección de la Dra. Ana María Sabatés Freijó y de la Dra. Verónica Lorena Fuentes del Institut de Ciències del Mar (ICM-CSIC).-- 149 pages, appendices[EN] Jellyfish are important components of marine ecosystems, being a key link between lower and higher trophic levels. Jellyfish blooms occur sporadically and unpredictably in coastal areas and often have important socio-economic consequences for fisheries and tourism. This PhD thesis addresses some questions regarding the potential impact, positive and/or negative, that jellyfish have on fish populations in the Catalan coast (NW Mediterranean). [...][ES] Las medusas son componentes importantes de los ecosistemas marinos ya que son un vínculo clave entre el zooplancton más pequeño y los niveles tróficos superiores. Las proliferaciones de medusas ocurren esporádica e impredeciblemente en áreas costeras y con frecuencia tienen importantes consecuencias socioeconómicas para la pesca y el turismo. Esta tesis doctoral aborda algunas cuestiones relacionadas con el potencial impacto de las medusas, tanto positivo como negativo, sobre las poblaciones de peces en la costa catalana (NO Mediterráneo). [...]This student has been supported by a pre-doctoral fellowship of the
FPI program (Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness). The research carried out in the present study has been developed in
the frame of the FISHJELLY project, CTM2010-18874 and CTM2015-68543-RPeer Reviewe
Biological interactions between fish and jellyfish in the northwester Mediterranean
Tesi per compendi de publicacions, amb diverses seccions retallades per drets dels editors.Jellyfish are important components of marine ecosystems, being a key link between lower and higher trophic levels. Jellyfish
blooms occur sporadically and unpredictably in coastal areas and often have important socio-economic consequences for fisheries and tourism. This PhD thesis addresses some questions regarding the potential impact, positive and/or negative, that jellyfish have on fish populations in the Catalan coast (NW Mediterranean). Firstly, the natural diet of one of the most abundant jellyfish in the area, the scyphomedusa Pelagia noctiluca, was studied analyzing its gut contents and conducting biomarker analyses (stable isotopes and fatty acids). These results were complemented with laboratory experiments to calculate their
digestion times and also with the records of fish larvae and jellyfish abundances in the field. All together, these results were used to estimate the potential feeding impact of P. noctiluca on fish eggs and larvae and competition between both groups of organisms. Results suggest that the potential consumption of ichthyoplankton by the jellyfish and competition between
them may be high. Secondly, the association between the jellyfish Rhizostoma pulmo and Cotylorhiza tuberculata and the carangid fishes Trachurus mediterraneus, Trachurus trachurus and Caranx rhonchus was studied in detail. For this purpuse, field observations of jellyfish and their hosted fish were carried out during summer to describe fish behavior. Moreover, laboratory experiments were performed to determine the survival capability of the jellyfishassociated fish to the venom of their hosts. Finally, biomarker analyses were conducted to understand the significance of the association. All this information demonstrated the benefit of the association for the fish.Las medusas son componentes importantes de los ecosistemas marinos ya que son un vínculo clave entre el zooplancton más pequeño y los niveles tróficos superiores. Las proliferaciones de medusas ocurren esporádica e impredeciblemente en áreas costeras y con frecuencia tienen importantes consecuencias socioeconómicas para la pesca y el turismo. Esta tesis doctoral aborda algunas cuestiones relacionadas con el potencial impacto de las medusas, tanto positivo como negativo, sobre las poblaciones de peces en la costa catalana (NO Mediterráneo). En primer lugar, se estudió la dieta natural de una de las medusas más abundante en la zona, Pelagia noctiluca, analizando su contenido estomacal y sus biomarcadores (isótopos estables y ácidos grasos). Estos resultados se complementaron con sus tiempos de digestión (obtenidos mediante experimentos de laboratorio) y también con las abundancias en mar abierto de larvas de peces y medusas. En conjunto, estos resultados demostraron que el potencial impacto de depredación de P. noctiluca sobre huevos y larvas de peces es alto y que existe una probable competencia entre ambos grupos por el alimento. En segundo lugar, se estudió la asociación entre las medusas Rhizostoma pulmo y Cotylorhiza tuberculata y los peces carángidos Trachurus mediterraneus, Trachurus trachurus y Caranx rhonchus. Para ello, se estudió durante el período de verano el comportamiento en el mar de los peces asociados. Además, se realizaron experimentos de laboratorio para determinar la capacidad de supervivencia de estos peces al veneno de sus medusas anfitrionas. Finalmente, se realizaron análisis de biomarcadores para comprender la importancia de estas asociaciones. Toda esta información demostró el beneficio obtenido por los peces cuando se asocian a medusas
The Impacts of Adipose Tissue and the Gut Microbiome on Diabetes Risk among African-Caribbean Men
Type 2 diabetes (T2D) and its complications are increasing in prevalence and burden worldwide. Caribbean rates of T2D rival those of the United States, and mortality from T2D is exceptionally higher. The study of novel T2D risk factors, such as adipose tissue (AT) radiodensity, AT distribution, and the intestinal microbiome, yield greater insights into T2D pathophysiology and can inform targeted interventions. However, individuals of African ancestry, who have a higher burden of T2D compared to Caucasian counterparts, are underrepresented in this research. Thus, this dissertation fills the gaps by investigating associations of AT radiodensity, body composition, and the intestinal microbiome with T2D in a cohort of African Caribbean men from Tobago, Trinidad and Tobago.
The first dissertation paper investigates associations between AT radiodensity in the abdomen (visceral [VAT] and subcutaneous [SAT]) and thigh (intermuscular [IMAT]) with glucose, insulin, and insulin resistance. We demonstrate that lower radiodensity in any AT (indicating greater tissue lipid accumulation) was associated with higher insulin and insulin resistance, with independent contributions from thigh IMAT. The second dissertation paper models the associations of both AT and muscle from the abdomen and thigh with T2D. We report that abdominal SAT (but not VAT) was positively associated, and thigh muscle negatively associated, with higher odds of T2D. The third dissertation paper examines associations of the intestinal microbiome with sociodemographic, lifestyle, body composition, and T2D measures. We identified sociodemographic factors as a main driver of microbial clustering, and several lifestyle and body composition measures as being differentially associated with taxonomic units, thus informing future prediction modeling of the microbiome with T2D.
These findings have significant public health implications. Our results somewhat differ from those reported in predominantly Caucasian cohorts, highlighting the importance of including racial/ethnic minorities in novel risk factor research. These papers also provide important methodological work, informing how body composition analyses are performed. Finally, this research produced the first nutritional and microbiome databases in Tobago, which can aid future T2D research. Taken together, information from this dissertation can be leveraged to inform future observational and interventional studies in T2D prevention, both in the Caribbean and worldwide
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